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The Witcher's Legacy: Pt. 02

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Penni tightens her grip on the young Baron.
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*As the name suggests, this is my second submission to Literotica. My first one had some definite weaknesses. This one should be a bit of an improvement, I hope. Please apply all the usual, appropriate disclaimers. Not my world. Not my intellectual property. Not my circus or my monkeys. Everyone is over 18. You have the right to an attorney, etc. This is a fan expressing love and admiration.*

Crow's Perch had a new Baron.

His courage and strength had made him a favourite of the nobility and the peasantry alike.

He was young and handsome in a rugged, even slightly weathered, kind of way.

He was tall and strong. Standing, he was as big as any knight of Toussaint, powerfully built while carefully gentle with the people around him, quickly putting even the most timid at their ease in his presence.

He was a man of honour. Soldiers on both sides of the recent conflict with Nilfgaard would attest to his courage, his fairness, his sense of justice and his willingness to keep his word, regardless of the personal cost.

He was true of heart. He shared a love, deep and true, with the fair maiden, Charlotte, who would be his bride on the first day of Summer and he would love her for the rest of their lives together.

And yet...

Baron Talus Hammir was slow to wake and was still abed mid-morning. With all those virtues, it would be reasonable to assume that a propensity to sleep in was, perhaps, his one vice.

Anyone making that assumption would be wrong.

Talus was sleeping deeply throughout the morning because he had not slept at all during the night. The virtuous, honest husband-to-be was awake until the sun came up and barely managed to stumble into his chambers and collapse into a deep slumber.

He had been rutting like a wild beast with and insanely attractive young woman who was not his lady love; but was instead, a completely insatiable nymphomaniac. The most distressing thing about all that is that only roughly half of the details were true.

She was a completely insatiable nymphomaniac.

She was insanely attractive.

And he had rutted with her wildly, for hours.


She was not his lady love.

Penni knew he was to be married and knew he loved his intended bride more than life itself and was positively giddy when she drugged, seduced and then literally enchanted him.

She was not young.

She definitely looked young, but she was more or less immortal, and had lived for hundreds, perhaps even thousands of years. One of the perks of the raw magical power she had harnessed long ago.

She was not a woman.

In a purely physical sense, she was most definitely a woman, but she was also a supernatural being, somewhere close to the power of a demigod (Though currently she was convalescing and rebuilding her power).

'Penni' was actually Penelope, the Weavess.

The Weavess was one-third of the triumvirate coven of diabolical crones, widely known as 'The Ladies of the Wood' and she was the last. At least for now.

Her sisters had been killed just a few weeks ago in a battle against the Butcher of Blaviken. Slain by Princess Cirilla of Cintra and her guardian Geralt of Rivia, and a faithful cohort of warriors, sorceresses and, for some reason, a bard who was making a killing with the songs he had hurriedly composed about their epic adventure.

As he awoke, parts of his mind insisted that the night of raw sex was just a night of fitful dreams caused by drinking too much or eating something he should not have. Since the thing that should not have eaten was Penni's tight, bald pussy (which he feasted on until she screamed and came, bucking as she writhed and rode his face while he gulped her juices desperately), it was technically true.

Once that thought rolled through his mind, he could almost taste her all over again and, despite himself, he felt a stirring in his loins.

Talus sat up on the edge of his bed and was relieved when he saw that she was not laid out beside him. Guilt and self-loathing rushed into him. Shame and even a degree of horror rounding out his impression of the night he now knew was no dream.

She had tricked him into imbibing a powerful venom that worked on him as an aphrodisiac, breaking down his inhibitions and exciting his body.

She had stolen his blood and some of his beloved Charlotte's hair, a love token he had received from her less than an hour earlier.

While he worked gallantly, despite the effect she had created within him, Penni used what she had stolen to weave magics that gave her power over Charlotte's perceptions. Magics that linked Penni to Talus.

And then she fucked him like he had never experienced before.

