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Tori's Tale: A Wedding Gang Bang

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Tori becomes a gang bang slut after her wedding.
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Author's note: Once again I want to thank my fans. I now have over 6600 followers making me the 21st most followed author on Literotica and closing fast on the top 20. Thank you so much. It is you who make me want to keep writing. The link is in my profile.

Over quarantine I had some fun. I went back and reread all the comments on all my stories. I suggest when you read my stories you also read the comments, they are very entertaining.

As I reviewed the comments I looked up the profiles of the posters to get to know my fans. I noticed quite a few were authors. As a fan you know where my interests lie and I have followed many of you who write in those genres so I can go back and check out your stuff. I'm looking forward to it. I also reached out to some of you who piqued my curiosity for other reasons.

Please keep ranking, following, and commenting on my stories. I appreciate all of you. Feel free to send me feedback. I respond to everyone with a valid email address.

Please check out my profile for basic questions about me and to check out my other stories..

FYI, for those of you who've asked, I can't change the picture. The new version of Literotica does not have that functionality.


All my stories with the word 'tale' in them are fantasies requested by a fan. I assume if they have the fantasy others do as well.


I put on my wedding dress and looked in the mirror. I could hear my mom in my head.

"Are you sure you don't want to wear a slip with that?" My mother would ask.

I thought about it. I always wore revealing clothes. Why should my wedding day be any different? Besides Wesley, my fiancé liked me showing off.

The gown was a traditional white, floor length strapless bustier style. At 5'2" 125lbs I had the figure to show it off. The cups of the bustier were white lace with no padding. I didn't need padding. My 34DD breasts filled out the dress and the underwire of the bustier held them up firmly in the cups. The white lace swirled around my nipples. If I stood still and you really looked you could make out my nipples through the fabric.

The rest of the bustier top was sheer. You could clearly see my navel through the material.

Low on my waist the gown turned to chiffon layers down to my ankles. If you looked, or if the light was behind me, you could also see I was wearing stockings and garters.

"How do I look?" I asked Wesley

"You definitely look sexy," he responded. "Are you ready?"

Just then there was a knock on the door.

Wesley and I had met on Tinder. I was 20, he was 24. I didn't expect much, maybe a hook up, but we really hit it off. In a very short time we were dating exclusively. He was 6'5" and handsome and had a great sense of humor. We had been together for four years.

Dating was fun. We were really compatible. One thing that was different for me was that Wesley loved the way I looked and took pictures of me all the time. Me? I was very shy at first. Believe it or not, I'm still a little shy. Wesley was always complimenting me and encouraging me to dress sexier. It took me a year before I really started to feel comfortable dressing sexier. I wanted to please Wesley, plus, I was beginning to like it. I was still shy about it, but I started to feel more confident. I started to like posing and enjoying the looks of admiration I got when I wore a short sundress or flouncy skirt.

Sometime along the way I met a woman at work who told me about a job as a bikini model for Harley Davidson. She said my pouty lips and shoulder blade length pink hair would fit in perfectly I wasn't hot on the idea but Wesley really encouraged me, plus the money was good. I took the job and appeared at a few motorcycle shows. I wore a very small white bikini. I was really shy at first but after awhile I enjoyed it. There was something wild about being in a bikini in front of all these clothed people. I could see the looks of lust in the eyes of my admirers Plus everyone was really nice to me. Even the women. I ended up appearing in a few biker magazines. It was good money.

Wesley and I were doing real well. I'd never had a better relationship. He made me feel pretty and confident. Wesley still loved pictures of me. Especially in lingerie. He liked peeks of my lingerie under my clothes. We worked really hard and didn't see each other a lot, for fun I would take pics of me in lingerie and send them to Wesley at work.

We moved in together. I knew he was the one.

At some point it started to change. Not in a bad way, just as we spent time together things changed. We added sexual fantasies to our sex play. I told him I liked it when a man dominated me, held me down, spanked my ass.

Wesley tried to dominate me, but it wasn't really his thing. He just wasn't the type. He treated me with love and respect, but every once in a while I yearned to be a little wilder and let someone else be in control.

Then, and I guess this is where it started. He told me he'd like to see me with another man. I really didn't understand that fantasy. How could he want another man to fuck me? I was his. Did he want to be with other women?

"Why would you want to see me with another man?" I asked.

"Because you're so beautiful," he replied. "It's like showing someone how lucky I am. It's like having my personal porn star who I am madly in love with."

