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Trapped... Ch. 04

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Virgil and Thistle are free but where do they go?
6.2k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/24/2022
Created 03/04/2013
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SO VERY SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG, I didn't expect to have been distracted for so long >.< but the good news is I've got a few others I'll be uploading within the month (if all goes well anyway....) so hope you enjoy ^^ also, this is not the last part so... there will be more

----- Part 4-----


When I stepped through the portal I had expected it to be night, I was wrong. Even though it looked like it was going to rain, it was so much brighter than the cell that I was momentarily blinded.

"Ack, I can't see." I said, falling onto Thistle, who was on the cold winter ground, hugging the soil. "What are you doing on the ground?"

"Get off me, I missed the earth. Not really, I tripped." He said, laughing, trying to crawl out from under me. "Why do you have to be so big anyway?"

"Big in what way?" I said, splaying out on top of him, my chest to his back.


"What? I'm not fat, I probably weigh less than you, I've been starved for the past several months; I think; I don't know exactly how long." I said, looking around.

"Ya, but you don't need to eat much."

"And? I had no blood until you came along." I said, nibbling on his shoulder and neck. He gasped when I ran my tongue over his neck, stopping to nibble his ear.

"Geez, someone's excited." He whispered, shuddering softly. "At least let me see you better."

I chuckled and nuzzled his neck, licking the back of it. "Make me."

He gasped softly, arching his back slightly, pushing his shoulder against my mouth. I growled softly, listening to him pant, feeling his pulse race as I kissed his neck. Part of me was in shock that I was being so openly sexual with Thistle but I couldn't help myself, his sounds where so cute and sexy when I nipped him.

He squirmed under me as I sucked hard on his neck, leaving a mark, the human half of me was in shock as I lewdly ground my hips against his ass, the other parts just growled obscenely, urging me on. I moaned softly when I felt the vampire and demon in me take control and forced me to shift, letting my wings cut through the air, my thin black tail waving in the air above me. I gasped softly when the intense sensitivity came over me, making my cock ache with need.

Thistle was finally able to shift so he lay on his back, moaning softly when he saw me.

"Damn, and I thought you looked good in the dark. You know the whole demonic thing suits you." He whisper, panting softly. His hands went to my hair and pulled me to him, his mouth crushing mine. I moaned and ground my hips against his.

"Oh god I want you so bad." Thistle whispered, wrapping his legs around my hips.

Both of us jumped when heard a loud crash of thunder, "Shit, we need to get somewhere covered it's about to start pouring or snowing, I can't really tell." I said, screaming internally in displeasure.


The storm was a slushy icy rain, and sadly it chilled me to the bone so much so that I couldn't even enjoy how aroused Virgil was. It was difficult for me to make the shelter we're currently in, the forest being mostly pine making cover scarce. I managed to make shelter but not before Virgil and I were soaked to the bone.

"I'm so cold." I whisper softly, nuzzling against Virgil when he wrapped his arms around me.

"It's ok, just sleep for now, we'll look for somewhere to stay when the rain lets up." He muttered, kissing my head. After a while of cuddling with him I fell asleep quickly, snuggling against his warm bare chest.

"Thistle, wake up, come on. Get up, the rain stopped." He whispered softly, nudging me gently, his breath tickling my ear. I groaned and buried my face into his smooth chest, kissing it softly. "Mm, as much as I'd like to lay around we need to get you out of the cold, I don't want you getting sick."

"But I can't get sick, I'd just heal myself." I muttered back before realizing I was shivering heavily.

"I don't want to take the risk, it's safer to just get us in the closest inn, and get better clothes for the winter. Besides it's better if we wait until we're somewhere warm for our first time together." He said softly before kissing me firmly.

I sighed and nodded, letting him rub the warmth back into my arms and chest, his hands slipping under my tattered and destroyed shirt, rubbing my stomach and sides. I whimpered when he nibbled my neck.

"Come on we gotta get up." He said as he sat up, pulling me up with him, "we shouldn't get distracted; I don't want you getting any weaker."

"I'm not weak." I said, crossing my arms.

"Thistle, you're almost as pale as me, you were twice as red when we got free and redder when I was messing with you." He said, grinning softly though the worry was clear in his eyes.

