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Trained Ep. 01

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The beginning of a romantic femdom relationship.
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Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/06/2018
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This is episode one of the series and sets the stage, so no sex scene yet. In this series the main kink will femdom albeit the gentler genre mixed with romance.

As this is my first story feel free to offer advice and criticize.


Mia scrolled through the pictures of Sam that Laura gave her. Laura had heavily suggested him out of all of her...students. She ran a gentleman's course/ job that trained men how to be gentlemen as staff at parties, she also had less public business in which women would purchase dates with the men after Laura had tailored them to their tastes and to like her. She specialized in submissive men, and most of these women were dommes who couldn't seduce and take a man slowly and wanted a shortcut.

Mia hadn't dated in forever and Laura had taken notice, she had been pushing for it for a while, almost three years now, when Mia finally caved in. Sam was her "perfect match" according to Laura. His profile said 22, barely out of college, he studied instructional writing and some programming. It also said that he was in a jazz band as a pianist and singer. He had short, blonde, almost white hair that was neatly combed. His blue eyes almost glowed contrasting the blandish clothes he wore. He wasn't an imposing figure, he was dressed up in a tan shirt and brown vest that should have made any man at the party the center of attention, in it he looked cute, not handsome. He looked uncomfortable, Laura had explained he didn't like being the center of attention and was rather shy. She had thought that he was a good match because Mia would be new to all of the domme stuff, she was hesitant but she knew that it would be a guilty pleasure, and Laura said he would be the last person to question her.

She put her phone down and looked up at Laura who sat there with a grin on her face. Mia reaffirmed herself, casting out any last doubts, she wanted Sam, she wanted him to be hers.

"I think you're right, he's the one," Mia said trying to hold back her giddy desire.

Looking smug, Laura smiled and got up from the chair handing her a fancy card. It was an invite.

"He will he catering, I'll make sure you get some attention, then he'll be let off early."

"But how-"

"Don't doubt me, I have my ways. Just hope he gets comfortable quick, he doesn't talk much but his voice makes him a wonderful songbird." Laura said, he would be quite the wonderful pet. If Mia didn't want him he could be an expensive asset to sell off to anyone else.


Sam finished cleaning all the dishes for a second time, Laura had told them this was a very important party and to cut no corners. Not like they ever could, even a stutter could get a punishment. He handed it over to Clint, who was not the type of person you would expect to be in this environment. His muscles filled the suite nicely and made Sam feel very inadequate next to him. Clint took it and dried it off. Sam cleaned up the area and they stacked the plates in the kitchen.

Sam, on the other hand, is the type of person who needed this kind of training. All of his relationships never got off the ground, he barely knew how to kiss, but this course made up for that. Everyone got one on one training but he always felt that his was different, Laura seemed bent on turning him into something that he wasn't. He may not protest but didn't mean he wanted to get run over. Still, she insisted the skills he learned would ensure a good relationship.

Once finished they moved on to go ask Jeremiah, the coordinator for the next task when they heard Laura call them. Sam and Clint immediately followed her to a separate room, it looked like a study, they had all become well acquainted with mansions and all the useless rooms they had. She sat down behind the desk and gestured for them to do the same with chairs in front of the desk.

"Boys, I'm doing something a little different than I usually do tonight. I'm going to tell you the real reason this course exists." Laura said, she took a bit of time to explain the dating service omitting the dominant aspect, for now. It sounded practiced like she had given it to every person who had finished her course which says something about her success rates.

Sam sat quietly pondering, realizing that he had been "purchased" if this talk was happening. He looked over at Clint, who would pass up Clint for himself, or any of the other staff for that matter. Was he just sloppy seconds?

"So you're whoring us out?" Clint said. Laura glowered at him, that talk wasn't gentleman and he knew it. His face was calm but red, angry but just playing with her.

"How about you just meet your counterpart," she looked at Sam dead in the eyes, "watch carefully."

He nodded then they both looked back at the door to see it open to the sight of a stunning women. She was beautiful, her features stood out in the way that some beauty did. She could make a man cream his pants with a smile and a wink. Her face was missing the smile and looked like someone waiting for a challenge. She wore a tight leather corset that fit her form perfectly. She didn't have the supermodel body, she wasn't starved but definitely not fat. Sam thought he spotted the form belonging to an exceptionally strong women, the bulges suggesting well toned muscles covered with leather and latex.

"Him?" the woman asked pointing at Sam. His heart skipped a beat or two not because of the idea of being able to date a knockout like her, but of the whip in her hand he glanced back at Laura to see her eyes trained on Clint.

"No, him." she said nodding at Clint who obviously didn't see the whip. His eyes stared at the two spheres that weren't her eyes.

She hummed satisfied and let a grin creep onto her face. She still held the whip at her side, not making it obvious enough for Clint. Sam put two and two together. They weren't being trained as gentlemen, but as slaves, submissive and obedient to a mistress who would decide to buy them. His cock twitched and red warning lights screaming "not now" went off.

"Kim, tell them what you do." Laura said confidently.

She grinned, and looking Clint, said "I am a professional dominatrix, looking for a permanent household sub."

