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Training Day Ch. 01

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Destitute, Melissa begs for help.
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Chapter 1: It Begins with Melissa

Let me tell you about Melissa. We met through mutual friends when I was 22. She was 19 then. You have to picture her at 19: five foot tall, a nice light natural tan, long thick wavy brown hair that fell to her mid back, and 145 lbs.( just a little chunky, but not bad), most of which was taken up by a set of massive D cup breasts mounted on her little frame. Those tits could make your mouth water from across a room. Honestly, they looked a little ridiculous on her small frame, but for a breast guy, which I am, she was perfect. She wore thin silver framed glasses, which gave her that naughty secretary look. Her body yelled "Drive me like a Mustang!" which is a shame, because that incredible body of hers was stuck in neutral. Melissa wasn't a sexual person in the least. It killed me. I was used to so much more.

Jen, my girlfriend before Melissa, was a sexual fiend who wanted sex all the time and loved to try knew things, was always surprising me, and constantly had my dick in her mouth. Jen was one of those extremely rare girls who loved to give blowjobs and was gifted at it. She practically got off on it. Jen could give blowjobs for, literally, hours. She worked hard to please her man. She read books and talked about sex all the time with her girlfriends. She'd wear sexy outfits for me and loved having sex in front of her mirrored sliding closet doors. I didn't know how good I had it back then. I was young and stupid and thought every girl must be like that. We all know that because of their hormones all women are a little nuts, some more than others. Jen was no different, and so we fought a lot. Okay, maybe I was partly to blame too. After several years, she broke up with me for cheating on her (I'd kissed another girl). In retrospect I can understand, but hey, variety is the spice of life, right?

Anyway, Melissa was no Jen. Melissa wore her hair up in a bun most of the time, wore "sensible" shoes, and still slept in a small girly bed covered with stuffed animals. Nothing about her, other than her body, said "sex." She hated giving blowjobs, never dressed up in outfits, and rarely ever wanted to have sex. She had her moments, but not nearly enough of them. We did have anal sex a few times, but after a while she didn't want to have it anymore. We lasted a couple of years and then I decided I could do better, so I ended things between us. We still ran into each other for a while, because we had the same friends, but we avoided run-ins whenever possible. Over the years we got more polite to each other and eventually played up the part of being friends. It was always a little uncomfortable, though.

About two years after we broke up, I graduated college and floated around for another year and a half before settling into a career I liked. I'd finished school with a mechanical engineering degree and got in with a company out in Arizona designing industrial robots. I had always been into science; it was fun. I dabbled in a little bit of everything from physics, to chemistry, to astronomy, to geology, etc.. It was playtime to me. Having grown up in an artistic family, I had a creative side that saw the world a little differently, I guess. That's probably what helped me see science and engineering a lot differently than other scientists. I invented a few things for that Arizona robotics company, managed to keep the patents, and I did very well for myself. Eventually, I decided to come back East and start my own robotics company. After a few years it took off and I was able to step back and let others run it, while I raked in the profits. I'm pretty smart, but I'm no genius and I'm no amazing businessperson; I really think my good fortune was a matter of being in the right places at the right times and knowing opportunity when I saw it.

Having come back to the east coast, I started dating this girl Nancy, who I'd met through mutual friends. Great body, but after not too long I discovered she had a lot of the same sexual hang-ups that Melissa had; great body just going to waste. I don't know how I find these girls. I'm good in business but bad in relationships, apparently. Anyway, getting back with the same old friends meant Nancy and Melissa were now in my circle of friends. It was awkward to say the least, but after a year or so they actually got closer and became genuine friends. I used to fantasize all the time about having a threesome with them; how ironic that I could barely get them in a twosome.

Melissa bought a house near me that kept her close to her job. It was way more than she could afford on her small salary and had to take out a huge mortgage to pay for it. Then things took a turn for the worse: 3 weeks later she lost her job. Her asshole boss wanted to give Melissa's job to his girlfriend. He managed to get Melissa fired in a way that she couldn't even collect unemployment. The very next day, the house next to hers caught fire and took her house with it. It burned to the ground while she was out looking for another job.

All our friends said they would help her out, but most of them were broke themselves and living in cramped apartments. Believe it or not, it was Nancy who first offered up her couch, and Melissa accepted. I was the only one who was able to loan her any money and so I gave her enough to make her first mortgage payment and to eat for a little bit. I had to go out of town for a few weeks, but told her that when I got back, we should get together and discuss how I could help her out more, if she needed it.

When I got back, I found out from Nancy that things were even worse than I thought. Melissa still hadn't found a job, and late one night some kids had joyrided her car right into a telephone pole. Things had gone from bad to worse. She'd been taking the bus all over town ever since. I told Nancy to drop her off at my place and Melissa and I would discuss what I could do to help her out.

Melissa showed up around 7 o'clock with Nancy. It was raining and she had to run from the car to the front door. I yelled to Nancy, who had her window down, that I would drive Melissa back to her place later after we'd worked things out. I blew Nancy a kiss as she rolled up her window and drove away, leaving Melissa at my doorstep looking like a wet frightened kitten. I led her into my expansive foyer and into my den. I sat her down on a big leather couch (Melissa was a strict vegetarian and hated anything made from animal skin), got her a towel for her hair and fixed her a hot cup of tea. She had never been to my house before and had never really seen the way I lived since we broke up all those years ago. I liked the way she looked around with envy in her eyes, even at the couches; detesting the leather, but admiring how expensive she imagined them to be.

I clicked a few buttons on my house remote and the fireplace in front of her sprang to life, a burst of warmth catching her face and blushing her cheeks. I could tell she appreciated the hospitality. I sat back down on the couch with her and let my plan unfold. This was to be the beginning of a long and wonderful night...

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bdsmbillbdsmbillover 17 years ago
Why do people do this?

I am always amazed when a pretty good writer posts something like this. There is just not enough here to act as an introduction, and it ends way too abruptly. Chapters of a work each should have their own beginning, middle, and end. Ypu change chapters when the topic or scene changes. This just ends. Too bad, as it looked like it could actually be a pretty good story.

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