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Torment Ch. 10 - Anime Fox Gurl

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Barbara surprises Sasha with an outfit all her own.
8.4k words

Part 10 of the 11 part series

Updated 11/14/2023
Created 01/24/2022
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Sasha luxuriated in the warmth of her comfortable bed. Deeply cocooned in the blankets she slowly stirred from her slumber. She could feel her husband's body pressed against her back, spooning her as the big spoon. His soft, even breath tickled her hair and the nape of her neck; no doubt what caused her to stir from her slumber. His arm was draped over her, above the blankets and around her waist. More importantly, she could feel the hardness of his chastity cage nestled against her buttocks. The tiny padlock nestled atop the hard plastic cage pressed annoyingly into the cleft of her buttocks; no doubt a contributing cause to her awakened state.

Nevertheless Sasha wiggled back against his body and his cock cage and dwelt in the perfect moment. She opened her eyes and could tell it was morning from the gentle light of dawn radiating through the open window. The curtain sheers suffused in the beauty of a morning sunrise.

She glanced at her phone and noted the time. Sleeping in on a Saturday morning after a busy week was something to enjoy. Waking up naturally instead of with an alarm blaring; insisting, forcing her to "rise and shine" and prepare for work.

After her husband had returned from his work trip she had freed him from his ten continuous days of chastity. She reminisced about their video chats each evening and how she had tormented him, teased him, made him dress up and dance for her amusement.

Sasha had been sorely tempted to Jill-Off during those sessions. Watching him every might as she commanded him to perform for her, culminating in her command to sit on the dildo Sasha had secreted into his luggage. Watching with rapt attention as the dildo penetrated Barbara's rear entry; slowly disappearing inside her dark tunnel, disappearing from view on her computer screen. Sasha's arousal grew inside her watching 'Barbara' as she would slowly rock back and forth; rotating her hips, working the dildo around her ass and against her prostate...

It appeared when he returned home that her torment may have been a tad bit too effective. His caged cock, straining nightly to break free and achieve tumescence, showed the after effects of too much stimulation and too little room for expansion. Despite his most tender care with his caged hygiene routines and generous application of lotion his cock once freed was red and angry looking and apparently quite sore from the enforced chastity.

Sasha immediately took matters into her own hands and gently stroked her husbands cock, bringing it back to life and fully erect for the first time in 10 days. She made him stand against the wall as she stood before him, with lotion and a firm grip, massaging his sore, neglected penis.

It didn't take long before his turgid member seemed to recall what freedom felt like and saluted her tender ministrations. Sasha gave his cock a careful inspection; visually as well as tactile. Sasha was happy to see that his cock, despite the many months of routine daily chastity had not shrunk. Selecting the largest cage she could find to house his 8 inch endowment had been prudent. That and her practice of releasing him from chastity prior to sending him off to work on the weekdays appeared to have effectively mitigated the threat of shrinkage. Confinement alternating with freedom, in her judgment, allowed for a healthy cock.

Sasha smiled as she mused about her husband's cock. His large cock was for her pleasure and hers alone and protecting it from his masturbatory excesses was the only reason she had enforced chastity upon him.

Her smile grew wider as within mere minutes his cock spasmed and his blue balls spewed their load, and then spew again, and yet again, as she relieved his stress with her firm and competent hand job. Four ropes of cum sprayed upwards like a geyser as Sasha directed his spewing issue away from her and onto his abdomen. Her judicious aim meant his belly was coated in cum while only a small dribble of cum managed to cover her hand.

Sasha used the dribble to supplement the lotion as she milked the last of his cum from the head and shaft of his cock. She smiled as her husband slowly recovered from his ejaculatory bliss. Before he could say anything she commanded him into the shower.

As he showered Sasha washed the residual cum from her hands and mused how owning a cock meant accepting certain responsibilities. The health and hygiene of the cock was important! Keeping her husband chaste meant she would brook no dissent in how she managed care of the cock.

Sasha, in a gesture of charity, had allowed him to have the following week off, free from chastity, to promote his...and the cock's...full recovery.

Of course she monitored him closely. There would be no opportunities for him to masturbate. Cheating was not allowed!

