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The Wrong Way Road Trip Pt. 06

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Countdown to Blog Launch.
7.4k words

Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/25/2019
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Part 6 - Countdown to Blog Launch

Chapter 18 - Brian Succumbs to Daughter-Mother team

Driving to Eleanor's apartment, I tried to remember how a teenage guy behaved at his date's house. Sure enough, when I got to the door, Sharon's mom opened it, giving me a not very friendly look. "Oh Brian, you're here. Sharon will be ready in the minute. Just take a seat in the living room."

We both played the part. I tried to look as uncomfortable as possible, and Eleanor keep glancing at me as though perhaps she needed to kill the date. After several minutes, Sharon walked down the hall, looking like a million dollars. I didn't have to act surprised. A sleek navy wool dress was just right for the cool evening. There were borrowed pearls around her neck, and the makeup was spot on. She was enveloped in a mist of expensive perfume and gave me a sly smile as she said, "Brian, this is going to be fun. You look very nice."

"Sharon, you are my dream date. Are we ready to go?"

"Just a minute, Brian. You do understand my daughter has to be home by midnight?"

I pretended to be servile and obedient, "I surely do, Mrs. Cartright. Sharon is special and I know the rules."

We left the house under Eleanor's stern gaze and I went around to open the car door and help my date. We were almost a block away when Sharon let loose a shout and beat on me. "This really is fun! Damn, she is getting as much a kick out of this as I am, especially since she is going to gather up Natalie and go to your place in a few minutes. I squeezed milk into a bottle for the baby."

"If I go for my own squeeze, will I get slapped?"

She pressed against me, enjoying the bench seat. "I am SO juicy with wanting you. What if we buy something light at the grocery and have dinner at Katie's?"

We were both grinning when she added, "I hope you don't mind if I hang up this expensive wool dress, do you? Can't get food, or anything else, on it."

I snapped back, "You better not be too fast getting out of the dress. We have to play out the seduction. Remember that most high school guys don't know what they are doing."

She scowled, "Brian, that is the last thing I need to be reminded of. Clumsy kisses, clumsy hands, cocks blasting in my hands before they get to the target..."

We were going by a grocery and I swerved into the lot. Sharon said, "We are adjusting the story. You and I are young marrieds who were just at a wedding reception and are shopping for dinner in because I am hotter than a pistol and said you needed to get me home real fast."

"The bride got tipsy and told you how big the husband's cock was and how much she wanted to leave the reception?"

"I should beat you but what about a kiss instead? You know I'd rather be the bride than a date, don't you?"

Alarm bells instantly went off in my head. Damn, there wasn't a one of them that just wanted to be a fuck buddy. So much for sex without the romance. I stopped in the middle of the parking lot and applied a tender, bridegroomlike kiss. She hugged me, "Brian..."

"No tears. There is going to be a great guy one of these times."

"I wish I could believe you. I guess we have to go back to the date story?"

I kept her tight and said, "This is your night. Your fantasy night. I will help you make it true."

She was totally still for a long moment, then laughed and swatted my head. "Brian! You loving lovable bum! Let's just go to Katie's and have some fun..."

That's what happened. We sat on the sofa and had teenage makeout. She took her clothes off and dashed around the house, daring me to take her. After I pounded her into the carpet, she came twice, wailing what a bastard I was. Finally, we had omelets with lots of special ingredients and held hands at the kitchen table. After a long shower, we tumbled into bed and were asleep instantly.

I woke with the sun in my eyes, hearing Sharon talking to her Mom about Natalie. "Yes, bring her over. He doesn't bite!"

I pretended to be asleep, but she pushed a leaky boob in my face and said, "Take care of that. We are having company in a minute. You are to stay naked in there and flirt with Mom while I feed Natalie."

Eleanor wasn't nervous at all. "Your father behaved like that, playing the stalking game. I knew feeding the baby would get him going. Some of the best sex of my life."

"Crawl in over there. I need company while Natalie does her thing."

Mom handed over the baby and came around to my side of the bed. Staring deeply into my eyes, she dropped her pants and pulled off the top. There wasn't anything underneath. Crawling close, she said, "Not much of a strip tease, was it?"

I grabbed her bottom and pinched, "You are hot stuff. What happened to the husband?"

"He couldn't hold a job. I couldn't figure out why and told him to get out. We were living on my income from being assistant manager at the tire store."

