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Transformations - Book of Adam Ch. 01

Story Info
Pike. Sugar. Adam arrives. Restroom Orgy. Brothel. Dr. Love.
22.9k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/16/2021
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Transformations: The Book of Adam Ch. 1

Comments, as always, welcome.



"Walk on Water," Thirty Seconds to Mars

"I Knew I Loved You," Savage Garden

"Calling Dr. Love," KISS

"Half God Half Devil," In This Moment

"Collide," VNV Nation

"How Did You Love?" Shinedown

"Freak of Nature (feat. Tove Lo)," Broods

"Wish I knew You," The Revivalists

"Forever is a Long Time (The Wicked Symphony)," Avantasia

"Life Eternal," Ghost

"Skin," Sixx:A.M.

"Timeflows Part 1," The Eden House

"Imagine (Remastered 2010)," John Lennon

"Break In (feat. Amy Lee)," Halestorm

"Anyone Can Fly (Rise Up)", The Spiritual Machines

"Believe," Two Steps from Hell, Thomas Bergersen


Somewhere... else...

He calls himself Pike because it was once his name. There was another part, a first part, but he's forgotten it.

Pike is a traveler. He wanders from dimension to dimension, some higher, some lower. He walks the spaces between.

And, he walks alone.

Time has little meaning to him. There is no later, no before. Time is a circle, circles within circles. Circles within universes and universes within dimension upon dimension.

It could drive a man crazy, alone and immortal and just walking.

So, he visits his friends from time to time. Drops into our four dimensional world as a projection.

Being alone in those higher dimensions could lead to madness - 'big bangs' have been caused by maddening loneliness. Luckily, Pike has a purpose.

He is needed.

Because, down in that four dimensional world Pike used to call home? The father has created a machine, the son will perfect it, and Pike? He is the ghost in the machine that will make sure it all works.

So, when the time is right, Pike steps through a door for the first time, as he has always done and will always do. Because, what emerges from that machine will be a thing of beauty unsurpassed in all the other dimensions.

The door opens, and, the old hippy with the eternally youthful face, smiles. "Show me the magic," he says, and steps through...


High Court of the North American Conglomerate

11:15 AM, 8-October-2145

"...That's your excuse, Miss Owens?" the Attorney General asked. "The devil made you do it?"

The woman on the witness stand smiled and it was deadly. Beautiful, imperious - like all of them, all of these transformed. She smiled and the room brightened, and the corners of those amazing eyes turned up and all you wanted to do, all anyone wanted to do was get lost in Angela "Sugar Tits" Owens's eyes.

"It's not an excuse. You wanted to know why we did the things we did. Morpheus, not the devil, created us to do those things and to have no regrets or second thoughts as we did them."

"So Morpheus made you turn people into sex zombies, walking sex toys who performed on command?" He asked.

"To save the world. Yes," Angela said. Her smile never wavered.

He glanced at the judges - were they being affected? Were they being swayed by the goddess sitting on the stand? They had taken the drugs to block the White Witches' pheromones, they sat behind the screens the scientists said would block the White Witches' mental powers.

Was it enough?

"You expect us to believe you had no knowledge of what you were doing? That you were controlled..."

"No," Angela said. "He only made it easier for us to live with what we did. I... We... accept responsibility for the things we did to the unwilling."

"And when did you finally decide what you were doing was wrong?"

The smile faltered. Her eyes reflected sadness, the beginning of a tear. "After the kiss."

He rolled his eyes and smiled. He turned to the judges. "Oh, yes, the 'magic' kiss."

She laughed gently, a beautiful thing that made everyone in the room draw in a breath and pause. "Yes."

"You actually believe that a magic kiss changed everything for you?"

She shook her head. "Any technology so far beyond what you can understand appears to be magic. So yes, Mr. Attorney General, a magic kiss."


Downtown Ithaca, NY


The First Night

The bus pulled into the station bathed in the yellow glow of the streetlights. The dust of Kansas had washed away the day before in a Tennessee downpour. Above the bus, bugs circled the street lights.

The old man driving peered out through the big windshield and rubbed the stubble of his beard. He had been the driver since Pennsylvania, taking over from a man he didn't recognize. "Take good care of them," the man with 'Eric' written on his nametag had said. "Precious cargo."

That was easier said than done here - Ithaca, NY was, well, it was odd.

