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Those Who Cuckold Get Paid Back

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Her horny admirers have plans for pretty wife.
10.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/24/2022
Created 01/25/2011
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Many thanks to ReneeandKent for editing this story.


For the time being, I'm a "jailbird" and can't complain because my life in jail is surprisingly comfortable, very comfortable indeed. To be honest, this small semi-open "white collar jail" is different from all average jails and more comfortable than many hotels in my Scandinavian country. Great food, well equipped gym and satellite TV with porn channels are supplied by the state. Rumors here say that other benefits for making the life even more comfortable for an inmate are available. Ones like a visiting "girlfriend" for an hour in a private visitor room and even booze of acceptable quality can be supplied by "private entrepreneurs" among the inmates.

Of course, those "extra benefits" has to be bought for high prices but as they make the life enjoyable, several of my new very wealthy colleagues regarded them well worth the price.

I myself was lucky to meet a 'Jail bird groupie', a married mother of two in her mid thirties who, so far, has visited me several times 'for talking about my sins.' I met her when her choir from a church visited the jail and sang for us. Afterwards, the choir members had a coffee break together with us inmates. She and I had a pleasant talk and it was she who promised to com to see me at a private visit so we could continue our talking. I accepted and she was back to the jail a few days later.

After some talking about us, I found out that she had a much worse problem than me. She confessed that her husband had lost all his interest for sex and began to cry when she told me that it was more than a year since they had any sex. But, because he was a very good father to their children was why for the time being, a divorce was out of question.

I had no condoms and had no intentions about fucking her unprotected pussy but decided to act as a Good Samaritan and giving her some alternative aid about her problem. I think that the taste of 'forbidden fruit', while talking about sex with a "violent" inmate in a jail, must been aphrodisiac for her. We began with an innocent necking that, within a short time, turned to petting and then she let me take off her jeans, I knew that it would be a memorable good time for both of us.

Then even her panties were off, we ended up having a 69. It was a totally new experience for her. At the beginning she only licked me but when my licking of her clit got her hot and horny, she began sucking me very good. I really did my best with my lips and tongue on her pussy. When those efforts gave her an intensive orgasm, she sucked me so hard that I couldn't it deny it any longer and had to let it go in her mouth. To my great surprise she swallowed all of it just as she must have seen in some porn video.

Afterwards I gave her a long and tender comforting hugs, convincing her that she had not done anything wrong. She promised to come and see me again as soon as possible for 'talking about my and from now on even her own sins.'

She kept her word and as I had used condoms at that meeting, she gave me a good taste of her tight pussy. That really lightened up my day and got me looking forward to her next visit.

I'm sentenced to three months but my three weeks behind bars before the trial was credited so my time here in this jail will be about nine weeks. In fact, a very useful time for me because instead of working, I'm allowed to do high-level studies of the European Union agricultural subsidies. That will be a very good investment for the future in my accounting business.

One extra advantage while being here is that I've met a bunch of great upper-class guys with different skills, some legal some not, that can be very useful connections in the future.

If you have read this story so far, your well-founded question to me might be, "What have you done to be in that jail and who are you?"

I need to have a computer and I'm allowed to have a laptop PC for my intensive studies about the agricultural subsidies and it is even a useful tool for writing this story about myself and why I'm here.

My name is Emil Silwergran, thirty-six years old self-employed certified accountant that was making fair money thanks to the law in our Scandinavian country. It demands all Limited Companies, even the smallest one man company, to use a certified accountant. However, I'm not here because of any economic swindle at my job. The simple reason for me to be the guest of our government for three months is that I gave my wife's boss a black eye, broken jawbone and injured balls.

However, this story begins ten years ago when I had agreed to go on a blind date. A ten days long hiking trip in the vast wilderness in our north had been planned. It was a gang of six couples of my own age that had planned the trip. One of the guys had deserted his girlfriend only two days before their departure and left all his camping equipment behind him and he sold it to me for a fair price.