Sharon smiled at me, "He sends me a card on my birthday. They come from all over, so he is existing somehow."

I wrapped fingers around two luscious boobs and said, "You deserve better."

Ellie kissed hard and asked, "Will these other women let you play with me?"

Sharon hissed, "Mom, we only got married last night. Isn't this a little fast? After all, I am your only daughter."

Ellie giggled up a storm and put my hand between her legs. "He's too nice by half. Aren't I allowed privileges in return for all the babysitting?"

Natalie was handed to me as they embraced, crying. I rocked her gently and tried a baby smile. She smiled back and gurgled. Then spit up on my shoulder.

Giggling broke out as Sharon wiped me and traced my lips. Ellie said, "Damn, why didn't we find him sooner?"

Sharon took Natalie back and I gently slid into a very moist pussy from the backside. "You deserve a lot of privileges for helping your wayward daughter bring this wonderful girl into the world. Now I've got two wayward mothers and it feels good. Real good."

Ellie squeezed and said, "I hope something else feels good." Both of them were smiling and Natalie was burping. This time it was on Sharon's shoulder, where there was a diaper.

Pulling out of Ellie, I carried her to the living room sofa and dropped her over the back. I called into the bedroom, "These grandmothers are so damn horny, they can't get enough."

She said in a low voice, "After a night with Sharon, you better have some juice left for me!"

I whispered back, pounding hard into the tough body, "Nope, don't have any extra!"

She kept up a running stream of nasty talk while I roughly explored the curves and muscles. Her tits were full and not saggy at all. The talk turned to moans as I slapped first one and then the other hard globe. "The mother is as good as the daughter," I thought to myself. Which would get me in serious trouble if I ever said so.

Three hard strokes later, I was unloading a full dose into Ellie's wailing body. "Damn, damn, damn."

Somehow, the four of us fit into the shower. Natalie thought being handed around under the falling water was great fun. I decided if she needed to go from both sides, we would just wash it off. The two mothers pulled my hair as I held Natalie and said thank you.

When all of us emerged from the bathroom, Kate was there to announce breakfast was ready in the apartment. She noticed me putting a fresh diaper on the baby and said, "Practicing your Daddy duties already?"

"This is one fine girl. Do you think she and Jeremy will get along?"

Ellie heard us and said, "Of course they will. Two great mothers and a fine substitute Daddy."

Kate hugged Eleanor. "He will be the father on the birth certificate. We may not tell Jeremy until he is old enough to deal with it."

I hugged them and said, "Actually, we are running everything by a lawyer so there aren't any surprises later, including a biological father making trouble."

Halfway across to the apartment, Sharon had my hand in a tight grip and I realized she was worried about her reception by the other women. Maybe capturing their guy wasn't such a great idea.

She needn't have worried. There was a giant cheer when we appeared. Robin said she was a great addition to both teams and Sharon gave her a look. "Sharon, you are a great video editor, and must be great at controlling him. Look how weak and submissive he is."

I was installed at the kitchen table with Natalie napping in my arms. This was good protection from attacks. I practiced giving tough looks that suggested others could be instantly pregnant if they misbehaved. It was a bad idea, because the looks I received in response implied more babies would be fine.

The breakfast foolishness was brought to a halt by MaryLou, who arrived with news that Jody Armitage, a well known blog personality and friend of her mother's, was coming to town and might be willing to review some of our material and give advice.

Chapter 19 - An Expert Reviews the Blog Homework

She was available for lunch and came at eleven to look at the blog material. I gazed at her and asked myself what a blog personality should look like. Jody was tall and thin. All the skin I could see was tan and I wondered how tan what I couldn't see was. The dark blue eyes and dark brown hair were serious and made her seem important. The rest of us sat quietly while she went through the footage, making a few notes and talking quietly to herself.

Kate squeezed in beside me and hummed. We held hands and I asked after Jeremy.

"He is there all the time now. He and his packaging are taking up space. I just realized that this growing thing has charge of my body for six more months. Expecting me to carry him around and eat properly and not take drugs..."

"...And you refused to get rid of him when you could."

I held tight and noticed others nodding at me. "And you've got me and the other women to help..."

Jody was done and turned around, noticing Kate's and my embrace. "She is pregnant?"

