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To Protect and Serve Ch. 05


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"It ain't that at all. I just can't seem to wrap my brain around how powerful you are."

"What? I've got a few cool tricks, but you're stronger and Shane's stronger, and everyone keeps saying that the weres are --"

"They're a different kind of strong, and you are DEFINITELY more powerful than I am. Three of the Shadow Aspects? You're not even three weeks old yet!"

"Sorry," she muttered. She felt like she was being given a free pass . . . power she hadn't earned that should go to others.

"Don't be. I"m surprised, not upset." He grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her to her feet, then checked out her hands. They were already as clear as if they'd never even been nibbled. "You're amazing," he murmured.

Suddenly, Shamira was uncomfortable again. Someone else should've gotten all this power, not her. Someone better suited to using it. All the excitement and adrenalin of the evening abandoned her, leaving her feeling hollow again.

Henry seemed oblivious to her mind's about-face. "Well, your customers should be back around," he said smoothly. "I think you should reward them for their persistence in case they do --" He stopped when he noticed that healthy sensuality that had been there earlier seemed to have vanished. "Shamira, you know that you need to tell me if you're injured or --"

"I'm just feeling really drained," she said softly. 'Dammit!' her mind screamed, 'you just got settled again.' She wanted to call her sister and talk it over. She wanted to talk to Clara. She just didn't think that Henry would understand.

But Henry wasn't stupid. Part of being an enforcer was the ability to read people. He thought back for a moment. "Shamira, don't you dare feel bad for being strong. Some people are born faster or stronger than their peers. It doesn't make them better, but it gives them tools. You were reborn one of us, and you've got gifts. You just used your healing as a weapon for all intents and purposes. That took smarts, and that was something you earned."

"Yes Master," she said, trying to put her game face back on. She didn't want to do this part again . . . the part where she freaked out and denied herself further exploration of her world, and she knew she was being silly. But it didn't change the fact that she had lost the urge to act on her earlier fantasy, and Henry could see it.

"You just saved lives," he told her. "Again. Every time you step onto the field of battle, you impress us."

Shamira shrugged. "Master, you said --"

"No 'Masters' for a few minutes, okay?"

"Okay. You said Shadow Sight was the third Shadow Aspect. What is Shadow Sight exactly, and how many Shadow Aspects are there?"

"There are five. I'll let Shane or Lillian explain the others, since my ancient lore isn't what it should be, but Shadow Sight means that no creature, magical or otherwise, can hide from you in the shadows, and it means that you can see even in complete darkness. Normally vamp's eyes just amplify light, kind of like night vision goggles, but you don't need any light source at all. Shamira, the darkness of the world is allying itself with you. It's a tremendous gift."

"It scares the crap out of me. I learned back in my old life that power always comes with a price."

"Don't let it stress you," Henry told her, then looked around. "Let's get in the truck and go grab you a bite to eat, okay?" He even opened the door for her. They drove over to Varsity, a burger joint that had late hours and where they prided themselves on being rude. Henry let Shamira do the ordering and, strangely enough, the drive-in staff didn't seem too hostile. It did take a while to get the guy who brought their food to stop staring at Shamira's "attire", but the service was otherwise impeccable.

There was something about a good greasy burger that had always been cathartic for Shamira, and it was more so now that she didn't have to worry about gaining weight. Her body was probably going to be warming up shortly as she burned off the excess matter, but she didn't much care. And the chocolate shake was to die for. She watched the young people who frequented the establishment in the early morning hours, listening to Henry on the cell phone as he explained to Shane what had gone down that night. He glanced her way on occasion, a grin plastered on his face. She could even hear Shane's shocked reply when he heard about the emergence of her Shadow Sight.

"Who else has Aspects?" she asked when he hung up the phone. "Banshee and Shane, right? What can they do?"

"Banshee has Mind Fog, which is the ability to make people pay no attention to her. It's not like invisibility, because video cameras and so forth still can see her, but normal people in line of sight just decide she isn't worth paying attention to. It's convenient and really spooky, but it drains her a lot. Your Aspects seem to be much more natural for you."

"What about Shane?"

