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Tooth Fairy

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It's her turn.
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Dan had dreaded this day for years. He sat on the edge of his seven year old daughter's bed, struggling with the knowledge it was time to come clean.

"Daddy? Are you listening to me?"

Sighing inwardly, he looked up from his clasped hands.

"Yes, sweetie, I am."

"So, is Santa Claus real? 'Cause Kristen said he's not."

Stalling for time, he smoothed the comforter around Jennifer's shoulders and tucked her threadbare stuffed bunny in next to her.

"Do you think he's real?" Dan asked.

A horizontal frown line appeared up near her hairline. It twisted his heart a little; she looked so much like her mother.

"All the kids at school say he's not. Jeremy Johnson said his mommy told him that Santa's not real, too," Jennifer said tentatively.

Fucking kid, Dan thought to himself. Gets bad news and he has to share with his entire class.

"Well, that's sort of true. There's not really a Santa Claus, honey. The idea of Santa is bigger than one person, and his work has gone on for longer than any of us have lived."

Jennifer's eyes had grown wide. Shit, Dan thought, I'm totally screwing this up.

"But where do my presents come from?"

"They come from me, and when your Mommy was here, she helped too. I would fill your stocking, and Mommy would wrap presents for you. And our mommies and daddies used to do this for us when we were kids. Someday, you'll do it for your own kids, and they'll be so excited to come down on Christmas morning to see everything under the tree."

Jennifer was silent. Dan braced himself for an explosion; would it be sobs or screams?

"Okay," she said.

Dan blinked. "Okay?" he echoed.

The frown line came back. "But...is the Easter Bunny real?"

Dammit, he thought.

"No, Jennifer. The Easter Bunny isn't real, either."

"The Tooth Fairy? Is she real?"

Dan shook his head, watching his daughter carefully. Jennifer's tongue crept out of her mouth and swiped through the hole where her recently lost baby tooth had been.

"But when I put my tooth under the pillow, it was gone. And she left me money."

Dan smiled. "Just like Santa, there is no Tooth Fairy. I waited until you were asleep and then put two dollars under your pillow."

Jennifer yawned and her eyelids drooped. Holy shit, Dan thought, it can't be this easy.

"Okay, Daddy. Next time can I have five dollars? I want some new markers like Kristen has."

Dan chuckled and tickled her ribs. Giggling, she settled back into her pillow and blinked sleepily.

"Goodnight, pinkie," he said, leaning in to kiss her forehead.

"'Night, Daddy," she said.

He stood up and smiled down at her before shutting off the overhead light. Making sure her night light was on, he closed the door behind him and slumped against the wall in the hallway. Raising a kid on his own was a lot harder than all the mommy blogs made it out to be.


After filling the dishwasher and putting a load of laundry in the dryer, Dan sprawled on the sofa downstairs with a beer and turned on the television. It didn't matter what appeared on the screen; anything was better than sitting in silence with his thoughts. In the few years since Maggie had passed away he had dealt with his loneliness by keeping busy. Nights were the worst.

His mind replayed the discussion with Jennifer. He accepted the fact that all kids went through this eventually but he wished it had happened after Christmas. She still had one or two more baby teeth to lose, too. He was relieved that he had jumped one more hurdle in her childhood; since her mother's death, Jennifer had hair-trigger emotional outbursts over things that normally wouldn't affect a kid her age. And why not? All the grief counselling in the world wouldn't bring her mom back.

His eyes wandered to the framed photos of his little family displayed in the bookcase. Maggie had been his best friend, a good partner and a fantastic mother. Their sex life had been regular but a little boring; her upbringing in a strict religious household had repressed her ability to be adventurous in bed. Dan long suspected that she faked her orgasms, either out of a desire to please him or to just get him to finish so she could go to sleep.

He set his half-empty beer on the floor and stretched out on the sofa, his eyes drifting closed against the flickering light from the television. His imagination sorted through the various women he had recently encountered; the curvy blonde in the grocery store, the redheaded barista at his local coffee shop who liked to flirt as she made his coffee in the morning. Jennifer's second-grade teacher made an appearance, with her sexy black-framed glasses and long legs. Settling on that image, he fantasized about watching her unbutton her blouse to reveal a sheer, black lace bra as she smiled teasingly at him.