I met my eleven travel companions at the railroad station for the 18 hour trip northward and was introduced to Pernilla 'Nilla' Jonson, a fair looking slim girl with nice brown hair. The last 15 hours of that trip was in a night train where we did some partying before getting a few hours of sleep.

The walking in the vast wilderness would last 7 days along a famous trail and every couple had their own small lightweight tent. During the first evening, before going for sleeping in our tent, Nilla told me, "Please understand my situation and if you have any other intentions than sleeping in the tent, please accept that my 'No' really means No!"

On our first night in the tent we were so tired that her 'no' didn't matter. The second night she was in mood for talking about her ex who had cheated and left her for another girl. I listened to her story about how her dream about a family together with him had been crushed. Then she asked me about my relations and obviously didn't like my reply, "My relations are not much to talk about because they usually last one evening or one night and no hard feelings while parting"

"Have you never dated a girl more than once?"

"Of course I have, many times. My female friends and I are simply making a call when we want a date."

Now Nilla asked me, "Don't you want a family together with a woman you really love?"

"Of course I want a family if I happen to meet 'Miss Right' and if she wants marry me."

Then Nilla asked me a lot about how I wanted my Miss Right to be and I told her that meeting a honest, faithful and clever girl would be a good beginning but I had no details because we had to be two to tango and fit together comfortably.

She gave me a hug for my answer and said, "Good night."

Nilla was a lovely girl and I thought I would be a genuine idiot if not making some attempt to get her panties off. But I knew it had to wait until the right time and be without any dirty tricks. We talked a lot about daily matters while walking and found out that I really liked her.

I began to guess that the others had some kind of betting about if Nilla and I would be an item during the hiking. Already, at the third day I got several questions about Nilla and replied that she was okay.

During the third evening I told Nilla that her old and my new friends were curious about how well went together? She asked me, "What's your opinion in that matter?"

I remained silent for a while and said, "I joined your gang because the hiking was a real challenge for me and I didn't mind sharing a tent with a girl with some problems. Your conditions for sharing the tent sounds fair, but I have to confess that my feelings for you are increasing. I really hope that you will accept a real dinner date when we are back home."

"I'm grateful for your understanding of my problems and will look forward to that dinner date but what is your opinion about how well we are going together?"

"I love you Nilla."

That took her by surprise because she asked, "Are you serious or joking?"

"Serious. What about you Nilla? Do you have any feelings for me?"

"Of course I have got some feelings for you and tomorrow we will have a serious talk. Now I regret to say that I'm very tired. The only thing I can promise you now is a good night kiss."

Her soft lips felt eager and after our long hot kiss I knew that my odds for getting into her pussy the next night ought to be much better than 50%. But that was no reason to celebrate in advance because anything could happen while she probably was thinking about us during the night.

After the next day lunch break, Nilla told me that it was high time for us to have a serious talk. She asked if I was serious and still meant what I said the last evening. I said, "You are special Nilla and I love you much, more than I ever loved any other girl."

She hugged and kissed me saying, "Emil, I love you too."

After that we agreed to tell the others about our feelings during the evening when we all were together. We'd sit around a bonfire, not for the light because during the first days of July at the north, it was daylight almost 24 hours a day but the bonfire kept the mosquitoes away.

During the evening Nilla and I rose up and I said, "Dear friends, it is a great pleasure for Nilla and me to say that we have fallen in love."

Then we hugged, kissed and got a lot of congratulations.

Later, when alone in our tent, we began with intensive kissing all over our bodies. To my great pleasure she even gave me a sensitive sucking and I licked her clit before entering her. She was good, very good. Indeed the best pussy I ever had. We did it slow in missionary position and I knew for sure that from now on Nilla would be the one and only girl in my dreams.

