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The West Texas Ladies Chess Club Ch. 02

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New Members, and the Ladies face their first tournaments.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 11/18/2023
Created 10/30/2023
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The West Texas Ladies Chess Club

Chapter II


Amber Solis

Belated author's notes: This story is the prequel to "My Wife, Her Girlfriends, And Me." They are stand-alone stories written to be read regardless of order.|

You will also notice the discrepancy between the title in the narrative, and the working title. Sorry for the confusion, but this was originally entitled "The Egregiously West Texas Chess Club For Ladies." I had to shorten the title because it was too long.

Hm? Why, yes, that's what she said!

Chapter II

New Members, New Problems

So, our little idea was off the ground and running. I was surprised at myself, how easily I had "fallen" into lesbianism. I mean, I had always been straight as an arrow. It had only ever been a diet of sausage for this girl, never the bearded clam.

And at the same time, I wasn't surprised. Because with girls-loving-girls, the sex had an element of emotional fulfillment that I had always found lacking in one-night stands with guys. It was a whole new undiscovered frontier of satisfaction, something I had only ever experienced with guys in some, not all, long-term relationships. And never in one-night stands.

Don't get me wrong, I'd had a few of those. And while they were physically satisfying, yes, I will concede that, but ... combine the physical and the emotional, as it seemed to be with girls-loving-girls? Good Lord! Now I can understand how it is, why it is, that so many women, once they try making love with another woman, never, ever look back.

Lisa, Cassandra, and I all approached other girls we thought would be nice to have join us. We had five more applicants, and as each girl was brought into the larger picture of what we were all about, each of them decided to join. And join, they did! Lisa, Cassandra, and I initiated the first two girls on separate nights. That was a good thing because we decided from the start that on a girl's initiation night, there should be at least two full members in good standing to accept her application. And a good thing we got them too, because the next week, the other three girls all joined at the same time. That still left us one short of the "two-on-one" rule. But Becky, the eighth girl, said that was okay with her. She was a lesbian, so she knew her way around a woman's body. Still, we resolved that at the next possible opportunity, she would get her two-on-one night. She said she was looking forward to it!

Jenn never said another word to us about the club, and in school, as we had discussed, she was "Coach." And as she had warned us, she wasn't one inch easier on us in practice than before. For Jenn, there was Volleyball, and then there was everything else. And if you were on her team, you were going to work your hardest and play your best. Every time, all the time. I figured she had decided against our little Chess Club. It made me sad, but I understood. But I did miss the way she called me "Kitten." Which is dumb, silly, sentimental, and smarmy. Yeah, I know! And I don't care. Because I had quickly come to love it.

But that Friday night, as the club meeting was starting, clothes flying everywhere, there was a knock on my door. The girls all started scrambling for their clothes while I went to the peephole and had a look.

"Girls," I said, "You can get dressed or not, whichever you prefer, but you don't have to. I'm not."

"But you're only wearing a thong!" one of the new girls called out. I reached down and removed them.

"And now I'm not. Make up your minds, girls, I'm opening the door in five, four, three, two ... one!"

Two of the new girls did run into the bedroom, but they were giggling like schoolgirls. I could see them both peeking from behind my mostly closed bedroom door.

I opened the door, and there stood Jenn!

"Jenn!" I cried. I took her hand and pulled her in, shut the door, and flung myself into her arms, pushing her back against the door as I had on our first night of making love, kissing her neck and cheek.

"Kitten-" she said, but the instant she opened her mouth, I had my lips fastened to hers, searching, probing for her tongue. It met mine for a moment, and I groaned as her hands roamed my naked backside. But she broke the kiss and said,

"Kitten! Listen, I-"

Again, I stopped her lips with a kiss, and again, she returned it for a moment, then broke away and tried to speak again,

"Kitten, listen! I-" I tried to kiss her again, but this time she had her hand up in front of my mouth, holding me just short of her lips. Gently, but firmly. And then there was another knock on the door.

"Who's that?" I said aloud.

"That is what I'm trying to tell you, my over-eager little Kitten! The person you now hear knocking somewhat shyly on your door? Is my wife!"

