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Traitor's Daughter Ch. 04

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Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/27/2022
Created 09/25/2013
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Hello All,

This is the resubmitted chapter. I want to thank my brilliant editor and Jennyb for inspiration and advice.

I hope you enjoy it. Please remember that this is a learning experience for me and all constructive criticism is welcome. -- thanks -- Tatum



He used to love her like this; needy, greedy, in a rush to please him but now...her movements felt rehearsed, artificial, a performance and desperate. "Nadja stop." Dmitry knew it was useless, he regretted calling her the minute her oversexed unnatural body walked into his study. Before he met Alex he would have buried himself in Nadja for hours, days even, without hesitation. He needed this to happen, needed to forget touching Alex, her soft moans and the way she whispered his name. The fucking tattoo!

Dmitry let Nadja continue in hopes that her skills would bring the result he felt necessary to prove that Alex had not affected him so intensely. The last 24 hours felt like weeks, months and the events were blurring together; taking Alex, raping and abusing Alex, bathing Alex , cumming on Alex...Alex, Alex, Alex. He should be hard enough to cut a diamond but he was borderline flaccid, distracted and sinking deeper into images of Alex. Dmitry tried to focus on the wet warmth encasing his cock but his mind could only find thoughts of the abused drugged girl passed out in one of his guest rooms. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck! This is fucking impossible!

Nadja was sex incarnate; long raven black hair, pale flawless skin, perfectly constructed tits and lips, endless legs and an air of seduction that men and women could neither rival nor refuse. Dmitry had seen her bring down politicians, destroy marriages, and somewhere along the line she may have even started a war or two. Nadja is conniving, cunning and controlled by her bitterness and pride, every thought calculated and every action a purpose, an insuppressible ego.

Instead of stopping Nadja doubled her efforts, slurping and moaning around his softening shaft. "Enough Nadja." She pulled away letting his barely stiffened length fall from her mouth, whipping away a string of saliva with the back of her hand.

"What's wrong?" With shaking sloppy hands, Dmitry tucked himself back into his pants, zipped and sagged into his chair.

"Nothing, too much to drink." Lie.

"It's her, isn't it?" Nadja's tone was bratty and accusatory, once again forgetting her place and age. Dmitry finding Alex was Nadja's worst nightmare; his years of obsessively looking for another had almost broken her. "I knew this would happen Dmitry. I knew the moment you found her you would weaken your resolve. You forget who she is and what is owed." Dmitry shot to his feet knocking Nadja to the ground, his large broad frame towering over her.

"How dare you speak to me about what is owed. You keep forgetting your fucking place Nadja. Get out. Go home." Nadja scrambled to her feet and tried to gain a handle on the situation and Dmitry's temper.

"I didn't mean to upset you. I just know she is a manipulator."

"Is that all you know Nadja? The information you provided me is lacking and her medical records are inconsistent. There was nothing in the documentation about cutting."

"This is what I am talking about. One suicide attempt and now you feel sorry for the little idiot." Realizing her mistake, Nadja grew pale, a deep frown crawling across her perfect face. Dmitry's hauntingly stoic expression evoked every image of Nadja's past punishments, she didn't know whether to run or to antagonize, considering Dmitry always fucked her for hours after a severe punishment.

He stalked towards her backing her into the wall, through gritted teeth he growled, "Nadja, I trusted you and the team you hired. I paid you and you gave me false information and incomplete records. How long had you known her whereabouts before you told me? How much information is missing?" Dmitry could see the pulse point in Nadja's neck speeding up and watched beads of sweat form on her top lip and forehead.

"I...I...was only trying to protect you Dmitry. Please, you have to understand. I knew once you met her you would change the plan, that you would...want her." The strength and entitlement in Nadja's voice had diminished replaced by anguish and despondency, just above a whisper.

Hearing the ache and hurt in Nadja's voice Dmitry realized the continuous mistake he'd been making, this was his fault. Even with all her disastrous character flaws, she had been loyal to Dmitry since their childhood. They had been through so much together and her loyalty never faltered. In the early years after he was rescued from the group home Nadja was waiting for him, plotting with him, and willing to try and fill infinite voids within him. In the aftermath of Anton's betrayal, Nadja became the glue that kept their small group of childhood friends together and loyal to each other. Dmitry, Nikoli and Amir had rebuilt their family empires together. Nadja's family hadn't lost everything but her trust fund took a hit and that was enough for her to resent the Winters family.