"Shane has Soul Shield. It means his mind can't be clouded, read, or controlled by magic, which is incredibly useful for any vampire, especially an area lord." Henry took a sip of his cola, then said, "About one percent of all vampires develop one Aspect, and I couldn't even give you the odds of someone having more than one."

"Is there a list somewhere? On Mysti-pedia maybe?"

"Yeah. Ask Lillian or Clara or Shane though. They're the scholars amongst us, so they can probably give you better answers. I'm just here to kick ass and look pretty."

Shamira grinned. "You do that well. Well, looking pretty at any rate. I don't know how well you actually kick ass, seeing as I did all the work."

"So you're feeling smart-alecky, are you?" he replied. He saw a sparkle in her eye that showed she was feeling better.

"No . . .Master," she said.

He powered the windows up, then looked at his crotch. "Unzip it," he ordered.

Shamira reached over, feeling him through his jeans as she tugged his zipper down. Once freed, he ordered her to put her hands behind her back and please him orally. She got on her knees in the passenger seat, put her hands behind her and lowered her mouth to his lap, taking his soft member into her mouth. It was an act that pleased her more than she thought it would, actually feeling him harden inside her mouth, letting him swell to the point where she could no longer take all his length easily. Even as he hardened, she took as much as she could.

Henry was impressed by her ability, since she had been an amateur by all accounts just several weeks earlier. He grabbed that thick braid of hair and used it to shove her head onto his lap until nose hit pubes, whether she was ready or not. Shamira didn't back down from the challenge, taking it even it choked her.

"That's a good girl," he said as he reached full staff, shoving his meat all the way into the mouth and then holding it there. One of these days, he was going to corner her at the house, hog-tie her, and fuck her until she couldn't see straight. He'd wanted to see her with the car-load of Mexicans, and she'd looked like she was game at the time. He glanced across the parking lot and . . . 'Well I'll be damned,' he thought, grinning from ear to ear. "Hurry it up," he told her. "You've got customers waiting."

Shamira wanted to look around, but Henry was keeping her so she couldn't raise her head past the end of his dick. Having eaten a good dinner himself, his blood was warm and she was concentrating on quenching that heat, after coaxing the flames a little bit first. She felt the spongy head pushing its way down her throat while her lips. 'Customers?' she thought. 'Like earlier?' The idea of doing what Henry was implying . . . she doubled the speed of her blowjob, wanting to taste him and find out what else she had in store for him. Soon she felt his cock twitch and his warm seed splattered the back of her mouth and throat.

"Your potential clients from earlier are just down the way . . . last parking spot next to the main building," he said, pulling her head up and pointing her face in the right direction. Her reflection on the inside of the tinted window showed some of Henry's cum dribbling out of the corner of her mouth. She saw the old Cadillac right where Henry said it would be, and that feeling she'd experienced earlier that day -- hunger. "I believe one said it was his birthday, or close too. Go give him a present, and make sure to share with his friends. Leave your coms unit on, and make sure there's something worth me listening to."

Shamira's felt her heart in her throat as she climbed out of the truck. 'I'm actually going to do this,' she thought. She was so excited that her nipples were poking through her tube top, hidden only by the pink fuzzy vest. Her heels made it impossible not to sway a bit when she walked, not that she cared. She wanted the few remaining customers to stare. She wanted them to want her.

"Hey baby!" the driver of the Cadillac said. I thought you said to come back in an hour!"

Shamira wasn't sure what to say . . . this was all new to her. "What can I say?" she replied. "I don't own a watch."

"I can tell her what time it is," said one of the guys in the back seat.

The driver was eating her up with his eyes, giving her the kind of look she never remembered getting when she'd been alive.

It was time for Shamira to remember the kinds of lines working girls used. She'd talked to a number of them in her days as a cop. She actually hadn't been to keen on arresting or processing prostitutes, thinking it had been a big waste of taxpayer money and police time. "Window shopping?" she asked, "or were you wanting that birthday party?"

The young man was grinning like he was all that. "Can my friends come?"

"I'm counting on it."

The car erupted in cheers. "Lady, where have you been all my life? Hey, you ain't a cop are you?"

Shamira tried not to smile. "Nope. Are you?"

"Hell no."

