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There Have to Be Rules

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Two difficult people...could that work?
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It had been five years since he had kissed her that one time in her car. That afternoon she had been tempted to take him back to her beach front condo and fuck his brains out. They were friends; he was a hunk. She knew he had fucked one of the office girls, also a friend of hers; she had received a blow by blow description of their carnal activities. He was evidently quite talented in the bedroom. There was only one problem: he was married. She'd made that mistake one other time; she'd had an extended affair with someone very senior in the company. She'd fallen in love; he hadn't. It had broken her heart and she never planned to go through that again. That was a rule she would never again break: no married men. She had moved to take the job she had just left to get away from the hurt of that affair.

Now she had made another lateral move. It had certainly not been to get away from him---she missed her good friend---just a better job in a better locale for her. After he had kissed her that one time and she had told him "no" it had never happened again. They had become good buddies; they often met after work to commiserate and grouse about the business. Real sex between them had been taken off the table which allowed their relationship to become intimate without them ending up in the sack. Hell, there wasn't anything they hadn't talked about over the years to include detailed dialogues about their sexual preferences and activities and discussions involving the sexual hang ups of the string of losers she had dated. She knew every intimate detail of his marital situation to include bedroom issues. She even knew how he liked his cock sucked and where he liked to put it. He knew exactly how to make her scream; they'd had those discussions on numerous occasions. Hell, looking back it had been the best "sex" she'd had over those five years...or maybe ever.

Now she was back to attend to some details involving the sale of her old condo and to touch base with some old friends. It was one of those old friends, another woman in the company who had dropped the bomb shell: his divorce had just been finalized. No, he didn't seem to be dating anyone seriously. He'd brought an assortment of fluff pieces to office functions but it was obviously not serious, just fucking.

They had not stayed in contact after she had moved; she was busy learning a new job and he had obviously been busy going through a divorce. Did he really want to see her? Should she call him? She had just reunited with an old flame from college; it was heading in a potentially serious direction. She sure as hell didn't want to screw that up; she wasn't getting any younger. Would they enjoy a drink and/or dinner for old time sake? A roll in the hay that she had thought about---they had both thought about---for years but never acted on? He'd fuck her if she wanted him to; she knew he had always found her desirable. Thank God he was an ass man and not a tittie freak since she had slim pickings when it came to the latter.

She could be bitchy and decidedly high maintenance. Only a man who took the time to get to know her would get past her sometimes blunt and abrasive exterior and stick around. There had only been two men in her life who could keep her in line without suffocating her---who knew when to tell her to ease off and when to let her rant harmlessly. One of them had been her college lover. The other was waiting for her at his new house fifteen minutes away.

The thing back at her new home was really beginning to click; they'd found a degree of the old magic from college. Maybe she should call him---the one fifteen minutes away---and make some excuse...avoid the temptation. If he still wanted to fuck her she wouldn't be able to say no. He'd always turned her on, sadly more than any man she had ever known, including the one back home who she knew in her heart truly loved her. She'd know the second she saw him if he wanted to fuck her. Hell, after five years of talking and thinking about it they probably wouldn't get out of the front hallway. She wouldn't know if there was more...wasn't even sure there needed to be more...pretty sure---absolutely sure---they'd fuck.

As she climbed out of her rental and walked up to the front door she caught a glimpse of herself in the reflective film on the big picture window. She looked good; maturity had been a friend. She had good skin, shiny hair and classic features. Her legs were long and shapely and her ass was exceptional. She wore good clothes well. She had one flaw. She was flat chested---barely an "A" cup.

He saw her pause briefly and touch her hair in front of the picture window with the one way mirrored film installed as a barrier against the relentless southern sun. She looked great, even better than he recalled. For over a week he had mulled over this meeting, almost calling and making some excuse. They had been buddies but if truth be told he never stopped wanting to get in her pants from the moment he had met her at an HQ meeting almost seven years earlier. After she rebuffed his overture that day in the car he had settled for "friends". On one hand there was always a chance she might reconsider; on the other hand he enjoyed her company. She made him laugh; her feisty spirit stimulated, refreshed and enervated him. As their friendship had progressed he gave up thinking about fucking her and just enjoyed the wonderful friendship. Well, that wasn't really true; he had given up trying to fuck her but never really gave up thinking about fucking her.

