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The Wrong Way Road Trip Pt. 06


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The nursing mother was up at the crack, rushing off to her child. I said, "Invite them here, Natalie is much loved at this location." After a long look, Sharon picked up the phone and dialed Eleanor. "He thinks the two of you should come here for breakfast. Is that ok?"

It was and got us all moving. Only two days to going live. Many hands made short work of breakfast, so that a huge stack of pancakes and scrambled eggs greeted the breakfast guests when they arrived. Natalie was laughing and vocal, shouting out pet names for her grownup playmates. I hugged Kate. "How is Jeremy this morning?"

Her backside pushing me against the wall, she said, "His Mommy wishes she could hold him in her arms like Natalie." I kissed the back of her neck and said, "We will have fun while he grows more. You and Robin have to decide where the next filming location is."

Breakfast talk, in between bouts of baby conversation with Natalie, was about the coming reality of having to support the current blog on the net while researching and filming new episodes in exciting locations.

Chapter 20 - Where Next?

I suggested, "Since the Chevelle is part of the attraction of the blog, shouldn't it work its way north with the warmer weather? What about gold rush scenes in Nevada? Maybe a special edition built around extraterrestrials at the Nevada Test Site? The Area 51 closed location?"

Sharon volunteered, "One of the women I worked with at the motel is an archeology student and a full blooded Navajo. What about hiring her for a visit to one or more of the historic monuments? Now is the time to go, before it gets too hot."

I added, "And before Lucy gets too big!"

Everyone thought Sharon had a great idea and said to call her friend.

"Hello? Chooli? This is Sharon..." Several minutes passed and the call ended. Sharon reported, "Chooli thinks it might be possible but there are many tribal rules. She is coming for lunch to explain."

I could hardly believe it, but the whole gang charged at their assignments for three hours until noon. When Chooli walked in at 11:45, the place looked very professional and industrious.

"Hello," she called from the door. Sharon dashed over for hugs and introductions. When they got to me, she said, "You are the guy who started all this?"

I thought quickly for a moment. "No, no. Don't listen to them. This is a feminist artists' collaborative and I am the male slave." Her eyes widened as I was taken to the carpet for hard blows.

"He really lets you beat him? He looks tough to me." I reached out for a pretty ankle and helped her fall onto the pile.

"Chooli, we are pleased you are able to join our band. We need advice. Navaho advice straight from the shoulder. These others will make sandwiches while you and I sit on the sofa and I will answer your questions. If you don't have a boyfriend, I have permission to flirt."

Chooli scrambled to her feet, pulling me along into the sofa. She had a trim body and a very pretty face with flashing black eyes.

"Since you are the male slave, you will sit there and behave. Flirting is for later, maybe."

In a minute, she returned from the kitchen with glasses of soda and sat on my knee. "They say you can be trusted. Give me the short version."

When I got to the part about the prototype blogs, she wanted to see one, so Robin fired up the big display and started the first blog. Chooli must have liked it because she started rocking on my leg and put an arm around my shoulder. "That is very good, very funny. It doesn't bother you that she is smarter than you are?"

"It is a terrible humiliation, but since we are recently married, I must love, honor and obey."

Her fingers were playing with my hair. "Am I allowed to kiss the slave?" She didn't wait for an answer but gave me a torrid wet smooch.

"You want my help with an installment of the blog about Navajo history? Educational, respectful and funny?"

The women, arriving with a tray of food, said together, "Yes, exactly. You will get paid!"

She took a seat and munched on egg salad, collecting her thoughts.

"This is not easy..." She looked around to find eyes staring at her intently. I wondered if she had ever been in a room full of white people, all of whom were actually asking for advice.

"I get to drive that car, with the top down? I get a small role in the blog? I am a paid consultant?"

Robin, who was sitting next to Chooli, tickled her and said, "Yes. Of course. Very important consultant."

The rest of us laughed and so did Chooli. "You will have to make a donation to the tribal heritage fund. At least a thousand dollars." She looked over at me. "He is dumb but has money?"

I crooked my finger and she relocated back to my knee. "I may be dumb, but I get to kiss the prettiest girl in the room."

When one of the hotter kisses of my life ended, it was obvious we had a deal. She was limp in my arms and I quickly transferred her to the couch, which had been vacated by hissing women.