Sliding his hand underneath the waistband of his athletic pants, Dan wrapped a hand around his thickening cock as his fantasy continued: the blouse slipping off her arms, the tight skirt unzipped and tugged down her thighs. He stroked himself slowly, imagining how her skin would feel, how tangy her pussy would taste like as she leaned back on her desk, her legs spread for him. He imagined leaning over her and driving his cock into her hot opening, watching her bare breasts bounce with each thrust.

Gradually he became aware of a bell chiming insistently into his ear. For a few moments, he wondered if school had started and he was about to be caught fucking his daughter's teacher in the classroom.

The chiming bell changed in tone and pitch and became a furious buzz. Startled, Dan's eyes snapped open and his hand froze on his cock. Squinting against the glare from the television, his eyes flicked over the room. Bee? Wasp? What the hell was that?

"Over here, idiot!"

The words drilled into his right ear and he yelped in surprise. Cautiously turning his head, he saw what his brain instantly identified as . . .

. . . a fairy.

The first thing that struck him was that she was about the size of one of Jennifer's Barbie dolls. Her gossamer wings were a blur behind her; he realized that they were the source of the angry buzzing. Her bare feet were planted wide apart on the back of the sofa and her arms were crossed. Wisps of blue silk fluttered around her thighs and wrapped tightly around her torso.

He examined her face: large blue eyes, pink lips pressed tightly together in a scowl. Black feathery hair swirled in the current from her beating wings. Slowly, he closed his gaping mouth and swallowed.

"That's right, I'm as real as you are!" she spat.

Dan slowly removed his hand from his cock and wondered if he'd had a brain embolism. Maybe he came too hard and burst a blood vessel. He closed his eyes briefly and then opened them again.

"Still here," she said mockingly.

"Jesus," he muttered, wiping a hand over his face.

"Are you really so stupid that you don't believe what your own eyes see?"

"Well, let's see. One of my daughter's toys comes to life. That's pretty fucked up," he said.

The fairy looked insulted and reared back. "Toy?" she repeated furiously. "I'm not a 'toy', you asshole!" Her small fists clenched at her sides.

Dan reached behind him for the lamp and twisted the knob. Light flooded the room.

The fairy was still there.

She smirked. "I'm not the boogeyman, either."

He cautiously stretched a hand towards her and was rewarded with her bare foot stomping his forefinger flat to the sofa. It didn't hurt but he definitely felt the pressure of her foot holding his finger down.

"Stop the grab ass, Mister. You don't scare me," she said.

"Sorry," he said, a little amused in spite of himself. "Uh, can I have my hand back?"

She lifted her foot and he retracted his hand. She put hands on her hips and tilted her head at him, her eyes narrowed. "So, have you figured it out yet?" she asked. "Do you know who I am?"

Dan couldn't take his eyes off of her. To hear this completely normal, if sarcastic, voice coming from a woman only a foot high was surreal. "Tinkerbell?" he guessed.

She rolled her eyes and gave a huff. "That's original," she said. "She might be the most famous fairy in the world but she hardly ever leaves Neverland these days."

The casual way she dismissed a fictional character's lifestyle floored him. "Okay, then who are you?" he asked.

"I'm Lizzie. I'm the Tooth Fairy."

He barked out a short laugh and she snarled at him. "What's so damn funny? You don't believe me?"

Dan held a hand up, shaking his head. "No, I believe you, sure. Why not?"

Lizzie paced the back of the sofa, her wings still buzzing angrily. "Why not? No one else believes in me. I've been doing this for a century and just when I'm starting to think something's going to change, another kid gets told I'm not real."

The realization of what she was referring to hit him. "Oh, you mean... you were there? When I told her tonight?"

She stopped pacing to stare at him. "I wasn't there, but I heard it. I always hear it, every time."

He opened his mouth and closed it again. What could he say? Apologizing for something that was a normal rite of childhood seemed absurd.

Her eyes filled suddenly and her mouth trembled. "Do you know that it hurts? That part of the myth is true. When you say you don't believe in a fairy, it hurts."

Dan felt like an ass. "I'm very sorry," he said in sympathy. "I didn't know."

Lizzie sniffed and swiped at her eyes. "Whatever."

"No, really, I didn't know. Are you okay?"

She nodded. "What's your name?" she asked.

"Dan," he said.

"Dan. That's a nice name," she said wistfully. "Can I tell you a secret?" He nodded.

"The story told about me isn't true. Everyone says I wait until the child is asleep and then I take the tooth and leave the money. But I don't ever go into the children's bedrooms. Do you know why?"