At home again after the hiking trip, I got a real surprise at Nilla's apartment when I went there to take her to our first date with dinner and an evening out. I had only seen her naked in the dimmed light in our tent or in sport wear and walking boots in daylight. Now with slim black silky top, a black skirt above her knees and high heels I could see what a svelte girl she really was. If she would be mine, I had won a real bargain, indeed.

Back in her apartment after our first romantic dinner, we had our first sex in a real bed. Most of the time we did it tenderly and that brought us to unexpected heights. After an intensive orgasm Nilla suddenly, without any previous warning, asked me,

"Emil I love you and I want live my whole life with you, do you want to marry me?"

It hit me like a lightening bolt and I understood that any doubt or hesitation would mean serious problems so I immediately replied, "Yes Nilla, I love you and want to marry you."

She looked right in my eyes and asked me, "Any doubts?"

"No my love, I really look forward to our wedding."

Our sex improved to even higher heights during that glorious night though I couldn't understand how that was possible.

Though it had only taken Nilla and me a surprisingly short time, less than two weeks to agree about marriage, we had a rather happy relationship that lasted ten years and a few months. We turned into an average Scandinavian family living in a nice house with our two kids, a six-year-old boy and a four-year-old girl.

I had never heard Nilla complain about our sex life which was fine even if just in my opinion. Neither did we have any economic problems. Nilla had a good job at a bank and I had quit my job at a multinational company and had started my own accounting business. A good number of active friends meant that our family was involved in a lot of social events.

Both Nilla and I had our own strange hobbies. My hobby was an unusual semi-antique car; a Triumph Mayflower 1951. A replica of a rare English classic Rolls Royce. The Mayflower car was what jokingly can be described as a Rolls Royce, shrink to half of its size in a car wash. In fair a wind from behind, the thirty horsepower of its 1250 cubic-centimeter engine could press the speed to 100km/hour. I spent many hours in the garage keeping it in good shape and was often booked for driving it as an unusually fancy car at weddings and student balls.

But it was Nilla's hobby what ruined our marriage and sent me to the jail. She was a member of an Amateur Theatre Society that used to play some kind of a farce a few times every October. It was a complete innocent hobby, with no scandals ever known. Everything went fine, at least until the society got a big donation from an old member who had sold and large land area with a huge profit.

The Theatre Society had a board that got big plans, very big plans indeed. The chairman of the board got as happy as small child in a candy store when a very famous actor with experiences from the best theatres in the country, and even small parts from some Ingmar Bergman films, had read about the donation in some newspaper and suggested a meeting with the chairman. Though none of the board members had ever understood anything from Bergman's films, they regarded it as an important cultural qualification for their theatre to be connected by such famous actor.

The chairman went to the capital and met the actor who offered to direct and play the main male part of a famous play for their Theatre Society for a reasonable salary. Of course, he said, he had better offers from bigger cities but as he really wanted lift up our part of the country to new cultural heights, he would accept the lower benefits if they could give him a positive reply within a week.

The 'Star' got his positive reply within three days and was hired for a far too high salary and a number of conditions that meant that the director, him, would be able to decide almost everything in that new project. Two of the five members the theatre board objected and wanted further information of the project. They wanted a limit to the expenses but were voted down with nasty comments of being against real culture.

Unfortunately for the Theatre Society, these two most clever members of the board resigned and were replaced by two 'errand boys' for the chairman and the Theatre Society board lost all control about their money. The 'Star' took over everything without any complaints.

When Nilla told me about those events, I did some searching on the web about that Star character even though it was not any of my business because I had nothing to do with the theatre.

Though nobody expected him to be a saint, the results were much worse than expected. Three divorces, unemployed for the time being and probably black listed from all important theatres, huge debts, bad temper, serious alcohol problems and accused of sexual harassing female actors.

When Nilla got my information about the Star, she agreed that that he would probably swindle the main part of their donation but that wasn't her problem. Then she even demanded me to stay away from their problems, that it didn't matter what happened.

