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The Wedding that Didn't Happen

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A bride gets revenge with her girlfriends.
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This one is a little different for me. I also apologize to any followers for taking so long to submit something new. Once again a huge thanks to the best editor ever, Eviant!


Ada heaved a huge sigh and tugged again at the bodice of her hideous, pink, fluffy bridesmaid's dress. The damn thing was so tight her generous C-cup tits were bulging out of the top. She was terrified that, at any moment, they'd lose the battle to stay safely tucked away and just pop out in front of everyone. If she didn't love her best friend Rhea as much as she did, there was no way in hell she'd put up with this torture. Who the hell designed such awful creations for bridesmaid's dresses anyway?

Attempting to smooth the seemingly hundreds of yards of fluff in her skirt, she wondered again how the hell she was supposed take a leak. Cussing quietly and quite creatively, she glanced around the third floor hallway of the fancy house where her best friend was getting married to make sure no one could see or hear her. Spying no one, Ada was relieved and stomped towards the only unoccupied bathroom in the whole place.

Shaking her honey brown, meticulously curled hair, she grimaced as she felt yet another pin slip loose. With a growl at having to fix it once again, she grasped the cool, antique door handle and stopped suddenly, having heard a giggle from inside. Dammit! I gotta pee! Ada thought frantically.

"God you're wet, you naughty, naughty girl." The man's voice, rough with lust, was familiar enough to ring all kinds of alarm bells in Ada's head.

Another giggle, followed by a quick gasp and moan had Ada frozen with her hand on the door knob. "Oh fuck, Todd, you're the naughty one. What would Rhea say if she knew where your fingers were right now?" The feminine voice was high pitched and childlike, instantly grating on Ada's already frazzled nerves.

A cold shiver iced its way down Ada's spine. Todd? The Todd that her best friend Rhea was supposed to be marrying today? The sounds inside the room became more obvious as the seconds went by. There was no mistaking the moans and groans and wet smacking sounds.

"I'm gonna be stuck with that bitch for years so I'm getting it good while I can. Now come on baby, turn around, bend over and let me see that beautiful ass."

Ada's mouth dropped open in shock and her blue eyes went wide. Stuck with that bitch? Oh no, he did not just say that. It was obvious at this point but Ada wanted the proof. Fishing around under her left boob in her too-tight bodice, she pulled out her cell phone and quickly opened up the camera app. Very carefully and quietly, praying with all her might that the door didn't squeak, she turned the knob and slipped just her phone through the smallest crack she could manage.

There, on the screen, was all the evidence she needed. Taking a quick snap, Ada realized that she could probably make all the noise she wanted. The high pitched squeals coming from Rhea's cousin, Heather, would drown out a herd of elephants stomping down the hall. With a shrug, she pushed open the door a little wider and took a good look.

Todd stood behind Heather, dressed in his wedding tux but with his pants bagged down around his hips. He was seriously dog fucking the cute, fluffy blond , spread wide and leaning over the sink until her face was nearly pressed into the the mirror above it. Her bright blue sun dress was tossed up over her back, panties down around one ankle and somehow her golden hair was still perfectly curled and in place. Ada sneered and touched her own carefully styled up-do. If she were in the bitch's place, any hairstyle she had would be in tatters. God she hated girls like Heather.

A twinge in her bladder reminded her why she was spying on this nasty little scene. Carefully closing the door, she tucked her phone back away and hurried to find another bathroom and get back to Rhea. What the hell was she supposed to say to her star-struck best friend anyway?

Ada lost several more precious minutes finding a bathroom and managing to get the poof of her skirt under control long enough to relieve her aching bladder. Hurrying down the hall toward the bridal suite, she saw Todd disappearing into another room. Well that was quick, she sneered to herself.

She knocked the secret bridesmaid knock and entered the room, her steps faltering and her breath leaving in a rush. There stood Rhea in her wedding dress, looking more beautiful than she'd ever been. Layers and layers of lush tulle sparkled with thousands of tiny beads, her auburn hair covered by a wispy, sparkling veil. Rhea looked every inch the princess bride she had wanted to be.

Taking a deep breath, Ada went over to the other bridesmaid, Talia, who was taking a quick picture with her own cell phone. "I have a picture for you," Ada said as she pulled out her phone and quickly showed Talia the picture of Todd and Heather.

"Fucking hell, that total fucking bastard!" Talia exclaimed as her face contorted with fury.

Rhea stopped fussing in the mirror and turned with an amused smile. "What the hell?"