Shamira reached in and felt the driver's manhood through his low-riding jeans. "Then why don't we cut the shit? I got customers willing to pay for what I'm giving you for free. So are you gonna take me somewhere and fuck me or what?" Shamira couldn't believe the words that had just come out of her mouth. It wasn't just that she'd said them, but that it had felt . . . natural.

A minute later, she was squeezed into the back seat between a couple of guys younger than her while letting them paw at her. The driver was looking for a quiet place to do the deed, but it was Shamira who was getting jittery. She wanted this to happen. And Henry's ever-present voice told her that he expected it to happen. It also told her that he was following the Cadillac. She knew that he wouldn't abandon her in this. He wanted to watch, and it was his job as her dominant for the evening to keep her safe as well. Not that she couldn't handle four young men. She smiled inwardly. She planned on handling them all right.

"How about here?" she said as the passed by a construction site surrounded by a wooden fence.

"Man, the bitch is desperate," one of the guys sitting next to her said, grasping one breast through Shamira's tube top. "These things are fuckin' huge."

"So what's the deal?" the driver asked. "You do tricks for free a lot?"

"I can honestly say this is my first time doing this," she said, rubbing both back-seat guys crotches through their jeans. "Had someone spending a lot of time telling me that no one would ever want to fuck me," she said, surprising herself with her honesty. Of course, the "someone" she'd been referring to had been herself. "I think we can put that idea to bed, can't we?"

They all got out of the car after pulling into the opening of the lot, then snuck through a crack between the boards.

"Put on a good show," Henry told her over the ear piece, "or there will be consequences."

"So what you gonna do for us?" the driver asked, running his fingers up her body in a crude but still arousing fashion.

"Hey, you're the birthday boy. You get to do whatever you want."

Birthday Boy pulled his pants down, letting his cock spring forth. It wasn't particularly intimidating, but it was good enough. "Suck this."

Shamira lowered herself to her knees and reached between his legs, cupping his balls as her mouth drifted closer to the head of his dick. "Tell me again what you want me to do."

"Suck my cock. Hell, suck all our cocks before we fuck you!"

"Your wish --" she started, then let the head of his member penetrate the plane of her lips and into her throat. She sank all the way down to the root, then withdrew before downing it again. She saw guys to each side, all with their pants around their ankles. She let off of Birthday Boy and downed another one. Three of them were around average, with one being more substantial at eight inches. She treated them all the same as she worked her way down the line, sucking on one then the next, deep-throating them all. They liked the sound of her gagging on their dicks. What guy wouldn't?

"That's a good little slut," came Henry's voice again. "You like being on your knees in front of a bunch of strangers don't you?"

Shamira moaned into the eight-inch cock that she was sucking, keeping her hands busy while stroking two of the others. The fourth guy pulled her vest away and pushed her tube top down to her waste before grabbing her tits from behind. He was rough and clumsy, but Shamira didn't much care. She kept moving from one fleshy hard manhood to the next, letting each fill her mouth and throat.

One of them grabbed her hair and fucked her face hard, and she moaned with pleasure to encourage the others to do the same. Soon, they were all getting more into it, treating her as roughly as they could. They were still amateurs by the standards of Shane's house, but she gave them points for effort.

"I need to fuck this bitch," Birthday Boy said.

"What's stopping you?" she murmured, then swallowed someone else's dick. Being nose to pubes, she felt rather than saw the guy lifting her skirt. She was on her knees already, so all he could do with the infinitesimal bit of fabric that made up her panties was to push them all the way down her thighs. Her upper body was pushed forward, making the guy she was blowing having to bend at the knees a little bit. He didn't seem to mind.

Then Birthday Boy stroked the opening of her pussy with the head of his dick a few times before plunging inside. She had a cock in each hand, one in her mouth, and now one was fucking her pussy. Birthday Boy reached around and mauled her breasts, twisting her nipples like cheap radio controls. There was a time that she would've thought him clumsy. Now, she thought he was doing it the way she wanted it . . . needed it.

She switched to another piece of manhood, but kept the one she'd been sucking close. She tried to fit two of the mushroom-like heads in her mouth, but with limited success. So she went back to deep throating each of them in turn.

"This bitch is tight," Birthday Boy said, giving her ass a slight slap.

