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To Spite Another God Pt. 05


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Mina could remember the quiet deliberation with which she had begun to shave her privates, like Lucy did, sweeping her pubic hair away from her cunt, to make it more visible, to be more scandelously prepared for sex than she had ever been before.

This is for comfort, she had thought. Not...for other reasons.

She could remember deciding to visit Dracula's room every evening as the sun began to rise.

This is so I can make sure I can speak to him the moment that he returns. She had thought, even as she had lain in his bed and breathed in the faintness of his scent, before eventually dragging herself to the graveyard.

Now, here she was, underneath him, her breasts bared, and his cold mouth was sucking on her nipple, and his fingers was sliding between her thighs, grinding against the eager moistness of her undead cunt, and Mina felt a flare of guilt. As if she hadn't already fucked Lucy. As if she hadn't felt what it was like, to be a wolf, to run free and to run through the wilderness, to terrify villagers and delight in her power. As if she hadn't already turned her back on God. The guilt was like a spice, accentuating the already delirious pleasure of his hand, of his mouth. Dracula played her like she was a violin and he was a maestro, like he knew precisely what she wanted, well before she ever did. His thumb rubbed at her clit and his fingers plunged into her sex, crooking just so...

Mina bit her knuckle, hard, her eyes closing as one of her legs lifted. She shuddered and Dracula drew his mouth from her breast, then pushed her hand above her head. He kissed her throat, and without anything stopping her, Mina moaned. "Vladimir..." She moaned. "Ah...yes..."

"You are such a lovely vampire, Mrs. Harker..." His fingers plunged into her. She wasn't married, her name wasn't Mrs. Harker -- using it just reminded her she was promised to another and it ratcheted the cold heat in her belly higher and higher. Her thigh spread even wider and she panted as Dracula added another finger, spreading her wider, more eagerly. His fingers plunged into her cunt with a loud, wet, lewd noise, almost as loud as her pants, as her moans, as her whispered repetitions of his name.

"Vladimir...oh Vladimir..."

He kissed her neck again, grazing her with his fangs, before kissing up to her ear. He found the tip of her ear, nibbling and sucking on her -- adding a wave of pleasure through her that Mina hadn't imagined possible. She hadn't thought her ear was so sensitive now, and the feeling of his lips on her wrung another, louder, more incoherent moan from her. Her back arched and she shuddered, her vision going faintly white as pleasure crested inside of her, then crashed down like a wave...and then, his fingers working in her faster and faster now, coaxing her to another cresting orgasm. Mina screamed, throwing her head back.

The second orgasm was even stronger than the first. Her fingers became claws, digging into the bedding, clenching with an iron hard strength...

And then Dracula kissed her belly, his head moving down, and his tongue began to flick against her clitty, his fingers still working, still pleasuring her. He drew his fingers back, but only for a moment to then slid his long, cold tongue into her -- and then his tongue grew longer and larger, like that of a snake. With prehensile dexterousness, he ground against her deepest parts and wrung a third orgasm out of her, hammering her with pleasure.

Mina couldn't think -- couldn't move, couldn't do anything but gasp and pant and tremble and moan a single word. "Oh Dracula!"

He drew his mouth and his tongue slowly out of her, leaving her sex dripping with his spittle and her arousal...and then he bit down on her thigh. Mina's eyes went half lidded as she froze. She had thought the raw, fierce bliss of being bitten would be a thing forever trapped in her past, something that would always be remembered fondly.

She had been wrong.

Dracula's fangs piercing under undead flesh, finding the thick femoral vein, and drinking her transmuted blood, felt as deliriously, darkly pleasurable as his bites had when she had been a mortal woman. Mina's jaw hung open and her hair, a bedraggled brown mess, flopped before her eyes as she lolled her head forward, unable to even moan. Dracula jerked his fangs free, kissing her belly, leaving dark red, perfectly formed lip impressions against her flat belly muscles. He kissed to her breasts, murmuring. "Your vitae is really have been training..."

He sank his fangs into her breast.

The piercing sensation caused Mina to tremble, then sprawl backwards against the headboard. Dracula released her. He kissed to her shoulder. Along her arm. Mina, still dazed, mumbled. "Vladimir..." she whispered.

He kissed the inside of her armpit.

Up her forearm.

