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Thoughts, Ch. 01

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Olivia tries subliminal messaging on her straight roommate.
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I write this story earlier and many thanks for Annag98 on her editing skills! Enjoy! Note that all sex depicted her in consensual.


They fly through our heads by the thousands every day, some memorable, others relatively useless, but does anyone realize how powerful a thought can be? If every feeling or action starts with just one thought, imagine the possibilities! Olivia Jennings broke from her reverie when she heard the sound of a key turn the lock of the front door of the apartment. She had no doubt it was Cassie, a fellow graduate student at the local university, with whom she had shared the place for over two years now.

"Hey roomie!" Cassie said in a singsong voice, her blonde hair swinging at the end of a tightly wrapped ponytail.

Olivia looked up and made brief eye contact with her and smiled. Once the girl's gaze had moved ahead of her, Olivia let her eyes wander down the slightly revealing tank top her friend was wearing, admiring her body the way as any self-respecting lesbian should. Cassie was straight, as straight as an arrow, and had made that clear a number of times even when she was teasing. The girl's body was damn near perfect, with pretty long legs, well-toned from college volleyball, incredible hips, and then there were her breasts, which she claimed were too big, though it was doubtful that most men would ever complain about that. The girl had great curves and knew how to frame them modestly enough to preserve her dignity, but revealing enough to get attention.

Olivia turned her attention from the sad impossibility of her fantasy to her current course syllabus, frowning as she realized it required an experiment/case study needed for her to pass the class and get credit towards her degree. The lectures that week centered on methods of psychology used in mass marketing and advertising, and how companies accomplished the goal of nudging potential buyers to view a product favorably. In those instances, the target group wasn't brainwashed in any way or subject to hypnosis (though those were fascinating subjects too), but influenced.

Influenced. The word danced around in her mind, swirling with all of the implications when a profound thought struck her. Olivia had utterly failed to persuade or entice her gorgeous straight roommate into trying anything with her, but what if she just planted seeds of thought---ideas, or even subtle nonthreatening suggestions into her mind? She knew that trying anything direct hadn't worked, but what about just innocuous somewhat subliminal ideas that were neutral? Well, at first anyway. If it happened a bit at a time, it could eventually ebb away Cassie's resistance.

All at once the image of Cassie's sweet sexy face flooded Olivia's conscious mind, creating a surge of new desire for her, the image of the girl's face wedged between her somewhat parted legs, eagerly indulging in forbidden lesbian passions she had flatly refused before. Olivia hopped to her feet with a springing motion, seeking the privacy of her own bedroom that shared a wall with the object of her passions.

Locking the door, Olivia slid herself in the faded yellow chair in the corner of her room, where she had so often masturbated thinking of her roommate. She was already soaking wet with the thought of finally bedding her, caressing that amazing body and going down on her to give the girl the best orgasms of her life.

"Ohhhh..." she said silently as her hands began to caress her somewhat smaller breasts, eyes closed, pinching the nipple and imagining Cassie's lips wrapped around it sucking sensually.

"I have wanted you to do that for longer than you can imagine, babe," Olivia whispered sexily. "Oh yessss suck on them just like that...your lips feel fucking incredible." She had fantasized about things like that many times before (and certainly enjoyed it) but this time it was so much more vivid. She could almost feel her lips being kissed, her tongue gently sucked on, her breasts kissed and sucked, and the feel of Cassie's perfect body against her own.

She slipped her hand into her tattered gym shorts, sliding her fingers below the elastic waistband of her wet lace panties, to the center of her burning need. "Mmmmm feels good but you have...business elsewhere, love." she said in her mind, slowly pushing her lover's blonde head to the spot where it belonged.

Olivia could see the image of the forbidden tryst so clearly in her mind that it felt real, like it was actually happening. As her fingers played slowly with her pussy she could see and feel Cassie's tongue slowly licking her, savoring her, surrendering to the desire to eat another woman and sweetly pleasuring her.