She gently but firmly pushed me back a few steps, leaving her hand on my chest over my heart. She reached behind her, opened the door, and there stood another beautiful woman. Near Jenn's age, and just the most utterly gorgeous, platinum-haired, blue-eyed woman you could ever hope to meet. My stomach did flip-flops, even as I stood there, naked, already half-wrapped around Jenn again.

"Your wife?" I said. I let go of Jenn and stood back, trying to cover myself with my hands. "Oh! Oh, God! Oh, I'm so sorry, both of you! I didn't know!"

Jenn and the other lady laughed, and Jenn said, "Martha? I told you she was an eager and affectionate little Kitten, didn't I?"

Martha laughed in delight, and her laugh was like music. She said, "You did try to warn me, yes. But I have to admit, I was still somewhat surprised!" Making eye contact with me, she said, "And you are just the prettiest little thing! And all your friends, oh, my!"

I was standing there like a deer in the headlights; all the other girls were laughing their silly asses off, and I had no clue what to do or say next.

Jenn said, "And look at her blush! Isn't she adorable?"

"She is, she certainly is!" And I was still standing there, naked, turned on like mad, and my entire body must have been blushing red, my brain still locked down and closed for business.

Martha broke the brain-lock by holding her arms open and said, "I know we've just met, Kitten. But Jen's told me so much about you, I feel like I already know you. I hope I can call you "Kitten," too?"

I barely had enough mental processing power operating at that moment to nod "yes" to that. My eyes were locked on to hers. Then she said, "Kitten? May I have a hug?"

I don't even remember doing it, but suddenly, I was in her arms, wrapped around her like I had been with Jenn a few moments ago. She was so wonderful to hug! I wanted to bury my face in her neck, but she already had her face buried in mine and was kissing and nibbling on my neck, SO SWEETLY! as her hands made their way around my body. As she pulled her face away from my neck, I saw she had a lock of my hair in her lips. She pulled it through her mouth and said, "Oh, my, Kitten! You do taste lovely!"

I nearly had an orgasm right there! It was the most erotic thing anyone had ever done to me. Maybe I didn't fully orgasm, but I heard myself groan out loud, and my vagina began aching, and it was a good thing she was wearing denim jeans, not some fancy dress, because my vulva was pressed right up against her, and it was dripping wet. I had already begun grinding myself against her, so I know I had left her a wet memento of my desire on her jeans!

Jenn pressed herself against my back and nuzzled my neck, nibbling on my ear lobe, then said, "Kitten? Can we take you to your bedroom? Please?"

"Oh! I'd love to. But ... I can't! We have ...ah! ... an initiation going ... and I have my responsibilities as the President of the c-c-c-club!"

I was having trouble speaking because Jenn had reached around to my breasts and was alternately pinching and caressing my nipples! Jenn's manipulation of my nipples had caused me to throw my head back, and the instant I did, Martha was kissing and nibbling on my neck, as her hands rand down to my clit and began just ever so slightly, so gently, rubbing me in little circles. My body was already shuddering, my heart racing, my chest heaving for breath. She pulled away, again with a lock of my hair in her lips, and my whole body shook.

Raising her voice to address the entire room, Lisa said, "Motion to award the custody of the Club President to the care of the evening's Special Guest Committee, and have the initiation of pending membership applications resumed by the current members in good standing presently in attendance?"

"Motion is seconded!" Cassandra called out.

"All opposed?" Lisa called. There was no answer.

"All in favor?" The room exploded in "Aye!"

"Motion is carried!" Lisa said. "President and Special Guest Committee are remanded to the executive chambers until such time as the Special Guest Committee releases the Club President on her own recognizance!"

There was a chorus of agreement.

Honestly? I don't even remember how they got me into the bedroom. I do remember seeing the two shy girls who had been hiding in there. They were nearly naked, wearing only their panties.

While Martha threw me on my bed, leaped on top of me, and continued nuzzling my neck, Jenn confronted the two girls.

"Ladies, will you give us the room please?" They blushed and giggled as they turned to leave. Then Jenn said, "Wait. Stop. Why are you two still wearing your panties? Remove them at once. You're not going to be needing them the rest of the evening." They removed their underwear, handed them to Jenn, and turned to leave. But before they could take even the first step away, Jenn gave them both a good swat on their asses, making them both jump. Their giggling turned to squeals of surprise and delight as they closed the door behind them.