Immediately, tears filled Talia's dark brown eyes. "Oh Rhea, I'm so sorry."

Frowning, Rhea asked, "For what? I've heard you cuss worse than that." She then looked to Ada , tilted her head and smirked. "Ada dear you're about to pop out of your dress. That would certainly make my wedding interesting but I'd prefer eyes on me and not your boobs."

Talia looked to Ada. "Show her. She has to know."

With another heavy sigh, Ada turned her phone toward Rhea. "I'm sorry Rhea. I went to the third floor to pee in peace and found this instead. I'm really so, so sorry."

Rhea's face went deathly pale as she reached for Ada's phone with shaking fingers. While Rhea's pain-filled green eyes stared at the tiny screen, the girls stared at Rhea. After a minute and after allowing herself only a small tremble of her full lower lip, Rhea calmly said, "Well, we're not actually married yet."

Rage filled Ada. "What? You can't just let this pass. Girl, he called you a bitch and said he'd be stuck with you. This is your fucking wedding day!!!"

Rhea handed Ada back her phone. "You're my two very best friends in the whole world right?"

Both girls nodded emphatically.

"Well, apparently, it's NOT my wedding day. I need a minute to put my thoughts together."

Ada and Talia exchanged a glance. "Not your wedding day?" Ada asked.

With a sad smile Rhea shook her head. "No. There's no way I can marry Todd after this. I never could stand Heather, but the point is, if he'll do this now, today, then he'll do this whenever and where ever and with whomever. But just calling things off isn't enough. No, I need something that will make an impression on him."

Ada attempted to tuck her phone back in her bodice when it finally happened. Down slid her bodice and out popped her tits, bouncing lightly as they were finally free of the tight confines of her dress. Talia's giggles and Ada's curses mixed together as she began to try to pull the damn thing back in place.

Rhea walked over to her and very lightly brushed her fingertips over Ada's full breast. With a twinkle in her eye and a wicked smile, she met Ada's startled gaze. "Up for a little show?" she asked.


Looking from Ada to Talia, Rhea smiled. "Lets show him what he's missing out on. A little girl on girl action. And then when his balls are about to explode, leave him hanging."

Talia grinned. Ada knew that Talia was firmly bi sexual and fully up to the challenge. She'd never ever mess with her best friends without an invitation and here was her invitation. She imagined that Talia's pussy would already be buzzing with excitement.

Ada was a different story. "Ah, um, Rhea, sweetie, you know I love you with all my heart but, uh, I really don't swing that way and honest to god, I didn't know you did." Ada went back to frantically trying to stuff her breasts back into her dress.

Rhea threw back her head and laughed. "I don't dear, trust me. This is all for show, although Talia might get some fun out of it."

Ada glanced at Talia and then gave a second look. The dark, exotic beauty was nearly drooling. Never before had she felt threatened by her other best friend but the lustful look in Talia's eye made her pause and draw back a little. Looking back at Rhea and seeing the humor there, Ada decided she trusted her friends and no one would make her do something she wasn't comfortable doing.

Finally giving up on her boobs and letting them bounce free, she smiled. "I'm only touching boobs and kissing."

"Me too," Rhea exclaimed.

The light dimmed in Talia's eyes. "But I love you guys and you're so fucking sexy. I don't know if I can stick to that."

Rhea put her arm around Ada and pulled her close, "If you're okay with us doing only what we're comfortable doing, I'm okay with letting you do whatever you want. Ada?"

With a shrug Ada agreed. "Sure, what the hell."

"But we gotta plan this out. We need a reason to get Todd here." Rhea was staring at Ada's boobs again as she spoke.

Talia was in heaven. "Let me handle that." And out the door she went.

"You're staring."

"Mmhmm. Never noticed how pretty your tits are."

"You've never seen my naked tits before."

"Good point." Rhea smiled and gently touched Ada's bright pink nipple.

"Of course, if you had picked out a dress for me that actually fit, you wouldn't be seeing them now." Ada was mildly surprised to find she liked Rhea's touch. It was cool and gentle and SO different from a man's heavy hand.

"Those really are hideous dresses, aren't they?" Rhea asked with a giggle.

Drawing back a little, Ada glared at her friend. "Then why the hell am I wearing it?"

"So you didn't look better than the bride, silly!"

As Ada was cussing and laughing at Rhea, Talia bounded back into the room. "Okay girls, gotta make this quick. Ceremony starts in 15 minutes, we're cutting it close."