Something about him. Something in him was the key to bringing her sisters back and helping them survive and thrive in a world where their old, unspeakable ways would have them hunted down and killed by Cirilla and her friends.

She was abandoning her hideous crone form and insinuating herself into his life (and pants, he mused), using his body for her needs.

Talus considered all of this as the morning slipped away and by noon he was dressed, shaved and washed. He could feel where her feminine talons had scored her pleasure into his back. Where her mouth had punished and worshipped him for hours.

None of it showed. Not a scratch, not a bitemark.

He would go to the chapel to pray and ready himself for what came next.

Confessing to Charlotte.

She would forgive him. It would break her heart and wound her soul, but she would. Knowing that made him hate himself even more. Even the drugs and magic she had used on him did little to mitigate the way he felt.

He was a betrayer.

He had no idea what he would do if he came across Penni again.


The Weavess slipped away to her new lair before the sunrise and while she did not bother with sleep, she stretched out on the floor of the hidden cave as waves of euphoria washed over her.

In the earliest days of their existence, she and her sisters had indulged in the pleasures of the flesh with a single-minded intensity. They had experimented sexually in every way known to mortal being for centuries.

Over time, their magic grew darker and they pushed past sins of the flesh into true evil. They became embodiments of evil, true, monstrous evil.

To the people of Velen, they became goddesses, worshipped out of fear. Crooked-back Bog became a slimy altar upon which the people offered up their beloved children.

Every one of them suffered a nightmarish end once delivered up to the Crones.

For thousands of years, their Crone personas were handed dominion over the land and everything that dwelled there.

And then the three of them had faced a stripling girl, in their most special place of power.

And she decimated them. Cirilla, the lion-cub of Cintra shattered her family and crushed the Wild Hunt. To the crones, the Wild Hunt were the Unseelie Court, an ancient name known to but a few. Besides, the sisters never rode with them, instead engaging with them on nights of power when they could all indulge their twisted urges. They were never with them for the hunt, but were always present when the ruthless elves held court.

The Weavess, now known as Penelope (by those who didn't matter, and by Penni by the only one who did), knew in the depths of her twisted soul, that her survival was a stroke of luck that she did not deserve.

The Weavess watched the literal forces of evil, HER forces, defeated and cast down from their seemingly unassailable heights of power.

The darkest and most raw evil had been crushed in one night. That same night, Penni had tasted the slightest taste of power. Power on a completely different level.

It was a revelation.

It was also humbling for a being that had outlived empires. It was in this humbled state that the Weavess had an epiphany.

The Weavess realized that the truly dark and twisted nature she and her sisters had adopted was completely unsustainable. Worse, it made them stand out.

No one stood unchallenged forever.

She realized that it was time to abandon the horrendous excesses and the hideous form necessary to contain the abyssal magics and return to her human form. Penni was still a being of great power, and, like the great and ancient vampires, she could live for centuries more. She could pass unnoticed. At worst, people might think she was a sorceress.

She would draw power from the more socially acceptable evils.

From lust and sin and corruption and ruination of the innocent and the pure.

She was incredibly sexy, virtually irresistible, despite the darkness within.

Now, she had found a mortal man, someone truly special. His body, his soul and his seed were potent beyond anything she had ever come across.

Best of all, he was deeply, profoundly, in love.

Inherently good and honest and pure.

And the Weavess had spent the night fucking him senseless.

The two of them had fornicated throughout the night, her body, combined with some Blight Venom and some magic had pushed him into a mindlessly rutting beast.

He would do the right thing, of course. He would confess to his beloved, and they would both suffer, but ultimately their love would survive.

She would not be thwarted so easily, and her new plaything would eventually provide enough raw power to bring her sisters back. She would turn them to her new way, and, through the Baron, they would rule once more.


Talus walked across the square and past the newly rebuilt stables. The chapel had been in serious disrepair just a month ago, but with a wedding on the horizon, it had been cleaned, repaired and would soon be ready for services, assuming they could work out a way to have the followers of Melitele and those of the Eternal Fire share the place.

