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Therapy Secrets Ch. 01

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Hypnotherapist succumbs to temptation.
2.8k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/04/2018
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Dominic Mason's marriage was on the rocks. After fifteen years things had grown rather stale between him and his wife Rachel. They had met when they were both young and had married after a short courtship, both convinced that they had met their true love.

At first things were great. They soon built a comfortable life together as far as money was concerned, each pursuing their separate careers. Rachel worked her way up the ranks in an advertising company while Dominic had joined a small company of psychologists who dealt, ironically, with marital problems.

They hadn't had children which was a blessing in disguise as things turned out and they weren't likely to have any as they hadn't slept together for over a year and Dominic couldn't see that changing.

Their sex life had seemed good to start with but neither had any previous experience, both being virgins and so although Dominic had tried to experiment in the bedroom his wife would tell him he was perverted if he tried anything other than the missionary position.

Dealing with relationship problems as Dominic did he knew what he was asking for from Rachel wasn't that unreasonable or wrong but he knew she wasn't going to change. There was little doubt that this is what led to his very unprofessional and down right wrong behaviour...

After years of dealing with other peoples relationship problems Dominic decided he needed a change. Although he had never used it before professionally he had developed an interest in Hypnotherapy over the years and wondered if he could help people using this method.

Over the course of six months or so he practised on some of his willing friends, learning more and more as he went. After helping a couple of them to give up smoking through hypnotic suggestion word soon got around of his talent and he was getting more and more requests for help.

Dominic started treating people in the evenings after work. It wasn't long before his weekends were taken up by his new skills as well and he soon realised he wouldn't be able to cope with the demand. He didn't want to give it up as he found he was enjoying it immensely so after a lot of thought and planning he decided to give up his day job.

Finding a small office to rent he was soon enjoying working for himself and was amazed at the demand for his services. He didn't even need to advertise. All his clients had heard of him by word of mouth and due to his high success rate his reputation grew. He hired a young woman to take care of all the admin work which let him concentrate on his work.

The young woman he hired had been recommended by a friend. Coincidentally her name was Rachel the same name as his wife but thankfully that was the only thing they had in common. She was a very friendly and capable girl and soon proved to be an asset.

Rachel was a pretty girl, twenty four years old, short blond hair, blue eyes, average height and by her own admission slightly over weight, something she was very conscious of and disliked. Dominic did wonder if he could help her under hypnosis which he intended trying when he had the time.

Three weeks into his new venture things took a very unexpected turn. It was a Tuesday afternoon when Rachel introduced a new client to Dominic.

"This is Miss Turner," said Rachel handing Dominic a form.

"Hello, please come in and take a seat," said Dominic, standing up and gently shaking hands with his new client as Rachel left the office closing the door behind her.

"Now before we start, my normal procedure is to record the whole session on this digital audio recorder unless you have any objection of course?" Dominic asked.

"No that's fine," said Miss Turner.

"Good, now the most important thing is for you to relax, the more relaxed you are the more likely the process will work. I see from the profile form you kindly filled out that you started smoking when you were fifteen, can I ask if you've ever tried giving up before?" asked Dominic.

"I have tried a couple of times but I just don't seem to have the will power. I so wish now that I ever started, I never realised how difficult it would be to stop," she said.

"Well you're certainly not alone there, people underestimate just how addictive nicotine is. I cant guarantee that this will work for you but I do have a high success rate," as Dominic spoke he studied the woman before him.

Her blond hair was tied up in a bun on top of her head. She wore very little make up just mascara and pale red lipstick adorned her pretty round face with a small button nose and hazel coloured eyes.

"Of course the more sessions you have the more likely you'll have a positive result but that is entirely up to you. I certainly recommend at least two. Some people only have one which seems to of been enough for them but of course everyone is different," He explained while continuing his study of her body.

She was wearing a plain white blouse with the top two buttons undone which exposed a hint of cleavage between her ample breasts. A thin gold chain hung from her neck.

"Yes your secretary did recommend another session so I've already booked another appointment. I'm twenty nine now, I'd really like to think I'll be able to call myself an ex-smoker by the time I'm thirty," she said.

"Well lets see if we can make that happen shall we. Have you any questions before we start?" Dominic asked.

"Can you tell me how it works, or is that a trade secret?" she asked with a grin.

