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Transformations - Return to Sinful Suburbia Ch. 03

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Breakfast foursome. Breeding. College. Futa Attack!
16.8k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/24/2020
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Carrie woke up tangled in her sheets.

She was naked and warm.

And, happy.

She smiled and stretched.

Something fell on the floor.

She rolled over and looked down.

The big vibrator had fallen off the bed.

She stared at it and frowned.

Last night. When she had used it. Something happened inside her.

A wave of calm swept over her and her smile returned.

"...you won't worry about anything," Christine's voice whispered in her head.

So, she didn't. She hopped out of bed and stretched in front of the mirror.

"I'd do me," she giggled. Her breasts looked even larger, her hips rounder. She bit her lower lip and grabbed her bathrobe.

"Twenty minutes, honey," Christine called from the first floor.

"I'll be right down," Carrie answered. She licked her lips thinking about Christine. Wait... Why did she?

She paused in the hallway and felt a tremor go through her at the thought of Christine. Carrie had never thought about a woman erotically.

Then why was she suddenly growing moist thinking about Christine McGee?

The bathroom door opened just as she reached out for the knob.

Mark stood wearing nothing but a beige towel, still dripping from the shower.

She thought he would turn red from embarrassment.

She was wrong.

He looked her in the eye and smiled. "Good morning."

"Good morning," she said looking at his defined chest and abs. Was he bigger? She licked her lips. "Look, about last night. The kiss? I..."

He interrupted her by pulling her into his arms.

She melted against him as he kissed her.

And, as good as the kiss in the garage had been? This one was better.

When he stopped kissing her, she stood with her eyes closed, his hands on her waist.

"Ooo, um, wow," she said as she opened her eyes.

He smiled and stroked her hair. "We need to talk. Tonight?"

Carrie nodded. She stared at his lips and slowly let her eyes travel down.

The towel was covering something pretty large that appeared to be growing.

He stroked her chin and raised her face up from the erection growing under the terrycloth. He kissed her lightly and then walked past her toward his room.

Carrie fought the urge to look behind her.

When he closed his door, she started to giggle.


"Is this like the first time I tasted pussy?" Cheryl asked as she gazed up at Ophelia Peerson's wet sex.

They clutched each other in a sixty-nine on the Peerson's living room floor.

Ophelia laughed. "Not exactly, baby."

"I knew it! I knew tasted you before!" She raised up and slid her long tongue deep into Ophelia's snatch.

"Oh, God," Ophelia gasped.

Cheryl's head dropped back to the rug and she giggled. "You totes shoulda woke me up! I coulda started a lot sooner." She zeroed in on Ophelia's clit.

"Sweet Jesus, she's good," Ophelia said. Then she dropped her lips to Cheryl's clit and sucked it.

Ned smiled and helped her lick the blonde's pussy, adding his tongue to hers and supporting Cheryl's thighs.

"God, I love you," Ophelia said before kissing her husband.

Behind her, Tank knelt over her backside and rimmed her ass while Cheryl ate her out.

Ophelia smiled. The blonde wanted an orgy to celebrate her 'Transformation Day' and they were going to give her one.

She only wished she had time to invite a few more couples.

But, technically, four people could be an orgy.

And, the fact they made it through breakfast was a testament to their self-control. To wait even five minutes more would have been pure torture.

There was something about Street Whores. They were sexy, of course, but it was something more. There was something pure about 'Sex Kitten Cheryl' and her class. It wasn't innocence exactly, but they had a positive outlook that was infectious. Unconditional, universal love was a powerful aphrodisiac.

So, when the last bites of waffles had disappeared and Sex Kitten Cheryl stood up from her chair, lifted her skirt and poured maple syrup on her pink pussy while asking, "Who wants first lick?" Ophelia had practically thrown herself on the giggling girl.

Ned and Tank had scooped them up and put them on the living room floor, and then clothes were flying in every direction as they all laughed.

Ophelia looked up from kissing Cheryl's clit as Ned rose to his knees and jacked his Whoremaster cock. He pressed it against Cheryl's pink pussy lips and slid in slowly.

Ophelia smiled and licked his shaft.

Then she gasped as she felt Tank's hefty cock probe at her own cunt.

"Wowie! That's pretty," Cheryl giggled as she watched Tank sink balls deep into Ophelia. Then Cheryl moaned as Ned did the same to her.

Ophelia sucked Cheryl's clit and the blonde returned the favor as both of them were fucked in ways no human man could manage with a human woman.