He opened the heavy oak doors and slipped inside, closing them behind him. He walked halfway to the altar, currently adorned by a carved wooden effigy of Melitele. His hands clenched into fists and his head bowed in shame and regret. In this place he would confess and repent before going to Charlotte and telling her all that had happened. He would end this.

Penni was sat on the altar when he opened his eyes.

Talus had fought at the Pontar. He once fought a pair of Skelligan raiders with an axe handle. He had never hesitated in battle. Not once.

In Penni's presence, he froze.

She was posed, cross-legged on the altar. She was dressed in a heavy purple robe, her incredible, smooth legs on display. Her eyes met his and she smiled, her perfect, white teeth and full crimson lips lighting up her gorgeous features. Her teeth parted and she made sure to run her tongue across those perfect pearly whites.

"Good morning my lover. Here for a religious experience? I hope I qualify?" She giggled, but there was a dark quality to it that Talus had not heard last night.

"Mmmmm, last night was the best fucking I've had in centuries. You have a perfect cock, and all that fighting has given you such impressive stamina. You and I will become great friends. You want to be my friend don't you, Baron? I mean, you don't want to be my enemy, do you?"

She batted her long, full lashes and her hand brushed the robe back, exposing her long leg to her bare ass, clearly naked on the most holy spot in all of Crow's Perch.

Talus found his voice.

"I was not in my right mind last night. The venom I sucked out of you... It overwhelmed me. I... I dishonoured myself, my station, and my beloved Charlotte because of your deception."

It became harder to concentrate on how angry he was as the robe continued to part, exposing her flat tummy and the impressive lower curve of her spectacular tits. He could practically taste them. He could practically taste all of her.

"You used magic on me. You... used magic on Charlotte. You blinded her!" Talus growled the words, but Penni could see his eyes had slipped more than once onto her rapidly exposed nakedness. She was practically purring.

"Well, I can't deny any of that, but I know you enjoyed every second of it. I mean you ate me like you were starving to death and when 'your beloved Charlotte' was stood at the window and I hid the sight of us from her, your cock was buried to the balls in me and you never missed a stroke. Besides, she is fine. She just cannot perceive that which I choose to hide. You should be thanking me."

The young baron exhaled through his nose, like an enraged bull preparing to charge.

"Thanking you? If you were a man, I would kill you where you stand."

Penni brushed the robe off her left shoulder, exposing on of her gravity-defying breasts, almost as big as her head with a hard pink nipple that could etch stone.

"Clearly, I am not a man, am I?"

She raised her left thigh and stroking her delicate fingers from her thigh up to her knee and then all the way down to her ankle before lowering her thigh again and stroking back up, shrugging her shoulders and letting the robe fall away, pooling on the altar. She continued, letting him stare at her nakedness.

"I could have killed her and enslaved you. I could have corrupted the peasants and given her to them to ruin and abuse. I could have pulled her soul from her and swallowed it whole. But I did none of those things. I hid what we did to each other from her sweet, loving and oh so innocent eyes."

She could see him on the verge of interrupting. She pouted, eyes wide, shaking her head just enough to make those glorious breasts shimmy.

Angry as he was, she knew his body was already responding, his brain sending signals to awaken his long, thick cock. The thought thrilled her more than she would admit to him.

"There is still nothing to stop me doing that. Nothing that could stop me visiting horrors upon her and half of your barony before you could summon anyone who stood the faintest chance of surviving my wrath. I am choosing not to turn your lands into a nightmarish land that people would avoid for a thousand years."

Talus looked around behind him and realized that the door was barred. He had been so completely focused on Penni that he had not even thought to cry out for aid. Penni waited until his eyes returned to her before she continued.

"I could force you to fuck me. Leave you a virtual zombie, only coming alive to fuck me full of your seed. I could just kill you all and gather a group of slaves to take your place......but I want you."

"Because you are powerful."

"Because you are touched by destiny."

"Because you have all of these virtues and morals and yet you make me cum over and over with your beautiful cock."

"Because you are overflowing with true love for another that even my power cannot break."

