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Things Happened Pt. 01

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They do, don't they?
6.7k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/02/2022
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Author Note: I'm not sure how this will be received knowing what this category is like, but I figure there is no harm in trying again. I appreciate everyone taking the time to read my stories and hopefully give some constructive feedback.

If anyone reads this and want to come up with their own ending, please feel free. You have my blessing and don't need to contact me and ask for permission.

I will submit my own ending at some point, but as stated please feel free to contribute yours.


Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get. Fuck I hate Forrest Gump.

Let me back up a bit. My name is Rocco Bond and I'm thirty-two years old. Yeah, my parents really named me that after conceiving me in Italy, apparently. The thing is, I'm a white guy, brown hair, brown eyes and six feet one inches tall. I don't have that Mediterranean skin complexion, I'm not really hairy, don't like pasta that much or even have the sexy Italian accent that apparently makes women spread their legs. No, I'm just your average guy that likes to stay in shape, play guitar and I drive a concrete truck for a living. Well, I have a business that runs six concrete trucks and two concrete pumping trucks which earns a nice living for us. I have a business partner, Stephanie Gordon who runs the administration side of things while I run the trucks, and at home have a loving family.

I'm married to Kelly who is thirty, long dark hair, pretty face and still has a body to die for after three children. Yes, three and they are beautiful even if I do say so myself. Twins, Ella and Amy who are fourteen and Grace who is eight. If you do the math, you will understand some of what happened. During high school, I was seemingly popular with members of the opposite sex. I wasn't some man-whore, but strangely once the girls had gone passed the kissing stage, they would end it. Said I was too much for them, and it wasn't me, it was them. Yeah, the usual schtick. In my final year I finally I heard from one of the girls I had a reputation around the place as being quite well endowed which led me to understand what was going on. The girls wanted to experience something like me just once in their lives before finding someone normal or some such thing like that. Then she happened.

Kelly Kominski. She ran into me by accident in the hallway one day, I helped her up and we just hit it off. She was fifteen, had moved to the school the year before and was the new girl on the scene. It didn't hurt she was pretty, was athletic, a few inches shorter than me, was very pleasant to talk to and apparently her parents were loaded. I didn't care about that since my family were middle class and were doing quite well. I just wanted to get a job and start earning money. Kelly liked that about me and she too was a go-getter, always determined to go after what she wanted because she didn't want to rely on her parents for her future. We dated for a few months and grew close, spending all our free time together. To cut a long story short we got on well, so well in fact that at a party she asked me to speak privately and well, I guess you know the rest. We welcomed our twins around the time I had started working for a concrete trucking company and made the most of what our lives had become. Kelly never blamed me and I can honestly say, while I wasn't ready for kids, I got into the groove and knew they were the most precious things in the world to me. Like I said, Kelly could put her mind to anything and when it came to family, she was determined to make ours a loving one. Once she put her mind to something she never wavered, which I found endearing.

Our parents supported us, while they weren't entirely happy, my mother in particular was overjoyed about the babies. What is it about women and babies? I mean, fuck, they go all nuts over them. Anyway, we built a granny flat at the back of my parents' house and lived there while Kelly finished school and I worked.

Believe it or not, I was going to ask Kelly to marry me, since we had discussed it at length, but she beat me to the punch when our girls were six months old. I of course said yes, and we were going to wait until she graduated high school before tying the knot. Our girls were growing up, Kelly didn't want to go to college and had always talked about becoming a real estate agent and eventually buy properties to flip. She made good on that promise, and we were finally doing well. We had talked about more children and wanted them, but life got in the way a little bit. By the time Grace came around, we were a happy little family, and I was starting to get the urge to go out on my own. I tempered that expectation for a while so that money wouldn't be too tight with a new baby in the house. We eventually found a bigger place, six bedrooms, huge block with a half pool house, half granny flat at the back, with a pool and three car garage.