The next thing I can honestly say I remember is that it was like I was wrapped up in a sexual hurricane composed not of wind, but of female bodies. There were only the two of them, but they came at me from every direction, over every square inch of my body! It was such Heaven! I tried to keep up, but every time I got a nipple in my mouth, one of them quickly had me panting for breath because they had clamped their mouth to my clit. Or a tongue running up and down my labia, exploring every fold, their saliva adding to my wetness! Or I'd get my fingers in one of their vaginas, only to find a vulva in my face and another vulva rubbing against mine!

So, while they had their way with me, I was often reduced to panting and groaning with a pair of tits in my face. Or an ass to rest my cheeks on. Or a vagina right in front of my face that I wanted to devour, but could only gasp out ragged breaths against it, getting only the most fleeting taste of their labia as my heart ran away like a jackhammer.

When I came, which didn't take long, and I hope there were no horses nearby to be frightened by my wailing, I thought they might let up, and I'd get my chance to truly go down on them. But no! As I came, as the orgasm began to recede, Martha's mouth was suddenly between my legs, clamped to my entire vulva, while Jenn held my back against her front, her legs wrapped around mine to hold them open for Martha. They took me this way for I don't know how long. I know I orgasmed at least three more times like that as they lovingly worked me over. Finally, nearly unable to speak, covered in my own sweat and theirs, I had to gasp out, "Please! St-STOP! I- I have to ... breathe!"

Jenn still held me to her chest, but her hands began stroking my shoulders. Martha laid her head on my thigh, but looked up at me and held her gaze to mine as I got my breathing back under control. Her hands lightly stroked my belly, my sides, my thighs, and my hips. I had never before in my life felt such a feeling of contentment and of being so utterly, completely loved. It moved me to tears.

"Aw, Jen," Martha said, reaching up to caress my face, "Our little Kitten is crying!"

"She does that," Jenn said. "She's very emotional, our little Kitten."

Martha lifted herself up on all fours and leaned in to kiss my tears away in a series of the most lovely, gentle kisses. Again, it was the most incredibly caring, erotic, intimate gesture I had ever experienced. If I hadn't already been entirely orgasmed-out, I'd have come again.

Jenn was kissing the side of my face, stroking my cheeks.

"I hope this made you as happy as you have made us, little Kitten."

I was stunned. "I ... made you feel like this?"

"You did."

I could scarcely believe it. To have had an experience of making love such as this was amazing. To think I had been able to do this for someone else? I started weeping all over again!

"Shhh!" Jenn said, whispering in my ear, "Kitten, there's more. You didn't just make me happy that one night. What we shared that one night has made Martha and I both so much happier in our relationship."

"What?" I said. "How?"

"Martha? Would you like to tell our little Kitten the rest?"

"She's right, Kitten. What you shared with Jenn the other night, even though we never met until now, you shared with me, too," Martha said, rubbing her cheek against my thigh, her breath spilling hot across my vulva. "You have made us both so much happier with each other, and I wanted to share that back with you."

"H-How?" I asked.

"Jen came home that night, and she was so turned on, so utterly insatiable, so insistent on holding me down and making me come, over and over again."


"No, baby," Martha said, "You still don't see the whole picture. You see, Jen and I have been wives for over twenty years now. We love each other more than ever. The sex has always been good, no, it's always been great! But it had also become familiar. Not bad, mind you. Not in the least! But ... we ... know each other so well, you might say?"

"And then you come along," Jenn said, her hot breath caressing my ear. "And you, Lisa, and Cassandra swept me off my feet. After Martha and I got our bearings, and I told her about you guys-"

"I was so angry!" Martha said, fire in her eyes. "At first, I'll admit that I was furious. We've been monogamous for twenty years! And here she goes and falls for the charms of some bitches in their early twenties? Oh, my Lord, I was furious!"

"Oh, God, I'm so sorry! I didn't know! It's my fault! I never even thought to ask her if she was in a committed relationship-"

"SHHH, little Kitten," Martha said, and she turned her head slightly, so her breath fell across my thigh. It instantly calmed my panic. Through it all, those beautiful blue eyes continued to hold mine in her gaze, and now that her fury was past, I could see her love showing in them again. "We had a fight. A big one. We threw stuff. We had some hysterics."