"But I'm not getting married." Rhea was confused.

"That's right! But you're going to leave Todd standing at the altar with little Megan waiting to give him the message to come here to talk to you."

"Megan, as in Heather's little sister?" Ada asked.

"Yup. She has no clue what's going on, I just gave her twenty bucks to wait until everyone starts squirming, 'cuz you're not walking down the aisle to go up to Todd and tell him to come here."

Rhea smiled. "You're evil."

"Yes, I know. Now, my turn with those lovely boobies." Talia turned to Ada with an eager look.

With a laugh, Rhea grabbed Talia and pulled her away. "Over here, you freaky woman." She moved across the room to a chaise lounge sat with her legs stradded across the seat. "Talia, in the middle. Ada, beside her. That way the bi lady can reach both the straight ladies." Rhea's wedding dress was seriously puffed up and seemed to be everywhere at once, but Ada had to admit it looked damn sexy seeing her sitting like that with Talia's darker skin and black hair leaning in close.

Sitting down next to Talia, Ada's puffy skirt joined in the others. Talia had leaned over and was lightly kissing Rhea, her hands gently cupping her friend's face. As she sat there wondering what to do, she watched as Rhea reached out and pulled down the bodice of Talia's dress so that her small breasts sprang free. While Rhea cupped one of Talia's breasts and teased the dark brown nipple, Ada cupped the other.

Ada had touched her own breasts plenty, but never another woman's. It was weird but she was surprised to find that it was quite erotic as well. Talia's breast was small and fit perfectly in her hand. It was super soft, almost velvety to the touch, but yet firm and the tiny nipple was a hard little bud.

As she started to finger the dark nipple, Talia moved, turning from Rhea to her. She cupped Ada's face in her gentle hands and softly kissed her lips. Oh god, so soft, was all Ada could think as the warm lips moved over hers. No scratchy, facial hair, no rough, male lips. These were incredibly soft and warm and a liquid buzzing slid slowly down her body to settle in her pussy.

Leaning in, Ada pressed her large breasts to Talia's smaller ones. More tingles raced through her at the new and unfamiliar contact. She felt hands massaging her breasts, pressing them against Talia's and realized that they had to be Rhea's hands. Reaching around Talia, Ada felt for Rhea and pulled her closer so that the three of them were all pressed together.

Finally breaking off the kiss, Talia looked into Ada's blue eyes. "Damn girl, you can kiss!"

With a giggle, Ada tugged on Rhea's bodice. "Come on, show us yours."

As Rhea's dress had tiny straps, she had to wiggle and squirm a little before getting free. Her breasts were nicely rounded, the nipples larger with a more peachy color to go with her auburn hair. Talia gently cupped a breast and brought it up, lowering her mouth to pull one of those nipples into her mouth.

Rhea's eyes grew huge as they met Ada's and she mouthed an amazed "fuck" before letting her head drop back and pressing her breast more fully into Talia's mouth. Ada played gently with Talia's nipples and breasts, trying not to interfere. She couldn't believe or understand how turned on she was getting by all this. Never in her wildest dreams had she ever considered getting it on with another woman.

Eventually, Talia lifted her head and gave Rhea and smile before turning back to Ada. "Now, let me have those pretty beauties of yours." Dipping her head, she latched onto to one of Ada's nipples. The warm, wet heat of Talia's mouth gently pulling on her went straight to her gut. Soft hands caressed her as the heat rose through her body.

Rhea stood, working her way through the many layers of her dress and managed to get her panties off, artfully draping them over the back of a nearby chair. Bundling up the huge skirt she straddled the lounge again but this time, had the fluffy tulle bunched up around her waist, her rosy pussy shaved clean glistening with moisture.

Ada had the insane urge to touch that tender valley. Her own was nearly dripping at this point after Talia's working on her nipples and breasts. Finally, Talia's dark head lifted and Ada caught her lips in another gentle kiss before letting her go.

When Talia turned to see the sight of Rhea's pussy on display, she gave a little gasp and looked into Rhea's eyes, seeming to ask for permission. Rhea gave a little nod and and bit her lip in anticipation. Talia leaned down but couldn't reach Rhea for Ada sitting behind her. Realizing the problem, Ada popped up and moved to the side, dropping to her knees beside Rhea.

Talia gave her a grateful look before scooting back and leaning down. She trailed kisses over Rhea's thigh, heading for the sweet wetness. She gently kissed her way around the outer lips before carefully sipping from the creamy middle.