Everyone answered with nods and quiet yes's. Kate looked up, embarrassed. "Don't mind me, I get emotional all the time..."

"It's lovely. You are lovely. A summer baby..."

My adorable wife asked Jody for reaction to our test shots.

"Promising. Very promising. There is not a lot of competition for a funny outdoor site at the moment. Most of the other outdoor blogs are people doing extreme sports or lying around in ultra-expensive resorts."

We had a very relaxed lunch on the grass between the houses, with Jody describing her own parents' retirement life in Sedona. "I live in Ventura for the sun and surf, and don't visit Arizona except in the spring. Too much heat makes me grumpy."

MaryLou said how happy Bruce and she were to fall in with our group, making it possible to live in Flagstaff where the altitude controlled the summer heat. I thought to myself that the stakes requiring a successful blog were rising.

Jody kindly offered an afternoon seminar on editing and scripting, which I left to the women, offering to take Natalie back home with Eleanor. After fastening baby Natalie in her carrier, Ellie sat in front and took my hand. "There's something about you, Brian, that attracts women. Makes them feel sexy. Makes them gush." She squeezed hard.

I said, "Very bad." After a pause, I asked, "Do you like afternoon sex?"

Her hand came up to swat me, but tangled in my long hair and cooed, "You are a terrible seducer of innocent women."

We had pulled into her parking lot. I reached over for a boob tip. "There is nothing innocent about the body I was in this morning. In fact, I think I am going to be attacked once we get the baby down for her nap."

I had Natalie in my arms on the way to her crib bed. Ellie kissed under my ear and said, "I love watching you practice Daddy chores."

There was no conversation inside the house. Just me checking for a diaper change and putting sleeping Natalie down. Then turning around to find Ellie naked, the last of her underwear dropping on the bedside chair.

I stepped into her arms. "I'm not sure we have permission..."

Her lips captured mine and cut off my hesitation. After a long while, her fingers were removing my clothes. "We haven't run out of privileges yet."

There was something special about sex with Ellie. Peaceful but active. A passage that had received many cocks over the years. Knew what it liked and responded accordingly.

"Brian, do me good. You are the greatest fuck ever."

My cock wanted to speed up, but I slowed down. We were well matched, for some reason. I probably was going to get in trouble with Sharon. She would wonder why the guy she was having great sex with was also fucking her mother.

Ellie drove those thoughts away, coming wildly alive under me. Crying out for more and harder and shouting a big climax.

Lying there on our backs, her fingers found mine and waved our hands in the air. We both tried to talk at once, but she shushed me.

"I would like more of that, but if it is a problem for Sharon, I will understand. I love her dearly and she comes first."

I licked the closest boob. "That is too noble. I will negotiate permissions. You work too hard to keep that body fit to give up a guy who makes you happy in bed."

She rolled into me with a long, emotional kiss. "This is as bad as your teenage games with Sharon."

My cock hardened against her thigh. Her eyes widened. I did what our bodies wanted, and left her double freshly fucked and slipping into a nap, smiling.

Even after a quick shower at Ellie's, I knew my absence was a giveaway. Jody was just leaving as I drove up. I shook hands and thanked her profusely. She gave me a look and asked, "You keep all those women satisfied? They seem awfully happy around you."

I stepped into her with a quick kiss. "I didn't hit on them. Honestly. They decided to share me."

She took another kiss and stepped back with a wide smile. "Whatever it is, you've got a good thing going. I only do girls, but..."

We fisted each other, laughing, and she drove away. More temptation avoided.

My behavior had been noticed. Hisses greeted me. Sharon edged to my backside, "You are way too happy..."

"You have a wonderful mother."

"I've heard that already. Is she going to keep asking for privileges?"

"What if my cock steps up to the challenge of doing you both, side by side?"

She took my hand and marched us over to Kate. "This one is very bad. He has been straying with Ellie again."

Kate hugged her. "It's ok, I will take you as my lover and you can abandon him to her."

I squeezed them both and growled.

* * *

A week later, Kate presented my half awake self with a steaming mug of coffee and a glare. "Come alive. It is Saturday and ..."

I growled back at her. "Don't be uppity. I know what day it is. I suppose you have the launch date all picked out?"

My hands reached for her and she fell into an embrace, "This is bad. I'm scared."

