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The Wrong Side


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Kelly wasn't sure what was coming, but his tone sounded ominous.

She called him first thing, but got his machine, then realized it was the middle of the day. He was at work. Duh! She left a message so he'd know she was back, and busied herself with unpacking. The phone rang at 6:00pm. "Hello?"

"Hey Kell; It's me."

"Hey baby. I'm glad to hear your voice but you seem down. Are you still angry with me?"

"No, I'm not. You got my message?"

"That we need to talk; yes, I did. Do you want me to come to you, you come to me, or should we meet somewhere?"

"I'll head your way. See you soon."

Kelly prettied herself up in anticipation of Henry getting here. Not that it mattered. He always said she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen even if she had just come from a workout. She loved that about him. He had said he wasn't mad, but he was still clearly out of sorts. She was worried.

She was waiting by the door when the bell rang. She opened it and let him in, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him close. He didn't stop her so she hoped that was a good sign.

"Can we talk somewhere privately, Kell?"

She led him to the formal dining room, which would afford them plenty of privacy. They took seats at a corner of the table and faced each other.

"How was your trip?"

"It was really fun, but I missed you."

"I missed you, too. I'm glad you had a good time."

"Did you do anything but work while I was gone?"

"I spent a lot of time thinking. I guess I may as well get to it. Kelly, I want you to know that what I'm about to tell you is entirely about me and my own issues. It has nothing to do with you or anything you've done, okay?"

She was worried with the tone of his statements. "Okay."

"Kelly, you're getting ready to leave for Stanford, one of the best colleges in the country. You're about to meet some of the most intelligent and potentially rich and powerful people in the country. And this will include men that you may find yourself interested in."

"Henry, I don't..."

"Please let me finish. I know you think that I'm the one for you, but I can't help thinking that's only because you haven't been exposed to men the caliber of which you'll meet at Stanford. You're a wonderfully loyal woman, Kelly. I realize that. I know I overreacted about the prom thing, and I'm sorry about that. But it made me realize that I can't be comfortable being with you at this point. I can't seem to feel safe that you won't realize that you're just with some blue-collar schmuck and leave me for someone that's worthy of you. Again, this is about my own feelings about myself than about anything you've done."

"Okay, I think I understand what you're saying, but what are you getting at?"

Henry took a deep breath.

"I think we should split up. I think you should go to Stanford unattached so you are free to see what might be out there that you really want. Some of the guys at Hampton are really top notch. I know that. Imagine an entire college made up of guys like that. I'm afraid that you're only with me because you haven't truly experienced what might be out there. And I will never feel comfortable unless you've seen what's out there and still came back to me. And I'll be here waiting for you."

"Can I talk now?" Henry nodded. "Henry, what I want in a man has nothing to do with how much money he makes or how powerful in the world he is. It's about how I feel about him and how he feels about me. I don't need to go to Stanford to know who I want. I want you."

"I know that's what you think, and you may even be right. But like I said Kelly, this isn't about you. It's about me. From the beginning I've told you I can't believe we could work because our lives are so different. I simply lack the confidence that I'm good enough for you. Someday you may resent being married to just some blue-collar worker who embarrasses you and your friends. I want everything for you, even if that's doesn't include me. I'm sorry. I should probably go."

Henry gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and walked out of the house as quickly as he could.

Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she tried to speak. "Henry, wait, please..."

Just like that he was gone.


Every night there were messages on the phone from Kelly, but instead of listening to them, he just deleted them. This was the only way he could feel secure that she wanted to be with him, of that he was sure. Then why was he so miserable?

He threw himself into work again. He was making a lot of money and enjoyed the work. He just liked fixing things. He was planning toward getting out of Oaktown, though that would make continuing at Art's more difficult, so the plan was still for some time in the future. Probably after he was sure about Kelly, though he had no doubt she was gone for good. He simply couldn't compete with those Stanford boys.

It was about a month after school at Stanford had started that he got as message from Katie, Kelly's sister, asking him to call her anytime. He returned the call as requested.

"Henry, hi there. How're you doing?"

"Okay, I guess. How're you?"

"I'm good. Back in the swing of things here."

"So what do you need, Katie?"