I whispered in her ear, "You will have control of the donation funds. Up to ten thousand if necessary. No outright bribes. Money has to go to real preservation projects."

Her eyes opened. "This is a trick. You are not dumb and you are not a slave. They have been in your bed, haven't they?" I sat on the floor next to the couch and let her fingers yank my head back and forth.

"Wayward, she has found us out already. Maybe this won't work." A glint in their eyes, the women pushed me out of the way and took Chooli to the floor in their pile for kisses and tickles. Clothes were lost and wrestling started. She had plenty of muscle and plenty of bronze skin to show off. I left for the kitchen to find a beer. When I came back, it was obvious Chooli had subdued my women. Kate was flat on her back, smiling up at me.

"We have a new employee."

I sat next to them in lotus position, reaching out to the Navajo woman with the muscles and smart brain.

"You will be an Indian Scout in the blog. Saving Lucy and Mac from terrible problems getting lost on tribal back roads. Will your mother and grandmother find authentic clothing for a Scout?"

She fell into my arms. "This was supposed to be lunch and conversation. Now I am signed up to be your Navaho Scout?"

Voices called out, "Yes. You must. We have found another great talent."

She rubbed on me. "Will I get paid enough to stay in school and not work at the motel anymore? I am already thinking up ideas for blog episodes. What about one in which I try to teach these bodies to dance like a Navajo and they make a terrible mess of it?"

I laughed. "Yes. The tribal elders will be insulted and insist on punishment by the unmarried braves!"

I got another Chooli kiss and a whisper in my ear. "You have a dirty mind. When do I share your bed?"

I grabbed Kate. "I married this one ten days ago. She is pregnant."

Kate sat on a Navaho chest and smiled. "It's not his but he married me anyway. I share him with these others. It's kinky but nice."

Chooli was frozen with shock. "This is very strange. Mostly, among us, if you get a girl pregnant, you marry her."

"My real parents and the father wanted me to have an abortion. He rescued me."

I moved to the sofa, with Sharon and Robin on either side. "She is not exactly a stray..."

"But you are hiring her anyway. She will be terrific. Bringing a native American woman to the show."

The rest of the afternoon went by in a rush. Our new Scout called the motel and gave notice. The voice at the other end said he was losing too many employees to the gang with the Chevelle. It turned out that Chooli was living with a relative and not happy about the arrangement. Kate nodded at me and took her to our bedroom, saying, "We will have a temporary arrangement in here..."

Chooli came back with a smile, "She says two are needed to control you." Robin and others hissed. I was drafted to make a grocery run with her after a promise of authentic Navajo dinner. I was punched on the way to the car, where she suddenly found herself behind the wheel. She burned rubber out of the driveway, apologizing, "Oh, I am sorry. So much power..."

At the store, I got more punches. And a kiss. And a whispered, "I am losing it, Brian."

I pinched the Navajo bottom. "You bring a lot to our crazy party, Chooli. We are lucky you want to throw in with us. If you can weave real archeology into blogs about Chaco or Canyon de Chelly, with some humor about dumb white people like Mac and Lucy, we will get great reviews."

She was driving again, but poked me. "And hate mail, too."

I smiled and poked back, right in the middle of a plump boob. "Goes with the territory. We will have to learn to ignore it. Navajos know about that, don't you?"

Her hand squeezed mine. "Brian, you aren't an ordinary white guy..."

Dinner was lamb curry, with different spicy flavors than normal. Really good. There was strong local IPA to wash it down.

Chooli smiled. "This isn't the least bit authentic. My Mom met an East Indian woman in school and adapted her curry recipe to our cooking."

Everyone had seconds and heaped praise on the latest recruit. Robin and Anne-Marie served ice cream with berries to finish a remarkable day. Bruce and ML were squeezed together, whispering about graduation, which was two weeks away.

I asked, "What's this foolishness about a wedding?"

Kate smacked me, "Don't insult our valued employees! Mac, you must clean up your act!" She pushed me to the floor to hoots from the others. When pillows and blankets had been distributed, MaryLou described the arrangements.

"We are getting married in Sedona, the Saturday after graduation. My Mom says everything is under control.

"You all are invited. Bruce says we get a one week honeymoon in Zane Grey country, whatever that means. I am not supposed to ask questions, he says. Bossing him over the wedding is bad enough."