He picked up his PA microphone. "Ithaca. Ithaca, New York." Only 'York' came out as 'Yawk', betraying his Boston accent. He stood up slowly as if his back might fail from the strain. "You folks traveling on to Syracuse are welcome to just remain on the bus. We won't be staying long." He looked warily over his shoulder at the bus terminal. "For those of youse that Ithaca is your final destination, you need to know that no one under the age of eighteen is allowed within the town limits."

"What?" Someone asked from the back of the bus.

"Local awdinance. If youse eighteen?" He sighed. "If youse eighteen you can disembawk. Otherwise, youse gotta exit the bus at Dryden."

The driver looked over his passengers: potheads, the lost, the drunk - most on their way to Syracuse. Then there were the college kids.

A tall lanky kid in jeans and a leather jacket stood up and balanced his green duffel bag on his shoulder.

"Ya eighteen?" The driver asked as the boy walked up the aisle toward him.

The kid smiled and nodded. "Nineteen actually, sir." The boy said in a thick Kansas drawl.

"Ya oughta be careful out there, kid. It's... a strange place."

The boy smiled. "Just about every place is a strange place to me, sir."

The driver stepped aside and let the boy pass.


Adam Price, only son of Evelyn Price, descended the bus steps on his long, lanky legs and adjusted the green duffel bag on his shoulder. He was smiling - he had been mostly smiling since Kansas, frowning only when he thought of the farm and his mother he had left behind in the dusty town he called home.

He reached the pavement and leaned back, stretching his back.

The fluorescent glow of the terminal lights beckoned him with their promise of a restroom. He reached the sliding doors and noticed that there was also a neon glow coming from within.

NO ONE UNDER EIGHTEEN ADMITTED was written in tall red letters on the sliding doors.

Even the bus terminal? Adam thought. The only thing he could think of was that the town must have had trouble with teens causing trouble at some point.

He stepped inside.

The terminal was far different from the last one in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.

The Ithaca bus terminal had a strip club in the back and signs at that entrance announced 'FULLY NUDE'. Techno blared from inside the club. Beside it was what appeared to be a sex shop with 'VIDEO BOOTHS' written in blue neon beside the door.

A huge cardboard cutout of a porn star stood on the other side of the sex shop door - a bigger than life-size image of Amy Lynn in her trademark transparent pink latex miniskirt and matching bra smiled at him. Her big, blue eyes seemed to follow him wherever he moved.

"Isn't she the totes hottest?" A sweet, high voice said behind him.

He turned and found himself staring into cleavage at eye level.

Adam took a step back.

The blonde had to be almost seven feet tall in her skyscraper stilettos. She was wearing a skin tight, pink latex minidress. The hem was breathtakingly high, and the plunging neckline put the basketball sized breasts on prominent display.

He looked up into light brown eyes and the face of a doll. Her lipstick, eyeshadow, and fingernails were all pink as well as the highlights in her long, flowing hair.

She held out her hand. "I'm Candy!"

Adam just smiled and nodded. She smelled like candy - the sugary kind you might buy in a convenience store like SweetTarts.

She blinked her big lashes and extended her hand closer. "It's customary to shake a hand that's offered to you. Or, if you're a formal gentleman? To take said hand gently and maybe kiss the fingers? You can do either one you prefer, but I like the finger kisses."

It took another moment for Adam to realize she was being serious and was on the verge of being offended.

He took her warm hand quickly and kissed it gently.

She smiled. "I also told you my name is Candy. My full name is Candy Kisses di Amal. When someone introduces themselves? You're supposed to introduce yourself as well. That's good manners."

Adam smiled. "Yes, I'm sorry. I'm Adam... Price. Adam Price. It's been a long trip and I wasn't expecting..."

"A pretty girl to talk to you?" Candy asked. "Golly, I would think pretty girls would talk to you all the time. You're hot."

Adam laughed and blushed. "Doesn't happen that often."

"What brings you to Ithaca, Adam Price?"

"School. I'm starting Ithaca College."

"Oh, wow! Me too! I mean, I'm not starting - I'm already a student."

Adam stared at her for a moment. "Really? I mean... what are you studying?"

"I'm in Sex Worker Studies."

"I'm sorry, what?"

She giggled. "Everybody asks that - I guess it's not a common major at other colleges. I'm learning to be a sex worker."

