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Click hereLee wasn't sure how to react. The surprised expression on his face as he stared at this woman. Betsy was by far different from Lucy, who was her sister. Her voice was a heavy southern accent as she wore that grey uniform. She was soon holstering her colts while tapping her boots.
"So the Damn Yanks won the war, well fuck me silly and call me Shirley."
"Alright, Shirley," Lee responded, trying to be funny though Betsy gave him a filthy look,
"Don't call me Shirley." She huffed hard, almost snorting, while she began looking around. Almost as if she was wondering where she might have been. Maybe, though Lee sighed as he
She muttered under her breath as she looked around; she seemed to be examining the surroundings as The woman wondered where she was or when. So many questions were coming to her.
"Yeah, the south lost, though many things changed. Um, come on, Lucifers waiting outside of this place." Though Betsy raised an eyebrow, he kicked himself in the foot as he imagined wanting to kick the Devil's ass.
"You mean, My Father is here? That no-good yellow belly bastard finally decided to come and get me!? Ok, where the hell am I?" Betsy yelled out, annoyed and ready to kick someone's ass, her body sizzling as she grubbed her stomach, feeling hungry. Lee reached over, grabbed her shoulder, and wrapped his arm around her.
"Well, you're in the 21st century. It's 2021, and I Have no idea where we're, but I'm from Ohio."
"Yeah, yeah, yank, well, let's get going. I have a father to speak to." Betsy sneered in utter annoyance, not happy to see the man. Lee looked at her for a good second.
"Well, hopefully, he's out there waiting for us." Lee hoped though not sure. So far, today had felt like an eternity. Something about it was off, and now that he looked down at his hand, seeing two rings, he groaned in annoyance, knowing he was bound to two succubi. How he planned to explain this to Lucy was something he wasn't even sure about. They began walking down the corridors. Not sure what would happen or who they might run into. All Lee knew was he didn't want to run into more traps. Even with Betsy here to protect him. Besides, how many bullets would those guns even hold now?
"So, How did you wind up trapped in the ring?" Asked almost curiously as he looked back at the confederate succubus.
"Ah got ambushed took about fifty yanks to catch me, though I took out as many as I could before they got one of them, preacher men, to bound me. I'd have shot me right between the eyes if I caught that man of God." Lee barely understood a word she said, and that was saying something. But he shook his head and nodded,
"Well, that sucks. I mean, I found Lucy by accident, and well, we're getting married now. I swear, what am I even going to tell her?" he bit his lips as they finally found themselves at the door. Looking towards the thing as he carefully grabbed the door handle, his eyes closed as he prepared to open it, yet he imagined that there was a rattlesnake right outside ready to strike at any moment.
The door slung open; he let out a fierce yell. Running out there ready to punch, kick and bite if he needed to, there was nothing as he ran out there. Just a peaceful world. That chirped crickets and not much else. He took a deep breath as he sighed in relief. Lee let out a nervous chuckle. His guard dropped.
"Smooth move there, son." A familiar voice called out, causing Lee to jump in the air with much horror. He bounced around, looking to see none other than Lucifer and holding a pocket watch, looking impatient. Lee couldn't help screaming in pure shock. At the same time, Betsy stepped outside the door, looking at him with much annoyance.
"What's with all the yelling!" She muttered, crossing her arms. Lucifer snickered.
"Jesus boy, you don't need to scream! You've been in there for what seemed like forever. I was getting nervous like those glass saints had managed to get you killed."
"Well, I survived no thanks to you." Lee groaned while just rubbing his face. The bags over his eyes as he looked back at the devil himself.
"Why in the hell didn't you help me?" He complained while imagining kicking the devil in the ass. Lee West is kicking the devil right in the ass! He imagined his old Sunday school teacher would get a kick out of that.
"Woah, cool down there. One of the big guy's significant rules is not allowing messing with mortals. You're on your own and made it out in one piece."
"Yeah, with the help of your daughter." Pointing over to Betsy, who was cleaning a gun up, Lucifer smirked widely.
"So you unleashed one of my daughters once more. So what are you planning on doing with her?" A wide chuckle while looking over at the mere mortal man.
"Well, I figured you'd free us from our bindings, and we could be on our way. He reached over, pulling his hand up, showing the ring.