They were transformed in more ways than one.

Not just their bodies, but their minds and hearts as well.

The Whoremasters moved and the whores moved and moaned.

Ophelia closed her eyes, focusing only on pleasing the girl beneath her and the man behind her, and she knew that Cheryl did the same.

Four people becoming one. This was the gift of Transformation.

And, when Ophelia felt her orgasm growing within her, starting as a spark and kindling into a flame, she knew that the other three parts of her were experiencing the same miracle.

They came together, cocks pumping into pussies, cum splashing into liquid depths, as muscles inside the women spasmed in ecstasy.

They came down, falling together on the living room floor.

Ophelia stopped sucking Cheryl's clit and instead lapped and sucked Ned's cum from her pussy while Ned stroked her hair.

Cheryl did the same, her tongue playing deep inside Ophelia.

Then the men lifted them, turned them to face each other.

Cheryl and Ophelia moaned into a kiss, sharing the Whoremaster's cum between them.

Tank spooned Cheryl and Ned nuzzled the back of Ophelia's neck, their arms holding the women tight.

Cheryl licked a stray drop of cum from Ophelia's lips. "Let's do it again!" She giggled.


Levi knelt behind the police tape that still surrounded the gas station parking lot north of Ithaca where his predecessor had been murdered.

The Church had wasted no time securing the crime scene - they had purchased the gas station as quickly as possible, paying ten times what the property was worth.

A blood stain was still visible on the asphalt where Bishop Styx's head had been crushed by a massive blow.

A bald Church operative in a black suit stood nearby.

"They did a full analysis of the security camera footage?" Levi asked.

"Yes, Bishop. We have video footage of Tyler McGee and Emily Cray entering the restroom..."

"Emily di Fuchs," Levi corrected.

"Yes, Bishop. The footage continues showing Bishop Styx's arrival with the Church agents and the initial confrontation with the suspects. Then the tape becomes garbled for four minutes, thirteen seconds. When it clears, Bishop Styx is dead along with the Church agents and the suspects flee in their car."

"There was a third person," Levi said.


"The Church agents were shot, correct?"

"Yes, Bishop. Multiple nine-millimeter rounds in each. We assumed McGee had some type of submachine gun."

"No. He didn't. The only guns Tyler ever used were in video games. He wouldn't even know how to load a submachine gun. Someone helped them." Levi stood up. "We need to find out who intervened."

"It could have been the NRO. They have several strike teams in upstate New York, sir."

Levi shook his head. "They're focused on the Farm. We haven't seen any indication they have taken an interest in Ithaca. I think we have more enemies than we realized."

The agent nodded.

Levi stood up. "Call in extra agents from Manhattan. I want reports on all Whore Caste and Professional Caste in and around Ithaca. Stallion's, the suburbs, the new brothel downtown, and the college. Also, I want reports on the Farm."

The agent paled. "You suspect the Transformed?"

"I suspect everyone not aligned with the Religious Caste."

"Shall I inform Mistress Marapova of your suspicions?"

"Absolutely not. We have no idea where this conspiracy might lead."


Carrie came down the stairs just ahead of Mark. She felt his eyes on her butt and it made her smile.

"There they are. Don't they look cute together, Nathan?" Christine said as she smiled up at them.

"Yeah, yeah. adorable. I'm late for work and you're late for school, Mark. What's the matter, couldn't sleep?" Nathan asked with a grin.

Mark almost stumbled on the steps.

"Come on, tiger," Nathan laughed and then he turned and kissed Christine.

"Yes, sir," Mark said.

Mark took Carrie's hand and kissed her.

In front of the McGee's!

Carrie was so shocked she didn't know what to do.

Christine grinned like a Cheshire Cat.

"See you tonight?" Mark asked Carrie.

"Um... yeah..."

He winked and rushed down the steps.

Mark smiled as he went past Christine.

"Hey, hold on. Where's my kiss?"

He stopped and kissed Christine.

Carrie gasped.

Mark kissed Christine's lips lingering for a moment before running after Nathan.

Christine looked up at Carrie and smiled. "Looks like the two of you had a good evening on your bikes."

Carrie just nodded, trying to get over the shock of being kissed in front of Christine and Nathan, and then being totally confused by Mark and Christine's kiss.

"So, tell me all about it," Christine said.

Carrie descended the rest of the way down the steps. "I... we... You know, we got caught up in the moment and kissed last night and it was... really a great kiss."