And with that all the color drained out of Clint's face and he saw the whip.

"No, no, you can't do that-"

A crack of the whip stopped his stutterings and made Sam exclaim some curses and fall out of his chair. Laura stared at him disappointedly with a look that wondered if he was ready. Sam apologized and got back in the seat. Kim the dominatrix ignored him and continued.

"I can either a nice mistress, or a demonic one. I'm very good and what I do and I can make your life heaven or hell. All I ask is one night for you to try it my way and decide."

He looked at Laura, Sam, the whip, and the woman. Then thought a long time. The silence was devastating. Sam wanted two things, to know why he was here and to get out. He was done with this program any way he looked at it. Even though he was getting room, board, and pay for self improvement, it just wasn't worth it. Not really self improvement now that he knew the real purpose.

"One night." Clint finally agreed.

"The easy way, you won't regret it." she said letting a slight smile of a victory creep on her face. She put the whip away, acting on the training that Laura had instilled in them Clint got up and offered her his hand. She smiled more, "You never disappoint Laura" then they both left leaving one nervous Sam and one Laura. He slowly looked back to Laura and saw that she had a completely serious face on. She leaned forward and looked at same again. A lot of people's eyes had bored into him tonight and he was slightly sweating to show it.

"Your mistress is a good friend of mine, if you misstep even a little you won't like seeing me again. I had this display go on for your benefit. Don't tell anyone." she threatened, then a little nicer. "I chose you for her, and I know you be a good match, so be a good boy." while speaking she got up and ran her fingers through his soft hair giving him goosebumps.


Sam's eyes scanned the room searching for who could be his match. His heart was racing and he was glad that it was winter, the room was cool so his anxiety wasn't making a bath out of his suit. It was hard to pick out, there was an absurd amount of people here, even for this large of a hall. Sam was used to lavish parties but he had saved his platter from spilling three times now.

Sam thought he found her. He was no Sherlock, but he was looking for someone interested in him and that didn't fit in with the rest of the guests in his area wasn't hard. She was stunning, a beautiful gray dress adorned her that was long and slimming. It had designs but was relatively simple. Her long brown hair was tied up in a simple bun, and her makeup was not the metric ton the rest of the women were wearing. While stunning she wasn't like Kim, she did not have the same confidence and imposing air. Her features were soft, gentle but content. Her eyes were a grayish brown that made her seem normal, everything about her was disarming and approachable. He couldn't really decide what age she looked, all he knew was that she was older. Somewhere around thirty.

She was alone most the time and kept ordering more while he was around, while he wasn't she kept indiscreetly staring at him. To be honest it made Sam feel very uncomfortable.

The night went by slowly, the anticipation was killing Sam and it wore him down greatly. Knowing that this date meant the end to this job and training was a huge deal either way the night went. But after the long job was over he and everyone else, noticeably excluding Clint, went to the kitchen to clean up. Before he made it the woman approached him and grabbed his arm, soft at first, then harder as she pulled him away from the kitchen. She wouldn't even look at him, his mind raced. Who was she? Would she be like Clint's? Was this even the right person? Sam just hoped she was nice.

"-you okay? Sam, are you feeling good?" she said. Sam realized he had drifted off into space. He did that a lot when he was nervous. He nodded quickly to answer her question. Being tongue tied also happened a lot when he was nervous. "If you say so, we're going back to my place so we can talk."

Sam took one last look at the hall as he was dragged on out of it, he blinked, accepting the end of a chapter of his life. He looked forward into the snow covered night, it was deep snow. The first of the winter. She brought him to her car, it was gray and looked expensive. She didn't wait for him and basically shoved him. Now he started sweating, even in the cold.


Mia had to stop herself, Sam was driving her crazy and she was basically kidnapping. He hadn't said a word while she dragged him with her. God, he was practically shivering in fear. She thought through her plan tonight, while he served her she had planned a night to remember. She wanted to rip his clothes off of him and take him as soon as she could. But if she even made a quick move towards him he looked as though he was going to break. She had to say something, she realized that although she knew everything about him, he knew nothing about her.

"My name is Mia, by the way. Sorry to rush you out."

He said nothing and gazed out the window. Mia started to lose her focus, why would he ignore her. She started to look for a spot to pull over so she could look him in his shining eyes. Mia glanced at him and saw his eyes still glazed over, then he blinked a little, and his face light up like a christmas tree glowing bright red.

"Sam, but you already know that. It's fine, I'm just- I thought this thing would give me confidence."

Mia heard him take something out of his pant pocket, he was wearing the same thing in the photo so he didn't have jacket pockets. Mia saw him stuff earbuds in his ear then shakily turn on music.

"I thought it was supposed to teach you manners, you shouldn't try to ignore me this early."

He nearly fell out of his seat scrambling to take them back out. Sam started rolling them back up on his phone. Then he mumbled "Music helps me relax" as a single excuse.

Mia tapped the auxiliary cord on the dash.