He knew she had rekindled an old romance from college. Was she here just as a very good and intimate old friend? Did she too want to "consummate" their relationship at least once before moving on with her life? Was she here to test the waters---determine if there could be more than whatever there was? What exactly did he want? He wanted to see her, talk to her, enjoy just being with her as he had for almost five years. There was no question he wanted to fuck her---he always had. The divorce had been a sobering experience. She was someone her really cared about, maybe---certainly---more than anyone else in the world. Do the right thing...do the right thing. He opened the door and met her in the covered entranceway.


"Jim!" She exclaimed, moving toward him almost certainly to hug him and if she hugged him he would lose his sense of purpose and in all probability have his hand on her ass---that exquisite ass---in no time.

"Stop!" He exclaimed. It startled her; she stopped in mid stride five feet in front of him, a quizzical expression on her pretty...so pretty...face. She tossed her shiny auburn hair; he had always loved her hair.

"Rules! We've got to have rules." He said in a matter of fact tone.

"Rules?" She inquired.

"Yes, rules. First thank you for coming; I wasn't sure you would and I know you well enough to know you considered calling me with some lame excuse. I know you better than I have ever known anyone in my life---certainly better than I knew or understood my ex-wife but that's another matter. I genuinely enjoy your company more than anyone in the world. You make me grin in spite of your sometimes ball busting manner, your impatience, your rants and your flat chest." He paused to collect his thoughts.

"Is there more to this diatribe?" She said, cocking her hip and flashing that evil little grin which terrified most men but delighted him. The auburn hair moved again.

"I'm almost done; then it's your turn. If you walk through that door we are going to fuck and you damn well know it. We've both thought about it for at least five years. I'd really like that since you have become the center figure in all of my masturbatory fantasies. We know each other's proclivities intimately; it would be mind blowing."

"So you want to fuck? You've been thinking about me while you were jerking off?" The evil grin.

"Hush, woman, I'm almost done. The final point; wipe that smirk off your face and listen very carefully. I have lusted after you for seven years and been your buddy for almost five. I've come to the realization that for some part of the last five years I have been in love with you and that had I not been married you could have been---might have even been---in love with me. I also know you've rekindled something from the past and that can be very powerful."

"Will you get to the point old man?" She chided.

"You're not listening. Listen...please? I love you; if you walk through that door and we fuck---assuming we aren't awful together in the sack, which is very unlikely, then I would like you to quit your new job, end your current relationship with your old flame, cancel your flight home, sell your new home up there and spend the rest of your life in my arms."

Tears welled up, filling her deep, wide set hazel eyes. They'd always bantered and joked, often outrageously. "Don't do this; don't toy with me you fucking prick."

He went to her, put his strong hands on her upper arms and kissed her on the forehead.

"You are correct; I can be a royal prick and you can be an unmitigated bitch. More important you and I are probably the only two people in the world that can put up with each other for an extended period. I am not joking or toying with you. I love you; I've loved you for a long time. You have nothing to do with my divorce and everything to do with my divorce. She got tired of my shit and I tired of hers. More than one man has run from the exits completely unable to deal with you when you get up on the wrong side of bed in the morning. I made my ex-wife miserable and slightly less than half of it was her fault. You need---want---a man like me and I desperately need and want a woman like you. Correction---I want and need you---not someone else like you. If that can't be, today and hereafter, then march your pretty little ass---and in that dress it is to die for---back to the Taurus and drive away."

"Can we at least go inside, sit down and talk about this? It's hot out here and these 'please–fuck-me pumps' are killing my feet."

"Okay, against my better judgment, come on in."

"Not even a hug for old time's sake?"