"Oh no, that's not how that works." Lucifer let out a broad, pleasant grin. Lee couldn't help but feel dread rising around him to realize what would happen. What was he going to tell Lucy? He shuddered, imagining the horrors that were going to happen.
"Well, I guess you'll have to find out; we're off to hell, and it's good to see you, Honey," Lucifer said with a broad smile. Betsy looked at him rolling her eyes in annoyance and not wanting to acknowledge the devil in front of them.
A portal began appearing before then, and Lucifer turned, smiling. The one, only the devil, could make itself as he turned around, stepping right through it. Luke and Betsy walked right behind him as they moved through the portal. Lee walked on through as they appeared in the dark castle of the Dark Lord Lucifer. Who smiled, sighing in relief. Lucifer looked back.
"Well, that was something else, but it's good to be in my sweet castle. The cold chill whistled in the air passing by them. Lee felt an overwhelming calmness, and When he realized how relaxed he was, he couldn't help finding it ironic that him being in hell after all.
- 000-
The church was broken down. The security system was destroyed, and it was clear that everything was about it. Two men walked inside, each of the old, with hair as white as snow and wearing black robes.
"So, It seems as though someone has broken into our chamber, well isn't that great." One of the preachers muttered while looking at the broken glass of the security system. A thing they had spent months setting up and praying for forgiveness from the lord as they looked over and saw the vanished box. The one that held one of their greatest enemies, the Succubus.
"Who do you think it was, Father?" The preacher said while looking at the scorched walls. How they formed only added more questions.
"Truly, that is something we must ask. Ourselves and the good lord." Spoke to the older man who looked around the walls. As he imagined it was something, though turned back, "We'll have to consult the inevitable and track down the ring and those who broke into the church. Pray that they didn't release the beastly creature."
"Should we send someone? How about father Lucus? Has anyone been able to make contact with him?"
"No one has, we suspect he failed his mission with the nun, and they're both dead."
"Then what can we do? Father Lucus was one of our best Succubus hunters? If he failed, what can we do?" The younger man said while disturbed, imagining one of their best had managed to fall to such creatures.
"We'll send another one, and we can't rely on the past generation not to fall. If we must, send our next and pray to the good lord. Guild him to protect us." He turned, looking about as he knew that something was wrong, but soon, by the grace of heaven, they might be able to make a difference and save those who have lost.
Lee appeared in the dark palace, the room covered in darkness as he looked about for a second, sighing in relief, somehow glad to be located in Hell as he looked over seeing the cowgirl succubus Betsy and Lucifer himself, who adjusted his suit.
"Truly, it's a time to celebrate; please take some wine, rest up, and enjoy yourself. I'm sure you both deserve a good rest after your difficult time." Lucifer said that wicked grin only the lord of Lies and evil could have as he popped his neck.
"Gah, I'll take some fine whiskey, old man," Betsy said while she looked around the room, clearly disgusted by all around her, while Lee felt his head fall. It was clear he was exhausted and needed to get some sleep; unlike these two, he was mortal after all.
"I think I'm just going to head to bed, I don't know what I'm going to say to Lucy, but she's not going to believe this."
"Believe what?" A familiar voice spoke up, causing Lee to look over and see none other than Lucy. She stood there wearing a red silken robe with just enough opening to show off her beautiful cleavage.
"Oh Lucy, You look great there, honey." He smiled while looking at his beautiful fiancée.
"Well, thank you, now you were wanting to tell me? Also, why were you out so late?" She asked, more curious than anything, clearly not noticing the other succubus in the room for a minute,
"Well, I had to help your dad with something else, and one thing led to another."
"Howdy, there, little sis," Betsy spoke up as she stepped out of the shadows revealing herself.
"Betsy... You, How?" Lucy seemed lost as she realized she was looking towards her sister while The southern soldier tipped her hat up as she said,
"The varmint here got me out of that ring now; I'm stuck with him for now until we break it off or something, so How have you been?" The Grey outfit hung off her as she adjusted it, Clearly giving her body a little more air while Lucy looked back.