Christine clapped her hands. "Yes! I was hoping for that! The two of you would be great together." She fluffed Carrie's hair. "You're both so sexy."

Carrie laughed and looked away.

"What?" Christine asked.

"I just... guess I'm confused," Carrie said.

Christine took her hand. "About what? Oh! When he kissed me?" She laughed. "Don't be jealous, sweetheart. Mark and I have grown very close. He loves me, but he's in love with you. There's a difference."

"I guess." She started to feel silly. Was she really jealous her nineteen year old boyfriend might choose Christine over her?

"It was just a kiss. Let me show you." Christine pulled her close and kissed her tenderly. It lingered for a moment and Carrie felt her heart skip a beat. "There, see? Same way he kissed me. No big deal at all."

Carrie just nodded and waited for the tingling sensation to leave her body.


Nathan sped down the drive to the street.

"How do you like your art classes?" Nathan asked.

"They're... really great, Mr. McGee." He couldn't look at Nathan. After what he had done with Christine last night.

"Nathan, not Mr. McGee, remember?"

"Yes, sir. Sorry."

Nathan laughed. "Make you feel better if I stopped the car and beat the shit out of you?"

Mark looked at him in horror.

Nathan shook his head. "Mark, I'm joking. I'm not mad at you, kid."

"You're not?"

"No. All that stuff in the video is true, Mark. We share and have fun together. There's no jealousy," Nathan said. "Just make sure you leave her happy and I have no problem sharing Christine with you."

Mark sighed. "Thanks, Nathan. Last night was amazing. I was just afraid you'd be mad."

"No, Mark. We're all transformed or nearly transformed. This is our reality now. Tonight, you sleep in our bed and we'll share her together."

Mark's eyes were as big as saucers. "Uh, I... you mean the three of us in bed together?"

"Four if we bring Carrie over tonight," Nathan said.

"Nathan, listen... I'm... I like girls."

Nathan burst out laughing. "Relax, kiddo. I like girls too. Trust me, we can share women and not have to do anything to each other."

Mark smiled. "Okay."

"You going to be okay sharing Carrie with other people?"

Mark stopped smiling. "I... never thought about that."

Nathan nodded. "It's scary, I won't lie. You always have that little voice in your head telling you she'll prefer that other person. But, then you see her being satisfied and you realize there's a difference between possessing somebody and trusting somebody. Trust wins out."

"Christine did stuff to me, before, right?"


"Did she do things to Carrie?"


"Did... you do things to Carrie?"

"No. Not that I didn't want to and not that I won't. But, I'll never lie to you, Mark. I want to make love to Carrie, just like you want to make love to Christine again. However, unless I'm very mistaken? Carrie's in love with you, and that won't change. Understand?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Good. And, by the way, it's not me you'll have to worry about."

"It isn't?"

"No. It's Christine. Bisexual MILF Whores are addictive to men and women alike."


Jeffrey Bernstein swept hair away from the salon stations with a red broom.

He liked everything about salons. The smell, the gossip, the happy faces of people being primped and pampered.

It was one of the few places in a town like Ithaca that a gay Jewish boy was considered normal.

And, Betty Cavendish's Pretenses salon was the creme de la creme of upstate New York salons.

The little detour of the Fledgling Program had led him straight into a career. His plan was now: move to Village for a few years, go to cosmetology school, and then move back here to work for Betty.

She had been the one to bring it up.

Betty Cavendish had taken Jeffrey under her wing. She was like a second mother to him after only a few days.

Best of all, she didn't have those creepy Stepford Wife blue eyes the rest of the women her age had in Ithaca. They were a refreshing brown like his own.

The other stylists were all working on clients, so it was up to him to answer the phones in between sweeping up.

The phone rang and he ran to the front.

"Pretenses Salon, everyday is a new you."

"May I speak to Betty Cavendish, please?" A woman asked.

"She's actually with a client in the back right now, can I take a message?"

The woman paused. "Can you... just ask her if I could get a special appointment this afternoon? It's for my niece."

"Well, Betty actually handles her own appointments. I'd have to ask her..."

"Oh! Could you?"

Jeffrey paused. "I..." Betty had a rule that you never interrupted her when she was with VIPs, and she had two in the backroom with her right now. Still, what choice did he have. "Sure. Hang on and I'll check."

He walked through the busy salon and paused by the backroom door.