Robin and Anne-Marie said soothing things. I worked on her shoulders. I smiled at our recent new friends and said, "We will vote by secret ballot?"

Wayward jumped out of bed, bare as a baby and looked glorious in the morning light. I reached for my phone. Robin said, "Stand still, that is the opening shot."

I said, "Nope. Won't get by the censors. She has to put on those skimpy running briefs."

Robin retrieved them and helped a reluctant Kate into the sexy bottoms. The pictures were terrific. I said, "The voiceover will say, 'On a glorious morning in Navajo country, Lucy is dressed for an early run...' "

A-M had my hand, "Now you. Find those tight boyshorts. The next voiceover says, 'Mac is slow to follow Lucy's lead...' "

After that set of pictures, I retrieved my coffee and asked, "Do we get away with bare tits? The finest bare tits anywhere? Will other women notice they are the finest pregnant tits around?"

Katie walked in and looked at the bare tits. "Really fine, but I don't think they work in the blog. Will attract the wrong kind of attention. These are sexy women, not porn stars. If you want a base of tens of thousands, the viewing has to be acceptable in conservative religious households."

A-M laughed and poked me. "If we were in France, there would be no problem with those special tits."

I poked her back and grabbed for the French tits. She thrashed and squealed. Holding her tight, "What about special French tits?"

Four bodies muscled me around, blowing off nervous energy. "All right," I said, "A week from today. We have to check with Bruce if that is ok."

It was obvious from their looks that my launch date was fine. Some big deal decisions turn out not to be that big a deal.

By Wednesday, the first two episodes were finished. MaryLou volunteered to have friends over for a preview showing. The rest of us were to disappear. I bought a supply of expensive beer and took my gang, including Katie, to Eleanor's for pizza. Everyone got on the floor and played with Natalie, who thought having a bunch of grownups paying attention to her was just fine.

"What about the terrible two's?" I asked Sharon, who was leaning on my chest sipping from a small light beer, since she was still nursing Natalie once a day or so.

"The biggest fight we have is when she wants to nurse and I don't. You know, the advice on weaning is very contradictory. Some books recommend letting them nurse forever. But others say you should get it over with. Introduce drinking regular milk from a cup as soon as they can handle it."

"What is the philosophy in this house?"

Eleanor applied a toe to Sharon's rear. "She is a wuss. Can't bear to fight with her little girl. Besides, now that you have shown up, she has a new client for milk!"

Sharon turned over and buried her head on my chest. "Mom!"

I said nothing more, but worked my fingers in Sharon's back and shoulders to little sighs of happiness. Natalie sat on her mom, and then curled up against me. It was a tender moment. I figured if I was Sharon, I wouldn't put up much of a fight either.

M-L called at nine-thirty, saying to come back. We wandered in, sleepy-eyed, to hear that the friends, all female, thought the blog was great. More than ready to release, they said. I was prodded and told that the audience loved the studly male who couldn't keep up with his girlfriend.

Kate kissed me and said, "Told you so." Sharon had come along to listen to the feedback, and was headed for the door when I intercepted and carried a wriggling body to the bedroom. "You have a night off from nursing. Lose the clothes and get in the bed."

As the bra and panties hit the floor, I got an insolent grin and "You are not my Daddy." I answered this invitation to violence with a quick move for her to my knees and several hard whacks. Loving hard whacks followed by kisses and attention from other bare women. Sharon moaned and pushed me down on the bed for her own kisses.

"Maybe a little Daddy loving isn't so bad..."

The situation was totally compromised when hands drew her legs back and pointed me to the right place. A wet grasping pussy told me she needed male attention. Hard swats to my rear told me the other women liked watching.

"This is terrible, they are all watching..."

"Yes, the sexiest video editor in Flagstaff has discovered a cock she really enjoys."

Like the others, she wanted active sex. No passive missionary for this woman. She flipped us and sat up. "There. Now I can reach some of these devils." Her fingers were pinching and for a minute or two, it was like having a swimming pool battle of bare-breasted amazons. I brought it to an end with a few hard upward thrusts, which put both of us over the top. She fell into the arms of Kate with a giant sigh.

I dragged her out before the mess got worse. She kissed under my ear. "You are so bad, and I love you." I washed us carefully, thinking about loving women and how captured I was. This was not in the regular playbook. Back in the bedroom, Sharon was shoved tight with me and we all were asleep in moments.

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