"Lee, you helped her. Where did you even...." She looked over, seeing the ring on his middle finger; as she looked back at him, she became more surprised. "You released her... Bound her. I don't know what to say." She looked at him, and Lee felt a pang of fear in his face as he shook his head,
"We got into some trouble, crazy glass priests trying to kill us, so I did the only thing I could, and your dad there vanished on me." He couldn't help giving Lucifer a dirty look at that point, who quickly responded by raising his hand.
"Hey, Now, I was never there. I just helped you get there." That charming smile while he lied through his teeth. Lee couldn't have expected more from the father of lies.
"You're not mad at me, are you?" Lee said while he held her shoulder, wondering what she might say, as Lucy smiled gently.
"Why would I be mad? You're safe, and that's all that matters, though I wish you told me you were planning this. But also, I'm a bit annoyed that you're bound to my sister; but I'll let it slide, but you'll need to make it up to me for our wedding night." She poked his nose with that cute wide smirk as she rolled her red hair around.
"What would that be?" Lee asked while giving a gentle nudge against her. Imagining some of the strange things the Succubus Queen might try to do to him on their special night as she leaned in, whispering into his ears huskily.
"You'll have to find out then, and it's going to be a surprise." She slapped him right on the ass as he bounced up. Her smack was nice and firm as she gave him that cheeky smirk. He'd grown to love more than anything.
"So, Old man, where am I going to be sleeping? I got stuck in that ring for how long, and I'll tell you what I want to get some into something nice and comfortable." Betsy looked over to the Fallen angel, who smirked,
"Well, you'll be laying down in Lee's room and your sisters since you bounded to him at this point, and besides, we couldn't possibly have enough room to hold you in the castle." Lucifer chuckled while Betsy looked back over, clearly twitching her eye as if she were going to strangle the king of hell.
"You son of a!" But before she could finish that line, Lucifer had already vanished, leaving the three of them there. Lee looked around slightly while giving a long sigh,
"I swear this day just gets weirder and weirder."
"Don't you know it?" Lucy snickered while she was ready to lead Lee off to their bedroom; the succubus's eyes glowed as she licked her lips. Til Betsy looked over at them,
"Uh huh, where the bloody hell is your bedroom, little sister since the old Bastard is making me sleep with you guys?" She spoke with that southern accent that sounded madder than a bull getting stung on the balls by a hornet.
Lucy looked over at her sister, then back at Lee while she realized this was now a thing; she groaned, rubbing her head as she nodded,
"Sure thing, Betsy. Come on, and I'm sure we have enough room in the bed for one more." She looked around for a second and wondered how they would make it but soon moved on, dragging Lee; Betsy watched the two while rolling her eyes as she began following them.
Lee lay in bed between the two succubi, clearly shocked to be in a situation. Sure The bed was large enough for the three of them. Lucy wrapped her arms around him as she lay there, her body close to his, as she shuddered. Her warm body against his felt nice, even with the sweltering heat of Hell. Betsy lay on his left and turned away. However, she didn't seem to have a blanket over her, which showed off her magnificent rear end. It wasn't something he could complain about.
Though Lee found he couldn't sleep, he just lay in the light darkness with the glow of candles. Lee was tempted to turn on the television, well, it was tempting, but because of last time. Lee wasn't going to take a chance of needing permanent therapy.
"To think, I was hoping to get a one-night stand and pay the bills a couple of years ago. I'm married to a beautiful woman, and my father-in-law is the devil." He said while looking to the ceiling. His head was resting back with a long smile. It was like God was gifting him. Well, probably not God; he wasn't sure what it was like to meet God.
"Oh crap, will he come to the wedding?" If anything, he imagined that it would be a shock, though, at the same time, it was a funny image, having the big guy in one of the pews sitting there bored while hearing the sermon read out loud.
Lee giggled under his breath as he felt something grabbing his sausage. He stopped right there, watching the ceiling as he spoke out.
"Lucy, it might not be the best time to do that." He whispered over to his future bride-to-be, but she never responded as he felt her hand going up and down. Slow at first while jacking his cock off.
Lee was tempted to smack her hand off. But it was beginning to feel good, her hands seeming rougher than average; it felt good as she continued to move her hand. Even playing with his head the way she twisted her hand over his thick shaft head. He let out a low moan.