"I couldn't stand seeing you with another woman," I told him.

"I love only you. I have no need or desire to be with anyone else," he insisted.

That kind of sat with me. When he'd bring it up during sex, I didn't react to it. I admit the idea kind of excited me but I wasn't sure so I tried to play down my reaction even though that kind of sex talk always made me cum.

One day after taking some lingerie pictures Wesley said "I bet Jon would love these pictures."

Jon was a friend of ours who was in Afghanistan. Wesley's best friend.

"Oh?" Was all I said. I wondered where he was going with that. .

"Yeah, he's all alone in the desert. Let's send him some to cheer him up," Wesley said.

"Really? I asked. Part of me thought, why are we doing this?, Part of me was excited by the idea. I'd always thought Jon was attractive but did that justify sending him lingerie pictures?

"Oh come on," said Wesley. "He's seen you in that white bikini. You're more covered than that in these pictures."

It was true. In the magazine I was wearing a bikini that was practically a thong. Here I was in a baby doll and matching thong. It was pretty close.

"Ok," I agreed. "Let me pick out the ones though."

"You bet," he said.

I looked at the pics. They were all pretty sexy poses. Tastefull. I mean no legs spread or obscene pics. No nipples. The most revealing was a picture from behind, me looking over my shoulder and my thong showing my ass. Not bad. I picked out four, including the ass pic and said, "these."

As Wesley sent them I felt a little flutter in my stomach and a bit of a reaction lower. I admit I was kind of turned on. Wesley emailed them with the subject, 'to get you thru the hot nights.'

I waited for a response. Given the time difference I didn't get one till the next day.

'Wow, I forgot how beautiful she was,' came the response.

I admit, I got kind of a warm feeling out of that. In fact, I practically jumped Wesley.

"Let's fuck," I said as I pulled my clothes off.

Never one to deny me Wesley started to undress.

Do you really like showing off my pictures," I teased as his cock entered me. I was already wet. He slid right in.

"Yes," he hissed.

As he started to pump my pussy I went on.

"Do you think Jon jacked off to them?" I asked.

"I hope so," Wesley replied as he continued to fuck me.

"I hope so too," I said as I wrapped my legs around Wesley and thrust my hips towards his driving cock. In my mind I pictured Jon. Jon was a good looking guy. I wondered what his cock looked like. I imagined him with his hand wrapped around his cock, stroking himself as he looked at my pictures.

"Mmmmmm," I moaned as Wesley continued to fuck me.

"I wonder what he thought about while looking at them?" I mused.

"Probably getting his dick in your pussy," Wesley replied.

"Mmmmmmm, I bet you'd like that," I teased.

"I would," he responded. He picked up the pace a bit. Thrusting into me harder than before.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked breathily as he thrust into me.

"How beautiful you are," he answered.

"That all?" I started to push him away. "Tell me the truth," I insisted.

"Ok ok," he laughed as I let him continue fucking me. "I was thinking how hot it would be to watch Jon fuck you." He admitted.

"Oh," I said coyly. "You'd like to watch me spread my legs for your best friend?" I teased. "See his cock thrust into me and buried in my pussy?"

"Yes," he moaned.

"Would you watch or join in?" I asked.

He started thrusting his cock in me more rapidly. I could feel my orgasm building. I imagined being fucked by Jon, Wesley watching me, stroking his cock.

"What would you do?" I whispered in his ear.

"I'd watch!" He practically bellowed as he started to cum. He pulled out as he did. We don't use condoms and I'm not on the pill or anything so he pulled out. He got cum all over my pussy and belly. He collapsed on top of me. I could feel the hot cum sticky between our bodies.

I hadn't cum, but I loved the way he lost control.

"Eat me," I commanded.

Wesley dropped his face between my legs and started sucking on my cum covered clit. I moaned.

I wasn't done with the fantasy. "Can you imagine me covered in Jon's cum. I wonder if he'd give me a big load." I teased

Wesley tongue penetrated my pussy lips as he continued to suck on them.

"Mmmmmm," Wesley let out a muffled moan.

"Fuck yes," I cried as his tongue worked its magic.

"Would you do it?" He stopped to ask and then went right back to eating me.

I was so wrapped in the fantasy I started to cum. "Fuck yes," I practically screamed. "I'd spread my legs for him so you can watch him pound my pussy," I gasped as the orgasm washed over me.