Life was good, Kelly and I were a real team, working together to provide for our kids, cook, clean, and help them with their homework. With the money we were making we were making a dent in the mortgage, not that it was huge in the first place. We bought at the right time, given the market wasn't so hot at the time. Kelly really did come through for us. We made love often, usually three times a week, with one of those sessions always being straight fucking so that we could iron out any urges we seemed to have. I could have done it a few more times a week, but Kelly always told me she needed time to recover, and it was always said with a smile and a loving glance. Other than that, I had no complaints and Kelly didn't either, never turning me down when the timing was right and always having at least one orgasm before we collapsed into each other's arms. I don't believe I'm some Don Juan, but Kelly and I knew each other pretty well, so we always knew which buttons to press, if you know what I mean.

So, why did I say life is like a box of chocolates? That's easy, it's because of Kelly.

One day there just seemed to be something off and I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I tried to be affectionate, but it was like she was suddenly going through the motions. On the day it started to turn to shit, I kissed her goodbye like always and headed off to work. It was her turn to drop the kids off at school, which was further away than the university but that's what you get for buying in this suburb, and I wanted to be in the office early. Stephanie, my business partner and I, were going to take out a loan to buy another concrete truck. Things had been going incredibly well, and we wanted to expand into the next town over.

I got to the office and Stephanie was already there. I should point out that she is a stocky woman, short at about five feet, three inches, thick where it counts and carrying a monster set of tits. It didn't hurt that she was cherubic cute, had long, straight brown hair that she always kept in a ponytail and was a wicked flirt when off the clock. She's married to Walter, who is a good friend and is a local builder, specialising in houses not commercial construction. She's also thirty-eight years old and probably my best friend besides Kelly. Well, Eddie Konicki is a good friend, but not quite the same. Anyway, yeah, it sounds weird, but Stephanie and I just seemed to click. She was the one that approached me about the business idea when we worked at the concreting company together and we hit it off. Stephanie was surprised I had a business plan already worked out, which simply sealed the deal for her. That was four years ago now and our business has boomed.

"Hey," I said strolling into the office I shared with Stephanie and sat down near her desk. "Did Wal shit the bed or something?"

Stephanie laughed and shook her head. That was the running joke we had going if one of us was early.

"No, it was Roberto my Italian lover who did that," Stephanie replied laughing. Yeah, she liked to rib me about my Italian name heritage. See what I mean? My fucking parents!

"What, you mean Eddie wasn't available?" I asked throwing it right back at her. She gave me the finger and then smiled.

"Eddie wouldn't know what to do with himself," Stephanie replied bluntly. "Now be quiet a minute. I'm just going through our paperwork and then we can talk to the bank."

"Okay, what do I need to do?" I asked looking at my desk and the computer sitting on it.

"Nothing right this second. Just give me a few more minutes and we can call them," Stephanie said her tone changing.

She was all business and when she was like that, I loved her for it. The guys driving the trucks always listened to her and respected her as well, flirting with her but never trying anything on, which was good. It probably didn't hurt that Walter was a huge brute of a man and would pound any of them into the ground if she asked. Hell, I'd do it too for her but it never came to that. I'm more of a lover than a fighter. "Oh, and Eddie called, he wanted a shit ton of concrete delivered next week."

I just nodded. That was our Eddie. He was always doing big commercial jobs around the city. Eddie Konicki was a short man, a couple of years older than me and almost as wide as he was tall, but in a muscular way. His shoulders were broad and he had that Viking dwarf look, even though he had blonde hair and blue eyes, not the usual orange and red hair. He also had a major crush on Stephanie even though he was married to Karen, a lovely redhead lass that was sweet as she was vicious if you pissed her off.

Remember how I said something was off? Well, our phone call with the bank half an hour later just made it stranger. They always do credit checks on all of us, even though our business is doing well, just in case they have to liquidate us. Stephanie's finances were good but mine weren't great, which was strange.

"Ah, what do you mean my side of things aren't too healthy?" I asked looking at Stephanie with that odd expression if you give someone when things don't make sense.

"Well, Rocco, it seems you have a hefty mortgage against your house, your wife's car has a big loan, and your savings are small," Matilda said from the other end of the phone.

"Wait, what? I don't have a hefty mortgage and my wife's car is free and clear," I said in disbelief. "We paid it off end of last year."

Now I really was concerned. We did pay it off, didn't we?

