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Thoughts, Ch. 04

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Cassie's thoughts persuade her to cross the line at last.
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The conclusion, I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 4

For the next couple of days, the two girls did their yoga dancing together early in the morning. Cassie wanted to prove that nothing was affecting her, that her thoughts were devoid of women, and that she was indeed still straight as an arrow. Inwardly the reality was another thing entirely, with vivid sexual dreams and urges that she considered entirely foreign to her.

Very late into the night, Cassie awoke with a start, feeling the after effects of some erotic dream, but it had faded so fast she could not remember a single detail. Her breathing was ragged, her skin flushed a rosy pink, and moisture between her legs. She hadn't had sex since her jaunt with William...the last time for sure. Even so, she felt the strong ache at the very core of her being, a hunger she could not ignore, so she laid back and slipped her fingers between her legs. 'Oh myyyyyy that feels fucking good right now', she thought as her fingers stroked her womanhood slowly, tasting once in a while, closing her eyes.

In her mind she imagined herself on that very bed, completely naked, begging for her lover to taste her, to have their way with her, to give her the pleasure and release she needed more than anything. She felt hands on her knees, parting her legs, exposing her pussy, readying to devour her, the fantasy was tantalizing.

Until the image of Olivia's body outlined in the picture in her mind, her delicate hands on her knees, lowering her face to eat her out. Gritting her teeth, she pushed the unwelcome picture from her mind, instead seeing the cute young barista from the coffee stand down the street. 'Oh yeah, that's better...much better...', she said to herself, feeling his hands on her hips and his tongue sliding inside her. It felt so good and she was getting closer to cumming, it would be any moment now. Cassie imagined slipping her fingers into his hair, urging him on, that long wavy hair between her digits. 'Wait, long hair? What the...?', she screamed in her mind.

Olivia's image invaded the fantasy again, at the point where Cassie felt the beginning of the precipice of her much-needed orgasm. She wrestled with the thoughts for several moments, causing her climax to fade a bit, frustrating her, winning the battle for the moment but then appearing between her legs again. 'Oh fuck she is so sexy', she admitted as the interloper licked her deeply, her mind so feverish that she lost control, giving in to the dreamy image. The instant Cassie surrendered, her orgasm finally arrived like a late party guest, but also like the woman of the hour. Tingles erupted over her entire body, her back arching, moaning deeply, the image of her lesbian roommate and her licking never leaving her mind. Her climax crashed over her powerfully, as if completely consuming her, leaving nothing untouched.

As the sensations faded, and her reason returned to her, Cassie felt a flood of conflicting feelings rush inside her all at once, tossing her about like a boat in a storm, never stopping. Her orgasm coupled with the unexpected feelings took such a heavy toll on her that she fell asleep only moments later.

Olivia had heard her roommate's moans and cries of pleasure, making her smile, noting that their pitch and tone was stronger than she had ever heard before. She reasoned that something was obviously different, surmising that it had involved the new thoughts that her little experiment had carefully cultivated over weeks. As expected, Cassie seemed a little off over the next few days that followed, hopefully to change for the better soon.

Olivia was sitting in the kitchen with a full bottle of diet coke and a full bottle of rum, and was sipping the resulting drink in a cobalt blue tumbler. School had been particularly draining, and she had presented her project on subliminal messaging orally, finding mixed reviews from the academic panel. Hopefully they liked it enough to give her a passing grade, though the anxiety had prompted the drink to begin with.

Cassie breezed in moments later with an arm full of binders, seemingly unaffected by the developments earlier that week, and paused by the table. "Oh that looks yummy." she said, eyeing the bottles.

"Happy to be your bartender." Olivia said, raising her glass as if making a toast.

"Please do, I really need to unwind tonight." she said, disappearing into her room to rif herself of the books.

'Oh with any luck you will unwind quite a bit', Olivia thought knowingly. She mixed a strong drink in another glass and sat it at the position at the table next to her.

Cassie collapsed into the chair, grabbing the glass and taking an enormous swallow of the dark liquid. Her eyes went wide, and she downed the drink rapidly. "Wow that's strong!" she objected.

Olivia felt playful and responded that way, saying, "Well if you don't like it, you can fix it your damn self, hun."

