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Trading Threesomes

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Two girls have threesomes with each other's man.
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School had just ended for the summer and my boyfriend of the last 18 months and I were traveling to Pennsylvania for his business. Shane was attending a technology seminar training to learn about the new computer system at his store and we decided to make a long getaway weekend of it. He had opened his own business at the age of 23 and now at the age of 27, he needed to upgrade his program. Shane was four years older than me and already established in the workforce while I still had one more year of pharmacy school left. We flew out on Friday morning and were to return on Sunday evening.

When we landed, we went out for dinner, saw a few sights and decided to relax back at the hotel. The training was to start early Saturday morning, so he chose to go to bed while I decided to go down to the indoor pool and read. I hadn't planned to swim but to sit beside the water in a comfortable chair and lose myself in a crime drama. I put my long sandy blonde hair up in a ponytail, changed into casual shorts, t-shirt and slipped on my sandals before heading down. When I discovered the pool hours had passed, I was disappointed but had an idea.

I cocked my head and playfully gave my pouting beg to the pimply faced front desk clerk, "Please can I just slip in? I will be so quiet and I'm not even going to swim."

The 19 year old boy smiled, leaned in and whispered, "OK, but you have to be quiet. You are the second person who has asked tonight."

I smiled back, "Thank you so much, Handsome. I won't make a peep."

When the boy manually unlocked the entrance door, I noticed that the other lady that he spoke of was there and she had the same idea as me. With a book in one hand and a drink on the floor beside her, she was in total relaxation mode. She looked up and smiled as I scooted my chair to adjust my position for the best lighting in the overall dim illumination.

I smiled back a friendly greeting, "Hi. Looks like we were thinking the same thing. Thank goodness that boy was so nice."

She placed her book down on her lap and pleasantly responded, "I agree. It's peaceful in here and the first alone time I have had in a long time. I think I forgot what's like to relax."

The lady who looked to be in her mid-thirties, had long brunette hair, also put up in a ponytail with a hair tie, big brown eyes, heart shaped lips, and very large breasts.

"Are you here on vacation?" I asked.

She responded, "Not exactly. We actually live here in Pennsylvania. I'm here with my husband Josh who works in IT and he is a presenter at the computer training tomorrow. We got a sitter and I decided to get away with him for a couple of days. By the way, I'm Barbara but you can call me Barb."

I held out my hand offering to shake while greeting, "Nice to meet you. I'm Brittni and you can call me Britt."

Our conversation continued as I told her about being in pharmacy school and my life in general. Barb told me that she was a 37 year old mom with four children with ages ranging from 15 down to 3. Her children were her life but also worked a lot of hours. She also told me that Josh was her second husband, was four years younger, and how he has been good for her.

I was surprised, "Wow! You have had four kids and still have a great figure like that?"

Barb politely laughed, "Thank you, Sweetie. Sometimes I don't feel like I do. I wish I had my body back like I had when I was your age. How old are you? I would guess 25, maybe?"

I answered, "Very close. I'm 23 but you don't have to worry. I hope mine looks as half as good as yours when I'm your age."

Barb lifted a drink to her mouth and after a sip, confessed, "Another glass of this and I will going back to the room and make Josh wake up to give me some."

I was pleasingly stunned by her bluntness and giggled, "That is not a bad idea. Since Shane is such a sound sleeper, I will probably be masturbating tonight instead."

The alcohol inhibited Barb stood up from her lawn chair and suggested, "You know what we should do? We should get in the hot tub over there."

Looking over in the corner at the nice, steamy, Jacuzzi-style hot tub, I was reluctant, "Neither one of us has a bathing suit on."

"Who needs bathing suits," she chuckled as she crossed her arms, lifted her top and pulled it up over her head.

She dropped the shirt on the floor then reached behind herself, unhooking her large bra and allowing it to fall as well. As she walked toward the warm water, her 38 D boobs, bounced with each step. Barb was a couple inches shorter than me as she stood 5'4 and when she shimmied her shorts down, revealing her panty-clad booty, I was impressed. It was bigger in such a good way and matched her boob size. It was also very smooth and my first thought was that celebrities would pay large sums of money for an ass just like that. The boy short style lace panties were yanked down to her ankles before she stepped over top of them, standing completely naked. Barb was a full blown MILF with her hourglass body, thin waist and voluptuous curves.