Dan shook his head.

"Adults take the teeth from under the pillows. I have to go into their bedroom to retrieve them. And boy, the things I've seen over the years," she said with a little smile. "I see a lot of what you were just doing yourself."

Dan thought about that for a moment, his face starting to flush. "How long were you watching me?" he asked.

She shrugged. "Long enough. I've seen more things in a century than you could possibly imagine. I've always wondered what it would feel like to do them, too."

He chuckled at the idea. "I think you'd better find someone your own size to practice on."

The buzzing of her wings increased as she clenched tiny fists and glared at him. "Are you making fun of me? You have no idea what I can do!"

Lizzie shot into the air over his head and across the room. A silent concussion in the air made his ears pop and he felt a thump as something landed hard on the floor.

Scrambling to a sitting position on the sofa, Dan peered over the coffee table.

"I did it! I actually did it!" she crowed. Getting unsteadily to her feet, she lifted a hand in front of her face and gazed at it, wiggling her fingers.

She stood before him as a human woman, petite and small-breasted. Turning to look over her shoulder, she frowned. "It feels weird not to have my wings," she said. She rubbed a strand of hair between her fingers, touched her lips and collarbones.

"You've uh, never done this before?" Dan managed to say.

Lizzie shook her head. "This is the first time. We only get one wish for ourselves every century and this is mine," she explained.

Dan leaned back against the sofa, watching as she familiarized herself to her new body. His eyes drifted up her legs and lingered on the silky material covering her breasts. She was formed perfectly, he thought, feeling his cock start to twitch with interest.

Absorbed with examining her new human-sized body, she still caught the minor shift of his hips as he adjusted himself. Jumping on the coffee table, she walked across it and sat down on the edge facing him.

"Show me that," she said with a nod towards his lap.

Uncomfortable, Dan shook his head; however, his cock had no problem with her suggestion and began to harden further. Lizzie bent forward and reached toward him.

"Whoa, okay, hold on," Dan protested. He blocked her hand, feeling both foolish and excited.

She made a little tsk noise. "It's not like I haven't seen one. I want to see yours. Show me what you were doing when I arrived. Please?"

The "please" did it. Fully erect now, he hooked a finger in his waistband and pulled it down while adjusting his seat once more and spreading his legs slightly.

Lizzie's pink mouth pursed slightly as she examined his cock, a small drop of pre-cum already forming at the tip. Dan waited for her to say something; he wasn't hung like a horse but he thought his cock was definitely thicker than average.

Lizzie sat back up, looking thoughtful. "Does it feel good when you rub it?"

Dan cleared his throat. This was the strangest but most arousing conversation he'd had in years.

"Yeah, it does," he admitted.

She looked up and met his eyes; then her hands brushed through the silky blue fabric at her thighs as she spread her legs and bent her head.

His breath caught for a moment as his eyes followed hers. The light from the lamp hid nothing from him as her thighs parted.

Lizzie brushed her fingers through the fine, curly black hair covering her mound. He could see the deep pink inner lips peeking between her outer lips and his balls tightened in response.

"And it goes here," she mused. "I saw some people putting their mouths here too."

Dan swallowed and tried to stop himself from wrapping his hand around his cock. He failed.

Lizzie brushed a fingertip between her pussy lips and examined the moisture on it, rubbing it between her thumb and forefinger and then smelling it.

Dan inhaled slowly and tried to keep his voice light and even. "Women also rub themselves," he pointed out.

She nodded. "I've seen that too; I've seen lots of naked people. I wasn't sure if it was painful or felt good; I couldn't tell from the faces." Glancing down again, she put both hands over the fabric covering her breasts and tugged it down.

As her small, firm breasts were released from the tight silk, Dan exhaled in a rush and watched as her fingertips brushed across an erect pink nipple. Unbearably aroused now, he stroked up the length of his cock and squeezed the head lightly.

Lizzie shivered slightly and raised her eyes back to his before dropping them to watch his hand on his cock. "It makes me feel funny between my legs to watch you," she said.

Mentally, Dan gave up the last of his resistance. He could be in a coma or this might be a dream, but he was going to enjoy it every minute of it.

"Fairies don't have sex?" he asked, stroking his cock between two fingers and a thumb, up and down. He watched her, watching him, and had to fight for control for a brief moment.

