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To Paradise and Back

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A sweet incestuous lesbian saga.
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A sequel to 'The pristine love in the woods'

I landed up at the Delhi airport in the evening of a cool and salubrious February, when the ancient city was shrouded in a thick mantle of persistent mist. I had secretly dwelled on the hope the Neha could come and collect me, my goddess and mommy, whom I had guided to the tribal hamlets of Attappady fourteen months ago. In the meantime, I had become Dr. Maria Sebastian, and mommy was one of the referees of the thesis. I was on the way to join mommy to pursue my post-doctoral research at one of the premier institutions of higher learning in India. I had heard a great deal about the unconventional and post-modern campus at JNU, a politically belligerent and vibrant campus, which is a headache to the ruling parties. It would be a great honour to see my goddess once again in flesh and blood. I usually see many enchanting profiles of hers on WhatsApp. On my right arm, I have a tattoo of hers, which would remind me of her existence on this beautiful earth.

'Sorry, dear Priya, I have sent my daughter Priyanka to collect you, I am a bit tied up at the university,' she sent a message. Indeed, I could wait a few minutes more if I could wait for more than a year.

I surveyed the people waiting outside the railing to receive the outcoming passengers. They were mostly taxi drivers, raising a placard, and flashing strange names. There were dotting parents waiting to receive their children. Then far behind, away from the crowd, I saw her. Priya was not raising a placard, the funny girl was raising a shirt, the white shirt etched indelibly deep in the core of my mind, the shirt that my goddess had put on, on the way to the hills. The shirt front still seemed to have the lovely swell by a residual memory of the luscious darlings the fabric had been hugging so very ebulliently.

I smiled, despite myself. The flash of my smile seemed to make a difference, she spotted me and waved. I waved back. I slithered out through the crowds and got to her before the phantom melted away. I grabbed the shirt and kissed it fondly, once more to savor the heady penetrating musk of lavender, the musk I have learned to love so dearly and so nearly. When I grabbed her proffered hand and shook it with a natural warmth, her hand was soft and warm, like a sweet bird of silken plumes.

Priyanka is eighteen and waiting to take the engineering entrance exam. She collected my bag and walked in front, leading me. She seemed to be a brisk and energetic youth, rippling with energy. She had put on a t-shirt and faded jeans, which hugged her long legs like a second skin. It highlighted her long legs and the broad and magnificent mid-section. The t-shirt greedily hugged her narrow waist and broadened up to a beautifully shaped bosom, which reminded me of my goddess mommy. Her long coffee-coloured hair was bundled up into a lazy ponytail. It direly needed some shampoo, I thought.

'Mommy had told me that you would arrange a taxi for me,' I was surprised when we stopped at a private i10 car.

She laughed, just like the ringing temple bells at a serene forest shrine, again I remembered mommy. She was an exact younger edition of her delicious mother.

'I do certain things on my own,' she declared. Her words rolled out like polished gems, smooth glossy, and aerodynamic.

She smoothly careened the car into the chaotic Delhi traffic which was bursting at the seams. It was a Friday evening, a time when traffic would be at its snarling worst. Her fingers danced on the gear lever, her long, slender, and dainty fingers, a true copy of her illustrious mother's. I tried to reign in my illicit thoughts. My salvation is my mommy, my destination is my mommy, and not her daughter, period.

Still, my attention gravitated to her fingers, her nails were not polished, and she had no makeup, except for a pair of small earrings. Inadvertently my eyes wandered up and were hooked by the dizzying pair of breasts. I blinked with a pang as if high-frequency radiation had hit me. The breasts were looking straight ahead and were not restrained by the confines of a bra. Probably they do not need one, probably she does not care. She seemed to exude a give-a-damn attitude.

The university town is just a few kilometers away from the airport, insulated from the hustle and bustle of the capital region, and close to verdant wild sanctuaries, and posh residential areas like Hauz Khaz. The world-famous Kutab Minar, a cylindrical tower seven centuries old, penetrating deep into the heavens, was visible at a distance, a standing reminder of the legendary Delhi Sultanate.

I dropped myself on a sofa and the violence of that act made my breasts wobble inside my bra, once again reminding me how perniciously erect my nipples were.

'Mom will be home shortly,' Priya chimed, and she brought two glasses of Lazzy, I loved it, the cool delicious, and nutritious Punjabi drink.