The next day she treated him...and the cock, with another hand job, stroking with smooth lotion until the cock...HER cock, was again erect and again had released his issue.

The third day; a third hand job! As soon as her husband returned from work, she took a break and attended to the health of the cock. It may be a part of her husband's anatomy but Sasha was now THE OWNER.

Her husband, meanwhile, naturally, made no objections. Due to his training and submissive nature he readily submitted to the torment of Sasha's dominance. The fourth day and his fourth hand job in as many days, he was taken completely by surprise by Sasha's actions.

Sasha held open her cum coated palm. Unlike the previous tree days she didn't direct his sperm to spew onto his belly. It seemed so...wasteful. This time she cupped her hand and caught most of his cum in her palm. After milking the last of his cum from the cock she admired the glistening viscous liquid pooled upon the palm of her hand. She could feel the warmth slowly cooling of his fresh load.

"Swallow this."

Sasha spoke softly as she brought her hand up from the cock to her husband's mouth, bearing the load of cum. His gasp of surprise only spurred her resolve. She knew this was the right thing to do. His gasp and his heavy breathing from enjoying her manipulations of his cock meant his mouth was open. Sasha easily covered his open mouth with her palm and let the cum slip from her palm.

Sasha's husband quavered for only a moment before obedience, submission, curiosity, and a stern look from Sasha won over his reluctance. The cum was at his lips and tongue too quickly for him to protest or question anyway.

Sasha's husband's tendency to obey was strong. His heavy breathing from his previous orgasm hadn't subsided. He sensed a musky aroma, strong but not unpleasant, on the air in the chamber of his mouth for an infinitesimal moment before the cum flowed off Sasha's hand and onto the tip of his tongue...

The cum had an unusual consistency he couldn't easily identify. It slid through his lips and mouth like...oysters perhaps, but not as solid. Once on his tongue the cum spread instantaneously, coating the entirety of his tongue, spreading around his teeth and over his gums. His mouth watered and furthered the spread.

It got everywhere!

Sasha's husband swallowed, and felt the cum slip down his throat like a slug of...well, cum!

He noticed Sasha as she smiled with her piercing gaze evaluating his reaction.

"Well?" Sasha asked.

"Uh...not bad. I guess. Not like anything I've ever, uh, tried before." He dissembled. He swallowed again trying in vain to remove the cum residue from his mouth. Instead the scent, flavor and consistency of residual cum lingered.

Sasha merely smirked as she ordered him into the showers. She could smell the cum on his breath.

On the fifth day she stroked him to completion and again fed him the cum he had spewed. Sasha was thrilled as he took his cum and swallowed without resistance or reluctance. As she sent him to shower she admired the sway of his ass and reminisced about all the times she had blown him during their years of marriage. She felt inordinately proud somehow that now he knew what she had experienced when she had swallowed his ejaculate.

Strong and healthy that he was he recovered quickly, after five days, and once his cock's recovery was apparent, she immediately placed him back into chastity.

Sasha snuggled once more down onto the cage cock nestled between her ass cheeks; his panties and her panties preventing the caged cock from nestling deeper between her buttocks. She could feel that his caged member was awkwardly poking at her, beginning to strain inside its hard plastic shell.

His cock was attempting to get hard.

Soon he would wake up from the discomfort and make his way to the bathroom to urinate, and relieve as much stress and strain as possible, his attempt at erection doomed to fail. In the meantime Sasha closed her eyes and drifted off back to sleep. It was still too early to get up just yet.


Sasha's husband woke up and could feel the strong discomfort of his cock as it struggled against its implacable foe; his chastity cage. He found he was now spooning his wife as she slept. His caged cock was straining to break free and nestle deeper between his wife's buttocks, the minimal amount of room causing it to poke outward slightly, tenting his panties.

The strain and tenting further caused tension in the fabric of his panties that pulled them deeper into the cleft of his bottom. Five hand jobs over the five previous days had made his erections come back even stronger than before.

Was it possible that his cock had been trained to not strain as hard when caged? When he was initially placed into chastity so many months ago his cock would positively rage inside its cage. The struggle of his cock to break free had lessened over time. He still got hard and the cage was still tight, but it had gone from unbearable to...uh...bearable over time.

