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The Young Anchorwoman Slut Pt. 03

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Used and abused, Tess can't get enough.
8.4k words

Part 3 of the 9 part series

Updated 11/22/2023
Created 02/28/2021
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The characters and events of this story are entirely fictional; products of my imagination which I hope give you pleasure to read. It follows the complete surrender of a once career-minded asian news presenter into a depraved and submissive fuck toy for sadistic men.

In the ensuing weeks after being fucked brutally in a gangbang, Tess tried to resume her normal routines. At times the memories seemed like a fantastical dream, other times they felt like yesterday. Her pussy would tingle with excitement while her hands shook from the emotional impact of being so utterly degraded by her master and his men.

At times she had to fight the urge to play with herself when scenes of her depraved acts would replay themselves in lurid detail in her head, driving her to distraction whenever she was alone. Her alter ego as a raging slut followed her consciousness like a shadow. It contributed to her heavy anxiety at being unable to rationalize her shame and pleasure with her normal life.

She knew she had willingly submitted to their near complete domination while in the heat of the moment, but she was confronted by heavy regret and reluctance to go deeper into this pandora's box. She felt paralyzed by her internal conflict - caught between her ambition to become a successful woman on TV news and her relishing the experience of being a submissive slut.

Tess would dig out her slave collar, now cleaned of cum stains, and put it on in front of her bedroom mirror. It looked out of place without stilettos and fishnets, yet they elicited feelings of shame and degradation that felt oddly familiar. Her pussy would get wet very quickly, and her fingers would unfailingly start playing with her clit.

It was torture not knowing her master would reach out again, but she knew it wasn't her place to contact him out of the blue. She followed her instincts on the power dynamic - she was the submissive object and therefore, relinquished the initiative.

As a month went by her desire to be fucked by multiple men grew even stronger, and she scratched the itch by attending a few more fetish or kink events in the city. In the crowds, her eyes hungrily searched for men who knew what to do with her. That is, to bend her over and sodomize her one after another. She would have happily obliged. The gangbang had removed inhibitions in Tess which most average people would treat as boundaries of abuse.

Tess needed these lines to be crossed, and soon. She hungered to be used and violated, a continuation of the abuse started by the master and his men which she both abhorred and craved.

The master patiently waited. After all, they had Julia firmly in their grasp. They also had ongoing projects with other young women. He knew that dictating a slower pace for Tess's plunge into a submissive slut had multiple benefits. It kept a semblance of balance with her otherwise tame and conventional life - the innocence of this 24 year old makes her fall from grace all the more extraordinary as she is wracked with inner turmoil. He and his group of sadistic men wanted to savour the gradual dismantling of her ego as a normal woman.

The second reason was it kept Tess' urge to be fucked in a gangbang at a hot simmer, the effect of which drove her to distraction. She revelled in the memory of being restrained and spitroasted helplessly.

Lastly, he wanted to plan an evening that will abuse her mind and body in new ways she could never have imagined. He will guide her in the journey to find new lows to sink to; imprinting pleasure on her shame, and shame on her pleasure as the key for her transformation. She will then crave the humiliation, and no act will then be too degrading.

He reached out to her when the time was ready for the next gangbang, after almost six weeks had gone by. Tess was going nearly crazy at that point, and missed her master and his men. This time, she was instructed to be dressed and ready after work. A package was sent out to a pickup location for her, because she still lived with her parents as was the norm in asian culture. Seeing the kinky outfit for the first time made her heart race, and she had to think of how to keep it covered on her way out of the news station after work.

After her evening broadcast, Tess made preparations in her private office at the station. She slipped on the thigh-high stockings, with thick black bands to keep them in place mid-thigh. She pulled on a purple g-string, so thin in the front that her outer lips bulged from on the edges of the flimsy fabric. And finally, a glossy latex corset which accentuated her perky C-cups. Metal rings adorned the tight-fitting piece, no doubt for elaborate restraints so her body could be positioned for the men's whims.