"On second thoughts, just keep going. I'm sure we can clean this up later." He groaned, feeling her gripping him tightly as she jacked him off faster. Precum leaked from the tip Lucy had reached over, slathering it over his cock head, really getting his member lubed up as he moaned hard. His hand wrapped around Lucy as he squeezed and played with her firm breasts. She moaned,
"Keep going faster." He whispered in an audible, hoping not to wake Betsy. He groaned, closing his eyes as he felt his balls contracting. His breathing got heavy as he thrust his hip up into her hand, really getting into it. A part of him wished Lucy would go down on him. Lee wanted to fill her sexy throat as he let out a long moan.
"Yeah, like that; I'm getting so close." He said while feeling her tighten her grip getting rougher on his cock, as Lee could feel his balls tightening up.
"Yeah, Like that, I'm almost there; yes, more, Lucy, I think I'm gonna." Lee found himself unleashing his load. His load was shooting into the air. He moaned loudly while feeling his load escape his throbbing cock. He didn't care. His load landed on his chest. The orgasm felt so strong he would ignore it. His heart felt like it skipped a beat as he collapsed there, his mind racing as he couldn't help but feel ready to fall asleep.
That was when he felt Lucy's hand reach around, circling where his load had landed on him as she pulled it towards his left. Lee closed his eyes for a minute when it struck him. Please wait for a second; her hand pulled over to the left.
He found himself looking over towards Betsy as he realized she had shuffled like she had wiggled in bed, causing Lee to pause for a minute and realize that the one who had given him a hand job wasn't Lucy but her sister. His heart skipped a beat as he laid his head back, soon falling asleep.
"Are you sure you have to go?" Lilith said while hugging Lucy, a long hug while she looked over at her, Betsy, and Lee. The way she looked at Lee, it was clear she knew about last night, even if Lee wasn't sure what happened last night. A suspicion that he might have gotten a hand-job from the succubus sister.
"Yeah, we need to get home, work and all. But we'll send you a date for the wedding and where it'll be." Lucy smiled as she grabbed Lee's hand. Betsy stood there, looking more refreshed than she was the other night. Lee wondered if last night had happened or if it had been his imagination. Lee decided to leave it be for the time being. They walked through the portal that Lucifer had created, transferring them back into Lee's Apartment. Lee gasped while looking around, finding himself shocked to be home already.
Betsy looked around as she touched one of the light switches.
"So this is the twenty-first century, Not that impressive." She mumbled while turning the light on. As she saw the illumination, Lee saw a flash of surprise.
"Hmm, light inside, and no need for fire, good to know." Lee rolled his eyes while going around and putting some of his stuff up.
"I'm heading into the shower, no offense but the water down there is hot as well, you get the idea. So I'm gonna cool down, babe. I just hope I don't need to clean up the mess."
"No worry, save some of the hot water for me." Lucy smiled while she bounced onto the couch. Betsy tilted her head, looking out the window, seeing the modern world. Lee nodded as he began heading to the shower, Betsy looking over,
"So did you marry some rich cook or something cause He isn't heading out?"
"Oh, sis, the modern day is quite something; trust me," Lucy said while she patted her sister's shoulder. Their voices faded as he went to the bathroom, hoping he wouldn't need to clean anything up. Though when he walked in, he prepared a terrible smell. Imagine the dry goat blood left behind after Lucy sacrificed the goat. Yet Looking around, the bathroom looked clean. He tilted his head, more surprised.
"Well, thanks, Satan; I mean, at least everything cleaned up." Lee snorted at what he said and realized his mom heard him say that. She might have smacked him over the head just for that. Even then, he realized he needed to call his mom to tell her he would be marrying something. That was a whole new phone call.
"Ok, shower first, then call mom." Lee jumped into the shower letting the hot water pour onto him. Somehow after being down in hell, it felt fantastic. Yet he didn't mind. It felt right; It feels so good. Lee thought while he began washing his body. Closing his eyes, scrubbing his body down. He was starting to feel clean as he let the last few days wash away from him. The world is like a blur. The steam surrounded the room while taking his time.
He rashed his cock slowly, letting his fingers wrap around the sensitive member. As he grunted. He slathered shampoo while he let the water hit his firm chest. It was one of those things that he enjoyed. A moment away from the world and everyone.
"So this is my life?" He said out loud to himself, wondering what would happen next.