"Henry, I want you to know that I really like you. You're a nice guy and you treat Kelly well. And you're smart. I know those things you do -- the electrical stuff and fixing cars -- take smarts. But I also think you're a complete idiot."

"You know, Katie, you're not the first person to think so. What's your reason?"

"Until now Kelly has been pretty tight-lipped about why you guys broke up, but she finally told me the truth. And I think you're an idiot. From what she told me, you broke up with her because of something you were afraid might happen sometime down the road."

"I guess you could put it that way. But it's not just about that. It's about me feeling confident and secure that she'll stay with me. Maybe she would, but I didn't feel that way, and I didn't like it. Every little thing that I saw or heard that even suggested there might be someone else set me off."

"There are no guarantees in love, Henry. So maybe she goes to Stanford and nothing happens and she comes back to you, and then in 10 years something happens anyway. Knowing Kelly like I do I think that's unlikely, but again there are no guarantees. But sometimes you just have to take a chance on love, risk getting yourself hurt. All you've done is set her free and give her a chance to find someone else. You've risked losing her for no good reason. I think you need to hop your ass into that car of yours and get up here to campus, then find her and tell her you were stupid. She loves you, you big dope. Get her back."

"I don't think I should do that, Katie. I can't compete with those guys or put her in a life she deserves."

"You're wrong, Henry. You're a great guy, and Kelly knows it. You need to stop having such a low opinion of yourself and accept that maybe Kelly sees you for what you are. The life she wants is with you. So get here and claim her."

"I'll think about it, okay. You make some good points."

"Think fast, Henry. The longer you wait the more that can happen. Please, Henry, okay?"

Katie gave him Kelly's room info and told her there were always people coming and going so even though the outer doors were locked, getting in wouldn't be a problem. Henry cradled the phone and was startled by Abby's voice.

"Katie thinks you should go get Kelly back, huh? Well, so do I. You've never been as happy as when you were with her. You need her as much as you want her."

"What do you know? You're just a kid."

"I'm also a girl and I'm probably smarter than you, so I understand the both of you better than you think I do. So get your head out of your ass, big brother, and go kiss and make up."

Henry was shocked by the boldness of Abby's language. She rarely spoke like that, and only when she really believed in something. That more than anything else made him think that perhaps she and Katie were right. He loved Kelly and wanted to spend his life with her. It should be her choice, not his, as to whether he was good enough for her, and he just needed to take the chance.


Armed with Kelly's dorm information he pointed the GTO down the freeway toward the Stanford campus. It was about a 2-hour drive and he was leaving fairly early. He got turned around a couple of times but finally found the main road on to the campus, and after asking for directions (twice) he found Kelly's dorm. He was surprised to find a parking space right in front. There was a sign that said something about permit parking only but he wasn't concerned about it. He'd pay the parking ticket if need be.

He started toward the doors and saw people coming and going so understood what Katie said about being able to get in. He was about 40 yards from the door when fortune struck: Kelly came walking out of the door. She was talking to someone behind her. He was just about to call to her when the guy came out. She took his hand as she let out that delightful laugh she had. All of the energy drained and he was rooted to the spot he was standing, even as they came down the stairs and walked straight toward him. She was about 15 yards away when she looked up and saw his face.

She dropped the guys hand like it was a snake. "Henry? Wh...What are you doing here?"

The guy she was with was looking between Henry and Kelly, trying to decipher what was going on, but keeping quiet.

"Hey Kell. As it turns out, I guess all I did was waste a tank of gas. I gotta go."

He turned and walked as fast as he could back to his car.

"Henry, wait. Henry! Damn it!"

She watched as the GTO backed out of the space and then fishtailed and peeled out down the street as Henry stepped on the gas.

Her friend spoke for the first time. "Sweet ride."

"Shut up."


Henry locked up the garage after putting the GTO away then walked the mile back to his apartment. He was a damn fool. He had cut her loose due to his own insecurities and she had found someone else. She was gone now and there was nothing he could do about it. He went into the house and immediately picked up the phone, punching in Katie's number. It went to voice mail.