He knew she loved him in her own warped way and he had exploited it over and over again creating a physical attachment and a sense of relationship. She is jealous of his obsession with Alex; it is the only explanation for her actions. Dmitry backed away taking long deep calming breaths. "Your jealousy is my fault. I should not have called you. It continues to be misleading. My intentions for Alex have injured your pride and vanity and led to your betrayal. I will take ownership of this mistake, but just this once. Do you understand?"

Nadja nodded, the movement causing pooling tears to finally slide down her face. "I'm sorry Dmitry." He nodded and gave her a weak-reassuring smile.

"Aleksandr will take you home and collect all your records on Alex. Go home. We will talk in a few days."


Swallowing another hefty shot Russo-Baltique, his second favorite coping skill, Dmitry headed to his bedroom in hopes of passing out. Dmitry's emotions were a rollercoaster of anger, regret, unease, insecurity, lust, hate and confusion; an inner turmoil that even skilled head and vodka could not settle. How could he have been so cruel, so inhumane and why does everything he should hate, have to be wrapped in something so beautiful and sweet? His mind was a vortex of chaos matching his overwhelmingly disturbing actions and fantasies from the last 24 hours. Dmitry felt nauseas at the memory of raping her but his cock hardened at the same time; Alex's vulnerability and defenselessness conjuring the vengeful sadist within him. I need to fucking pass out.

Dmitry wanted to sleep next to Alex, touch her, feel her warm skin, let her use his body again, watch his cum glisten on her stomach. He undressed, slipped on old grey flannel pajama pants, turned the volume up on the monitor for Alex's room and tried to sleep. A restless sleep, filled with images of Alex's torment, his huge brutal hands on her soft body, forcing his cock into her innocent small openings, hitting her, kicking her; he hated the man in his dreams.


At first he thought the whimpers were part of the dream, a drunken auditory hallucination and tried to pass back out. The whimpers turned into sobs, familiar sobs and Dmitry jumped out of his bed and began running down the hallway. Instinct carried him, lifting one foot and placing it in front of the other, repeat, faster, repeat. Almost reaching her door he realized the key to her room was back in his bedroom. FUCK!!! Sprinting to his room he grabbed the key and headed back without hesitation. Jamming the key into the lock and twisting harder than necessary, the door flew open. Lexi was twisted in the bed sheets and crying loudly, limbs flailing. Her face was a creased and distorted mask of agony and torment, a vivid nightmare. Dmitry had lost control of his actions; all muscles and thoughts became involuntary. His movements were restrained, instead of yanking her out of the sheets he carefully and gently unwound her, dodging kicks and punches.

Dmitry scooped Lexi's small body into his arms and cuddled her on his lap, rocking her back and forth. "Shh, shh, shh. Just a dream. Shh, Shh." Lexi's sobs continued and developed into incoherent slurred sentences, increasing the fear and distress in her voice. A familiar endless stinging pain returned to Dmitry's stomach and spread to his chest, scraping across his heart and lungs. The boys had nightmares. The boys screamed. The boys cried. I did this. He began rubbing her back in gentle comforting strokes and repeating, "just a dream, just a dream", over and over again. Dmitry was plagued with confusion and warring emotions, needing to protect, and to hate, nothing made sense anymore. Thrown between his need to abuse Lexi and his desire for everything about her, his emotions and concern for her were slowly becoming an affliction. Her cries softened and she hiccoughed into Dmitry's chest, slowly falling back into a calm sleep. Dmitry lifted her chin, raising her tear stained face. "Why can't you just be a girl I met in a coffee shop? Why do you have to be his daughter?"

At that moment of seriousness, Lexi sniffled noisily, crinkling her snot filled nose, the sound was loud, gross and almost comical, causing Dmitry to smile. An adorable mess. Deciding he could stay with her for a while, he tucked them both back into her bed, refusing to let her go.


Lexi woke to warm heavy breaths against her neck creating goose bumps over her entire body. She was groggy, attempted movements were delayed and weighted. The bird's eye view of her situation had disappeared and she was brought crashing back to reality; the Bentley, the dark room, Dmitry raping her, the cell, and the doctor. She wanted to scream, cry, puke, run...forget. Her temporary mental escape was destroyed by the huge hulking body next to her. Lexi tested her movements again and waited to see if they would wake the Russian monster, but he was passed out, deep breaths, and sweating. Sleeping evil giant. She was able to sit up slowly and scan the room, spotting a number of her belongings and the open door. This is my chance. It is now or never!