She looked at me as her foot stepped down into the steamy water, "Well, what are you waiting for? C'mon in, it feels wonderful."

Even though I had just met Barb, I could tell already that I liked her adventurous side. By the time she began to sit and her smooth, shaven crotch sank into the steamy water, I was ready but worried about someone entering the pool and catching us.

Barb let out a joyous, "Ahhh, the water is amazing! Don't worry about someone coming in, it is past swimming hours and even if someone does, who cares."

I couldn't argue with her reasoning. I stood up and walked to where she sat with her big boobs half out of the water and her arms stretched out straight to her sides, resting on the concrete tub top. I looked at the door, shrugged my shoulders and pulled my shirt off, followed by my bra. I was a little self-conscious of my 34 C breasts compared to Barb's but continued dragging down my shorts and panties. My 120 pound naked body slipped easily into the warm water. It felt incredible as I sat down across from Barb in the same position.

Barb gasped while closing her eyes, "This is more like it."

The water felt like a hot bath. Within minutes a little bead of sweat was forming on our foreheads. Barb pulled the hair tie out, allowing her flowing brown hair to cascade all around her shoulders and submerged herself under the water in a sitting position. Ten seconds later, she sprang up out of the liquid, with her head cocked back, slinging her wet hair behind herself. She sat back down in her original position and looked even sexier with her slicked back locks.

Barb giggled, "I'm starting to feel pretty good. Hell, another drink and I might even give Josh some anal tonight."

With a large grin, I asked, "It is good to see another girl love anal."

"Well, I wouldn't exactly say I love it. Josh is pretty hung so I have to get very tipsy to stand the pain. Do you love it?" She asked.

I snickered, "Guilty. My girlfriends think I'm crazy. I just don't feel the pain everyone is talking about. It hurts at first when it goes in but then the friction vibrates though me and ends up doing something amazing to my G-spot. I have powerful orgasms during anal sex. I can't explain it. I know it sounds slutty but the bigger the dick is, the better it feels. Crazy huh?"

"You would love Josh doing you in the ass then because he is almost 8 inches long and very thick. I mean this big around," Barb explained while gesturing with her hand.

"Oh my," I gulped. I continued, "That is very thick. Shane has the length for sure but not near that girthy."

Barb asked, "How long is he?"

With both my hands, it was my turn to gesture, "The last time we measured, it was 8 and a three quarters inches. He can touch way back inside me. Whew!" I huffed thinking about it.

She laughed while suggesting. "I bet he can. Maybe we should switch for a night."

I also laughed, "That would be wild. Maybe that would bring Shane out of his shell. He is too traditional."

"What do you mean?" Barb asked.

I answered, "Well...now don't get me wrong...Shane can fuck me with the best of them but he doesn't like to get into kinky sex. My boyfriend before him would like to get so dirty and I loved it. He had a foot and panty fetish. He loved watching me eat his cum. I would play with it in my mouth and swallow it in front of him. We would role play. You name it, we done it."

Barb chuckled, "You are just a little freak, aren't you? Josh also has a little bit of a foot fetish and I have given him a few footjobs even though it's not my favorite, He would love your cute feet. As far as the cum thing, I can't do it. I enjoy giving blowjobs but the texture of cum...just...just isn't my thing. Yuck."

I squinted one eye as I revealed while a little embarrassed, "I don't mean to sound gross, but I love cum. I kinda get off on it. The thicker the better. I like it to be tacky almost like raw oysters. It has a saltier, smoother taste which I like."

Hearing my words, Barb gagged just thinking about it before replying, "Eww! You can have it. I am definitely a spitter."

"You can't waste it like that," I joked. It was now my turn to learn about Barb's sexual preferences, "So, what is your thing in bed?"

She scrunched her mouth as to think before answering, "Hmmm, I have a few things. I do like light dominance while being forced. I guess it is more of a stranger rape type thing. I think that is fantasy of mine. Let me see...well...I also like being bratty and confident in bed, especially with girls."

She then had a different look in her eyes, almost seductive. Slinking back down into the water like she was going to swim, Barb swung her arms in breast stroke position and moved toward me. Forcing my knees apart, she popped up with her dripping face just inches from mine.

Barb whispered, "You know you are so cute, don't you? I don't think a little kiss would hurt anything."