"I'm fine," I said trying to stand, the blood rushing to my head causing me to sway. Virgil grabbed my arm immediately, steadying me.

"Slow down, shit come here, you can lean against me." He whispered, letting me lean against his chest while I waited for the world to stop spinning. After a moment I stood on my own, letting the shelter I wove meld away.

Slowly we started walking toward where Virgil said he sensed a town, toward a mountain. He didn't have the energy to teleport us; he'd used too much back at the prison to get us out and as close as he could to the nearest small town. He says that teleporting works in 2 different ways, one requires full energy, and the other doesn't, the way he used was the second. The moment his scythe cut through space he says he gets something referred to as a 'soul map,' he says it shows him where every soul in his reach is and if any are near death.

Large clusters of souls in a very small area can signify a large city where everyone's gathered, which is a bit different than the prison, but feels similar. However, a large group of people spread out can signify a town or something of the sorts. He said he could feel a cluster of souls near the base of the mountain.

"At least we're getting closer." I said, trying to lighten the mood. Virgil had gotten more and more quiet as we walked, telling me constantly to look for food.

"Ya, it might be best to rest for the night, it's getting dark, come on I hear a stream over here." He said, grabbing my hand softly, as if it might break, and tugging me in the direction he pointed.

"You know I'm fine right?"

"Ya, I'm just... I don't know, you just look like you're sick. I don't know why but it worries me, a lot." He whispered softly, looking at me nervously.

"I'll be fine, come on." I said hugging him, somewhat touched that he cared. He smiled and kissed me softly.

We stopped at the river, Virgil managing to catch a fish and cook it for me. I snuggled with him as we fell asleep together, I got the sense he didn't sleep well though. When I woke up he was already up with a small pile of berries, he looked somewhat sad when I told him half of them were poisonous. I didn't have the energy to grow the good berries and I could tell Virgil knew; it clearly worried him. He was relieved when the town came into sight; it was rather large with some buildings built into the mountain.


I knew Thistle was exhausted, and for some reason it terrified me, I wanted him to be safe in my home with me, laying on my big warm bed.... Relaxing as I cuddled him.... Kissing him... pushing the thoughts away I got myself ready.

Relaxing I tried to pull in the closest wealthy guy I could to feed from and take some money, it was difficult with low energy but I managed to get one, forcing him to walk to me, baring his neck. I glanced at Thistle, finding that he was watching me. I took a breath and looked at the man's neck, letting my fangs descend.

He made a small sound as my fangs sunk into his jugular, his white hot blood pouring into my mouth, making me growl softly. I could feel Thistle looking at me as I fed heavily on the man. I stopped feeding when I felt the man pass out beneath me. I gently sat him down, slipping my hand into his pockets, pulling out the coins he had.

"Here, why don't you hold on to these while I try to get his jacket off for you?" I asked Thistle as I held out my hand with the coins in it. He nodded and took the coins before he pulled his arms around himself, shivering heavily.

Turning back to the man I tugged at the large heavy jacket, pulling it off the man and handing it to Thistle, pausing to rub his arms, trying to warm him.

"I'll be fine; I just need a warm bath and some hot food." He said, snuggling into my chest.

"I guess, I'll pull a few more people, I don't want to take everything from this guy, I might take his boots though, they look about my size." I said softly, kissing his head before I got up and took the shoes off of the man. I pulled him in to the corner letting him lay down comfortably before I pulled a few more people. Sending them walking away to where their homes are, not letting them notice the missing clothes until they were far away.

After a handful of people Thistle and I had gotten enough clothes and enough money to buy us a few nights in a decent inn and a hot meal for him. I got Thistle up and standing, which made me nervous because he was swaying a little and had to lean on me for support

"Come on, it looks like there's an inn over there... Is it built into the mountain?" I asked, a little surprised.

The building itself was directly against the mountain and seemed to be built into the mountain side. It was strange to see half the roof disappearing into a rock wall. I led Thistle into the inn, letting him sit at a table while I spoke to a woman about reserving a room for the night.

"Um, I'm sorry sir, all we have left are single bed rooms but you're welcome to get two rooms." She said, tipping her head to the side, letting her long brown hair brush against the counter in a flirty way.