"Ha, no, no secret. It's simply making suggestions to your subconscious mind. All I do is put in place thoughts of revulsion if you was to light up a cigarette and rewards if you manage to resist. It's really a simple idea but it needs to be handled carefully. I should point out that while you're under you may reveal things that you wouldn't normally reveal, but be assured that nothing you say will leave this office," Dominic explained.

"All sounds simple but I can't help wondering whether you'll be able to hypnotise me," she said.

"Well there's only one way to find out. If you think you're ready then we'll get started!" he said.

"OK, yeah I'm ready," she said with a smile.

"Good, if you'd like to get comfortable on the couch," Dominic said standing up while motioning his arm towards the black leather couch.

As Miss Turner stood Dominic noticed the height of his new client. Being almost six feet tall he estimated her to be five four in her flat shoes and so he towered above her.

"Should I remove my shoes?" she asked as she sat on the couch.

"Whatever is most comfortable for you," he replied.

As she slipped her shoes off Dominic admired the young woman's perfectly pedicured feet. Laying back on the couch she swung her legs up and got herself comfortable. Her head rested on the raised end and she rested one hand on the other over her belly.

Dominic couldn't help notice her black pleated skirt ride up her legs slightly as she wriggled to get comfortable.

"If you've no objection I'll use your first name from now on, it makes the process a little easier," he said pulling a chair closer to her and sitting down.

"Yes of course," she answered.

"OK Terri I want you to relax. You will hear my voice and nothing else..." he began.

It didn't take long for Terri to succumb so when Dominic was sure she was under he began.

"Now Terri I want you to think carefully and tell me what was the worst ever thing that you tasted, what would you never want to taste ever again?" Dominic asked.

After a short pause Terri gave her answer, "Olive, I hate the taste of olives."

"Is there anything else that you would hate to taste again?" he asked.

Again a short pause while she considered carefully.

"I'd never eat an oyster again...horrible," she said.

So now Dominic had two deterrents to work with. He would put the suggestion into Terri's subconscious that if she lit up a cigarette it would taste like an olive or an oyster. Next he needed to find something that would act as a reward if she managed not to smoke.

"OK Terri, again take your time and think carefully. What is your favourite smell, the one fragrance above anything else that makes you happy?" Dominic asked.

This time there was no pause, "My pussy, I love the smell of my pussy!" Terri said with a look of total satisfaction on her face at the thought.

Dominic nearly swallowed his tongue. He'd expected an answer such as coffee or a fresh rose. He'd had a variety of answers from other clients but never anything like this. It took him a while to regain his thoughts and to think of his next question. He had trouble getting past the thought that he had never performed oral sex on his wife or anyone else for that matter and wondered what a pussy would smell like.

"Apart from your pussy what other smell do you like?" he asked.

Again there was no hesitation, "Laura's pussy, although Wendy's is just as nice," Terri said with the same look of satisfaction.

Again Dominic was shocked by her answer. Although sexual orientation wasn't important he had thought Terri to be straight. The form that his clients were asked to fill in did ask the question so he checked it and found a tick next to heterosexual. Regaining his professional demeanour Dominic proceeded to implant the answers he'd been given into Terri's subconsciousness.

This sexy young woman laying there under his total control was just too much for Dominic. Normally at this point he would end the session but he decided to continue.

"Tell me Terri would you like to smell your pussy now?" he asked knowing he shouldn't.

"Oh God yes," she said.

"Then go ahead, you have my permission," he said.

"Thank you," she said.

Reaching down under her skirt the young woman tugged her panties down and off over her bent legs. Dominic caught a glimpse of a neat patch of dark hair between her legs making him realise that she wasn't a natural blond. Terri raised her black lacy panties to her nose.

"OH...Mmm, that's so good," she said sniffing in her own odour.

Dominic was getting very aroused and wondered how far he could go with this. Although nervous of being found out he couldn't resist.

"I'm going to pull your skirt up, you wont mind and you will help me," he said kneeling down next to the couch.

Terri raised her bum allowing Dominic to pull her skirt up. Stroking the silky tanned skin of her thighs he realised this was the closest he'd ever been to a woman's pussy. He ran his hands all the way down to her perfect little feet and caressed her sweet little toes with the nails painted red.

"Open your legs Terri," he said.