The slow, building moment burned through her. Mina bit her lip, hooking her fangs over her lower lip as she quivered and...and the anticipation grew and grew and grew and-

His fangs sank into her wrist. He didn't drink from her, simply piercing, then drawing back, leaving pleasure throbbing through her arm, shimmering down to her spine. Mina gasped heavily, her eyes closing tightly. "Ah..." She whispered, then almost cried out as his soft, cool lips pressed to her palm. He murmured against her hand and her fingers slid against his forehead, through his long raven black hair. The softness of his goatee tickled her flesh.

"Mina..." he drew his head back, away from her palm.

The moment he wasn't pressing against her was an agony of tension -- a lack knowledge. She could open her eyes, but to do so would be too much...

Dracula swept in and his fangs plunged into her neck. Mina cried out, strangled. Dracula slid his fangs free. Then he bit her again. Then again and again and again, his fangs puncturing her neck again and again and again, each time the fierce explosion of pleasure that she felt with the first penetration...throbbing through her, overlapping again and again and again. Mina trembled and quivered and felt as if her sanity itself was under assault. Dracula didn't drink from her again -- but when he drew back, she felt as if she was bleeding from a thousand pin-pricks of delight. Mina's back arched and her legs kicked slightly, as if she was being experimented on by some scientist, seeking to find some new limits of pleasure.

"Oh yes..." Dracula whispered.

He was still dressed.

Mina closed her eyes. She focused and closed the holes -- hissing softly as she drew her flesh shut. Pinching them closed sent tiny throbs through her neck, her breast, the inside of her thigh. Once she was done, she was still limp limbed and languid...but she could at the very least speak in more than incoherent moans. "That...was...mean..." She laughed. "And...dangerous...what if-"

"The idea of you not mastering the art of album vitae in the time I was away is laughable..." Dracula grinned down at her. The confidence he had in her sat in her belly like a warm stone -- filling her with delight. She tried to catch at happy memories of Jonathan trusting in her...but...all she had were dreary evenings, trying to think of something to talk to him about, and instead falling back on speaking about how to properly write short hand.

"Mmm..." She licked her lips. "My turn."

Dracula laughed, then laughed again as she pushed him onto his back. The bed itself had already taken some punishments during her orgasms, and so a fine spread of feathers and bits of silk that came free from the comforter spurted upwards as Mina sat on Dracula's belly. She grinned, then focused. Her vitae responded to her, and through it, her body was rather like a canvas. those clever little knives that the Germans made, that were full of different tools and devices?

For instance...

Her fingernails turned into sharpened claws, with small hooks on the end.

"Your control is remarkable for someone so-" Dracula started.

Mina put her claws on the shoulders of his fine jerkin. Hooked. Ripped. The entirety of his top came away in tatters, revealing Dracula's sleek, pale chest, seamed here and there with thick scars and puckered marks where he had been wounded and either hadn't or couldn't repair the damage. The tatters flew past Mina as she lifted her hips and did some more tearing, ripping until his hard member sprang free, thrusting into the air and slapping against his belly. She sat back down again, and her eager cunt pressed to the head of his cock. Dracula, his jaw tight, looked up at her, looking faintly aggrieved. Mina grinned down at him.

"You can always buy a new one..." She crooned.

"Not while Europe is at war, Mina," Dracula said, his voice dry.

Mina blinked. "...oh..." she said.

Dracula's frown melted into a smile. "Oh, I can't stay mad at you..." he took her hand, then lifted it up, catching her fingertip between his two fingers, holding her up so that he could admire the claw. "Change back..." he murmured -- and as she retracted her claws, he nodded. "Excellent do need to practice a bit on your speed, are new." He chuckled, his finger sliding down along the back of her hand. "And-"

Mina, pouting, found a way to get him to shut up.

She pushed her hips down.

Ground back.

Her sex slid along the length of his cock and Dracula shut right up, his eyes widening, his breath catching for a moment as she settled down, pressing her breasts to his chest, her mouth pressing to his throat. She grinned, showing fangs, then slid herself down him, so that her whole body ground against his cock...his cock. She thought of a time where even thinking the word 'cock 'would have made her feel utterly mortified. Her palm closed around the thick base of him and she kissed the very tip of his dick, her eyes half closed.