Wesley rolled to the side of me. We lay there catching our breath.

"Would you really fuck someone so I can watch?" He asked.

"Oh, I don't know. It's a fun fantasy. I like it and it turns me on, but we'd have to be married and feeling very secure in our relationship if we were to try something like that," I explained.

We both fell asleep.

After that we often incorporated the idea of me fucking other men into our bedroom play. It turned us both on. Sometimes it was Jon. Sometimes a stranger. Sometimes it was more than one man. The idea always turned me on. I almost always came with that fantasy.

After sex we'd discuss it and I'd again tell him that this was fantasy and I could never do anything like it unless we were married.

Slowly being married became part of the fantasy.

"So you'd like to take a strangers cock into your married pussy," he'd tease or I'd like to see your pretty little married mouth wrapped around some big cock."

For some reason the married part added both excitement and butterflies to my stomach. I loved it and would have crashing orgasms when we fucked that way.

It became even more intense. Wesley proposed and we set a date. Now it became even more real.

We planned a destination wedding in Hawaii.

One week Jon was coming home from Afghanistan. Wesley invited him to spend the week with us. I wondered how I'd feel knowing Jon had seen my pics. I pictured Jon sitting in a tent, cock in hand, and jacking off to my pictures. The week before he was to visit I felt myself flush and warm almost every day. Wesley and I had conflicting schedules. I found myself horny with no Wesley a lot.

The one night I did get him to myself. He was in the living room. I went into the bedroom and slipped into a green baby doll. I left off the panties. The baby doll came half way down my ass. My pussy was on display. You could make out my pink nipples under the material. I walked out and leaned against the door.

"Hey," I said

He looked at me. It took a moment for his mind to click in. When it did he smiled.

"Hey," he replied.

I decided to be a bit coy. I walked towards him.

"What ya doin'?" I asked.

"Looking at a beautiful woman," he replied.

He reached for his phone.

"What's that for?" I asked.

"You look so beautiful I need to take some pictures," he said.

I struck a pose. "Like this?" I asked in a pouty voice? I heard the phone camera click. I struck another pose. "Or like this?"

He continued to click as I posed for him.

"God you're beautiful," he said.

"Beautiful?" I teased. "Not sexy?"

"You are beautiful and sexy," he replied.

I moved closer to him. I took the phone from his hands, put it down, and put my arms around his neck. I kissed him.

"Mmmmmm,". I purred.

I felt his hands go down to my ass. He pulled me close. I could feel his cock hardening in his pants. I reached down to stroke it through the material.

"For me," I said coyly.

"Fuck yes," he said.

"Fuck me," I replied.

He didn't need more coaxing. I undid his pants and pulled out his now hard cock.

"Mmmmmm," I purred as I kissed him and stroked his cock with one hand.

While his hands explored my ass I slowly got on my knees. I looked at his cock. I loved the feeling of the soft skin around the rock hard shaft. I took his cock in my mouth. He moaned.

I'm not a deep throat queen, but I think I give a pretty good blow job.

"You look so sexy," he said.

"Ya think," I said breathlessly.

"Oh yeah," he replied. "I love the way you look with a cock in your mouth."

Oh?" I mused. "Your cock? Or any cock.

"Any," he moaned

"Yeah," I continued. "You'd like to see me on my knees with a cock in my mouth? Knowing I was being a slut and sucking off another guy?"

"Yes," he hissed.

I briefly wondered what Jon's cock would taste like. How would Jon react if I got down on my knees in front of him.

I got up and kissed Wesley again. "Fuck me," I said.

"Show me that ass," he growled.

He turned me around and pushed me down to my knees. I bent over on all fours.

"Like this?" I asked in an innocent voice.

He knelt behind me and slapped my ass. I liked the way it felt.

"Get your ass up," he said.

I put my chest to the ground and pushed my ass in the air.

"Like this?" I asked again.

He stuck a finger in my pussy. I was wet and it slid right in. He took his cock and rubbed the head against my pussy spreading my juices all over the head of his cock and my pussy lips. Then with one thrust he pushed into me. I took his whole cock with one thrust.

"Mmmmmmfffff," I grunted. "Oh yes," I moaned.

He started to thrust into me. Pounding at my pussy.

"That's it. Fuck your pussy," i practically shouted. "Fuck me hard."

A picture of Jon's cock in my mouth again slipped into my mind. I decided to run with it.