"Then show me what you like, you can relax. I don't bite." she said refraining from the "hard" joke that she sometimes added. Sam struggled plugging in his phone with his shaking hands, but he managed it and pressed play. Sinatra filled the car with a ironic Summer Wind, he had quickly changed it from Strangers in the Night because it was a bit on the nose. Soon the song mentioned sweethearts and Sam grew red. His hand went into his phone to change but Mia put her hand on his stopping it.

"Don't change it, I like it."

Sam's hand sank back to his side and Mia's went back to the wheel. They finished the car ride in uncomfortable silence except for the soft music filling the car. Mia was far too excited and was just trying not to break the speed limit, Sam was anxiously trying to, well nothing really. He was just anxious.

The car soon stopped outside a house in the suburbs, nothing too expansive but it definitely wasn't cheap. Mia opened the garage and parked the car. She was not one for fanceties and liked comfort over price. She closed the garage and got out of the car, she was glad she never had anything but the car in. Her shoes were not the type to let her dirty and she had just bought new ones for the occasion. Sam had just exited the car and was looking at her expectantly. Mia smiled and motioned for him to follow her reaching out a hand for him to take. He cautiously took it and followed her out of the garage.

Mia mind returned to her plan to rip off his clothes, she saw every place in the house as she saw in her head. Fucking him on the couch, on the bed, on the floor, against the wall. The door they just exited was on the adjacent wall of the main entrance, the room had a white couch and chair on a blue rug next to a coffee table. To the right was a kitchen and further in was the dining room. She normally ate in the kitchen though, it wasn't often she had guests. On the left side of the room near the door they just exited was a staircase that lead up to the second level where the guest and main bedroom is along with the bathroom.

Mia looked at Sam, she felt his hand weakly holding hers as he scanned the room. His hand was clammy. Mia had horrible, horribly fun things to do to -with- him. But her conscious wanted to hold him closely and give him time to adjust. He should decide, Mia reminded herself not to view him as her latest toy. And with a deep sigh of regret she gave him the choice, and let go of his hand.

"We can take this slow if you need to, we don't really know each other. I'll just show you your bed and you can sleep on it. You'll find pajamas in the dresser along with a suit case of you things from your old room."

Sam looked at her for a little bit and his lips twitched like he had something to say but no idea what it was. Mia waited as he composed himself and prepared a question.

"Why did you, um, buy me?" Sam asked eventually looking into her eyes.

Mia felt anger start to boil, angry that some boy she had paid for had a right to question her. But yet again she reminded herself, he wasn't a prostitute. He wasn't made for her, kind of, but he had his own mind. Sam viewed this as a huge life change, but Mia had seen it as a reward, or just a new toy. She judged her response on making him comfortable with her. Some foreshadowing and a little more touching, she was hungry for more after the little pulls of hand and arm.

She reached out and patted his red cheek and said "I have my reasons." while she ran her thumb down his cheek and over his lips. His face stayed the redness it was because his blood vessels were maxed out.

"I didn't mean to question you." he said reading Mia's initial reaction. "I meant why me?"

Laura was right, Sam was cute and perfect on the outside and even more cute and perfect on the inside. She couldn't help it, the raw desire she had for him was bursting out, forcing her hand. And the rest of her.

Mia's hand thrust out wrapping around his neck and her other grabbed his arm to bring Sam closer. She realized she was ever so slightly taller than him, so she tilted her face down and locked her lips onto his. Her arms moved around his neck pulling him into her, the warmth from his blushing face felt so good contrasting the cold night and the light dress that didn't help. Sam was the type of person she wanted chained to her bedside so whenever she wanted she could entangle herself in him like a child and a teddy bear. Then fuck his brains out and make him beg her to never leave.

She started to open her mouth to let her tongue intertwine with his when he started struggling and making noises. She sadly released his lips but made sure to keep him in her grasp. She looked at him admiring him all over again but now face to oh so close face. His sea blue eyes wavered with fear, arousal, and surprise. On his lips was her red lipstick that got everywhere, she hated wearing it but seeing herself painted onto him like her own special brand excited her. She would wear it everyday if it meant permanently marking him as hers and hers alone. She wondered where else she should mark him when she realized this was probably too much for him already.

"Because you're so fucking cute, and now sweetie, you're all mine."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I’m sorry to say that the story is very laboured and jumpy. I assume English is not your first language.

greenman440greenman440over 5 years ago
Ok I.ll give it more time

though the basic premise seems strange. Since the guys thought they were on a "be a gentleman" training course why would Clint suddendly decide he'll go off with a leather clad dominatrix wanting a fulltime sub? You've also portrayed Sam as a pretty spineless wimp so far, a relationship of relative mental equals would be a better start point to lead into a power exchange relationship imo.

I do like loving femdom stories which you claim to be writing, so as said I'll see how you develop it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Slow start, building tension, hopefully more substance to follow. May I politely suggest that you use the services of an editor. There are quite a number of grammatical errors & typos. It makes the story judder somewhat rather than flow. I'm not sure if English is your first language but please ask someone to check your work before publishing. Regards.

LI KerwellLI Kerwellabout 6 years ago
Great first chapter

I like the angle. I like where it’s going.

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