I had an urge to wipe away the thin mustache of the sugared curd on her upper lip. I controlled my wild urges.

'You have a cute mustache now,' Priya laughed as if reading my mind.

She offered newspapers and magazines to me, to help me kill my time. It was a classy upper-middle-class villa, having two floors.

'I will be back shortly, let me go to my room,' Priya said.

'Can I give the company,' I got up.

She was confused, she debated for a minute or two before replying.

'Well, y..yes, I guess so,' she invited me.

We went up the flight of steps. Her delicious hips danced before me, I tweaked my mind and tried to divert my attention.

Before opening her room, Priya turned to me.

'This is a prohibited area, I have banished my parents from my room, nobody enters this room but me. It is in a disarray and probably terrifying,' she said.

'Don't worry, I have seen still worse cases at the university hostel,' I laughed.

Indeed, it was a chaotic scene, with books and clothes scattered all around. The floor was littered with rags and papers. The walls had life-size posters of Bollywood film star, Smita in scant dress, flashing her breasts, enchanting faces, hair, and long legs. At the foot end of her girly bed stood a life-size picture of my mommy. It was a breathtaking scene. She was in her tight jeans and tucked-in white shirt. Her rich silken hair flowed down to her shoulders like a divine halo. The shirt cleverly divulged the glory in her bra. The bra seemed to steal the thunder from the shirt. Suddenly my breasts were tingling and I experienced a drop easing out into my gusset.

I made a sound before I realized it.

'Do you like it?' she asked.

'Magnificent,' I lisped.

'Nothing seen and happening in this doom of mine should be shared with the outside world,' she ordered.

'Amen,' I said.

I returned to the parlor and Priya followed after a few minutes.

Priya's father was out of the country for a few weeks in connection with an international conference. He would be back from Singapore only next month.

I heard mommy's car whirring in. Priya got up and tactfully vanished to her room.

Neha stepped out of the car in her pale green shirt and jeans. A streak of excitement shot past me.

'Such a long time, mommy,' I opened my arms. She warmly collected me into her ample bosom. I was safe, I was in heaven. I inhaled the familiar fragrance from her buttery cleavage.

'Come let me show you the room earmarked for you,' she took my hand. I was ushered to the room opposite Priya's, on the first floor. The room looked neat and clean, with freshly scented bed sheets. The window opening to the tower had a beautiful flowing lace-filled curtain.

'Do you like it?' she asked, closing the door from behind.

We flowed into each other's arms.

'Long time,' she sighed and buried her face into my hair, opening the clips. She, then, kissed my eyes and nose, very delicately. At a pernicious last, our lips melted into one. I was hungry to taste again the treasures inside her mouth. Our tongues were locked in a duel to invade. At last, I surrendered and her tongue snaked into my waiting mouth.

'This mouth of yours tastes sweet,' she hissed.

''It is the lazzy I had, madam,' I smiled.

she did not listen, her tongue was busy ravishing the nooks of my mouth.

My one hand ravenously wandered on her breasts and moist armpits. She groaned. The other hand of mine made love to her backside, teasing the bra straps, and massaging the butts.

'At this rate, I may eat you raw. Cool down, do come to my bedroom, after ten, by that time Priya will be fast asleep. We must play it safe,' mommy moderated my passion. Unable to restrain myself, I deep kissed her sweaty armpits, the furious nipples over the bra cups, and her crotch, over the jeans. Her aroma wafted out across the thick layers of denim.

'Priya, you are killing me,' she groaned, I had become Priya, Maria was another existence.

For dinner, we assembled. My goddess had bathed and put on a murderously hypnotizing gown, shining black and wafer thin. One could easily discern and drool on the bra cups and panties. Her hair was fresh and wet, and the soft aroma of shampoo and lotions caught my attention. I and Priya sat across from mommy. I had changed into a gown, a new set of bra and panties after taking bath. Priya had not changed, she was still in her jeans and t-shirt. Priya spoke pretty nothing, she tossed food on the plate with her spoon. A thin mist of electric sexual excitement lingered between me and mommy. More than eating food we both were feasting on each other's anatomy. Our nipples were rock hard and trying to burn their way out. My mammary glands squirmed and tingled. I was deliciously wet.

After food, Priya retreated back to her den, I helped Neha with washing the plates, we were so close and oft took time to kiss, and fondle the back sides.

My panties were drenched, and moisture felt it sway down my thighs.