"I'm sorry Rocco, that's not true. Perhaps you should come down to the bank to look at everything. It says here you signed it all about four weeks ago," Matilda said which got me nervous.

"But there is nothing against the business is there?" I asked hoping to God nothing had gone wrong there.

"No, that's fine," Matilda said which was a relief.

"Okay, I'll be down shortly. I need to straighten this out," I said looking at Stephanie who gave me a worried look. We finished our call and I looked at Stephanie. "I didn't sign any loans."

"Rock, don't jump to any conclusions, there might be a mistake or a misunderstanding. Play it cool. I'm sure this can all be worked out," Stephanie said with her level head on. I was not so sure.

"Okay, you're right. You got the fort while I sort this shit out?" I asked getting up from my chair.

"You know I do," Stephanie replied with a smile.

With a sinking feeling I headed for the bank. When I got there and saw Matilda my feelings were confirmed. I showed her my signature and the ones she had on file, and they were different. Not outrageously different but enough to show I didn't sign them. Kelly's were the same and I had to wonder if she had a part to play in this. It just didn't make any sense. With the amount of money we owed, I wasn't sure we could make the payments with what we were earning, given how much I was pouring back into the business. I asked Matilda to put a hold on everything, which gave me forty-eight hours to sort out this mess before it was going to turn ugly.

I tried calling Kelly but she was busy showing houses, so I headed down to her place of work to wait for her. I was greeted as always by the lovely Skylar Jones who was the new recruit for the agency. By new recruit I mean she'd worked there the shortest, having only started 9 months ago. She was nineteen, a real go-getter, attending college for her business degree and was working as the receptionist to earn some money in the meantime. She was taking her classes part time and with her beautiful smile, and blonde locks I reckon she could have been a model. Slim, okay not much in the breast department but legs, round ass and those damn fine hips. It's no wonder the owner of the real estate agency, Todd Woodridge was always flirting with her. She usually brushed him off with a killer smile, pleasant comment and a 'nothing bothers her' attitude. I guess she's always dealt with that sort of thing. I should point out Todd is married to Sophie, who is quite stunning in her own right, but that doesn't seem to stop the silver fox from being a creep.

"She should be back in twenty minutes," Skylar said sweetly.

"Thanks Skye, I'll just wait," I said sitting down in reception and picking up their own in-house magazine. I scanned through the pages, looking at the team which was a mix of men and women of all ages. They had brief biographies for each staff member and once a month did a feature. Kelly's was last month, this month was Tess Faraday, another hot up and coming go getter. If I'm being honest, all the staff were good looking in some way, with a very professional dress style and while Todd was a creep, I didn't think he had anything to do with my dilemma. He never gave off that vibe, but Tony Mott did. He was as greasy as they came. I started to wonder if he had anything to do with it given that this was perhaps part of Kelly's dream to own multiple properties. I didn't get much further in thought when Kelly appeared.

"What are you doing here? Everything alright?" Kelly asked with a look of concern I had seen on numerous occasions. Usually when one of the kids of even myself was ill.

"Ah, yeah. You got a minute?" I replied standing up and putting that magazine down.

"Of course, let's go to my office," Kelly said guiding me through the building. I waved to everyone I saw, Sally Peterson, Mark Ruffles, Dirk Warner as well as Tess Faraday, with their smiles and nods confirming that everything was alright. The thing was something still felt off. We entered her office and she closed the door, sitting down next to me in one of the chairs. "What's going on?"

"I was at the bank today," I said and could immediately see her become more worried. "They say we've got a huge mortgage against the house and your car."

"I, I can explain," Kelly said trying to remain calm but obviously flustered.

"What? How? My signature was forged?" I asked which made her go white.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. It was all meant to be a surprise and to prove to you I could do it. I just want us to get ahead. I bought some land to develop, and it is going to be subdivided and sold off," Kelly replied quickly but I put my hand up to stop her.

"Did you try and touch my business?" I asked giving her a stern look.

"God no. I wouldn't do that! Like I said, I just wanted us to get ahead," Kelly replied firmly.