She dropped one foot to the floor exposing her pussy to Dominic's eager eyes. His penis was pushing hard against the restraints of his clothing as he moved his head towards Terri's pussy. Inching forward he caught a faint aroma.

His nose now touching the hair just above the clitoris, he sniffed in the intoxicating natural smell of this sexy young woman and very nearly came in his pants. Gently he licked and tasted her wet protruding pussy lips. Terri moaned from his touch.

Although he wanted to continue he knew he was too close to coming and had to withdraw before he wasted his load. Never experiencing oral sex before he was desperate to feel a woman's lips on him. He'd now forgotten how wrong he was in what he was doing. Pure lust had taken control.

Standing up he quickly released his throbbing erection from it's confines and looked down at Terri who was still sniffing her panties. His cock stood up proud and straight. He was scared to touch it in case he came, he was that close. He sat down to calm himself a little.

"Do you masturbate Terri?" Dominic asked.

"Yes," she replied.

"What do you think about when you masturbate?" he asked.

"Sometimes I think of my boyfriend and sometimes I think of one of my girlfriends," she said.

"So you like sex with men and women?" he asked.

"Yes," she answered.

"Do you have oral sex with your boyfriend and girlfriends?" he probed further.

"Yes," she said.

"OK Terri I want you to play with your pussy while I rub my cock over your face," Dominic said hoping he wouldn't come too quickly.

Lowering himself over Terri's face his balls brushed against her cheek. His cock twitched from the touch sending a a string of pre cum down which landed on her little button nose. It was soon followed by more which found it's way down over her lips as his cock twitched and bobbed around.

Lowering himself further Dominic rubbed his shaft over Terri's cheek. Her fingers were busy between her legs making her moan with pleasure.

"Lick my knob Terri until I shoot my load into your mouth and when you taste my cum I want you to cum as well," Dominic said.

Pushing his cock down to her lips he felt her hot wet tongue lick all over his knob. He was harder than he'd ever been in his life. When he felt the sperm rise in his shaft he pushed his bulging throbbing knob between Terri's soft lips. She choked on the seemingly never ending spunk while her body thrashed around as she too reached orgasm.

It was by far the best orgasm Dominic had ever experienced. Pulling his knob from Terri's mouth he noticed the mess he'd made of her face. A sense of panic struck him as he realised what he had done. He needed to calm himself and get to grips with the situation. He had this woman laying there still under his hypnotic spell, her face covered in his mess and still clutching her knickers in her hand.

Taking a deep breathe he quickly got himself dressed. Grabbing the box of tissues that he kept on his desk he cleaned Terri's face. Looking down he could see how wet she was between her legs. He couldn't let her wake up like that. Taking a hand full of tissues he cleaned her up as best he could.

Standing up he checked that he hadn't missed anything. Looking again at her pussy he couldn't resist one last sniff of her. Filling his nose with her scent he kissed her pussy lips before sitting back in his chair.

"Put your panties back on Terri," he said.

When she had pulled her panties back on Dominic instructed her to lay back. He looked her up and down and after straightening her skirt and blouse out he was ready to bring her round.

After a few last instructions to ensure she wouldn't have any recollection of what had happened he brought her out of her hypnotic state.

"How do you feel?" Dominic asked as Terri opened her eye's.

"Did you manage to hypnotise me? It didn't work did it!" she said not realising anything had happened.

"Yes it worked perfectly. If you look at the time you'll see you was under for some time," Dominic said.

"Oh God yes," she said looking at her watch, "I really didn't think anything had happened. How weird."

"Don't worry it's a common enough reaction. So you don't feel any ill effects?" he asked.

"No although come to think of it I do have a strange taste in my mouth, well not strange really not unpleasant but no, that's all," she said.

Dominic had to keep his composure knowing what she could taste. He rather liked the idea that she didn't find it unpleasant.

"That's fairly normal," he lied.

"So is that it then?" she asked.

"Yes that's it. Hopefully you'll notice the results fairly soon but don't worry if it doesn't work as quickly as you expect. As I said before some people respond more quickly than others. I'm fairly confident that after another session we'll certainly see some results," explained Dominic.

"OK, well thank you and I'll see you next week," Terri said as she slipped her shoes on and stood up.

"Yes see you next week," said Dominic shaking Terri's offered hand.

After seeing her out Dominic sat back in his office chair with a feeling of guilt but also an overriding feeling of satisfaction...

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