"Not on your life. Every time you touched my arm, hugged me, gave me a friendly kiss, bumped your hip against mine or slapped my butt in the past five years it was like a jolt of lightning. If I touch you I'll want you and if you let me have you I'll never make it another day without you. I didn't say, 'will you marry me' and ask for an immediate answer. If you told me at this instant that that was what I had to do not to lose you I'd do it in a heartbeat! I have to know that the idea of us spending the rest of our lives together is not completely alien or out of the question!" She was speechless but recovered quickly.

She moved inside with him and sat on the couch. "Neat house!"

"There was no way I'd stay in the other one; I loved it but there were too many memories."


"Still or sparkling? Why am I asking? Sparkling coming up; I even have your brand."

She moved to the kitchen, put her arms around his waist from behind, crushed her body against his and nuzzled the back of his neck with her soft lips.

"Oh, Donna, don't do this!"

"Your turn to listen." She said, resting her chin on his shoulder and clasping her hands just barely above his belt line.

"I always knew you wanted to fuck me. Hell I almost succumbed that first time in the car. I've wanted to fuck you since I met you at the silly meeting seven years ago---more so as we became friends but I'd made a rule I wasn't going to break. On this visit I was pretty sure we'd end up in the sack...wanted us to...and as weird as it sounds afraid of what would happen if we did." She moved her right hand up and softly caressed his cheek. "Jim I always knew you liked me and respected me in a way few men do. At some level I think I even knew you loved me but not that you were in love with me. I love you; I've always fought the idea of being in love with you because you were married."

"Could you be---in love with me?"

"Hush, you're interrupting, you impatient brute!"

"Sorry about that."

"I desperately needed to be loved and in love with someone who was in love with me. I've endured a dismal string of failed relationships---and you know the details of all of them. Most of them failed because I came off as needy and desperate along with my normal ball busting demeanor..." She trailed off.

"Go on."

"I went back and found the only other man who made me smile, who could put up with me---who at least seemed to like me---and wasn't married. I love him; I think he loves me but in all honesty I don't know that we're in love. He can be difficult---not unlike you. None of us are getting any younger. I want babies...you once said you did...your ex didn't or couldn't." Donna released him; he turned to face her, taking her hands in his as he did so.

"Sex!" She exclaimed.


"When you sat there patiently listening to my whining on about ever failed relationship over the last five years you had to have recognized that they fell into one of two columns---men that excited me, pushed my buttons, made me moan---and men that liked me in spite of or because of the bitch I can be and made me laugh but were decidedly lacking in the other area." She paused to take a swig from her little green bottle. She cocked the hip; the hair moved...the evil grin.

"They were great buddies and good friends or great fucks---but never both in the same body. In that time---in my whole life---the best buddy and truest friend I've ever had was you. Hunter---the guy from college was---is---my second best friend in the world. Sadly there aren't really sparks between us. He's a more than adequate lover but the earth doesn't move. So, in very simple terms, before I turn my life upside down, lose a bundle on a new condo I just bought, quit a good new job I like and entertain the thought of moving back to a part of the country that has more than a few bad memories---and in spite of the fact that I think I know the answer after five to seven years of anticipation---we need to do it. We need to know. If it's anywhere close to the ridiculous image we've both conjured up in our brains then I'm not leaving come hell or high water!"

"How would you suggest we kick of this project?"

"Like this." She whispered, melting into his arms, surrounding his body with her own and kissing him. She would look back and laugh fondly at that kiss; it was the best damn kiss she'd ever planted on any man. He would later agree whole heartedly. She'd never before been in his arms like this...so totally...as if they were a single entity. And he remembered---he remembered! Let me kiss you...let me explore your lips...don't be too anxious to take charge...I'm a damn good kisser and I love to kiss...he had remembered. And just at the perfect instant he almost imperceptivity responded...gently nibbling her lip...caressing her with his mouth...retreating momentarily when he sensed her urge to explore. Half an hour later they were still standing in the kitchen, fully clothed...kissing.