"Then why didn't you come and talk to me? Asked if it was okay? Why the secrecy?" I asked still with that off feeling inside me.

"Because I knew you'd say no. This is such a good deal, too good to let it pass up and I didn't have much time to go through the proper channels. Anyway, I've already sold one of the blocks and we haven't even subdivided yet," Kelly replied trying to put a positive spin on this.

"Does Tony Mott have anything to do with this?" I asked which was like I punched her in the face the way she recoiled. It took a moment before she gave half a nod and her eyes avoided mine for a moment.

"He, is in partnership with me. He was the one that found the land," Kelly replied looking a little edgy.

"I see. Is there anything else going on with Tony that I don't know about?" I asked which again was like a slap to her face. I should point out Tony is one good looking guy. Bronzed, toned, perfect hair, perfect teeth and a smile that makes ladies swoon. He's definitely got the gift of the gab, but some of us can see through his bullshit which pisses him off. Sometimes it makes me with I had an Italian accent just to show the greasy bastard up, but you take what you get given in life.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Kelly replied unhappily. I could already see her getting up a head of steam to blast me for bringing something up, but like I said something was off and I wasn't going to back down.

"I think you damn well know what I mean."

"Rock, please. This isn't like that, nothing is going on with Tony," Kelly said firmly. "And I don't like the accusation, that hurts."

"I can appreciate that. But you know what hurts me?" I said standing up. "Finding out my wife has taken a loan out fraudulently without my approval to develop something with some slimeball that doesn't care about anyone but himself. The way the payments are structured we'll be lucky to afford the repayments without seriously compromising my business. When we bought our house, we got lucky, the market has gone up considerably since then, but that doesn't mean you could do what you did. What the hell were you thinking?"

"I've got that covered. Skylar is looking for a place to live and she has a friend who she can room with. We can rent out the pool house and that will help pay the loan," Kelly said standing up. "I've thought this through and have it all covered."

"No, you didn't. You didn't think of the kids or me!" I said which made her eyes go wide. Then there was a tear forming in her eyes.

"You're right. You're right. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you," Kelly said sitting back down quietly. "I just wanted to do this for us, for our family."

I sat back down beside her and took her hand in mind. I was still angry, but I didn't like seeing her upset or hurt.

"I get that, but we were doing fine. There is no such thing as a get rich quick scheme in life. It doesn't exist," I said trying to remain calm. "Is there any way out of this?"

She looked at me and shook her head.

"No, I'm afraid there isn't," Kelly said before taking a deep breath. I could tell when her steely determination was taking over and this was one of those times. She wasn't going to let this go and I knew better than going to war with her on it. For now. "But we can swing it. Like I said, I've already got a deposit for one block. There are over fifty blocks if we carve it up carefully. I will work as hard as I can to sell the remaining blocks and get it developed. We can rent out the pool house, the numbers don't lie. You'll see."

That's what we did. I will admit I was reluctant, but we had to do something. Skylar and her friend Jessica Holloway moved into the pool house, injecting much needed funds into our budget. True to her word, Kelly's numbers were right, and things were tight for a while, but she worked her tail off to sell as much as possible. That box of chocolates, remember?

Chapter 1

Four months on from that fateful day and things were going fine. The one thing that surprised me most was how our kids adapted to having two other people around. Skylar and Jessica were fantastic, spending time with our children around the pool or in the backyard and even having dinner with us at times. Having two lovely women around normally would seem odd, but I can't explain how it wasn't anything other than normal.

Jessica was this beautiful young woman, with a good head on her shoulders, is twenty-four and had just finished her accounting degree. Like Skylar she did it part time and when our two-bedroom pool house came up, she jumped at it because the rent was so much cheaper. Jessica has this mane of golden-brown hair she usually keeps swept over one shoulder, making her look like a walking couture advert. She usually dressed down in jeans, skirts and shirts, but it was clear she had a body to die for. The first time she hit the pool I had to look away because whilst she wasn't wearing a skimpy bikini, she was sublime. Hourglass figure, perfect proportions, and almost flawless skin. Even wearing a boyleg style bikini she looked amazing, and her demure nature was rubbing off on my girls.


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