Adam blinked. "I... wasn't aware that was a thing..."

"Oh, totes! It's one of the most popular majors at Ithaca." She held out her graceful arms. "This is my internship. I work the bus terminal from 9-3 AM on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and the brothel from 5-midnight on Mondays and Wednesdays."

Adam stared at her. "You're... kidding, right?"

"Nuh uh. Would you like a blow job?" She asked.

Adam's mouth dropped open. She had said it in the same tone as someone asking if he wanted a doughnut or a cup of coffee.

"I'm very good!" She pursed her lips and made an 'O'. "See how plump they are? My WhoreMaster had them do my lips with 50% more cushion. And I have no gag reflex whatsoever."

Adam felt like his eyes were as big as saucers. "I... I can't afford... um."

"Afford?" She giggled. "No, silly, you don't pay me. The college provides everything. I'm sort of... salaried."

"I... we just met," Adam stammered.

"Oh! Do you not like girls? There are boy interns as well." She craned her neck and looked around.

"No, no! It's not..."


"Foot what?"

"No, Futanari - do you like girls with cocks?"


"We have trans women as well. That's someone who used to be a boy but now they're a girl."

"Wait, you don't under..."

"Ooo, a trans man? That's someone who used to be a girl but now they're a boy with a pussy!" She frowned. "I know someone over at the brothel, but they don't work the terminal."

"Stop, Candy. I like you... I just don't know you well enough to... you know?"

She looked confused. "To let me give you a blowjob? That's silly. You like me, I like you. I want to suck your cock..."

Adam smiled. "Candy..."

"Don't you want a blowjob?" Her eyes grew big. "Do you not know what it is?"

"No, Candy, I know what... that... is."

"But, have you ever had one?"

Adam's mind went back to Dawn Huntley in the hayloft of his barn. She had given him a blowjob. Of course, he had cum in her mouth by accident, and she had freaked out and gagged. "Yes, I've had one," he said.

Candy laughed and rolled her eyes. "Then what are you hesitating for? Oral is like totes amazing."

"I... really need to use the men's room. Then we can talk about... that," Adam said.

"Okay," she said.

Adam walked toward the sign that said RESTROOM.

Candy skipped along beside him on the towering heels, her breasts moving like heavenly bodies in their latex sheath.

He looked up at her. "Candy? I'm going to the men's room?"

She giggled. "It's unisex, silly." She pointed to the bathroom door.

One door.


Stallion's Adult Video

Level 10

"Air supply malfunction. Air supply malfunction," the speaker announced inside the cavernous Transformation Room. The room was filled with row after row of glass cylinders that stood over ten feet tall. The cylinders were filled with either blue or pink, viscous liquid.

Within each cylinder, a naked body floated, suspended near the center. Most were in a fetal position, because this was a place of rebirth.

The bodies were connected to machinery within the rock ceiling, cables and tubes running to various points of their anatomy. There were tubes that became IVs, tubes that suckled at cocks, at nipples. Dildos that invaded vaginas and rectums. Everything moved and hummed, slid in and slid out, expanded and contracted.

Visors over the eyes and earphones over the ears reprogrammed the mind, changed the personality.

And, above all, the tubes over their mouths and noses provided the life giving oxygen and removed the suffocating carbon dioxide.

A winch groaned and came to life above a pink filled tube.

The woman within rose from the pink goo and the breathing apparatus pulled free from her face. She heaved and coughed as the winch carried her up and out of the tube before setting her gently on the steel floor on her hands and knees.

Christine vomited on the floor grate, her vision still obstructed by the visor, her ears still listening to the voice of someone named 'Cum Slut Cathy'.

"Don't panic. Relax. There's been a malfunction. You're okay. Breathe. In and out. That's right. A doctor will be with you in a moment," the synthesized voice of Cum Slut Cathy said.

"Nuh... No! Have to..." She reached up and tore the headphones off her ears and tossed the visor aside.

Her body felt strange. She felt... taller. Her buttocks felt heavy.

And, her chest?! It felt like a heavy weight was strapped to her chest.

Her nipples were touching the cold floor!

"What... happened? What did you... do to me?!" She asked. She coughed trying to clear the pink stuff from her throat.

"Assistance please in aisle fifteen, row ten. Cock Tease Christine has been released from her transformation tube before programming was complete. Assistance please in aisle fifteen, row ten," a computer voice said from a speaker in the high ceiling. It echoed through the chamber.