"Harder," she told him before sucking off one of his friends again. She grunted with pleasure when he brought his hand down hard on her exposed ass cheek.

"Bitch is a freak," one of the others said.

Bigger Dick shoved his meat all the way down her throat and held it there. "My kinda freak though."

Birthday Boy grabbed her muscular ass. "How tight is this thing?"

"Want to find out?" she asked, drool dripping from her chin.

There was a pause, then she was lifted up to her feet, leaving all other concerns behind as she was bent over a pile of lumber.

"Check your purse," Henry told her.

"Gimme my purse first," she said huskily. One of the guys handed it to her and, lo and behold, she found a small bottle of KY in it. 'Bastard had something planned for tonight for sure,' she thought, then handed the bottle to Birthday Boy. "Use it wisely."

The guy probably poured enough lubricant on his dick to shove a whale through a straw, but overdoing it was always better than underdoing it. Then he shoved his six inches into her ass, barely pausing. It made her want to scream, but she controlled herself.

"A little slower," she said. But slow wasn't going to be a problem. Once the head squeezed through the initial ring, it was taking every bit of his self-control not to cum right away. Passenger One got onto the lumber pile so he could shove his dick back into Shamira's mouth, and she sucked it down greedily. Back in high school, she'd dreamed of getting taken by an entire sports team, and she didn't care very much which one (though she leaned slightly towards the swim team), but she'd always convinced herself that "good girls" didn't think like that, or want it as badly as she did. It took dying to realize that maybe one could be a good girl and still be a little bad. Okay, a lot bad.

Birthday Boy wasn't entirely without merit, reaching around and playing with her pussy while he developed a rhythm in her sphincter. "Clit's fuckin' big," he grunted.

Shamira couldn't reply, because she was so close to an orgasm. Apparently fulfilling fantasies was a bit of an aphrodisiac. Having her clit rubbed was helping things along nicely. Her ass was throbbing with pleasure and pain as it was violated with the enthusiasm of youth. And Birthday Boy was digging his fingers into her ass when he came inside her, pumping her full of hot young seed.

"Fucking hell," he said, slowly withdrawing. "Bitch is hot."

Shamira couldn't remember the last time she'd been called "bitch" this many times without getting hurt or without hurting someone else. Now, she kind of considered it a term of endearment.

"I want a turn," Big Dick said.

"Wait," Passenger Two said, "I saw this in a porno once." He sat back with his butt on the edge of the stacked lumber, then pulled Shamira over and slid up into her pussy. "NOW tap that ass!"

Big Dick lubed up while Passenger One stayed put atop the pile. He waited until after Big Dick had pushed his way into Shamira's ass before violating her mouth. Shamira wrapped her hand around a warm set of testicles and started sucking, all three entrances filled with the flesh of young human men.

"I'm going to have to tell Shane that just one partner won't suffice for you anymore," Henry chuckled. "Being treated like a toy by multiple masters looks natural for you.

Shamira mostly ignored him because the pressure was too much. A nice sized cock buried to the hilt in her rectum while another slid into her pussy like butter; it was an amazing feeling. Henry was right; multiple partners accompanied by the sensation of just being fucked was incredible. She climaxed hard, letting the dick out of her mouth so she didn't actually bite off anything important. But she didn't leave that cock unattended for long, feeling it slide into her mouth again after her body-rocking orgasm had finished.

"She likes it," Big Dick said, plowing her ass with increasing speed. "Total slut." He spanked her ass. "Ain't that right?"

"You're right," she said heatedly, stroking the cock in front of her. "I'm a total slut. Fuck my slut ass." Then she swallowed cock again. Passenger Two and Big Dick had a good rhythm going, filling her in a new and exciting way.

Passenger Two was the next to get his rocks off, pulling out of her greedy mouth and shooting a hefty load all over her face and mouth. There seemed to be no end to his youthful dispersal.

"Don't clean it off," Henry told her. "Don't let him either.

"I look like a slut now," she murmured, turning her face towards each of her remaining lovers. "Don't I?"

"You look fuckin' hot," Big Dick said. He pushed in and out a few more times, then withdrew and shot his load all over her ass and back. Passenger Two didn't bother to pull out, fulfilling his deep-seated need to breed and cumming inside of her.

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