Even though I thought she looked very sexy with her boldness, wet hair and smooth body, I was indecisive because it was all so quick. As I started to respond, "Well...I guess..." she leaned in and planted her soft lips directly on mine.

She moaned inside my lips, "Mmmm. Kiss me sweetie," before her tongue found its way into my mouth. My pussy felt an excited jolt and I was all in. I began to kiss her back. Our lips were locked like two teenagers in the back seat of a car. There was something about this strange, mature lady with all these children that was just so...hot and irresistible.

We French-kissed while alternately tilting our heads and readjusting our mouths. Her breath tasted like a combination of mint and her drink which turned me on more. When Barb put her arms around my back, I did the same to her. We were like two lovers who hadn't seen each other in years. Our slippery breasts and hard nipples were rubbing against each other's just above the warm water. I moaned softly, "Unnnnng," when she began sucking on my tongue.

Putting her hands on both sides of my head, she broke our kiss and whispered, "That was nice. You are an amazing kisser," before going back in and giving me small soft smooches on my upper lip.

I was completely mesmerized by this hot wife seducing me when I mumbled, "So are you."

Just then, she dropped her arm and from under the water, her hand found between my legs before she smiled, "What do we have here?" First, one finger poked its way into my pussy before a second one quickly followed.

She seductively suggested, "You are wet and I don't mean from the water. Its slimy wet. You must have liked that kiss."

I cooed, "Definitely! Our sex talk didn't hurt either."

My upper body jerked into a straight position when Barb began sliding those two fingers in and out of my parted lips and I let out a pleasure moan, "Ohhhhhhhhhh."

She whispered again, "You like that, sweetie? Do you want me to stop?"

I panted, "Yes...I mean no...I don't know what I mean. It feels good, don't stop."

Her fingers pumped briskly under the water, enough to make it move like there was a fish swimming under it. I spread my legs further apart, completely inviting Barb's hand. It felt incredible and I was getting closer to orgasm. I leaned back even more and my panting became shallower, "Oh...Oh...Oh...I'm gonna...I'm gonna cum...Oh...Yeahhhhh! Aughhhh! There it is! Augghhh!"

I shivered while I came. Barb stopped finger banging me and switched to circling them inside my vagina. She definitely knew what she was doing. I let out a big sigh before she leaned in and gave me another large kiss.

The large kisses transformed into soft pecks that left my mouth, went across my cheek and ended with her whispering in my ear, "Sweetie, I want you to set up on the edge of the hot tub so I can taste your pussy."

I was extremely stimulated and wet. The entire scene was erotic and that combined with the smell of chlorine put my libido on high alert. I lifted my bottom out of the water and sat on the lip of concrete. I put both feet on the edge of the tub with my toes dangling over, causing my legs to spread wider. Barb remained submerged up to her neck with only her head and the top of her shoulders exposed. With her hands on my inner thighs, her face found its target between my legs.

Being out of the warm water had magnified the feel of the cool air which only made her tongue feel warmer. "Mmmm," she moaned as she licked my pussy. When that magnificent tongue would touch a sensitive spot, my moans would match hers.

I panted, "Eat my pussy. Lick it! Oh! Oh! Lick it! Oh God!"

Barb's entire mouth had engulfed every inch of my opening. Her tongue would dart in and out like a snake smelling the air before flicking my clit. I couldn't help myself and laid back onto the concrete keeping my legs in the same position. I don't know where she learned it but for a married woman, she was a fantastic pussy eater.

I continued panting, "I'm getting close. You're gonna make me cum again. It feels so good! Oh. Yes! Yes!"

Barb then took her middle finger and just when I thought she was going to slide it in my slit, she put it knuckle deep into my anus. That sensation caused my pussy to twitch and when she pushed in all the way into my asshole, I let out a scream, "Augghh, I'm cummmmmmming! Oh, fuck! Yeaahhhh! Ohhhhhhh!"

Pulling her finger from my rectum and her face from my crotch, Barb playfully laughed, "You weren't lying were you? You really do get off with anal play. As soon as I stuck it in, you immediately orgasmed."

Breathing heavily trying to recover, I responded, "Oh yes. I told you. Wow. I don't know where you learned all that but I'm still quivering."

Barb splashed the water as she moved backward to her original seat while suggesting, "Do you want to give me one? I could use it after that."