"Oh, fuck," Rhea moaned. She reached up and tangled her fingers in Ada's honey-brown hair, pulling her down for a kiss. The two kissed deeply, hands caressing breasts as Talia began to eat her friend's pussy. When Ada felt Rhea's fingers reaching under her dress, she helped to pull it up out of the way. Soon Rhea was gently stroking Ada's sopping, wet pussy as Ada sucked her nipples into her mouth.

The three were moaning and moving in a sinuous collection of female bodies, totally forgetting that it was all for show. They never heard the quick knock on the door or the sharp gasp that came after. Rhea grabbed for Ada in a long hot kiss as Talia took her over the edge in the best orgasm she'd ever had.

"Holy fucking hell, Rhea!" the male barked, jerking them out of their sexual haze.

Turning as one, they all looked over at Todd who stood just inside the door with an obvious bulge in the front of his pants. Talia deliberately lifted her hand and started to wipe her mouth. Ada gave a quick squeak and grabbed her hand, leaning over Rhea to kiss and lick her best friend's pussy juices from her face.

There was another quiet "fuck" from near the door but the women ignored it. Once Ada felt she had cleaned Talia enough, she leaned back, her plump breasts nearly in Rhea's face. Rhea causally gave her nipple a little soft tweak before rising from the lounge.

Striding over to Todd, her perky breasts bare and free, she noted he couldn't take his eyes off of them. "So, how was fucking Heather? Was it worth it?" Ada and Talia, also leaving their breasts free went to Rhea and put their arms around her, supporting her.

Todd stared at the beauty before him, mouth gaping like a fish before he managed to find his voice. "What? Rhea, what the fuck? I never knew you were into girls."

"There's a lot you're never going to find out about me, Todd. Now answer the question, was fucking Heather worth losing this?" Both Ada and Talia each cupped one of Rhea's breasts, gently squeezing and each giving her a quick kiss.

"What do you mean fucking Heather? I don't know what you're talking about." Todd was looking slightly desperate.

Ada said nothing and only held up her phone with the picture of Todd and Heather in the bathroom.

"Baby, no that's not what it looks like," Todd started.

"Shut up Todd." Rhea trailed her fingers over the dick straining against his pants. "The Heather's of this world are all you're going to have. This good stuff here, you'll never know and you'll never touch."

"Baby, please. I can explain." It appeared that Todd could tell what was coming his way and the fingers gently caressing him were causing a sweet pain that was actually really starting to hurt.

Turning, Rhea kissed each of her friends, long and sweetly. Caressing breasts, rubbing them together, putting on quite the show, wanting to draw it out knowing Todd was watching everything. "Get out, Todd, and go tell your mother just WHY we're not getting married today." Looking him straight in the eye, she continued, "Go tell my father who just paid for all of this why I will never speak to you again."

At those words, she saw the fear come into Todd's eyes. She gave him a light shove back out the door. "Now excuse us, please. There's something we'd like to finish." And she shut the door in his stunned face.

Turning to her best friends, they all squealed and grabbed for hugs. They chattered about the look on his face and just what repercussions Rhea's father would have for the cheating bridegroom. In their excitement, they forgot the exposed breasts and lingering scent of sex in the air.

Finally Talia looked to Rhea, "Did you mean it?"

Confused she asked, "Mean what?"

With a slight blush on her dusky skin, Talia answered, "Something to finish."

The warmth immediately returned to Ada's pussy. She looked to Rhea who shrugged and said "Well, I got mine and let me tell you, it was the best I have ever, EVER had."

Rhea reached out and tugged Ada's hair. "I can recommend giving it a try. But I do actually need to go down and face the crowd that's waiting on a wedding that's not gonna happen." She kissed both her friends lightly and with their help, quickly changed out of her wedding dress and into the outfit she'd planned to wear to her honeymoon. After a quick discussion on the three of them turning the honeymoon trip into a girl's get away, Rhea kissed them both, gave Ada an encouraging nudge and left the room.

Ada bit her lip. Looking at Talia's eager face she said, "I'm good with you... you know... to me, but I honestly can't say if I can do it to you."

Talia frantically shook her head, black curls flying. "No, no, no. I would never ask you. Honestly, I love to give pleasure and if needed, I can take care of my own."

"Well, that's not fair," Ada complained, but looking into Talia's pleading, brown eyes, there was no resisting that. Nodding she smiled and said, "Lets do this."


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