"Katie, I just wanted to thank you for your advice. I drove up to Stanford today and saw Kelly, and her new boyfriend. I guess I was too late. Since this is probably it for me and your family, I just wanted to say thanks for being so nice to me, and I hope you have a good life. I'll keep my eyes open for your name in the society pages."

He cradled the phone and looked up to see Abby standing there listening.

"Sorry bro. Is that really it?"

"Looks like it, Abby. But that's okay. You'll always be my best girl anyways."

She knew what Kelly had meant to him. "You and me against the world, big brother."

They hugged a long time.


Two more months had passed. Thanksgiving was over and the semester was coming to an end. There had been messages every day from Kelly but Henry couldn't bear to listen to them anymore, and he finally just disconnected the answering machine. Tomorrow they were starting a big electrical job at a big farm on the outside of town. Some of the buildings needed to be completely rewired.

Kelly had tried to see him on some of her visits home, but Art wouldn't let her in anymore after she walked across his repair floor that first time, and he never seemed to be home when she went to his apartment. She chatted with Abby a couple times, though never about her brother. That would upset Henry; he didn't like Abby being in his business. The only exception was that she asked Abby to tell Henry it wasn't what it looked like. But now finals were approaching and she needed to focus as much of her attention on that she could. She'd try to deal with Henry again once the Winter break started.


The call came at precisely 3:37pm. Kelly glanced at the caller ID and it was Henry's number. Could it finally be?


"Kelly, it's Abby! I'm sorry; I didn't know who else to call!" Her voice was frantic.

"It's okay, sweetheart. You can always call me anytime for anything. What's wrong?"

"Henry's in the hospital!"

"Oh my God! What happened!"

"I...I don't know. I got a call asking for my mom or dad. Henry says I should say they're not available and take a message then let him take care of it. It was his boss. He said Henry had been in a serious accident at work and was being rushed to North Town Medical Center and they should get there right away. Kelly, I'm scared. He's all I have."

"Okay baby, okay. Just stay at the apartment, okay. I'll come get you but it'll take me a couple hours to get there. I'm gonna see if my mom can go to the hospital and get some information, okay?

"Okay. I'll wait here. Thanks Kelly."

Kelly was already moving down the stairs as she called her mom.

"Mom, I need you to get over to North Town Medical. Henry's there. He had some sort of accident at work. Please find out what happened. I'm on my way to get Abby and I'll meet you there in a couple of hours."

"Certainly dear, but they'll usually only give information to family."

"Then lie, mom. Tell them you're his mother or that you're his mother-in-law and he has no other family. Just find out what's going on, please."

"I'll do what I can, dear. Drive safely."


Julie Krisner walked into the intensive care unit with authority. She approached the desk.

"Good afternoon. I'm trying to get information about my son-in-law, Henry Weston."

The nurse checked something on her computer.

"I'll let his doctor know you're here."

She sat calmly in the waiting area for about 20 minutes until a physician made his way through the doors.

"Good afternoon, Mrs....?"

"Krisner. I'm Henry's mother-in-law. How is he?"

"Oh, our records indicate he wasn't married; of course, that came from his employer."

"They've only been married a couple of months. My daughter, his wife, is on her way now. He must not have gotten around to updating his employment information. Is this going to be a problem? He has no other family."

"No, I suppose not. Mr. Weston apparently came in contact with an electrical charge. He has second degree burns down the entire left side of his body. He's fortunate that it traveled down his body instead of across his heart or we'd be having a very different conversation right now. It will take several weeks, even months, to heal, but everything suggests he should fully recover. There will probably be some scarring but there are things to help minimize that."

"Will my daughter be able to see him when she gets here?"

"It'll be a few hours before he's ready to receive visitors. His burns are still being tended to and that takes time. I'll have someone let you know when he's ready to be seen"

"Thank you, doctor." She returned to her seat and waited.


Kelly knocked on the apartment door and Abby came out immediately.

"Do we need to make any arrangements for your parents?"

"They're not here anymore."

This caught Kelly by surprise.

"Where are they?"

"Dad died about a month ago, and mom's in a hospital. Henry's my guardian now."