Her hips began slowly gyrating, the image of the other girl's head moving with the same rhythm, her lips and tongue never leaving her sacred sexual spot. Yes, it was sacred, and right now the pleasure made her feel like a goddess, her straight roommate between her legs worshiping her body like she had been born for just that purpose.

"Oh yeah, worship my pussy, love, taste her, lick her, eat her, surrender all of yourself to her. Prove you are worthy, make me cum on that sexy face."

Something about the wordplay instantly triggered a very powerful orgasm in Olivia, making her slender form instantly seize up, every muscle throughout her body flexing, her nervous system on fire and her mind spinning as the pleasure claimed her. She bit her lip and moaned into a sensual and erotic whisper that carried the girl's name on her lips, partly as an exclamation, and the other as if claiming her, promising that someday in the future she would have the girl's tongue inside her.

Olivia came down from the strong sensation gradually, riding out the pleasure, reveling in how sexy and powerful it made her feel. She knew at that moment that it wasn't just a sexual encounter that she wanted, but a full surrender of her very self, her sexuality, and her being to Olivia, like a sacrifice offered to an ancient goddess. Now thoroughly worn out, she fell asleep and stayed that way until late in the evening.

She woke up with a startled feeling, bolting to a sitting position and grabbing for the fuzzy image of the alarm clock on the table next to her brass bed. Olivia groaned as she tried to focus, the numbers finally coming into focus, which told her it was just before nine. "Shit." she said softly, realizing that now the four hour drive to her parent's house in the hills would get her there after midnight. Even knowing that fact, she was satisfied at the powerful climax she had with her fantasy-fueled masturbation session.

Olivia grabbed a faded denim duffle bag and began stuffing clothes into it, something she had planned to do much earlier but had obviously forgotten about. As she was reaching for her phone, she heard muffled sounds from the wall she shared with Cassie. She wrinkled her brow and dropped the bag, stepping closer to the wall, placing a hand on it and leaning closer. Olivia heard her roommate giggle and a much lower voice whispering something she couldn't make out. The two girls had made an agreement when they leased the apartment together that neither of them would bring a lover over while the other was present. Just as she was about to get angry about the blatant disregard for their agreement, it dawned on her that Cassie knew she would be gone for the weekend. But clearly, they were engaged in sexual activity. 'I need to get out of here quietly', she thought.

Olivia silenced her phone and grabbed the bag she had dropped moments before, slowly and quietly opening her door and tiptoeing out into the corridor that led to the main living area. 'So far, so good.' she said to herself as she moved noiselessly down the hall, pausing for a second at the door to Cassie's bedroom. To her utter surprise, the door was unlocked and slightly open, and she started to quietly walk past it until she caught sight of Cassie's naked form laying back on the bed.

Now unable to move, Olivia gave into the temptation of essentially spying on her roommate and looking at her gorgeous form in the dim light, her long blonde hair splayed out on the pillow under her head. Her eyes were drawn first to her full pink lips, which looked so delectable and perfectly kissable that she wanted to taste them right then and there. Olivia could almost feel her lips touch them, commencing a kiss that she knew was better than she had ever experienced from the men she had dated. She loved to kiss, could do it for hours and knew exactly how to give another girl the kind of kisses that they ached for, lips and tongue doing sensual things in the process.

Moments later Olivia's lust-filled eyes traveled down the girl's chin, past her collarbones, to the curve of her breasts, making her bite her lip almost to the point of bleeding in order to stay quiet enough to stay undetected. As Cassie giggled again, they moved with a will of their own, their fullness perfectly contained and shaped almost like teardrops, crested with thick deep pink nipples that made her desire become almost overwhelming. Olivia frowned as the image of her roommate's boyfriend inched up her body, a hand cupping her perfect breast, in that moment insanely jealous that it was not her doing it.

Seconds later she watched the faceless man's lips wrap around the lovely nipple and start sucking, in fact a way that Olivia knew was too aggressive and probably painful. Her theory was immediately confirmed when she heard, "Ouch, no not so hard... softer... more gentle." The girl's lover obviously complied with the request and she was cooing within a few seconds, cradling his head and arching her back. Clearly the girl loved having her breasts sucked, and watching the almost pornographic scene had aroused Olivia to the point that she knew she had soaked her panties rather thoroughly.