She shook her head. "Fairies don't have human urges. I overheard a few of the older fairies talking about using a wish for this, and some of the things they did and felt. But I didn't understand it. That's why I decided that I'd become human for my first wish." She cupped her breast in her hand and unconsciously squeezed the nipple between her fingers for moment. Her mouth dropped open at the sensation.

Dan smiled at her. "How did that make you feel, when you touched your nipple?" he asked, his voice lowering.

Lizzie sighed as she looked down at her breast and tugged on the pink tip. "It feels good. It tingles and I feel it between my legs," she said with a catch in her voice, shifting her hips slightly.

"Mmmm, it does feel good," he said, gripping his cock in his fist for a brief moment.

She looked at him and tilted her head slightly. "I don't know what else to do. Will you tell me?" she asked simply.

Dan nearly groaned aloud as he tightened his grip on his throbbing head, incredibly stimulated at her question. Exerting self-control, he nodded. He found himself oddly touched that she chose him to be the one to instruct her in something so intimate.

Sitting up on the sofa once more, he adjusted the lamplight to a dim glow and used the remote to turn the television off. "Lizzie, when people are doing things in the bedroom, they usually don't have anything on. Take off your clothes," he said gently.

Lizzie stood up and tugged the flexible blue silk down her waist and over her hips. Dan took the opportunity to pull his tee shirt over his head and lift his hips to slide his athletic pants down and off, tossing them behind the sofa on the floor. He scooted backwards on the sofa until he was propped up against the arm in a sitting position, one leg on the floor, the other knee bent and his foot on the seat.

The silky fabric fell to the floor at her feet and she looked down at herself as he watched her intently. Running hands over the skin of her stomach and waist, over her hips, she delighted in exploring all of the curves of her body. Her hands slipped over her thighs and then up behind her, over her ass and up the small of her back.

She smiled at him. "I like how I feel on the outside," she explained with a little laugh, her fingertip dipping inside her navel.

Dan held his hand out and she placed her hand on his. Her skin was softer than any he'd ever felt, even that of his own daughter at birth. He marveled for a moment at the smoothness of it and meeting her eyes, he turned her hand over and kissed her palm. Her lips parted as she sighed in pleasure.

"That makes me tingle, too," she said.

Dan smiled at her. "Go sit down on the other end of the sofa," he said, gesturing to where she should go. Lizzie sat down, examining the way his body was positioned and mimicking him with one foot on the floor and one knee bent, leaning back against the arm of the sofa. The dim light of the lamp behind him gave him a perfect view of her slender body and the pink lips between her thighs.

"Now Lizzie, a woman's body responds to different touches than a man's does," he began, drawing her attention to his lap. "It feels good to move my hand up and down my cock, stroking it like this." He gripped his cock once more, moaning slightly at the pressure against his shaft. He stroked it up to the head and squeezed as she watched.

"What will make you feel good is a little different. I'll tell you where to touch yourself and you do those things," Dan said. "Don't watch what I'm doing and do the same thing I am. Okay?"

Lizzie nodded and licked her lips slightly. He noted briefly that her skin was flushed and her breathing seemed to be deeper, a good sign.

"Scoot down a little; yes, that's good. Rest your head on the arm of the sofa behind you. Now, part your legs a little wider. Is that comfortable?" he asked as she shifted her body to a reclining position.

"Yes," she said with a little sigh, her body stretched out and closer to him. He could now see more of her lovely pussy with those enticing pink inner lips peeking through and the breath left his lungs in a rush. God, she was breathtaking.

"Run your hands over your breasts, like you were doing before," he said, his eyes travelling over her body. She slipped her hands up her stomach and over her breasts as her eyes closed and then opened again, her hands cupping her breasts.

"Squeeze them lightly, then a little harder. Yes, that's right. Touch - oh yes, do that." His voice left him as she instinctively closed her thumb and finger around her nipple and applied pressure before rolling the tender point between her fingertips.

Dan cupped his balls to alleviate the deep ache there and exhaled at the touch of his own hand. Telling her what to do and seeing her follow his instructions was more arousing than he'd ever expected.

Her body in the soft light seemed to shimmer slightly as she sighed, her blue eyes half closed and hazy with desire. Her back arched, pressing her breasts into her own hands as she continued to play with her hard nipples, the tint of them deepening to a rosy dark pink. He watched in fascination as her body took over her actions, her fingertips tugging and pinching.


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