Kelly left it at that for now and they headed for the hospital. Henry's dad had died? And she hadn't been here to support him. And what hospital was his mom in? She put it out of her mind; it wasn't the most pressing issue right now. She was trying her best to remain calm for Abby's sake but was scared to death on the inside. She couldn't lose him.

She parked and made her way quickly into the hospital, and the reception desk directed her to the 4th floor ICU. She saw her mom as she stepped off the elevator and they went straight for her.

"Mom, what did you find out?"

Her mom took Kelly's left hand and Kelly felt something being put on her finger. She realized it was her mom's wedding ring.

"He's going to be okay. I explained to them that you two were only recently married..." She tapped the ring for emphasis. "...which is why his company's records said he was single. This is important because only family can get in to see him once he's ready. Do you understand, Kelly?"

She adjusted the ring, which was just a little big, on her finger. "Yes mom, I understand. What happened?"

After assuring both girls that Henry was going to be okay, she explained what had happened and what injuries he had suffered. She also explained what the doctor had said about his long-term recovery.

"Thank God," was all Kelly could think to say.

They had to wait another 2 hours before a nurse came out and asked for 'Mrs. Weston' and it took a moment for Kelly to respond since she had never been called that before. She and Abby were escorted back to Henry's room while Julie continued to wait in the lobby.

As they walked into the room they were a little shocked. His hair had been burned or shaved off and his entire left side was bandaged. His left eye was also covered and Kelly worried about his sight. Of course, there were the requisite tubes and wires that go with any hospitalization. He was sleeping, or maybe unconscious. Kelly took a seat against the wall while Abby pulled a chair up to Henry's good side and just waited.


Henry started to wake up. He couldn't see out of his left eye and he was immobilized. He used his right eye to look around but all he could see were some walls and equipment, until he saw Abby's face appear in his field of vision.

"He's awake, he's awake!"

His throat was dry but he managed to croak out 'water'. Abby brought him a cup and put the straw in his mouth. He sipped some and swished it in his mouth.

"Hey baby girl. You okay."

"I'm fine, bro. Are you okay?"

"I'll live, squirt. How'd you get here, anyway?"

"I called Kelly. She picked me up and brought me."

"That was nice. I'll have to thank her for that."

"You're welcome." The voice from across the room startled him.

"I'm sorry; I didn't realize you were still here. So, yes, thank you for bringing her. You don't need to stay though. I'm sure you have things you need to get back to. Your new boyfriend is probably waiting on you." The bitterness was evident in his voice.

Kelly took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Abby, can I have a few minutes alone with Henry, please?"

"Okay. I'll be with your mom." Abby stepped out of the room.

"You're mom's here?"

"I was two hours away and we needed answers so she came over first." Kelly sat in the chair right next to Henry that Abby had vacated. "So now that you can't ignore me we're going to talk, got it? We need to clear the air about some things. First of all, I don't have a 'new boyfriend' and haven't had one at all since you broke up with me."


"I'm not done yet. Secondly, I have nothing I need to get back to. I spoke to my professors at Stanford while I was waiting and explained that I have a family emergency and made arrangement for my finals."


"Still not done. Finally, I am precisely where I want and need to be. You need someone to take care of you and that person is going to be me. You can talk now."

"I don't understand. I saw you with your boyfriend that time."

"Henry, you sure can leap to conclusions. Our first date you assumed I was using you simply because we got separated at a party and some jerk kept putting his arm around me even as I kept knocking it down. Now you see me holding hands with some guy and I've got a new boyfriend. Is that all the evidence you have?"

"Well, yeah. I saw you come out of the dorm and you were holding hands and laughing. I just assumed..."

"Yes, you assumed, and ran off instead of actually talking to me. Then you wouldn't return any of my calls or see me when I tried to see you so I could explain. You are the most pig-headed, stubborn person I have ever met; you're worse than my father. But now you have to listen." She paused for a moment, taking his hand in hers. "Baby, you hurt me when you broke up with me. I couldn't understand because I had never thought of you as anything but perfect for me. But I accepted your reasons. I've never lived like you have so while I couldn't understand how you felt I tried to accept you at your word. And so I dated some guys this semester, including the guy you saw me with. That was our 3rd and last date. I had no interest in him or either of the other guys I went out with."

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