Cassie slowly threw her head back with deep powerful moans erupting from her lips, body squirming and writhing and displaying how much she was enjoying the attention. Olivia looked on in awe as she watched her sexy roommate in the throes of pleasure, wanting more than anything to just shove the guy aside and show her what real pleasure was. After a minute or two, the boyfriend pulled his lips away and began moving down between Cassie's legs. What struck Olivia in that moment was the immediate look of frustration and disappointment that was etched on her lovely face. Olivia thought, 'Oh hell, I would have done that so much longer than that, not to mention he skipped your neck. You really need to feel what lovemaking like that is.'

As the guy slowly pried Cassie's legs apart, Olivia caught sight of her pussy, which looked absolutely breathtaking, shaved bare, lips glistening with desire, full and rich and aching to be tasted. Unable to resist any longer, she slipped her free hand into her pants, reaching her own womanhood and slowly began fingering herself, slowly and deliberately. In that moment, Cassie looked like a living flame, a fiery sexual being needing to be fed deep passion by a skilled lover.

Olivia froze as Cassie looked in her direction, fearing that she had been caught doing the unthinkable, spying on her while having sex. She paused for a moment, studying the expression on her face, trying to determine what was happening, eventually figuring out that the girl was staring off into space and happened to be looking in Olivia's exact direction. She resumed her self-pleasuring, the seemingly direct eye contact making it infinitely more erotic, as if both women were sharing a sexual experience with each other.

All at once Cassie's eyes closed and her back arched, her full breasts jutting out and quivering feverishly as a loud and low moan escaped from her lips. Olivia's body reacted at that very second and a violent orgasm washed over her, making her use every ounce of strength not to moan or scream and give away her forbidden voyeuristic activity. Both women rode out their respective climaxes together, finishing at nearly the same time, Olivia silently putting her free hand on the wall to keep from falling over. After regaining her composure, she quietly made her way to the front door, and slipped out of the apartment.

Driving to her family's home ended up going more quickly than Olivia anticipated, the roads deserted and no police presence that she could see. Since Olivia had her own keys, she unlocked the front door and twisted the tarnished brass knob and pushed the door inwards. Once again moving in silent mode, she made her way to the guest room and slipped into bed, still fully clothed. As sleep rapidly took her, the images of Cassie played out vividly in her mind, the urge to influence her sexy roommate became a determined commitment.

Olivia woke up the next morning, focused and motivated, laptop open, eating a stale bagel from the kitchen as she dug into the class materials that sparked the whole idea in her head to begin with. Research on subliminal messaging and its effectiveness was wildly varied and sometimes contradictory, which just made her shake her head. "Yeah, yeah, can you make up your fucking mind?" she growled.

Just as Olivia was about to give up, she spotted a footnote deep into the third volume of a university study from the year prior. Frowning, she copied the link and pulled up another document that outlined an entire process that had been used on a focus group of college freshmen. The experiment had lasted several months and consisted of short repeating messages over the residence hall speakers, suggesting that they take a particular class.

"Hmm, well more than half..." she mused, noting that a strong majority had responded to the hidden audio message. Olivia jotted down the details, and began formulating a plan for massaging the mind of her gorgeous straight roommate.

Olivia found the apartment vacant when she arrived Sunday afternoon, making her feel a bit of relief that she had the time to put everything in place. 'Best not rush into things, should test it a little first', she told herself.

She took out the tiny bluetooth speaker that she had purchased from the electronics store and paired it up with her laptop. It was a clever gadget, disguised as a clip that could slip on to any electrical cord in a room, powerful enough to produce the right stimulus but innocuous to be undetected.

'Ok the key is simplicity and subtlety, just saying go and eat Olivia's pussy is just too far out there.' Olivia said to herself. Clearing her throat, she pressed the recording button on the laptop application. "A glass of red wine sounds delicious," she said softly.