"It's fine, we'll just take one room, my friend isn't feeling well and I want to be in the same room as him in case he needs help." I said, ignoring her as she leaned forward in an attempt to show off her chest.

"Are you sure?" She asked, then handed me the key when I nodded, handing her the coins. "We have a hot springs in the back, built into the mountain, show them the key and they'll let you in hun."

I nodded and immediately walked back to Thistle. He had his head laying against the table; I rubbed his back softly before helping him up. The woman at the desk huffed a bit when I asked her which way the room was before she nodded in the direction, giving me a mild set of directions.

Internally I grumbled at her rudeness as I helped Thistle towards the rooms, slightly amused that the girl changed her attitude toward me after she saw I wasn't interested. It wasn't hard to find the room and I soon had Thistle lying on the bed and I was heading out to get him some hot food.


"Hey, I'll be back in a minute with something for you to eat." Virgil said, rubbing my shoulder after he lay me down on the double bed, kissing my forehead before heading out the door, locking it behind him. I curled up in the bed, falling asleep quickly, not waking when Virgil opened the door.

"Wake up, come on, I got you some food." He said softly, gently nudging me.

The smell of the food helped bring me out of my nap as he set a bowl of potato soup and a loaf of bread in my lap. I sat up and took the spoon Virgil was handing me before more or less diving into the bowl. He sat on the other half of the bed, laying his head on the headboard as he watched me eat.

"Was that enough? Or do you want me to go get some more?" He asked after I finished the bowl.

"That was plenty." I said leaning against him.

"You sure? I can get you more if you want me to." He said, wrapping his arms around my belly.

"I'm sure, so are we going to um.. tonight?" I asked looking up at him as he turned his head with a light blush on his face.

"I... um... think we should wait until tomorrow when you aren't so weak and we can um... enjoy it more." He said, looking embarrassed. I nodded and sighed sadly.

"What's wrong?" He asked, turning my head, his eyes filled with worry.

"It's nothing," I said curling up into his side quietly.

He sighed and rubbed my back as I drifted off, silently wondering if he really wanted me. Before I fell asleep I heard him whisper something but I was too far gone to hear what he said.

When I woke light was filtering through the window and I was the only one in the room, I sat up and felt Virgil's spot, it was cold and indicated he'd been gone for some time. I turned hopefully when I heard the door open and was saddened to find it was a maid.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you two checked out." She said her brown eyes taking in my messy hair and rumpled clothes that I still had on from the night before.

"Wait, did the other guy here check out?" I said in shock, maybe he really didn't want me so he just left while I was asleep, maybe it was all an act to use me to get out of there.

"I don't know I saw him talking to the girl at the front desk this morning and I assumed he was checking out, he might not have been, I wasn't paying enough attention." She said, sensing that I was upset.

"When did you see him leave?"

"About an hour ago." She said looking down.

"Ok, um would it be ok if I stayed here a little longer? I'm not feeling great." I asked, slumping against the bed.

"Ok, I'll check with the front desk if he did check out, if he did I'll come tell you." She said, before curtsying and leaving.

I lay there for a while before dozing back off, waking when the door opened, not moving thinking it was the maid back with bad news, surprised to hear someone setting stuff down before walking over to me and rubbing my back.

"I know you're awake, you're heartbeat is slower when you're asleep." Virgil said, looking down at me, smiling softly.

"I thought you left." I said looking up at him.

"Left? No I just went out to get some stuff and tell the people at the front desk we'll be here for a night longer." He said softly, cupping my face, leaning down to kiss my forehead. "Is that ok? Or do you want to leave tonight?"

"No, it's fine, a maid just came in here thinking you checked out." I said, nuzzling his hand softly.

"Oh, well I didn't," He said, scooting me over so he could lay next to me.

I nodded and snuggled into him, my stomach gurgling for food. He chuckled and asked if I was hungry, making me nod again.

"I don't have any hot food with me this time because I wasn't sure if you were going to be awake or not but I do have some fruit and stuff, or if you want, we can go down to the bar and get you something warm."

"Let's go down to the bar, I want to stretch my legs." I said, shifting my legs, hearing them pop nosily. He chuckled and got out of bed, digging through the bag he had, pulling out a brush and handing it to me.

"Your hair is a wreck, you might wanna fix it or we'll get some funny looks, well, funnier looks than we'd already get." He said, grinning.