Cassie giggled, seeming more like herself now. "Nah, I'm too lazy." she quipped.

Olivia knew her roommate was a lightweight, so she mixed the succeeding drinks with less intensity, but that didn't stop Cassie from getting a nice buzz not soon after they started drinking. "Oh, it would be fun to go to a club tonight, I would love to dance up a storm." she said, standing up and twirling around once.

"Nice thought, but unless you want to get arrested, neither of us are fit to drive. 'Fraid you'll have to do without. Unless..."

Olivia had to tread lightly here, and she immediately regretted letting it slip out. She had asked her to dance closely a time or two at parties with mutual friends, but her response was always, 'Sorry, but I don't dance that way with girls'. She let the unfinished word hang in the air, waiting to see how the buzzed blonde responded.

"Unless we have a dance party here?" Cassie said with a silly grin.

"But you don't dance with girls. Please please don't tease the gay girl ok?" Olivia said, half-joking, giving the girl a respectable excuse if she felt anxious about the idea.

"Well we have been doing dance yoga together for a while, so I guess it's ok right?" she replied.

OIivia nodded, setting her glass down and taking Cassie's away as well. "But I'm cutting you off then. Too easy to lose your balance and end up crashing through all the glass shelves in here." she said. Cassie nodded, raising no objections.

Cassie took the initiative and picked several videos and cobbled them in a makeshift playlist for the television. "Ok that should last us about an hour." she said, giggling, clearly buzzed but not drunk. She activated the first video, which had a very rapid beat, and began gyrating to it.

Olivia stood watching her, smiling, noting again she had seen a side of her friend that she had no idea even existed. She doubted that the choice of such a sexual song had not been intentional, but the other girl's movements were insanely provocative.

"C'mon, come dance." the blonde girl said playfully, beckoning her to come closer.

Olivia relented, coming over to stand in front of her, taking in the suggestive nature of her dancing before joining in and matching her movements. Both girls giggled as their bodies occasionally brushed each other, acting silly but still engaging in the quasi-sexual behavior. At one point, Cassie grabbed Olivia's hips and did a playful grinding motion into her hip, inadvertently bringing their faces close to one another's.

Olivia watched as a look of desire flickered across Cassie's face, replaced a second later by an expression of confusion. That was the expression that Olivia had been waiting to see, the vulnerability that signaled an open moment where something could happen. A moment when her usual defenses were down, or gone altogether. She could probably kiss her right now and get away with it.

Slapping her ass playfully, Oliva pulled back a bit, far enough away to relax any fears the girl might have. "You are a fucking tease, Cass." she said, with a wink and grin. She studied the other girl's face for a moment, and saw something else dance across her face, a look of disappointment. She was ready, the moment could happen any second, but Olivia patiently vowed to let it unfold on its own.

Their dancing antics continued for about twenty more minutes, resulting in constant body contact by brushing, rubbing, and occasionally grinding. In some cases, Cassie initiated the contact, and others she simply went along with. In either case, the invisible barrier of physical touch had been breached without objection.

One song had the images of couples dancing on the screen, prompting both girls to grab the hand of the other and mimicking their movements. This dance was much more intimate, with constant moments where bodies touched and faces were so close you could feel the other's breath on their lips. Instead of pulling back when their faces almost touched, Olivia held her position there, just inches separating her lips from Cassie's.

Cassie's facial expressions started cycling back and forth between desire and confusion, like a savage war was raging in her mind. With each round, confusion inched forward more and more, until it was the single look on her face, sexual confusion as she tried to reconcile what she was feeling with what she believed. Right where Olivia wanted her. Vulnerable. Open.

Olivia inched her face forward, again giving the girl every opportunity to end what was happening, but also giving her the ability to embrace the moment on her own. Finally, Olivia's wet lips brushed those of her straight roommate, a feather-light touch, teasing, but without pressure. She left her mouth hovering over Cassie's, enticing her, teasing her, her own breath snaking into the other girl's mouth. Everything about it was deliberate, to build the sexual tension until it threatened to consume them both whole.

"Oh...my...oh...fuck..." Cassie breathed into the almost-kiss.

Olivia very softly touched her lips to Cassie's, holding them there, withdrawing for a split second, and then kissing her again. After the fourth kiss, she felt the other lips kissing back. Reciprocating. Asking for more.