It was topped off by her familiar pink leather 'FUCKTOY' collar, a symbol of her new alter-ego. She covered the kinky outfit with a scarf on the collar and an overcoat, and she strode out of her office on her high heels. Her nipples grew hard from rubbing on the liner of her coat, so thinly veiled under the unsuspecting eyes of her colleagues. Without a bra, her perky tits had no trouble maintaining the curve on her bustline under her thin overcoat, and jiggled lightly as she walked. It thrilled the young girl as she flirted so close to ruin at her work place.

On the surface, she merely looked like she may be heading to a club looking to get some attention - commonplace for a 24-year-old woman on a Friday night downtown. Only her master and his men knew that, underneath, she was ready to be used as a live fuck doll.

If only they were here to see her 'in disguise,' she thought. Her pussy already began to stir at the thought.

Unbeknownst to Tess however, her co-host noticed her pink leather slave collar as her scarf shifted while they rode the elevator together. He was admiring the nape of her neck; the married man often stole glances at her. He recognized the studs adorning the pink leather, himself no stranger to the kinky accessory. It certainly piqued his curiosity.

Once outside, Tess strode quickly towards the master's SUV. But as she approached, a rear door opened, to her surprise.

One of the master's men stepped out, offering her to sit in the middle seat between him and another daddy. Tess obediently stepped inside, and the small-framed asian girl was sandwiched by the two taller men and was enveloped by the warmth of their larger bodies.

"Welcome back, slut. Have you missed us?" the master greeted her from the front passenger seat while the vehicle was driven by one of his men.

"Yes..." said Tess shyly. The mind games have already begun. No pretense of politeness and civility this time. She was expected to assume her role right from the start.

"What are you here to do tonight, slut?" asked the master.

"I'm here to serve you, master." Tess replied gamely.

"Tell me what you are, slut," he commanded.

"I'm your...little fucktoy," she said in a quiet voice, already blushing with shame and humiliation.

"Louder," he commanded.

The young girl gathered up her courage, and said more loudly: "I'm your little fucktoy. Your cum whore. I'm ready to be used, however you and the daddies want."

"Use you, we will. And you'll get plenty of cum all right. You won't recognize yourself after we're done with you tonight."

Tess felt the familiar rush of shame and exhilaration, just from the verbal abuse. Her mindset was being coached by the master towards the same crossroads as the first night - to take the leap of surrendering her body to these men. She knew it would end in a freefall into depravity.

She realized she not only missed the rough physical treatment from the gangbang, but their complete disregard for her dignity and self-respect. It was like a sick and unrequited adoration, she thought. To give up so much, yet expect nothing in return other than more shame and degradation. It was absolutely ridiculous as rationale, but utterly liberating for her.

As if on cue, her overcoat was opened and her perky tits spilled out. Two rough hands immediately cupped the young flesh. Then they pulled up her knees and spread her legs wide, draping her shapely legs over each man's thigh. Her torso sank lower on the seatback, which offered her pussy as if she was serving it on a platter.

One hand pulled the flimsy fabric tightly over her mound, which followed the contours of her delicate cunt lips and the depression of her opening down the middle. The other man deftly found her clit and rubbed it firmly in a circular motion. The young girl moaned under their administrations. While her mouth was open, two fleshy fingers went inside and she sucked on them with her luscious full lips while she flicked her tongue instinctively at the intrusion.

Her transformation from an on-air news professional into a degraded slut was complete as her scarf was removed to reveal her pink 'FUCKTOY' collar, as the lithe young asian squirmed under the hands of the men with her stockinged thighs split wide over their legs.

She was surprised by her own slutty reactions, her body running away from her mind. She felt like a passenger to her own whorishness, and to the whims of the men working her over as they drove through the busy Friday night traffic.

She was boxed in by their insatiable hunger, left without a choice but to be their plaything. They kept Tess's body fired up, teasing her without sympathy as her hips gyrated from the two thick fingers digging into her young cunt. Her juices were now leaking onto the leather of the backseat. Outside the tinted windows, she could see the faces of people in vehicles around them as they crawled in Friday night traffic. The thrill of being potentially exposed, as the men toyed with her exposed flesh, made her heart race and kept her juices flowing freely out of her snatch.