The Star began his special performance in our town just as expected. He was thrown out of the Local Grand Hotel after only one night. This was after he held a Polish maid in a hard grip while trying to convince her into paid sex. She screamed loudly and a guest in the next room rushed in and calmed down the Star with a few punches.

The same situation occurred the next day when the Star was thrown out of a small boarding house ruled by a couple in their mid forties. It was only a part-time job for the husband while the wife, who worked full time in their boarding business, was an active member of the Theatre Society.

The husband knew what Star had done at the Grand Hotel and had seen him eagerly looking at his wife. It was why he didn't trust his famous guest for a single second. That was his main reason for going back home for a quick look about thirty minutes after he had left for work. He was back in right time because he found his wife and Star standing close to each other joined in intensive kissing. She was topless, clad only in her black panties. He was wearing only small black leather thong with a big bulge in front.

Once again the famous Star was thrown out to the street, this time from a boarding house.

The best idea during the catastrophe meeting held by the Theatre Society board, was an empty house inherited and owned by two brothers now living away from town. They had inherited it some years ago and now kept it as a kind of summerhouse. The Star had said that he would accept sleeping in that house by himself if he got it cleaned daily and have all his meals at restaurants in town. He got what he wanted.

One of my pals in the veteran car gang, Robert Olsson, a 43 years old plumber with a lovely 40 year old blond wife Lena, wasn't happy at all hearing the news about the Star moving in to a house in his area. His pretty wife Susanne was an admirer of the Star and a member of that Theatre Society. He expected problems, big problems.

Robert, who knew Nilla very well and understood that even she was a target for the horny Star, is why he rang me about his worries. We met to make plans for protecting our wives. We had a great advantage in what we intended to do because Robert's younger brother Roland, was living next to the house where the Star. The Star, without any doubt, intended to fuck as many women from that theatre gang as possible.

To our great relief, we found out that everything would be very much easier than expected.

Roland was some kind of volunteer janitor for the owner brothers when the house was empty and had a key, that solved all our problems. We simply bugged the house with small sound devices and motion operated hidden cameras. One in the bedroom and the other in the living room. The monitor and recorder was in Roland's den.

We tested the cameras and they worked better than expected, even during limited light conditions. The sound was far from any HiFi, but acceptable.

Of course, what we did was totally illegal and could cost us a lot if we got caught. That's why we had a plan for removing our equipment in very short time if necessary. Our plan for action was very simple. Recording would be if Star had sex with a female visitor but not any other action if she wasn't Robert's or my wife. But if he did any attempt to have sex with any our wives, we would give him an unforgettable lesson.

Roland, who had done his army service in a special unit, was chosen to be the leader of our gang. We agreed about what to do if we had to do something and if Nilla triggered our action Roland would be the only man to speak. I would be the speaker if Lena were the victim. Everything we said to Star, Nilla or Lena would be in disguised English voices.

Star had an audition with the actors and rumors said that he had been very interested about the female actor's experiences in theatre and he had given important parts both to Nilla and Lena.

I decided to have a serious talk with Nilla so both of us would know the rules in this matter. I asked her, "Do you know that the Star almost raped a maid at hotel and that Rolf who owns the guesthouse, did catch Star and his wife necking when almost naked and when they expected him to be at his job?"

"Yes I know, but what has that do with me?"

"You are one of the most beautiful women at your theatre and rumors say that your horny Star intends to fuck all women in your damn play. You fuck him and our marriage will be history. Please remember that." I told her.

She got angry and shouted at me, "What the hell do you think about me?"

"I love you and don't think you have any intentions about Star, but I know for sure that he has nasty intentions about you and don't forget that he is one of the most skilled con men and seducers in this country. Just give him a fingertip and he takes your pussy. Do you really think that Rolf's wife is an easy laid slut?" I told her.

"Are you accusing me for what Rolf's wife did or did not do? "

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