'I am so wet mommy, let me go back and cool down,' I said.

'Do not hurry anything, wait for me,' she warned.

We loved to prolong the agony and the self-denial. In fact, mommy had been saving for me for the last two weeks, and so was i. I had effectively warded off the advances of my well-stacked girlfriends. Mommy had not been going to the elite club for many weeks to keep herself primed and ready for me.

I waited in my room in trembling hope. I applied perfume once again to my cleavage, armpits, and on my thighs. I surveyed myself in the mirror to assess the impact. My breasts seemed to be on the verge of an explosion. They were never so big and tight. My lips were red and ready to be loved. My jet black hair contrasted my butter light face, and my eyes danced with life energy. I experienced sweat gathering in my armpits. I was throbbing with anticipation.

Exactly at ten, my mobile phone made the awaited beep sound.

'Come dear child Priyanka, I wait for you,' she sent a message. I wished I could devour the space separating us. Like a cat on the sly, I opened the door and stole my way down.

The chill of a typical winter night crept up my naked sole. I floated down like a wraith of pure carnal passion. She was my fulfillment, I longed to thaw and vanish forever into that eternal vernal bloom, my mouth went dry visualizing the furry paradise with a luring metallic sheen, seated between those exquisitely sculptured heaven-high legs. I was floating like a merry tuft, in an inexorable and invincible draught of desire for feminine beauty. I felt sorry for the billions of deprived females, who almost never get a chance to throw away the blinkers and rediscover themselves, to seek and find the unfathomed ecstasies hidden in the bra and scented panties.

Very gently, with a throbbing heart, I pushed her door, and gentle light peeped out. In a flash, she pulled me in. I was in safe hands, nothing in the world mattered anymore. We embraced passionately. My fervent breasts whispered and complained to her breasts, how they had pined for and missed those marvels. I shuddered with warm contentment. Indeed, the room was warm. Everything was pale rose in the room, and the fresh fragrance of rose wafted in the air. The bedsheets were fresh crispy and pale rose. So were the curtains and the wall. The gentle light accentuated the enticing colour.

I sucked deep into the fresh fragrance she was wearing. Our hands frantically roamed the warm, curvaceous feminine anatomy.

'From this morning, I had been superbly wet and leaking, thinking of this moment,' she whispered in my ear, nibbling the lobes and making me moan.

'Same here, I had been re-reading the verse you sent on WhatsApp,' I confessed.

She giggled.

'When you come

When you come at last for me

The dormant eons will break into a cold sweat

When you come at last for me

A million stars will bloom in the constellations

When you come

And fuse into my trembling arms

Lilies will bloom in the valley of paradise

when you come at last

When you make love to my trembling breasts

Stars will smile and grass will gather dew

When I kiss your crimson lips

Cymbals and drums with drown the heavenly dome

When at last you come

And I cum into your trembling mouth

Time will stand still, and the earth will dream.'

I have memorized it' I cooed into her bust.

'Priyanka,' she called me softly, lifting my face, holding my chin, I looked deep into those eloquent and passion-laden eyes, expectantly and imploringly, it was a tremendous moment, a moment when the angels in heaven looked down in bated breath, the sound Priyanka had the sweetness to melt mountains, to make dying trees to break into bloom, 'Priyanka, you are mine, no matter what.'

She kissed deep into my mouth, to seal the covenant. I was shivering like a leaf in the breeze and holding on to her, my limbs were not supporting me.

She scooped me up and lay me gently and delicately on the soft warm bed. Then she opened a few buttons on her gown, pushed down a bra cup, and offered a breast into my mouth. My sweet lady juice oozed and eased into the bedsheet. I opened the bra and freed both of her impatient breasts. She purred. My hand greedily made love to the other breast, gently and piously, so delicate and sacred those marvelous twins were.

Shortly she was screaming and pumping her nipple into my mouth. Her body humped to mysterious music. Her breasts became an independent autonomous entity and pumped energy into my mouth like a reciprocating piston. The nipples were quivering and fulminating. She cried out with a guttural sound and collapsed to my face. I continued to nurse on her breast very gently to keep her from crash landing.

'For many weeks I had been promising my girls that this was coming,' she panted into my hair when she was at last back to her senses.

'Are you happy, my precious darlings?' I whispered to the twin glories. They were erect and alert again, answering me instantly.