Christine got to her knees. She felt the enormous breasts that were now part of her body. "Oh, my God, I'm a fucking freak!" She gurgled and then managed to spit the goo on the floor, clearing her throat

She struggled to her feet and almost fell from a combination of being off balance and being covered in the slick pink goo.

The computer repeated it's call for assistance.

Someone would be coming. She turned and caught sight of her reflection in the curved tube of pink fluid. Her first thought was of the sexist metal reflectors on truck mudflaps - the buxom girl with the impossibly tiny waist and long flowing hair.

An impossible ideal - only now, it was possible, because she was that girl.

"Christine," a voice called from far away in the room full of tubes. A woman's voice. She repeated Christine's name and this time she sang it: "Chris-tine..."

The sound of heels on the metal floor, growing nearer.

Christine ran, but there was something wrong with her ankles. Her feet seemed determined to raise her heels up. She was running on her toes and the balls of her feet, and she couldn't force her feet to flatten out.

"Don't run, Christine. It's so much better if you don't run."

She looked over her shoulder into the forest of pink and blue tubes.

A shadow moved there nearly a hundred yards back. A feminine shape, a shape like hers with huge breasts and a narrow waist.

The woman walked on her skyscraper heels while Christine ran, but, still, Christine knew that just like one of those frightened victims in a slasher flick, the walking shape behind her would eventually catch up.

"Leave me alone!" Christine cried and then she screamed. The voice wasn't hers. It was high pitched but not squeaky - if a Barbie Doll had a voice it would have sounded like Christine.

She stumbled and ran her shoulder into one of the pink tubes. The woman inside had long flowing black hair and she jerked, startled by Christine's impact.

The rubber tube with a dildo on the end in the woman's stretched pussy slipped out for a moment. Then it darted back into her depths like a snake and began to fuck her.

The woman calmed and went limp, floating in the middle of the tube.

"We don't want you hurt, Christine," the woman behind her said.

The sound startled her - she spun around to find the woman was now fifty yards behind her and closing.

The woman smiled at her. She was a vision in a long, white dress slit up both sides, exposing the slick, white thigh boots. The dress was shiny, and Christine wasted more time staring at it until she realized the dress was made out of white rubber.

A silver medallion dangled from a white collar around the woman's graceful throat.

She had fiery red hair done up in graceful swirls on her head.

And, she had the most beautiful face Christine had ever seen.

Christine blinked.

Twenty-five yards away now.

Christine started running again.

"There's no place to run, Christine. You belong to us now."

Christine quaked and sobbed. The rows of tubes seemed to be never ending.

"Can you remember your last name?" The woman asked.

Christine faltered, stumbled. Of course, she could remember...

It was right on the tip of her tongue...

She shook her head and ran faster.

So what if she couldn't remember her name? She had to run. She had to get away.

"You were married. Did you know that? We made your rings into piercings. Reach down and feel them."

She didn't have to. She could feel them. Christine could feel the diamond bouncing against her clit from her engagement ring as she ran.

And, another ring farther back. Her thick wedding ring where no ring should be and oh, God, what had they done to her because she was wet down there so wet, and she needed to...

Her eyes were filled with tears as she fought not to reach down and finger herself.

"Can you remember your family, Christine? We took all those memories away from you. Took away your life. Took away everything you were to make you the perfect sex toy."

Christine stopped and spun around. "Stop it! Stop it! Oh, God, what have you done to me?!"

She turned and found herself staring into violet eyes. A woman was standing inches from her. The woman was pale with black hair.

A star and a heart were tattooed below her left eye.

Christine fell into the woman's arms and whimpered as the needle slipped into her neck.

"Shh, shh... it's okay now. Just sleep. Just sleep," the woman said as she held Christine close.

Christine collapsed as the drugs flowed into her bloodstream.

"Goddamn it, Sugar! You didn't have to fucking terrify her like that."

Christine fought to keep her eyes open.

The redhead laughed behind her. "Oh, come on. She's just a human. She won't remember any of it, Demona."

"You're spending too much time with that psycho Carrie at the strip club. You're losing your shit, Red."

Christine closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep as the redhead scooped her up out of the brunette's arms and carried her back to her transformation tube.


Sugar Tits eased the loops of the harness under Christine's arms. "Take her up, SlutzNet."

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