Sliding out of the bed and standing only reinforced her drug-induced state and she wobbled and floundered towards several boxes. Focus Lexi. Focus. You can do this. Shoes, you need shoes. Lexi could still hear Dmitry's deep breathing as she opened one of the boxes, cardboard rubbing against cardboard. Bingo! Adidas! Removing the shoes from the box she had to sit to put them on, standing on one leg was not an option right now.

Struggling back onto her feet she tiptoed through the doorway into a sunlit hallway. Daytime, shit. What time is it? Has it even been 24 hours? Are there other people here? Is that witch Nadja here? Who cares, just fucking move! The hallway seemed endless and her dizziness caused pictures to sway, forcing her to brace her body against the wall, sliding to another doorway. Bathroom, nope. Lexi moved farther down the hall into what appeared to be an open sitting area with grandiose wall sized paintings, huge windows and plush dark leather furniture, spewing luxury. Stumbling around the room she tried opening each window only to find them locked or she lacked the strength and coordination to pry them open. Lexi made it across the room and through a set of open French doors walking into an enormous modern kitchen.

The counters were dark granite with rich wooden cabinets, stainless smart appliances and a matching kitchen island. The room was sleek perfection, everything meshed together in a gross display of wealth and modern technology. Lexi began opening drawers looking for bread or anything to settle her stomach and help with the dizziness. Moving towards the kitchen island she noticed a large knife block, knowing she was vulnerable and defenseless, she grabbed the largest horror movie knife she could find.


Dmitry could not remember the last time he woke up feeling this rested. He always slept but repose eluded him, too many racing thoughts, plans and the ever-present fear of returning nightmares. He stretched in the guestroom bed and felt rejuvenated, recharged, a bear waking from hibernation. Dmitry missed the warmth of Alex's body and reached for her only to find a cool rumpled sheet and frumpy pillow. He sighed, knowing she was out of bed wandering the house most likely looking for a means of escape.

Alex would never find a way out, the house is locked and secure, bulletproof glass windows, panic rooms with complete intel systems, steel or thick wooden doors with reinforced security, cameras; a fortress. Getting out of bed wishing the night hadn't ended, he headed out to look for his reluctant captive.


It took Dmitry only a few minutes to find her standing in the kitchen, a disheveled mess that did not fit the polished aura of the glossy room. Lexi looked wild, her out of control auburn hair, the green t-shirt dwarfing her five-foot frame, and her dark chocolate eyes scanning the room in search of an exit, the bruising eye and sutures only adding to the fray. She appeared out of sorts and still very under the influence of the sedative Vascak had given her. Lexi's stance was awkward, her thin legs unsure of their footing, shoulders slumping, barely holding onto the knife in her hand. Her laces were untied and she wasn't wearing any socks. Lexi was an adorable erratic mess and Dmitry wanted to Manuel Farrera the fucking guts out of her.

Smiling he commanded, "Put the knife down Alex." Her hands shook uncontrollably and she tried to glare but only tears would pool to the surface. No.No.No. I can do this. I am Mallory Knox. I am Marie from High Tension. I can do this.

Pulling from her emotional reserves she managed to stop shaking, gripped the knife tighter and lifted her chin in defiance. He wanted to laugh at her but stopped himself, not wanting to torment her further; she was trying to be so brave.

"Do you think you can do it Alex? Do you think you can cut my skin? Cause me to bleed? Even, kill me?" The blade began to shake again. "You can't do this Alex." His voice was calm and controlled almost too sure of himself.

" back. I will do it, I swear." Dmitry moved forward slowly as if cornering a wild wounded animal.

"Give me the knife Alex. You can't do this. You're not a killer."

"No, I'm not. But you are Dmitry. Aren't you?" She didn't know if it was the residual medication, the hours of torture, or the murder of her mother, but somehow a slurring delirious Mallory Knox pulled through and Lexi sang every word. "You made my shit list." Lexi lunged at him, her actions and words catching Dmitry completely off guard giving Lexi time to strike. The knife bit into his forearm causing the tip to stick in the skin and for the knife to almost slip through her fingers, Lexi froze. Eyes wide she watched the blood bloom onto his skin and form a small stream dripping to the floor, she flinched away. Dropping the knife she covered her mouth with both hands and shook her head frantically, trying to wrap her barely lucid mind around what had just happened.