Cassie was all-in now, kissing in return, her lips sensually massaging Olivia's own wet lips. Her lips tasted amazing. Her mouth tasted amazing. Olivia slipped her hands on the other girl's hips and pulled her body against hers. The body that men lusted for, dreamt of and occasionally possessed, however briefly.

Cassie sighed as she felt Olivia's breasts press into her own, the warmth searing her skin even though still fully clothed. These kisses felt so different, so much softer, so much sweeter, and somehow so much better. This body felt better too. Everything about it was better. Literally.

Olivia fought to maintain her self-control, consciously wanting each moment to last, to burn indelible impressions in the girl's mind and body. That meant closed-mouth kisses, just savoring the feeling of lips on lips, as if nothing else mattered or nothing else was needed. Knowing this was the very first time Cassie made out with another woman just increased her sense of satisfaction.

Cassie felt her nipples get so hard it was almost painful, and acutely aware of Olivia's poking against her breasts, occasionally rubbing together, making her shiver, increasing the intensity of the hunger raging within her. Making her want more...much more. She parted her lips slightly, hoping it would lure the other girl's tongue inside, inviting it, but subtly.

Olivia felt her new lover's mouth open a bit, causing a huge thrill to cascade through her own body from head to toe. 'Mmmmm she wants more. I'll give her more...lots more', she thought, parting her own lips and lightly running it on the other girl's lip, eliciting a long, throaty moan from her. Olvia poked and teased her open mouth, tracing every inch of her lips, and then ever so slowly let her tongue snake in and penetrate Cassie's mouth. As it invaded the chasm gently, she felt the other tongue quivering in anticipation, with uncertainty, as if unsure how to respond. Olivia swirled her tongue around Cassie's, igniting a dance between them that eclipsed that of their bodies moments before.

Cassie trembled as she felt the other girl's hand inch upward, a bit at a time, until it slipped under the hem of her shirt, landing on the small of her back just about the waist of her torn blue jeans. The touch was gentle, warm, and sexy, even though it did nothing more than lay against her skin. Curiosity set in as she felt the hand against her back. 'What does she feel like? Should I? Is it too much? Don't care. I want to know...need to know', her voice echoed in her mind, as her trembling hand mimicked the motion, plastering her hand on the skin of her roommate's back. It felt warm, sexy and amazing, and she obeyed the urge to slowly caress the place her fingers found.

'Ohhhh good girl, that's it, touch me, explore me, feel for yourself how amazing a woman's body is', Olivia thought, almost smiling into their sensual tongue kisses. Assuming it would be acceptable now, she began tracing her fingers up and down her back, lingering at the bra strap, but resisting the thought to unhook it, dragging her fingers along the strap instead. It was a subtle signal, one the blonde could either safely ignore or otherwise respond to.

Cassie knew what she wanted, feeling a momentary flicker of fear, one that was quickly extinguished by the desire to know how it would feel to be touched. She pulled back and locked her eyes on Olivia. "Yes, yes, please touch me." she panted before fastening her lips back as before.

This time Olivia broke the kiss, much to the other girl's frustration. "Are...you sure?" she asked.

Cassie lurched forward, planting her lips back where she wanted them, simply moaning in assent, her mind and body aching for more. Shivers tickled her skin as she felt Olivia unhooking her bra, feeling the anticipation and thrill of the moment, not noticing that her lover had made no attempt to disrobe her just yet.

Olivia dragged two of her fingers across the blonde's skin while still under her shirt, tracing under her arm and tickling up her rib cage before stopping. This was a big step, and even though she appeared to be quite ready, caution was still advisable. She paused just below her breast, slowly spreading her fingers apart until one just brushed the underside as if an accident. She caressed the spot in a circular motion, wanting to build the anticipation and hopefully make the experience memorable. Cassie whimpered with frustration, which prompted Olivia to brush her thumb deliberately on the quivering bottom of the girl's breast.

Olivia very slowly slipped her hand upwards until it was filled with Cassie's ample left breast, marveling how it felt and her reaction to the touch. She moved her lips to her roommate's neck, remembering how she reacted to her boyfriend doing that, smiling as the girl gasped and moaned in response.