She had...watched Lucy do this to Antoni...

How hard could it be?

"Mina..." Dracula murmured. He sounded so gentle, almost paternal. Mina decided that she was going to show him. She gripped the base of his cock, looking down at him, then...she remembered. She didn't need to breathe. She didn't need to eat. She didn't...she focused, and she mentally untied the small knot inside of her body that she knew was her gag reflex. "You don't have to-" he started, but then Mina pushed her mouth forward. She took him into her mouth, tasting his salty maleness, and her eyes closed as she felt him bump against the small of her mouth and...she had the faintest ghost of a sensation, as if she felt like she should gag...but...

She drew her mouth back, slurping the whole way, and when his cock slid away from her and lolled a bit to the side, it glistened with her spittle. Mina grinned, even as she felt a thick dollop of her spittle -- mixed with his precum -- slid along her chin, making her feel deliciously lewd. She flicked her tongue out, while Dracula gaped at her. " been...practicing?"

"I've been taking studious notes" she crooned, feeling quite smug. Then, the idea came to her and she acted upon it almost at the same moment. Vitae flowed through her and her tongue grew longer and longer and longer...and she pressed the very tip of her tongue press to the very base of his cock, crooking her tongue so that her entire tongue was cupping against his cock, so that the fat tip of his member was pressed against the very bottom of her tongue, the top of him against her upper lip. Her fangs pressed to either side of him and she looked into his eyes, then wrapped her tongue around the base of him, then guided his entire dick into her mouth and down her throat.

She felt...


Dracula trembled, then melted back against the bed, groaning. "Mina..." he gasped, his fingers clenching tightly onto the bedspread.

She felt more powerful now than she had when she had lifted a two ton steel shell over her head.

Mina pushed her head down, felt that tiny ghost of a gag reflex, then giggled around his thick cock, enjoying the strength of him in her throat, making her bulge just a tiny bit. Her jaw ached a little bit -- but on the whole, she was able to take him with ease. She started to bob her head up and down, up and down, sucking him off more and more eagerly, her eyes closing as Dracula gasped and panted, his hands gripping the bed...then her head. His hands cradled her...and he started to fuck her throat, unable to stop himself.

That felt powerful too. She allowed him to do it.

Dracula snarled. "Mina!" He groaned and, with remarkable speed, his balls were slapping against her chin as his thick, cool cum was gushing into her mouth. He tasted thick and rich and male and she drank him as greedily as she drank blood. His cock plunged into her mouth again and again and his fingers gripped her even harder, his head rolling back as he groaned inarticulately -- not even able to speak her name or an oath. He fucked her face for a few more moments and he spurted another few gushes down her mouth, overflowing past her lips, dripping onto his balls.

When he released her head, Mina pulled her mouth back. She licked her smeared, mess y lips cleaned. She grinned, reaching up and brushing her brown hair back behind one pointed ear, then said: "That was fun..." She chuckled.

"You're...a natural..." Dracula said.

Mina slowly drew her legs up and under herself.

She felt daring. She felt...


"Hard again?"

Her finger slid along his dick. Her touch made him unto steel and soon, his cock was throbbing up into the air again. Mina didn't give him time to ask, didn't give him time to think. She swung her legs free and she impaled herself upon Dracula's cock with a single, smooth thrust of her hips. Her ass cheeks clapped together as her palms glided along his belly, and she pinned him to the ground, riding atop him. Her breasts bounced and she had her feet underneath her, her knees bent hard so that she could control her movements with her thigh muscles. Dracula was stunned, gaping up at her, looking completely stunned.

Mina arched her back. Her cunt clenched on him as she felt her pleasure crest and peak.She didn't know if it was the feeling of Dracula's member inside of her that had driven her over the edge, or if it was simply the feeling of being ontop of a man, bouncing herself and taking her bliss as she wanted...her fingers slid along his chest and she crooked her fingernails, digging them against his flesh -- just enough to grip him, not enough to hurt -- and leaned forward, so that her arms framed her small, bouncing breasts. She whispered, hungrily. "You like that, Vladimir?" She panted. "You love me riding you, don't you?"

"You're a beast..." Dracula had never said anything more complimentary in his four centuries, Mina was sure. His hands gripped her ass.