Their eyes met and Dmitry looked shocked for a moment almost exposed or defenseless; a wounded warrior, a vulnerable gladiator, a chink in his armor. The moment lasted mere seconds before his expression turned to stone. Lexi watched in horror as Dmitry grabbed a kitchen towel and began to wrap it around his forearm. I'm dead. This is it. He's going to kill me and it won't be quick. Just like mom. At that thought, Lexi bolted from the kitchen, terror and adrenaline propelling her every step.


Dmitry glowered, he had planned to show her the property today, go over the rules, and her place, not treat a stab wound or chase down his newly acquired prisoner. What did he expect? Alex hates him, and she should. Dmitry's brutality in the last 24 hours, the lingering questions about her past and the tattoo, forced him to want to slow his harsh treatments. He almost wanted to let the stabbing slide because he knew how much he deserved it but that kind of behavior cannot be repeated. Alex has to learn and accept there is no escape, he can't and won't ever let her go. Regardless of his desires, his attraction to all her awkwardness, and shy personality, she was his captive, his slave. The little sprite fucking stabbed me. Why would I think she wouldn't stab me? Of course she would, I raped and abused her and she thinks I killed her mother.


Not knowing where she was going and still foggy Lexi looked for any signs of a door or window leading outside. Running back down the hallway she tried pulling and pushing on every door she found. Lexi reached another open area, tiled floors, flowers, a large area rug and the front door! She pulled on the thick metal handle but it wouldn't budge. Lexi could see Dmitry's shadow growing on the wall, gaining on her and knew she was running out of time and options.

"Stay away from me!" she screamed. He was taking his time, walking at a slow pace as if he had nowhere else to be and not a care in the world. Lexi stumbled around the foyer searching for anything to use as a weapon, a vase, a candlestick, anything. Because I fucking dropped the knife. Idiot! Welcome to Escape Planning 101: Don't drop your damn weapon. I am that girl; the girl everyone hates in the horror movies. The girl who drops her weapon...the girl usually killed at the beginning. Dmitry grabbed her arm just before she reached a vase of flowers. "Let me go!"

Pinning her to his 6 foot 6 inch frame, Dmitry held her to him while she struggled in his arms. "Please let me go! I won't attack you again. I promise, just please let me go. I can't stay here!" Lexi burst into sobs and wails, her body convulsing into his hard torso. Dmitry's chest burned at the thought of causing her this much pain and suffering, shattering his armor of cold indifference and stoic expression. Don't break. "I'm not going to hurt you right now Alex." Please stop fighting me and just let me hold you. Lexi lost it and in a tirade of teary screams she could no longer hold back her words. "YOU LIAR! YOU KILLED MY MOTHER! YOU KILLED MY MOM! YOU FUCKING RAPED ME! YOU FUCKING BEAT ME AND LET THAT DOCTOR FUCKING TOUCH ME! YOU LET RUSSIA'S VERY OWN CRUELLA DEVILLE HIT ME! YOU ARE JUST LIKE THEM DMITRY JUST LIKE THE PEOPLE WHO DID THIS TO YOU!"

That was it, all she had left, every ounce of energy leaving her body attached to her broken defeated words. Her strikes and punches slowly became slaps and sloppy shoves that would never make a difference, she was done. Nothing left.

Lexi ceased struggling and let the tears and pain overtake her mind and body as she leaned into him, allowing him to wrap his arms around her. It had been so long since anyone had held her, touched her, a now fictitious counterfeit foreign gesture only offered by her tormentor.

They stood like that for what seemed like hours, her small body pressed against and surrounded by his enormous cage. Dmitry had been planning this for weeks, wondering what it would be like to be next to her, to hold her, to finally touch her and in turn he fucking abused her, the sutures in her lip and bruised eye proof of his cruelty.

Why didn't he just take Alex when Nadja found her? Why did he keep going back to the coffee shop to watch her? Taunt her? Things wouldn't be this complicated if he would have just taken her. He wouldn't have to force himself to hate her.

Revenge had always been the plan but it was a hostile bitter game and he was no longer confident in his cause.

Dmitry never wanted the moment to end but he had too many questions for Lexi, his impatience causing him to break their contact. "Alex, I need to ask you some questions before you have to take your next dose of pain medication. We have to talk."


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