"Does that feel good, Cass? Hmm?" she whispered as sexily as she could.

Cassie moaned and arched her back. "Oh gawd, you have no fucking clue how good." she gasped.

Olivia planted her lips on the blonde's neck, kissing, licking and biting gently, making love to her neck, wanting to see how she reacted. "Oh I know exactly how amazing it feels, love. How much better. How perfect." she breathed out while caressing her breast more. With every kiss and touch, she wanted to ensure that anything else she had felt before would seem worthless by comparison.

Cassie felt Olivia's thumb brush her nipple, causing her entire body to jerk involuntarily. "Oh FUCK!" she shouted, unable to control the outburst.

"Only if you ask nicely. Very nicely." Olivia whispered before gently sucking on the girl's neck immediately.

Cassie gripped Olivia's hip, as if desperate to keep her from moving away from her. "Oh...gawd....yes..." she gasped, writhing now.

"Yes? Yes what?"

"Yes, YES, fuck me. Please. Fuck me."

Olvia let out a moaned chuckle escape her lips between kisses to the other girl's neck as she heard the impassioned begging. "Hmmmm are you sure? You're straight, after all. Straight girls don't fuck gay girls." she teased.

Cassie dug her nails into the skin of her roommate's slender upper hip. "I don't care. It doesn't matter. I want you." she growled, becoming impatient with the game.

Olivia could tell that Cassie had now fully succumbed to desire, and nothing short of a natural disaster could prevent her from having the girl, all of her, right then and there. Enjoying the banter, she kissed the girl's neck again before issuing a very clear challenge to her. "Prove it!" she said, smiling and stepping back, taking in the sight of her disheveled but desirable roommate flush with lesbian lust.

Cassie had never felt that kind of desire before, something that seemed to permeate every cell in her body, an ache that craved nothing else but her roommate finishing the seduction and making her climax. She let go of the other girl, and in one fluid motion, grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head, casting the bra aside. Without hesitating, she took Olivia's hand and placed it on her left breast, sighing as it made contact. With one hand she cupped the other breast, and with the other she gently grabbed her roommate's neck and guided her lips to it.

Olivia felt a huge rush as she wrapped her lips around Cassie's gorgeous breast, gently sucking and swirling her tongue around the hard nipple. Making love to it. Worshiping it like the servant of some ancient goddess that demanded satisfaction. Cassie moaned as she carefully shed her black slacks and soaked red thong, desperate not to dislodge her lover's mouth from its work on her body.

Cassie felt an orgasm starting to build, feeling like a spring that had been wound so tight that it was in great danger of exploding her apart violently. Her legs started to give way under her, something that Olivia had anticipated, wrapping her free arm around her bare ass to keep her from falling. Easing her backward several steps, she lowered the trembling girl to the couch, knowing that her moment was close. Kneeling in front of her, she scooted forward between the girl's legs, parting them gradually until her womanhood was in her full view.

Olivia kept her lips in a gentle sucking motion, hands resting on Cassie's thighs, avoiding any contact with her pussy, though breathing in the scent of her arousal like an erotic perfume. Within a minute, Cassie arched her back in an almost impossible way, eyes closed, head thrown back, her body beginning to quake.

Cassie began panting rapidly, squirming, her hand cupping her lover's head to her breast as if it was the single most important thing in the universe, pushing her against it as her orgasm smashed into her. Waves of pleasure ripples through her body, making her limbs tremble and her body shake uncontrollably. This was it, whether it was called heaven or nirvana, it was the most sexual pleasure that her body had ever felt, and all from the simple act of sucking on her breast. The climax broke after what seemed like minutes, and Cassie crumpled into a heap on the couch, breathing labored and body quivering.

Olivia knew her panties were drenched, her own body filled with need and desiring the same release Cassie had experienced, but the time wasn't yet. She had experienced straight girls getting that far and still freaking out and running off, and she was determined not to let that happen now. Her straight friend was close, so very close, to having her preconceived sexual notions blown completely apart, and she was determined to see it through.

Cassie felt lips on hers again, her own mouth parting widely signaling her surrender to Olivia's post-orgasmic kiss, without any need to use words. Tongues swirled and danced for several heartbeats before she felt those lips move to her ear. "Ever come that way before?" she asked in a raspy whisper.


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