Outside, the downtown streets gradually made way for potholed roads, and the glitzy high rises and chic establishments were replaced by abandoned storefronts and cheap corner stores.

They came to a stop in front of a run-down theatre, plastered by faded and gaudy posters of peep shows and live dancers.

The thick hand, in the midst of rubbing her mound beneath her panties, suddenly pulled out. Another hand gave her right perky tit a light smack, which snapped Tess out of her pleasure-induced lack of awareness.

"We're here, slut."

A leash was clipped into her collar, and she gingerly stepped on to the cracked pavement with her heels. She barely had time to cover her exposed flesh from the brisk night air with the overcoat. A few homeless men and shady characters nearby looked on with interest, as the innocent-looking 5'4 asian girl was led from the vehicle by the men. Her overcoat covered her only down to mid-thigh, which contrasted with her toned legs in stockings. The men were intentionally slow and deliberate, as if putting the young slut on display with her bright pink slave collar. The sound of her heels were gritty with the dust on the weathered concrete as Tess stepped through the dark and creepy entrance.

Her eyes adjusted to the dim light of the old cinema, which was small by the standard of modern mega theatres. Its seats were cracked and faded, floor sticky and stained. Instead of the familiar smell of popcorn and butter, there was a tinge of stale sweat. Posters of naked women hung on the walls, their hair and makeup styles a decade or two out of date.

She wasn't too innocent to recognize a porn theatre - a throwback to a time before the explosion of internet porn where men sought the thrill of getting their rocks off in a live setting. Lurid and spine-tingling stories of cooperative jerk off sessions, and even on very rare occasions, a brave woman looking to embrace the ultimate in stranger danger, came to mind.

She realized she was that woman; the main feature of the evening. Goosebumps shot down her back and legs, as they led her towards the stage which was covered by a curtain. She could see there were people standing behind it.

They came to a stop a short distance away from the stairs leading up to the stage, and the master paused for effect. He looked deep into her eyes.

"Tess, I've planned something just for you tonight. You're a good girl, a special girl. It pleases me that you've decided to join us tonight. It will please me even more when you come out the other side of this experience."

"You are unique, a girl like you doesn't come along very often. Your first evening with us was very memorable, and it made me very proud that I found you."

Butterflies fluttered in her belly, and she looked up at the master in a new light.

Why do I feel this way? I barely know him, she thought. It was a flavour of intimacy and feelings she had not experienced before, with a dynamic unlike any other.

The master took her leash, and wrapping an arm behind the small of her back, pulled her forward to kiss her deeply. She had to stand on her toes to make up for the height difference even in her heels, as he stood at 6'2 to her 5'4. His tongue probed deeply into her mouth, and he savoured her full lips in the long embrace. Tess's knees got weak, and her head began to swim.

It was an advance from a man who carried himself as though he always got what he wanted, and through her submissiveness, she began to realize she had a desire to worship him. His powerful presence in controlling the situation - the entire evening that was about to begin - felt like he had constructed walls around her psyche in the role play. She was falling for her abuser, who held the strings to her deep awakening as a slut.

The young girl tasted sweet for the master, her neck offered a light whiff of Chanel perfume. He savoured the feel of her soft, full lips before they will eventually become coated in all manner of bodily fluids and jizz. He pulled back to take in her natural beauty, tucking away the mental image before they reduce her body and soul into a disheveled wreck by the end of the night.

He let go of his embrace to place her on her feet again. He smiled at her, but then his face hardened as he handed her leash back to one of his men and signalled to another standing towards the side of the stage.

She yearned for more of his tenderness. But it was the beginning of a conditioning for her to seek his hard-earned affections by doing despicable things, and allowing them to be done to her.

His face was hard as stone, as they were bathed in the expanding glare of lights between the parting curtains. They revealed, one by one, a dozen masked men stood in a semi-circle varying in shape and height under the powerful overhead spotlights. Some she vaguely recognized as her 'daddys' from her first gang fucking. Others she wasn't so sure.

She noticed with some dismay that Julia wasn't here tonight to reassure her, or to share the burden of so many hungry men eager to punish her. She was the lone piece of meat, and the pack looked numerous and menacing.