I was now sitting back up when a large smile came across my face, "You read my mind." Using my hands on the edge, I hopped back down into the warm water.

Just as Barb was about to sit up on the edge of the tub, replicating what I had done, I stopped her, "Hold on. I've got to suck those big boobs of yours first." I walked in the waist deep water to her, knelt down and latched onto her left nipple just above the liquid's surface. Her breasts were so large and smooth, I rubbed the other one while I sucked. Her nipple became as hard as an ink pen's tip and I began to suck on it like a breast feeding baby.

Placing her hand on the back of my head, Barb sighed, "You go girl. That is making me so wet. You have got it so sensitive right now. Don't forget the other one."

I was one step ahead of her as I quickly switched to her opposite breast. I sucked and licked on it while rubbing her pussy from under the water. She leaned back and whimpered, "That's it. Suck em baby. You like my big boobs, don't you?"

I never stopped nursing when I mumbled my reply, "Umm, hmmm."

When she couldn't take anymore, Barb politely tapped my head, "I need that mouth somewhere else before I go crazy. Are you ready to go down on my pussy now?"

I was super excited as well as super horny when I stopped sucking her boobs and backed up to give her room to get out of the water. Barb's hands were too slippery to raise herself up so she turned around to get out with her back to me. When she pulled herself up and her Greek ass was now out of the water, I just about coughed at the sexy sight before me.

Captivated by the water droplets trickling down those smooth cheeks, I had to stop her again, "Don't move! Stay just like that."

She playfully giggled, "Stay like what?"

"Stay right there with your ass out of the water like that. I can't get over how good it looks. I have to have some of that too," I chuckled.

Barb dropped from her hands down to her elbows and forearms on the concrete surface so she could rest forward into a more comfortable position as I had requested. She turned her head and seductively smirked, "There you go. It's all yours?"

I groaned, "Ohhhh, yeah!" I first began to rub her wet cheeks like I was washing dishes. Puckering my lips, I planted soft kisses all over her slippery booty. Those kisses soon turned to licks before my tongue landed in her ass crack. Before I dove in, I used my thumbs to part the cheeks. As they closed around my face, I found myself licking her cute little anus while kneading her ass like bread. I couldn't help myself and smacked her cheek with my hand.

Barb chirped, "Oooooo. I guess we both are a naughty little sluts." I continued to smack her butt every so often and she would jump. After digging my tongue around her ringed bud for several minutes, I was all too anxious to feast on her pussy but I wanted to do it from behind so I could continue to enjoy her ass as well.

From that position, it was difficult to reach it with my mouth, so I instructed her, "Get up out of the pool on your knees so I can get to it."

Barb used her hands and splashed up out of the water onto her knees. She scooted back so that her bare feet dangled over the edge of the tub from her calves down. She put her head down to the concrete, offering both her ass and vagina to my every desire.

Hooking my arms up through the inside of her thighs and holding her hips, I was able to angle upward and press my mouth on Barb's smooth pussy. It was tacky and gooey from the ass licking foreplay I had just given her. Her juices had a salty sweet taste. I moved my tongue in circles, careful to lick the inside of her folds with the tip.

While on all fours and from in between her legs, I could hear Barb moan, "Oh! Get in there, sweetie. Get as deep as you can."

I tried to obey her command. I was pressing my lips as hard as I could to her pussy so that I could get my tongue in deeper. My nose was puffing warm air onto her butthole while I licked her from behind. Her thighs sporadically quivered and I knew she was getting close to a climax. I was so turned on from my thoughts of eating a pussy from a cougar that was so fertile and had conceived four children. Something about that, really made my own baby canal twitch.

Barb began to squeal, "Britt! Oh my God! I'm so close! Yes! Yes! Keep licking! Yes! Lick it! Oh! Ohhhhh! Augghhh! Augghhh!" Her entire body clenched and her vaginal walls convulsed around my darting tongue. I knew the orgasm that I had orally given her was powerful.

When she stopped cumming, I backed off. She turned and sat her bare ass down on the concrete trying to recover, "Wow...I needed that. The only problem is I want more. You want to come up and surprise Josh? Give him a wakeup call to remember?"

I was extremely horny and also wanting more. I also knew Shane was fast asleep as well, so I agreed, "Sure. If you don't mind, then I don't mind. Shall we go wake him up?"

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