She climbed over his legs for a hot smooch and bounced on him from a very compromising position. He growled and hoisted both of them to their feet.

"This one requires discipline. We are headed upstairs."

Sharon, Ellie and Natalie, who was sound asleep, were making a slow path to the front door. On the way, Sharon said, "Zane Grey country means the Mogollon Rim. He had a cabin there where he wrote western novels. Great hiking country and some nice rentals buried in the pines."

Later, when Chooli, Kate and I were in bed, I mumbled, "Nice rentals buried in the pines?"

They rolled over together, a leg over each of mine, a boob smashed into my chest. "We are not chasing after ML and Bruce, ruining their honeymoon." Fingers descended from both sides, handling my equipment viciously. Kate whispered, "That's right, Chooli, keep that thing under control. I don't need any sex tonight, but help yourself if you are wanting."

Quickly, a Navajo tongue was licking the big end of the shaft. Her voice was low and sexy, "Brian, I'm not used to sharing. But I broke up with my last boyfriend a long time ago. Can I have a raincheck for morning sex?"

I did my best imitation of brutish male. "Think you are setting conditions? Thinking I just go along with your orders?"

My fingers poked and prodded at muscular tight behinds. "These are nice. Just asking for a cock treatment. Maybe when you wake in the middle of the night, all tied up, the story will be different?"

I did my terrible growl act, kissed them tenderly and went to sleep.

It was still dark when Kate grabbed my stiff shaft and pointed it in the other direction from her. "Now," she hissed.

My very first move, toward a generous Navaho boob, was intercepted. She bent my fingers back and forth and said, "This better be good, you have a reputation to maintain."

Foreplay was not needed. She was moist and ready. Ready for an athletic screw, grabbing me and pulling him into place at her entrance. I supplied the thrust and drove all the way home. "Oof, I should have known you would fit in there. This is the first white cock for Chooli, get busy."

Kate left, closing the door with a firm click. Chooli rolled herself on top. "Brian, you are teaching me why these women like your magic cock. I'm going to come, right now!"

A few more strokes and she was over the top. Very noisy over the top. After a minute of silence, the door opened and coffee was delivered. Chooli was lying next to me, everything showing and a beatific smile on her face. "Damn, he is good."

Kate sat on the edge of the bed and licked a boob. "Something tells me you are a special fuck yourself. Are you safe? I see he ignored protection as he usually does."

A breathy low voice answered, "The way I feel right now, it wouldn't matter, but I guess that would get me in big trouble."

I was tense, waiting for an answer to Kate's question. What I got was a full body press and incredible kiss. She sat up and pounded on my chest. "I'm safe, devil!"

Punishment began. I hid my head in a pillow. Slaps got harder and rhythmic. "Chooli, we have to revive him if we expect any help today. Only one day until launch. Time to release some PR. We need him alive."

From the doorway, Robin's voice sang, "What's going on? Why is he hiding?"

"He's scared of Chooli. Afraid the Navajo Scout will take him out."

Several bodies sat on the bed. "He should be scared. She is a tough customer. Look at those shoulders."

Katie's voice said, "Does she go both ways? I'd die to be crushed by those tits."

A growl that sounded like mine came from my side. "The landlady needs to be careful. I only do females when I am drunk and violent."

The coffee smell disappeared and a major wrestle broke out above me. I used the distraction to dive into the shower. The hot water felt good. I realized everyone was antsy. What about a run to blow off some nervous tension?"

Still toweling, I examined the mess on the bed. Most of the bodies were bare and on another day my cock would find them quickly. Today, we had serious business to accomplish.

"All right. Everyone up. Line up for kisses."

Each shedevil tried for a kiss that would cause me to take them. Long, wet, caressing kisses. I persisted, working down to Chooli at the end of the line. After another scorcher, she whispered, "I want more."

We high fived and she asked, " I need to make a trip to the reservation for other reasons and will talk to my father. You are serious about the donation? "

I leaned for a quick kiss and said, "Yes."

Sitting around the kitchen table with a second cup of coffee, we plotted about PR for the new blog. "Can you tease some of your friends and get it on Facebook?" Grins came back at me. "Mac, we are going to use that short video where you can't raise the tent!"

Sharon went to work and superimposed a scrolling legend at the end about more exciting video available at our website starting tomorrow. I massaged her neck and shoulders, saying she was the best ever.