'This poor girl is sulking,' I switched to the other breast, changing sides.

'When my husband is home, I will come to your room at night to discuss research, late night discussions are insightful,' she cooed to me. In response I deep kissed her breast, devouring as much as possible.

When the second orgasm washed out of her, I sat up.

'Let me visually feast on this poetry in female flesh,' I said and proceeded to peel off her gown. After the delicate gown, I hugged her to remove the fallen bra and settled around her hip, kissing her breasts. She lifted her hip to help me remove her panties. I meticulously pulled them down not to spill the precious nectar. I licked up the whole moisture and chewed the gusset to squeeze out the traces left. She caressed my hair with a dazed and languid look. A smile of pure joy danced on her lips. In a hurry, I removed the garments on me standing between us. Then I commenced the saga of making love to that lithe nubile perfection employing my mind, body, and soul. From her hair to her bare feet, the entire body was my cherished territory. She continued to reward me with numerous tiny orgasms, which was actually the build-up for an earth-shattering tsunami.

My lips and her nether lips merged into one with a divine will. I made love to the fur garden from the rosebud far down there to the peanut clit far up there. I delicately kissed the furry sides of the honey oozing valley. My nose dived deep and reveled in the pure natural fragrance of heaven. I withdrew one hand from her swelling love-laden breasts and gently inserted a finger into the love canal while sucking on the clit.

I got the warning signals and braced to receive the greatest reward a woman can give another woman, the copious flood of consolidated love, it cannot be faked.

She cried aloud and arched her midsection, urging me to devour it all.

'Priyanka, precious Priyanka, oh Priyanka, ohhhh, ohhh,' she was in the lethal throes of release.

The first shot hit the roof of my mouth. Many more followed, I struggled hard to keep the invaluable warm, aromatic nutrient from spilling out, I was almost choking. It was a liquid super saturated with love.

At last, she collapsed on the bed and panted uncontrollably. I was still glued to her core, feeding on the very essence of purest love.

When the aftershocks diminished, she stretched her limbs. Her breasts continued to heave and quiver.

In the ecstasy being shared, I was oblivious of another development. I had come violently. I had drenched the bed. I noticed that my pussy was still quivering and my hips were still humping convulsively.

After a while, she pulled me up from her pussy and kissed me.

'I am spent, cannot take it anymore, bear with me, my eyes are shutting, let me sleep a bit,' she drawled languidly and collected me to her most welcome breasts. We slept oblivious of everything. The alarms, the ogling gorgons' of the future, the challenges ahead, nothing bothered us.

Somewhere deep after midnight, I was awakened by a sweet nibling in my pussy. My goddess was returning the favour. I was in contented dreamless sleep. I ran my fingers in her thick soft cloud of hair.

'I have never forgotten this taste, darling,' she whispered into my fur, 'it has been in my mouth and soul all along. Nothing is equal to this.'

I moaned and opened myself more to her mouth.

'Come for me, dearest,' she prompted.

When I did, she collected it into her mouth carefully.

'So sweet, the fragrance of this delicate flower spreads into my mouth,' she kissed me deep down there again.

Once we were a bit sedated, we discussed the future. She promised to take me to the 'Our sisters' club, a solidarity of high-profile professionals into sapphic love.

She asked me to strike a rapport with Priyanka, her daughter.

'It is important, very important. It is the key to the future. Probably she would join an IIT later this year. But she needs some handholding. Do you understand my Priyanka,' she asked kissing my crown.

'Yes, I do mommy. I guess she is a bit unpredictable. She undergoes mood change on short notice.'

'Exactly, she sulks in bulks. She needs a companion to confide in, to hold her close. She has barricaded herself from me with a vengeance.'

'I will try to manage that, dear mommy,' I promised, a braggarts promise in the high pitch of passion to be useful, to be supportive of my goddess.

It was time to part, we kissed and embraced. I collected my garments and walked to the door.

'Priyanka,' she called from behind, so sweetly and vehemently.

I stormed back to her as if I had been waiting for that call. I kissed her forehead, her lips, her nose, her neck, her ears, her hair, then her nipples, her stomach, her pussy, her thighs, and at last her feet. Then I knelt there facing her core. She held me close to her pussy and whispered, 'my Priyanka, my Priyanka.'

With a stupendous willpower I walked away, our eyes locked, and tried to pull me back. Even when I crept into my room, my soul was between her dancing breasts.

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