He had never actually been in the backroom. Betty said this was her inner sanctum. He knocked gingerly on the door. "Betty?"

There was no answer.

He knocked again. "Betty, there's someone on the phone who wants an appointment." He turned the knob.

The door opened on a darkened corridor.

He stepped inside. "Betty? Hello?"

He heard soft murmurs coming from the room ahead.

It was so dark within that he had trouble adjusting his eyesight.

And, even then, he had a difficult time processing what he saw.

The room was simple and consisted of three black operating tables sitting side by side, the first two of which were occupied.

The room smelled of incense and soft music played.

The women on both tables were lying naked on their backs. Glistening plastic sacks lay on top of them. Inside the sacks, something moved.

He stepped closer to the first table.

The woman was Asian, and she moaned in her sleep as her fingers caressed the plastic sack.

Inside the sack was another woman.

The woman in the sack was smaller, but the face was unmistakable - the sack contained a smaller version of the same woman.

A thick umbilical ran from the sack and into the vagina of the woman on the table.

He reached out and touched the sack.

The membrane was warm and pulsing.

Not plastic.

It was an amniotic sack.

"Christ. Oh, Christ."

The woman in the amniotic sack opened her eyes and smiled. Her hand moved in the fluid filled sack and touched the membrane where his hand was.

Jeffrey jerked his hand away and staggered back.

"Oh, Jeffrey. Oh, honey. You weren't supposed to see."

Betty Cavendish emerged naked from a small bathroom in the back of the room.

Betty's muscles glistened in the low light.

A Pentagram tattoo covered her lower abdomen.

Below that was an erect cock bigger than anything Jeffrey had seen short of a porn video.

Jeffrey fainted and hit the floor with a bone jarring thud.


Throughout the day, Christine made a point of touching Carrie whenever she came near.

Carrie didn't particularly mind Christine's attention, but her own reaction to the touches was disturbing.

It was turning her on.

She was working on the file cabinets feeling the now familiar tingling in her rubber panties - red today and she still hadn't found her own underwear. She was thinking seriously about going to the restroom and rubbing one out.

But, she'd already done that twice and she was afraid Christine would figure out what she was doing.

"What do you think about sex?" Christine asked. The office was empty other than the two of them and Father Esteban was in his office with the door closed.

Carrie spun around as if she had been goosed. She closed the drawer behind her with her hip. "What?!"

"Sex. What do you think about sex?" Christine asked pleasantly.

"I... I don't know." Of all the things she could pick to talk about when sex was all Carrie could think about...

"I love sex. Nathan and I have very strong sex drives. What about you?"

Carrie sat down in a desk chair facing her. "I... yeah, I love sex."

"Did you like it?"

"Sex? Yeah, I..."

"No, honey," Christine laughed. "My gift." She looked both ways and whispered conspiratorially. "You know? The vibrator?"

Carrie gasped. "Oh! Yeah... I... Yeah... thanks." She wanted to crawl under something.

"You're blushing! Carrie, sweetheart, you don't have anything to be ashamed of. Masturbation is normal. I recognize sexual frustration when I see it. You needed relief." She giggled. "Still do, I'd bet."

Carrie sighed. Why not just confide in her? "I don't know what's wrong with me, Christine. It's like I'm obsessed."

"There's nothing wrong with having a healthy sex drive. The kinkier the better, I say."

Carrie laughed. "God, sometimes you're awful."

"Was it too big?"


"The dildo. Was it too big? I'll bet you're a tight little thing."

Something tickled the back of Carrie's head. There was something about this conversation that troubled her.

Christine must have sensed this and took her hand. Her blue eyes seemed to grow even larger. "Carrie, you're very special to me. All of the Fledglings are special to us... the mothers. We care about you. I care about you. Things are confusing and frightening, but I promise you I only want what's best for you." She touched Carrie's face with her other hand. "The world is changing. Maybe for the better." She shrugged. "Or, maybe not. None of us know for sure, not really. But, we're doing everything we can to ease your transitions." She smiled. "Maybe even make them fun. No matter what happens? You can trust me. Okay?"

Carrie felt lightheaded. Warmth washed over her and she slumped against Christine.

"There are two forces at work, Carrie. One believes in love, the other only in obedience. Love will win in the end. I have no doubt of that." She rocked Carrie gently.

Carrie blinked and sat up. "I... what happened?"

"Panic attack, I think. It's okay. Too much stress. Everything's changing, not just your body."

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