"Because, to protect her, and everyone else, you will fuck me so much that, in time you will realize that my pussy means more to you than your wife."

"And she will be your wife. You will hide what we do... You will make me strong and please my body. And you will do the same, once my sisters are resurrected, for both of them. Don't worry, they are shameless, debauched sluts."

Penni slipped off the altar and stood, turning away from him, her hair tamed in an intricate braid that stopped just above her round, tight ass. Her feet planted, shoulder-width apart and she bent herself over the altar top, shoving the holy statue off onto the floor.

"In half an hour, your Charlotte will come through that door." Talus looked around and the bar was gone, there was nothing to hold the door shut.

"I won't hide anything from her - it would be wrong to use magic on her, as you said. But if your cum is not leaking down my thighs when she arrives, then she will suffer for it." She arched her body, pushing her ass out towards him, swaying temptingly.

"Now take your cock out and fuck me."

Those long legs looked incredible, and he could see she was slick and puffy with need. Her sex was utterly perfect. There was no sign that they had spent hours rutting this morning already.

Why him? Talus couldn't understand why, of all the men in Velen, she had picked him. He was certain she was telling the truth. She would slaughter everyone and there was no doubt she would brutalize Charlotte.

She wasn't looking back at him, holding her slutty pose confidently.

He peeled off his tunic and dropped it over a pew, stepping up behind Penni and unbuttoning his breeches, letting his long, veiny cock out.

Penni moaned as if she sensed the releasing of his pulsing cock. His shaft pressed against her ass, and he shifted as she rose up on her tiptoes, letting his cockhead drag down until the head kissed her slick folds.

"I will find a way to stop you." His hands gripped her waist, and he thrust up inside her finger-tight cunt, instantly surrounded by squeezing, rippling walls.

Penni arched and her back pressed against his broad chest as she threw her head back and cried out. She threw an arm up and back, gripping the back of his head as her pussy fought him, making him work to bury that big bastard prick inside her. She shifted her face towards his, their mouths less than an inch apart. Her voice was half-panting, half-groaning as he ground that stiff dick up inside her.

When he slammed the last two inches into her, Penni groaned, "We'll see..." A wicked grin on her face as she began to writhe, her eyes rolling back in her head as she started to orgasm.

He worked his cock into her as her pussy clenched and tried to pull cum right up out of his balls. The moment she gasped, and her muscles eased, he drew back and began to skewer the evil slut with every traitorous inch.

He couldn't say when they began making out.

He couldn't clearly recall which of them had kissed the other, but their tongues were wrapping around each other and wrestling fiercely as she shoved herself back onto the cock he was driving into her.

Penni was a dark goddess in his arms and his cock was quickly becoming completely addicted to her. She felt his hands on her naked body, touching her like she had not been touched in several centuries. Time and age were irrelevant. She was wickedly sublime, and her body was young and fit and utterly spectacular. She was literally built for sex. The fact that she was built for sex with him was not lost on him either, clearly. It wasn't long before his strong hands were squeezing and groping her tits.

She used no magic this time. No aphrodisiacs either.

She explained his situation to him and then told him she wanted to be fucked.

He may hate her. He may want her dead. But once his cock was inside her, all that made him good and honourable was forced down so he could do what needed to be done to keep everybody safe.

It was unfair that making a whore of himself for a monster who would torture and kill all he loved felt so fucking incredible.

She moaned into his mouth as he pounded her little cunt. His strong hands squeezed her tits and pinched her nipples while her perfect ass took hit after powerful hit from his thrusts.

The passage of time became difficult to track, and it was hard to be sure how long they had been rutting against the altar where he would swear his eternal love to his beautiful Charlotte.

Penni seemed as addicted to it as he was, fucking him back passionately, but never forcing control, instead letting him take her.


She came for him twice more, the last one accompanied by a scream as she felt him release in spectacular fashion. His cock was thrusting obscenely deep inside her when he started to cum for her and he made no attempt to stop himself or pull away.


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