"I bet you'd like it if I were sucking a cock right now," I moaned.

I knew he would. After all we'd role played this before.

"Fuck yes," he said.

"You'd like me to be that slutty? Sucking a cock while you fuck me? Or would you rather watch as I take two cocks?" I went on.

Fuck yes," he repeated and continued to pound my pussy.

Then I upped it. "Do you think Jon would like my mouth around his cock?" I mused.

"Mmmmm. He moaned.

As I said it I felt the warmth spread to my pussy.

"Fuck, I going to cum," I moaned.

"That's it baby, cum for me. Cum all aver my cock," he replied.

I felt the orgasm radiate from between my legs and take over my whole body. I shuddered and fell on my belly. As I did Wesley's cock slid out of me.

"Fuck, oh god, fuck, fuck, fuck," I hissed.

My orgasm had set Wesley off, he slipped out and I felt his hot cum on my ass and back. He collapsed on top of me and I lay there slowly feeling his cock soften against me.

"You'd really like that." I asked quietly.

"I think you'd be sexy as hell," he replied.

The week went by and I found myself anticipating Jon's visit. What would Wesely do if I really was to fuck Jon. I wondered what Jon's cock was like. I wondered what he'd feel like as a lover. The week kept me in heat.

Jon finally arrived. It was a normal visit. Nothing unusual except in my mind. Then one night Wesley and Jon were playing video games. I was hanging out with them on my phone. Jon looked over.

"You got those pictures on that phone?" he asked.

It took me a minute to remember which pictures he was talking about.

"I think so," I said.

"Well, they made my day when I got them," he replied.

Wesley chimed in, "they were hot, weren't they?"

"Very," replied Jon.

Then Wesley shocked me, "why don't you go put that baby doll on."

"What?" I blinked.

"Go put it on. It's not like Jon hasn't already seen it," he continued.

"Ummmm," I hesitated.

"Go ahead, Jon would love to see the real thing," he pushed a bit. "Right Jon?"

"Well yeah," said Jon. "But only if she's ok with it."

"She's good," Wesley responded. "Aren't you?" He asked me.

Truth was, I wanted to go change. The idea of being seen in my baby doll was making me wet.

"Ok," I said, trying to sound reluctant.

I got up to go change. I could feel my pussy getting wet. I liked the feeling. I stripped off my clothes and pulled on the baby doll. I looked in the mirror. In person you could see through the material. You could make out my nipples through the top and the tiny puff of well groomed pussy hair was clearly visible through the panties. I felt a warm flush through my body.

Could I do this? What might happen if I did? I reminded myself what I told Wesley. "Not till we're married." I kept that in mind as I walked out of the bedroom..

"Wow," exclaimed Jon. "You're perfect in person."

That made me feel a bit less self conscious.

"You think so," I responded.

"Definitely," he replied.

"Turn for us," said Wesley. "Show us the rest."

I kind of liked being ordered around. I did a slow turn holding the hem of my baby doll and showing off my panties and a bit of belly.

"Like this?" I asked coyly.

"Yes," they both said in unison.

"Well, now you've seen me. Anything else I can do foir you guys?" I teased.

"You could take off the bottoms," Wesley said, testing the waters.

"Oh come on," I said. "You know if I took off these panties you'd both want to fuck me."

Jon's mouth dropped open.

"And you know the rules Wesley," I went on. "I'm not fucking anyone else till we're married." The reality was I wanted to strip off the baby doll and let them both fuck me silly.

Jon looked from me to Wesley.

Wesley shrugged his shoulders. "Oh well, I tried buddy," he said to Jon.

Jon was silent.

"How about instead I get you a few drinks and I'll hang out here while you finish your video games," I offered.

"Ok," they both kind of grumbled.

I laughed and went to bring them drinks.

I watched them play games for about an hour. I played on my phone and kept shifting positions in my chair giving them something to look at. I wondered if they could tell my pussy was soaked through the thin material of the baby doll's thong.

I noticed that for the hour Jon and Wesley kept getting their butts kicked in the game. It was an online multiplayer game and It seems they were paying more attention to me than to the game. I liked that.

Finally Wesley announced it was bedtime. As soon as he got me in the bedroom he started kissing me and grabbing my ass. I was just as turned on and started undressing him as fast as I could.

Before I knew it I was on my back with Wesley furiously fucking my pussy.

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