I smiled back to him and felt my hair, sure enough it was covered with knots and sticking up at odd angles like I'd already spent a wild night with Virgil.

"How is your hair so straight?" I asked Virgil as I brushed my hair, its slight wave showing by my ears and the end as it lay just above my shoulders. He shrugged and helped me out of the bed, clearly pleased with my improved strength when I walked over to the bag without swaying.

"Hey, I got you some new clothes in the bag; I'm waiting until after I bathe to put mine on though, if I were you I'd do the same." He said, wrapping his arms around my waist, snuggling against my hair. Now that I was standing at full height I could see Virgil was almost a head taller than me, making me look shorter than I really was.

I looked up at him and he kissed my forehead, smiling softly before nodding to the door, asking if I was ready to go, I nodded after slipping on my boots that Virgil had taken off sometime last night. I was a little surprised when he took my hand and lead me to the bar, not letting go until we had sat down at a table.

It made me think of my ex-lover, who, in public would never show affection towards me, he wouldn't even let me meet his parents or bring him home to meet mine, I should've known better but it was still a surprise to me when I found out he had a girlfriend, and not only was it a girlfriend but a fiancée.

"I'm never going to do that to you," Virgil said, clearly peeking in my mind.

"Are you always doing that?" I asked.

"No, but you were being too quiet and I was getting worried that I did something wrong," He said, reaching over to grab my hand, looking into my eyes.

"You're fine, I was just thinking how much better you are than that guy; he was a jerk anyway."

"Ok, well what do you want to eat? I'll go up and see what they have if you want." He said, smiling softly, playing with my fingers.

"I'm not picky, anything hot." I said, latching onto his pointer finger as it brushed between my pointer finger and thumb. He smiled and brought my hand up to his mouth to kiss it before getting up and going to the bar.

He came back with a bowl of tomato bisque, some kind of sausage, and half a loaf of bread with 2 cups of a sweet fruit drink, one for him, and one for me. He set the food in front of me before sitting down in front of me, watching as I ate.

"How is it?" He asked curiously as I soaked the bread in the bisque before eating it.

"It's really good, do you want some? I won't be able to eat it all by myself if I tried." I said offering him a bite of the sausage. He nodded and took the bite, making faces as he chewed.

"It is good, but I don't like eating much."

"Why not?" I asked, taking another bite of the sausage.

"It has a tendency to upset my stomach if I'm not hungry, that and it's easier to eat something like raw meat, it feeds the vampire and demon." He said, talking quietly for the last part.

I nodded and finished up eating before standing up, Virgil in tow, leaving the bowls and cups for the maids to clean up as we headed for the hot springs we were told about, stopping by our room to grab the clothes Virgil bought and the towels and soap they gave us with the room.

When we got to the springs area we showed one of the maids our key and she brought us into the cave like hot springs, there were several rooms divided off by large curtains as well as a main pool in the middle of the room.

"Would you two like a private room or do you just want to bathe in the main pool?" She asked after explaining that because we only had one single room key we would have to share a room unless we paid a small fee.

We'll just take the private room, we don't mind sharing a room." Virgil said, smiling softly.

She nodded and led us to a room with an open curtain before closing it behind her as she left us alone. The room was fairly nice, and was clearly man made. Someone had carved the pool out of the stone ground and filled it with water, letting the natural hot air heat the pool with a small drainage ditch to let out the old water and another that brought in new clean water.

I was aware of Virgil's eyes on me as I slipped my shirt off while looking down, blushing. It made me wonder what he thought of my body; clearly sensing my thoughts he walked up to me and pulled me into his arms, leaning down, pulling my face up before kissing me soundly.

"I love your body; you never have to worry about that." He whispered before slipping his shirt off, revealing his pale chest, etched with faint scars. "They're from fights with demon slayers"

"Oh, why did they attack you?" I asked, lightly tracing a scar that went from the area of his heart to his throat. He shrugged and simply said that's how it was for his kind. I nodded and though about it, hunters and slayers never came after my kind, we were seen as beneficial in most cases so we weren't hunted, not to say that slayers loved us, no, they still hated us, they didn't just randomly kill us. "I thought vampires and demons couldn't scar?"


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