"I can become a wolf...I can become mist and shadows..." Mina's eyes flared with red light. "Ah...I...I'm cumming again!" She threw her head back.

Dracula sat up. He kissed her breasts -- worshipful. He moaned against her. "Mina!" He fucked up, now, bouncing his hips, driving his length into her -- and Mina laughed with giddy delight. The power was building inside of her, more and more...

"I leave you alone for five minutes!"

For a dizzying second, Mina though it was Dracula's wife, Aleera. But then Lucy Westenra practically flew from the door to her back. Her bare breasts pressed to Mina's back and she purred in her ear. "What would Jonathan think, Mina?"

"Ah...that's for...mmm....that's for later!" Mina laughed, gasping as her friend and lover cupped her breasts, squeezing her. Then she gasped again -- because Lucy was...not unequipped.

"Yes, I've been taking notes too..." Lucy purred, grinding her throbbing, eager cock against Mina. Before Mina could beg, desperately, for it...Lucy pressed her slippery, slick cock against Mina's anus. She pushed into her, filling her, and the bliss that Mina felt could hardly be described. She had never been more full in her life -- and the giddy perfection of it drove her wild. She bared her neck and Lucy bit into her as Dracula sank his fangs into her shoulder, reaching back to squeeze Lucy's rounder, cushier ass. Lucy and he fucked into Mina with a wild pattern, their bodies driving against her again and again and again.

At last, after what felt like an eternity of pleasure, Mina was transfixed as the two vampires began to fill her with their cum.

She was left, trembling, twitching, panting...her womb swimming with Vladimir Dracula's seed.

And as she started to fade towards sleep, Dracula gathered her and Lucy together...

She woke in his coffin, the next night...happy.

* * * * *

"If you don't work, you don't eat. That's the way of things in this new world. No dole. No soup kitchens. No charity. We've all been reminded about the world as it used to be, before civilization made us all soft. You understand?"

Jonathan Harker sat beside Dr. Van Helsing in what appeared to be one of the many brand new Metropolitan Railroad stations that had been constructed since the late sixties. They had been the newest thing, highly fashionable, and had done much to assist with London's congestion in both carriage and the brand new automobiles. Now, the gilt and finery was covered over with sheets, bedding, gathered supplies, and an alarming amount of ammunition and weaponry, stacked and packed up next to the sleeping area that most of the other human survivors were using. There was a uniform, of sorts, among them: A little brown armband that they wore, in the tradition of a great many modern political movements.

The only person who wasn't wearing that kind of adornment was the uniformed man who had called them down and introduced them to the basics of this place -- who had led them from the cellar to this tube, having dug out pathways through the Earth itself, using brute force...and the adjoining underground sewer system. The end result had been a secure, but highly unpleasant, route from where the man had been leading a band of scavengers to their headquarters.

"Yes, that seems to be precisely the way to run things, my good sir," Dr. Van Helsing said. "Such times being as they are."

"You talk funny. Where are you from?" the man asked.

"I am Dutch," Dr. Van Helsing said.

"What are you doing here?" the man asked.

"W...Who are you again?" Jonathan asked.

"My name is Simmons," he said. "Daniel Simmons, formerly of his majesty's service. Artillery." He rolled his shoulder. "My entire unit was wiped out by the buggers right near the start. I managed to get away...and I realized, we'd have to organize. We'd have to start building a new world -- a new way of living." He nodded, his eyes shining with the fervent eagerness of a preacher about to go on a sermon to his whole congregation. Jonathan shifted uncomfortably on his seat -- which was nothing more than the stairs leading from the edge of the now defunct track to the loading platform, which was normally used for letting repairmen on and off the stage.

"We need to go underground. London has the sewers, the railroads, the cellars, thousands upon thousands of miles of cellars. There's places we can start n' grow food. We can scavenge. We can learn. We can fight back!" He slapped his fist against his palm, nodding.

"Ah, yes!" Dr. Van Helsing said. " do you are plan to effect this combating?"

"Well, I've been thinking that through," Simmons said, tapping his temple with his finger. His eyes flicked from Dr. Van Helsing to Jonathan. "See, we start by trying to get our hands on one of those heat rays. We need those to start fighting back, to really start hitting the Tripods where they hurt. It's all part of the natural struggle of societies, you see."

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