"You are fucking my Mom and better not neglect her daughter!"

"Don't be cruel. Your mother is a wonderful woman. And she does a fantastic job with Natalie."

Her voice was low. "You good for nothing. Have you noticed how lively she is now? She even told me in bed the other night that regular cock was changing her life."

I kissed her neck. "So it's ok?"

"No, it is truly awful, having both of us. But don't stop."

All this time we are talking sex and I am hard as steel, but Sharon is doing great things on the screen. The room is quiet with others having left for chores. My hand is creeping up the inside of her tee.

"No makeout! I am working."

I found a bare boob and squeezed. "You are doing two things at once. Bad girl, teasing me." I had a sudden idea, lifting and slipping under her. Thighs spread, my fingers were under her briefs in seconds.

"You awful man, stop that!" Her fingers were still flying over the keys. It took only a few more seconds and my rod was easing into a totally damp cunt.

"We are checking to see how many things you can do at once."

"I am killing you as soon as this is finished."

"Those squeezes are giving you away. I will be calm and not bother you."

I held her gently, watching the screen fill with images of Mac doing stupid things. It should have been humiliating, but I got a strange thrill from smart curvy Lucy putting down her clown of a lover.

Sharon squeezed me hard and bounced once. "Bad." I reached for her clit.

"You better finish me as soon as this is done."

Suddenly, hands were slapping my head. Wayward's voice was sharp. "How many times do I have to tell you not to attack the help, Mac!?"

I tried to protest, "It's all her fault..."

Whack! "That's just enough! In the bedroom, both of you!"

All the tension of the launch had them horny as could be. Naked bodies pushed me down and stripped off shirt and shorts. The cock they were after was angry and stiff. Purple and leaking. Kate said, "You better perform. We are needy."

A strong prong took strong bodies. Twisting, groaning, cursing, coming. I don't know how he survived but half an hour later we were collapsed on the disaster of a bed when Katie arrived.

"I'll be damned. I thought there was important work today?"

Sharon and Kate lay there, smiling and showing everything. Katie slowly dropped clothes and stepped closer. My cock was interested and filling out. She asked, "Do I get to help myself?"

It wasn't a real question because she was split over my thighs and descending before any answer came. She had an intense smile on her face as she handled me, squeezing and pointing.

Since our first encounter, Katie had come on me in a hurry. This morning was no different.

"Oh god, you feel good in there. I'm going to come. Right in front of them and I don't care!"

My two other lovers sat up and attacked. "You are shameless! Taking his cock that has been in us! Stealing our man." Their fingers were everywhere, including her ass. Katie froze and wailed, "Noooo!"

Her frenzy took me along. I heaved up, shooting hard into the depths of her bouncing cunt. "Damn."

We were pushed over and laid upon. "So bad," whispered Kate, her tongue busy. The landlady was beat, lying wide open with eyes closed. Sharon said, "If we didn't have to get everything ready for launch, you would be taking us to a hidden cabin, buster!"

I pulled them closer, heads on my chest. "I love you, but this will get us in trouble with the other women."

We stood, heading to the shower. Sharon said, "I am swearing off that cock. It does too many bad things to me!" Her voice sounded half serious. In the shower, I soaped them gently and apologized for being too aggressive.

Hands beat me about the head and chest. "Damn it, Brian, you are the greatest stress relief ever! Don't even think of changing your behavior. Come in the kitchen with us and call Bruce. Find out if the website is ready."

I badly needed a beer, but got a soda instead, with a finger wagging that meant no booze today.

On speaker, Bruce said things were looking good, but lots of problems could crop up any old time. "Brian, you better set up a watch list so that there is someone monitoring the site and the comments all the time for a few days. We don't need a meltdown right at the beginning."

Sharon asked, "Around the clock?"

"Yes. Who knows, Lucy and Mac may have fans in Mongolia!"

I put my head down and groaned. Maybe the blog wasn't the world's greatest idea. A little voice said, "Kate getting knocked up wasn't that great, either. So suck it up and deal with it!"

A great whack across my shoulders almost knocked me out. Chooli was back and hopping around the room with excitement.

"You are a lucky bastard, Brian, my uncle wants to meet you. He liked that blog installment about the Little Colorado. Laughed himself silly watching you with the tent. And loved the credit to the reservation. He asked me, "Since when do white kids pay attention to Navajos?"

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