Sasha's husband groaned softly as he rolled over and away from his wife.

His wife.

His mistress.

His key-holder.

After a moment to glance at the clock he saw it was nearly time for him to wake up anyway. He needed to make the coffee and get their breakfast going. Rubbing his eyes he rolled out of bed and made his way to the master bathroom. He clasped his caged cock and tried his best to adjust it, failing; as he couldn't' even touch his cock through the hard plastic shell imprisoning him.

Lowering his panties and pulling them free from his ass cheeks he sat down on the toilet to pee. It took a few moments before he was able to relax enough for his cock to let his stream flow. His penis had filled every available nook and cock flesh was even bulging slightly from the vents and cleaning ports arranged around the hard plastic cage.

Once finished Sasha's husband dabbed at the end of his cock cage with tissue to wipe away and residual liquid, stood up, pulled his panties back up and flushed the toilet.

He moved over to the mirror.

Sasha's husband passed a critical eye over his reflection. His complexion was perfect and flawless. He recalled overhearing some of the women from his office comment about him. They assumed he was somewhat metro-sexual since he took "such good care of himself".

If only they really knew what my wife and I get up to, he smirked. Those spa treatments were amazing!

He looked over his body and admired his hairless arms, torso, and legs. The sports bra he was wearing cupped his pecs and made him look like he had an "A" cup bosom, the bra band and shoulder straps, being slightly tight, leaving their temporary delible impression in his flesh.

He turned sideways to admire his narrow waist and taught tummy. Even without the help of body-shaping clothing he had a respectable figure. Even without his breast forms filling out his sports bra he looked simply like a casual runner or swimmer, someone who was fit and took care of himself.

His panty clad butt was round and firm and quite feminine looking in its fullness. From the front; his cage bulged downward, implacably restraining his endowment which was thankfully quiescent right now. The impression of the small padlock was visible at the top through the fabric of his cotton panties. From the back he could see his thigh gap below his round full bottom, and the cleft of his ass as his panty nestled tightly.

Sasha's husband tapped at the miniature padlock with his finger, the small padlock striking the tube portion of his cock cage with a hard click. Leaving his cock free to recover had been necessary after ten days away, locked up for the entirety of his trip. But during and after a week of recovery he had been surprised to find the very idea of his cock being free was...wrong.

It was a most unexpected feeling, being tormented by the loss of his chastity cage and the symbolism it wrought. His cock cage was Sasha's assurance that he wasn't and would not masturbate. His cock being outside its confinement had felt somehow wrong... improper... scandalous!

He tapped the padlock again and elicited another hard click sound as the lock struck the tube. Lengthy periods locked away in chastity appeared to be unwise from a hygienic standpoint as well as a probable means to cause actual harm and injury. It would seem that only in pornographic fiction would extended time locked be possible; in actual practice, not so much.

He reached for his bathrobe and took it off the hook. The robe was actually part of a set with his peignoir, but both he and Sasha thought it was too adorable to leave for special occasions; so he used it for everyday wear. Donning the sheer white lace robe he could see that his darker colored panty and matching sports bra were visible through the diaphanous robe. He left the bathroom and made his way to the kitchen. It was time to start the day and some coffee right now would be wonderful.


Friday, One week later

Sasha's husband arrived home after work and breathed a sigh of relief. With all of his projects caught up and on schedule, at work and at home, he would again have a full weekend with Sasha to play.

The week day routine of waking up each morning for Sasha to unlock his chastity cage before work, working and then returning home, changing from his male suit and tie, or business casual, and into something feminine that Sasha had chosen for him before she locked him up in chastity again, then making them drinks before catching up on household chores now gave way to their weekend routine.

There usually wasn't time for a full cosmetic transformation during the weekday, and lipstick and a touch of eye shadow and mascara was considered enough. Once feminized and after Sasha locked the lock of his cage it was time to serve.

Sasha's hours were offset compared to her husband. Eventually, Sasha would log off from work and tease him as he did laundry, or vacuumed, or dusted, of any of the innumerable chores necessary to maintain and clean an orderly home before he would then retreat to the kitchen to prepare their meal.