"Tess, you've proven to be a capable slut. An obedient fuck toy who could take a pounding, as we saw in the penthouse. Our members who weren't there on your first night want to know what the fuss was all about, so you'll notice there are some new daddys here tonight," declared the master.

The moment of his tenderness was gone and seemingly forgotten, and her heart sank a little.

Her eyes roamed quickly through the small crowd.

"Hello..." she managed to eek out in her nervousness.

"They know what you're capable of taking. I've explained to them what you like; the more degraded you feel, the bigger the whore you become. But again, I remind you that we're all here for pleasure so if you feel uncomfortable at any point, you just say your safe word. At which point, we'll stop, let you catch your breath, and discuss where to go from there. Savvy?"

"Yes master," she replied.

"Good. Now be a good little whore and say hi to your daddies for tonight."

She obediently followed the men up the stairs, led by her leash before her. Entering the semi-circle, the pretty asian girl scanned the faces of her would-be abusers. Some wore intimidating latex or leather masks, probably more for the effect on the young girl than an attempt to remain anonymous as they had little to lose. Unlike her.

Her overcoat was soon pulled back from her slight frame, exposing her perky young tits to the glare of the lights. They gazed with appreciation at her glossy black corset, its adorning rings shone brightly. In preparation for the evening, Tess had purchased a pair of black heels delicately strapped at her ankles. They were bright red underneath, to be displayed for the men when her legs will inevitably be pointing upwards at various stages of the evening. This was not lost on her when she made the selection, as she knew they liked to keep her in high heels while they fucked her.

Tess, knowing the expected routine, dropped down to her knees. The floor of the stage was covered in a soft, rubbery mat which was new and thankfully, much cleaner from the rest of the establishment's floor. She swayed her hips seductively as she crawled before the semi-circle of men. As they each stood with their cocks erect, she followed her cue, and took the first one firmly into her mouth and bobbed her head on it. After just a few strokes, her leash was jerked on her collar and she was moved onto the next one.

"So this is the young news anchor slut..." one man remarked.

"I enjoyed watching her on TV tonight, knowing I was gonna fuck her pretty little face," laughed another.

"I've always loved those lips. Now they're wrapped around my cock," said a third while Tess dutifully bobbed her head on his member.

The moral ambiguity was gnawing at her again, as they reminded her of her profession while she moved along the line of waiting cocks. Her gently curling locks of raven hair were still neat and presentable for cameras. Her long lashes and dark brown doe eyes were highlighted by eyeshadow in a seductive purple. Her lipstick was bright glossy red - courtesy of her news station's professional makeup artist, as her fleshy full lips stretched wide around another veiny shaft.

This went on as Tess tasted every cock, having introduced her young mouth to the 12 men. There were also the three who brought her to this seedy locale, along with the master. 16 cocks altogether, who will take turns on her every hole.

She was then instructed to kneel in the middle of the men, legs apart under her. Her vision went dark as a blindfold covered her long lashes. She began to breathe quickly out of anxiety of not knowing what will happen next. Her arms were held together behind her, and she felt leather wristbands being slipped over her smooth skin which were secured behind her on the rings of her corset.

Thick and meaty cocks began slapping on her face from multiple directions.

"Open your mouth, fuck toy," commanded a distinct new voice.

She complied, and obediently stuck out her tongue as well. Cock heads began smacking on her tongue, and fought to take up valuable real estate of not just her mouth, but every inch of exposed flesh on her innocent, pretty face.

Rough hands began abusing her young tit flesh, smacking, grabbing and flicking her sensitive mounds. Another hand reached under her and pulled aside her panties. Her snatch was filled with probing fingers, and a soft anxious moan escaped her lips.

Someone grabbed her collar by its rings on either side, which bent her small frame backwards to an uncomfortable angle. Luckily for Tess, she was very flexible due to many hot yoga sessions to maintain her tight little body.

With her face effectively upside down, a bulbous cock head began jamming past her tongue and down her throat.

"Unng. Unng. Unng," was the sound the hard cock elicited from the young girl's throat, whose gag reflex was fairing much better after the many deepthroats she took at her first gang fuck.

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