''Oh this has to be the most idiotic thing I have ever thought of. I sure as hell have lost my mind,' she thought to herself. Sighing, Oliva pressed the button on the laptop to deliver the message and behind playing it at a volume and frequency low enough not to be perceived consciously. Walking to the room next to hers, she knocked on the door just to ensure that Cassie was indeed gone.

"Cass? You there?" she asked, but hearing no response.

Olivia had seen Cassie's room numerous times, even been in it now and then, but was still impressed at how lovely and well-decorated it was. Looking down at the spot where she had seen the girl's naked body in the throes of ecstasy a few days earlier, she had to smile remembering how the scene had looked. Forcing herself out of her reverie, Olivia slipped the device on the radio Cassie kept by her bed, hoping it would do as she hoped.

The rest of the day slipped away without incident. Evening arrived, dinner came and went, and both girls were sitting on the couch watching a television show. By then Olivia had actually forgotten her hidden experiment, not that she ever thought it would work anyway.

Olivia giggled and laughed at the action on the television, drawing Cassie's attention to her face. Their eyes met briefly, but nothing of consequence on the other girl's face to indicate anything other than a comfortable friendship. As the credits began rolling on the program, Cassie bounced up to her feet and headed to the kitchen. "Damn a glass of wine sounds good right about now, gonna grab me a glass. Want anything?" she said with a smile.

Seconds later, she spoke to her again, saying, "Ok, wine or no? Red or white? Red sounds pretty yummy."

Olivia felt a chill rip through her like a knife. "Red? Red wine?" she asked, incredulous.

Cassie stuck her tongue out. "Yeah, smartass, usually prefer a good white but want a glass of red right now."

Olivia laughed nervously and shook her head, prompting the other girl to turn away and grab the bottle of wine to pour a glass from.

"Your loss."

Olivia was caught between amazement and disbelief that the idea was working, and also wondering the limits of the whole thing. 'This is crazy, there is no way this is real, must just be a coincidence'. Less than an hour later, she opened up her laptop and pressed pause on the program controlling the hidden sound device, waiting to see if the suggestion faded away without it continuing to operate.

Over the space of the next few days, Olivia switched the device on and off, noting that on the days it was dormant that Cassie did not have any red wine, and when it was on, she did. At that point, she was ready to accept that her quasi-science experiment was actually working, and started planning out the next step of the process.

Olivia knew two things at that point, first, that the subliminal messaging was working, and two, that getting the messaging to push Cassie where she wanted her to go would have to be gradual. But what to suggest next? How could she prod her sexy friend to venture into new sexual horizons when she was so strongly resistant to the idea? Could she not appreciate the incredible beauty of the female body and how sexy two of them looked together?

As before, one word stood out in her mind, beauty, and she let it roll around in her mind for a few moments. No, Cassie did not feel sexual attraction to another female, let alone entertain the idea of one as a lover, but certainly she could appreciate feminine beauty in an abstract way, right? How could she boil that idea down to something simpler that the girl wouldn't feel threatened by? The female body had been the focus of so much artistic representation over the years, she could start there at least. Ensuring that Cassie was well out of earshot, Olivia pressed the recording button again, saying, "Art is a great thing to get into as a hobby."

Once the message was deployed, all she had to do was wait. Since Olivia had minored in art during her undergraduate studies, she could be the perfect resource to fulfill any interest Cassie showed in it later on. Actually, she wanted to be the resource for any interest, including sexual ones, straight or not.

Olivia knew instinctively that she couldn't rush it, that patience was key and subtlety was essential. Even so, a little help wasn't out of the question, so she opened her closet and started digging through her old college textbooks, and found one with the image of a large sunflower on the cover. As she was about to pull just that one volume out, Olivia stopped and lifted the entire box up and carried it out to the counter right by the door.

About an hour later, Cassie flung the door open, almost crashing in, carrying a bag of groceries that she had collected from the store a few minutes before. Reaching up with her leg, she pushed the door closed with her foot, causing it to slam and push the sound throughout the apartment.

"Sorry!" she shouted, sitting the large paper bag down on the counter gently.

"Not a big deal, Cass!" Olivia said, not quite shouting but speaking with enough volume to be heard.


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