But now that it was Friday there would be a full transformation. Sasha's husband doffed his male clothes and set them aside. He smirked as he would take them the next day to the dry cleaners dressed and transformed as Barbara. His ability to pass in public meant that he would be posing as a wife just picking up and dropping off her husband's dry cleaning.

Next came the least enjoyable but highly important act of douching his anus. The enema would typically be unpleasant but it would be far less pleasant to have an unclean ass if anal sex were to happen. Sasha's husband had even improved his diet, both for his health, and his figure, but with the added bonus of ensuring a healthy and clean colon. Although not quite bordering on obsession, he did everything he could to ensure he was ready should his wife and mistress want him to submit his ass.

He was embarrassed to admit how much the thought of anal submission to his wife both scared and thrilled him.

Once fully cleaned out he made his way to the shower. Unlike his brisk morning showers during the work week, his weekend shower would last quite awhile. Exfoliating, scrubbing, moisturizing, deep conditioning and even a careful shave to remove any new body hair and to remove his five o clock shadow. Amazingly, after his many spa visits throughout the year, laser treatments and waxing meant he had almost no hair below his neck. Touch-ups with a safety razor were quick and easy.

Naked from the shower, after toweling dry, he carefully applied lotion to his cock and took the chastity cage, base ring, locking post and end cap and carefully placed it over his semi-turgid cock. Once it was assembled he looped the tiny padlock hasp through the locking post and end piece, leaving it unlocked...only Sasha was allowed to lock or unlock his cock!

Sasha's husband, "Barbara" now that his cock was snug in its cage, scrutinized his face. It was time to prepare. As she assembled her cosmetics she wondered idly if Sasha knew that it was now nearly one full year since they had first begun keeping her in chastity...


Lost in thought and deeply involved with work Sasha nearly missed when Barbara made her appearance. The tapping of Barbara's heels on the hardwood floors barely penetrated her focus and it wasn't until Barbara set down an adult beverage on the coaster on her desk that Sasha deigned to notice what stood before her.

Sasha looked up as the polite thanks she intended to express died in her throat. Her mind went momentarily blank. She stared at Barbara.

Barbara momentarily went stiff with concern.

"Do you like it? Did I do ok?" Barbara turned slightly on her heels to model for Sasha.

Standing before her Sasha was stunned. Barbara's face was beautifully made up and her skill with makeup had expertly feminized his face into 'hers' but the outfit she was wearing...

Sasha found she was grinning like a fool. Standing before her was Barbara transformed into her very own Japanese Neko inspired school-girl/cat-girl!

"This is not the outfit I laid out for you." Sasha stated, obviously.

"No mistress. It's a special night so I wanted to surprise you. Did I surprise you?" Barbara asked, coyly.

"Is this why you've spent so much time shopping online?" Sasha demurred. She caught herself as she moistened her lips.

"Yes. Do you like it?" Barbara posed as she did her best to show off her assets to her wife-mistress.

On top of Barbara's head were white furry fox or cat ears. Obviously well made ones that were quite a step above the simple cat's ears barrette she had worn on previous occasions. The ears complemented the blond wig with pigtails she wore as part of her normal transformation. They looked positively real!

Around her neck she wore a white leather collar. The collar had rhinestone letter charms that spelled "PRINCESS" in front of her throat. She held a similar white leather leash that was attached to her collar in her hands.

Her wrists also had what looked like smaller and narrower white leather rhinestone collars she was wearing as bracelets or straps.

She wore a typical white crop top that was cross tied under her bosom. The black lace tops of her white bra were showing above the white fabric of her shirt. Her bra was visible through the fabric of her top as well. The material of her top was diaphanous. Her c-cup breast forms gave her amazing cleavage and the silicon nipples seemed to poke through the bra and the top, leaving a visible protrusion.

Her tummy below her bosom was exposed and a tiny silver cats-paw charm dangled as a belly button ring from her navel.

Her pleated mini-skirt was also obviously new as Sasha had never seen it before. It appeared to be made from four different color types of tartan; red tartan, grey tartan, blue tartan and yellow tartan. It wrapped around her waist just below her navel and down to just above mid thigh. A cute decorative white leather belt, also bejeweled with rhinestones encircled her waist.

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