He held her at arms length and smiled. "If you told me that it could never go any farther than the last thirty minutes but that we could kiss like that every day for the rest of our lives..."

"You'd still want me---love me? That was pretty amazing! You remembered how I liked to kiss and we've really never kissed before. I think we're more than half way home---don't you?"

"Oh yes! 'Suggestions for stage two?"

"There will be a time when I'm going to want you to bend me over the nearest piece of furniture, spank my ass and fuck my brains out---either place--but I need something different, something very special and almost innocent. It is, after all, out first time, isn't it?"

They moved hand in hand to the bed room. They undressed each other slowly paying particular attention as each new secret unfolded. Pulling the sheets back they slipped between the covers together, exploring, fondling, caressing. Her very essence...her skin...her lips...her hair...he was breathless...dizzy. It was very much like "the first time"...but even better. They spoke not a word; there wasn't an awkward moment.

He did not protest when she grinned at him and slid her long, lean body down between his legs. He remembered. She liked to do this part first; don't fuck my face. Don't do anything, just enjoy. He did. He couldn't help but do so for she too had remembered every detail of what he had told her over the years.

And when they reversed roles and he held her exquisite rear in his hands with an occasional light brush of his fingers against her back door, she was in heaven; as he was. He gently and adroitly found not one but two orgasms in her special body; it was for both lovers unlike anything either had ever experienced. Following their oral pursuits they held each other tightly; don't rush she had told him...hold me...love me...before you fuck me.

Fucking is some times anticlimactic after a very satisfying buildup and it had been exquisitely so for both of them. He remembered...she remembered...they climbed the mountain together...and reached the top at the same instant. They collapsed in each others arms; he was still inside her. They sobbed and laughed and hugged each other for dear life. They kissed...they wept. She spoke first; a whisper in his ear, joking at first as was their fashion.

"Thirty-four damn years and that's the way it's supposed to be? Oh Jesus, Jim! Oh fuck! I still want that nasty bend-me-over fuck I mentioned earlier---soon---but you win! What am I talking about? Christ it's a fucking win-win! Yes, I love you! I'm in love with you! I love making love with you. I can't imagine living without you...touching you...being touched by you...until the day I die. I'm staying."

"I always knew there was a romantic buried somewhere inside that Teflon exterior of yours. So you'll marry me?"

"Well...you've---we've----never had to live with each other 24/7. Suppose there are problems...irritations...issues?"

"There will be and we'll get though them. We've got nothing together but good history. When we get pissed at each other we'll remember back to when we were just best friends. We'll remember what we had then, and we'll work through it. Plus, I'm pretty damn sure there is not another woman in this hemisphere that can come close to giving a blow job like the one I just received so I'm not kicking you out no matter what you do!"

"Okay, thanks for the complement! You're pretty damned good yourself in the oral department---no, fucking fantastic! But I have some rules."


"No fucking the baby sitter---or anyone else but me. I know you have had a wandering eye---and cock---in the past but not in any future that includes me. No swinging, no three-ways and I love to be naked but not with a hundred other people, just you."

"Seems fair to me."

"I will take a leap of faith to a point. I'll sublet the condo; I'll tell Hunter I'm having second thoughts...need some space...whatever. I'll try to wangle an emergency leave of absence on the new job but I'll quit if I have to. I'll move back here; I will live in this house with you. We'll know soon enough if we are too impossible to live together. It has to be a mutual decision and not before six months. Fair enough?"

"I can live with it."

"You're hard...very hard...very soon!"

"That your fault. You could always make my dick rise even when I knew we didn't have a prayer of fucking."

"Do you have a deck?"

"Doesn't everyone?"

"Is it very private?"

"Very and in this climate purposely constructed on the side of the house with some shade in the late afternoon."

"Do you have a pool?"

"Once again, in this part of the world---doesn't everyone?"

"Come on." She said bounding from the bed and heading toward the door. She turned, and with mock disapproval spoke. "What's your problem?"

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