"Oh, my God!" I said. I was horrified.

"But then?" Martha said, "We made love five times again and screwed each other's brains out. I realized that while I was afraid I might be losing Jen to some young slotties with no morals, shaved pussies, and firm tits, I had never felt more alive in ... well, at least ten years!

"And a big part of what drove all that anger, lust, fear, joy, and emotion, was the panic of the thought I might lose the love of my life. So, I started showing her, again, how much I loved her! And I realized she had been showing me the exact same thing! And we were doing it with our bodies, the precious gift of physical lovemaking, and that was a thrill that had become too commonplace for us to fully appreciate for a long time. And here it was, now, all new! New and breathtaking, all over again! And it was all because of you, sweet little Kitten."

"You're not mad, then?"

"Mad?" Martha said, surprised. "Kitten, once we got it all straight in our heads and hearts, we plotted this night out for three weeks. What we were going to do to you, how we would do it all to you. We plotted, planned, and practiced on each other. Jen contacted Lisa this evening, and she said she'd have a reason prepared so we could get you to ourselves."

"Which reminds me," Jenn said, "We owe Lisa and Cassandra a bit of time, too, my wife."

"Oh, yes," Martha said, "That we most certainly do!"

They started to get up, but I said, "Wait!"

They stopped. "Before you go? Martha? Can you come and lay your back against my front, like I am with Jenn? And let me run my hands through your hair, for a bit? It's just so lovely, that platinum! I've wanted to get my hands on it ever since I first saw you, and it seems like I haven't had the chance, yet."

"Kitten," she said, "I'd like nothing better!" She rose, turned over, and laid back against me, and for a glorious minute or two, I ran my hands through her gorgeous hair, holding it against my cheek, burying my face in it, and inhaling deeply. The scent of her hair was gloriously intoxicating! If I had had any energy left in my body, I'd have been all over her again. But I was truly done for the evening. At least sexually speaking.

"Oh my God!" I said. "The Club! The meeting!"

"I guess you'd better get back out there, sweetheart," Jenn said, "Anything could be happening!"

They let me up, but as I put my feet on the floor, they both swatted my ass, making me jump and cry out! "Ahhh!"

I opened the door, looked into the living room and saw:

Lisa and Becky were both wearing strap-ons, and Lisa's was a two-dildo strap-on. They had one of the new girls on all-fours, on the floor, spit-roasting her. Lisa was at her rear, with one dildo in her pussy, the other in her ass, as Becky stood in front, fucking the new girl's mouth. It was apparent that the new girl was enjoying her initiation. I could see she was having an orgasm, her whole body shuddering, constant groans from her mouth, her hands wrapped around Becky's waist, just trying to hold herself up.

Lisa looked over and saw me, winked, and blew me a kiss.

I looked over and saw Cassandra and one of the other new members working over the second new girl. So, everything under control, there. They were working on her front and back, on their knees, holding her legs so she couldn't fall over, she could only stand there, immobilized, and endure the front and back oral assault, and gasp for breath and balance as her body heaved in the throes of the ecstasy that was being induced in her.

That left the third new girl with only one member to work her over. That was unacceptable! And I was utterly sexed out.

Jenn to the rescue! "Can I be of assistance?" Jenn asked. "I know I'm not a formal member, but I do know the Egregiously West Texas Chess Club For Ladies "Two Servicing The Queen" play. You can cuddle with Martha."

"I'd like that," Martha said. I felt her press up against me from behind, then wrap her arms around me and pull me tightly against her.

I didn't need further convincing! I let Martha lead me by my hand to my sofa. That was erotic, too. It seemed like everything Martha did was erotic! She sat at the end of the sofa and said, "Sit here, put your feet up, and lean back against the armrest."

That put me sideways to her, and she held me close, played with my hair, stroked me all over, even as I would turn and lay my head against her chest, play with that gorgeous platinum hair, and caress her shoulders, arms, neck, and face.

All around me, I heard the cries of girls loving girls, sharing their bodies with each other, learning about a side of their sexuality they might otherwise have never had the chance to experience, except for Becky, of course. I was as content as I had ever been in my life.

It may sound crazy, but even with all of that going on, I soon fell asleep and didn't wake up until the morning sun was shining through the lace curtains. Somehow, I was in my bed!

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