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Triad Patrol - Pilot

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Sex Mage officers defend their town from mystical dangers.
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Author's Note: This was written as a "pilot" chapter for a potential Sex Mage World adventure series concept. While I have not entirely given up on the idea, I do think it will require a rewrite to do properly. Still, as a "pilot" episode, I think it works well enough as a stand-alone.


Alice was just about to finish her shift of the night patrol, when her mystic senses picked up the piercing signal of a man's erection going into overdrive! The psychic ringing that only Sex Mages could "hear" pinged off her senses like a little air siren in her mind's ear. From the sheer intensity of the signal, the boy was so painfully hard, it was as though every drop of blood in his body was trying to cram itself into his cock! His penis was calling out to every magically awakened woman in sensing range, in a desperate plea to please, please, PLEASE, touch it, and make it cum! As if the boy attached to that keening cock was going to die if he wasn't touched!

Sex Magic, of course, was not going to let him die, nor was it really going to let him get physically hurt, no matter how much blood tried to enter his organ. But at the same time, the Magic was also forcing him to experience a torturously high surge of sheer lust, beyond the tolerance of any mortal man! Given the intensity, and the direction the signal was coming from, she knew at once the source of this extreme penile distress. Another boy was trying to run away from town!

Alice clucked her tongue in amusement. One would think the males would have learned better by now. She paged the dispatch, made a u-turn in her patrol car, and headed down one of the main roads that lead out of Birchton. She followed the winding path for a couple of miles, until she was as close to the signal as she could get before ditching the car became necessary. Had he really tried to escape through the woods? How foolish!

The birch forest that surrounded the town covered relatively flat terrain, and there wasn't much undergrowth to contend with. The trees themselves were space well enough apart that even at night, traversing through wasn't too much trouble, as long as one kept an eye on where they stepped. Nonetheless, as she neared the source of the intense male signal, she drew upon the Lust Energy radiating from the helpless lad, using it to suffuse her own body with a levitation spell, rising several inches off the ground.

From her car, she pulled out an old-fashioned lantern, a four-sided glass enclosure in a dark tin frame, originally meant to hook onto a pole or staff. However, with a bit of extra power, she floated it in the air with just her will. Inside the empty lantern, a little ball of fire ignited, fueled by a trickle of her Magic. Double-checking that her utility belt had all the essentials, she set forth towards the desperate boy, drifting like a ghost over the forest floor, her lantern trailing behind her.

She found him almost a mile away from the road, a lanky young man hovering several feet in the air, whimpering and wriggling like a hooked worm, desperately clutching at his thighs since Anti-Masturbation Spells wouldn't allow him to touch his erect cock. Speaking of, his overclocked organ was beet red with excess blood pressure, the veins sticking out like little cords, the plum-purple head leaking pre-cum in a steady stream! His balls were swollen taught, and she could sense his semen production had been boosted to at least ten times the normal rate for a man his age! Were it not for the Magic's healing side-effects, his penis and seminal vesicles would have probably ruptured like overripe fruits by now!

The boy had his eyes scrunched tightly closed as he suffered the pain of supernatural priapism. This was a Hard Attack worse than most individual girls were capable of giving a guy, even blasting him with the full force of their Arousal Aura! And if the physical stress of his affliction was this bad, the mental agony was so much worse! The need to be touched and achieve relief was all he could comprehend, the inability to so much as grab himself almost as physically painful as his out of control erection!

At point blank, his erotic signal was blaring in her mystic senses like a psychic air siren! She was able to deal with the "volume", thankfully, dialing down her own sensitivity to blunt the intensity. Still, it was hard to completely avoid the effects; Lust Energy was venting off his helpless body like a furnace, and she shivered a bit as she felt erotic heat flush through her. Her sex moistened and her cheeks reddened, and for a moment, she allowed herself to enjoy soaking in his desperate energies.

Alice didn't like to be overly cruel, though. He might be a naughty, foolish boy, trying to run like this, but she knew only the really desperate would try. He was facing away from Alice, confirming that he was indeed a boy trying to escape, rather than a Free Roamer trying to sneak into town. Also the fact he was completely naked, which wasn't a rule for the boys in Birchton, but had simply become practical considering how often the Sex Mages in town liked to strip their men. Most young men his age probably didn't even own clothes anymore!

Deciding he'd suffered enough to learn his lesson, she backed away from him and held up her hand. She traced the lines of the Sex Magic Trap that had ensnared him, and carefully disentangled him from its grasp. Once free, the pressure in his cock immediately dropped to a reasonable, humane level, some of the excess blood flowing back to the rest of his body. His semen production dropped down to "only" triple the normal amount, though, as it became evident he already had a small Semen Booster applied on him.

Still, he let out a huge sigh of relief as she floated the both of them back a couple dozen yards, laying him down on the grass and touching down herself a few feet next to him. He curled into a ball, eyes still scrunched shut, hands still death-gripping his thighs.

She gave him a minute to catch his breath. Finally, he was able to unclench himself and roll onto his back. His cock still throbbed at maximum "normal" tension, but even now, the lingering effects of the Magic attempted to refresh his delicate male form. When he finally opened his eyes, wiping the tears from his face, he blinked under the light of her lantern, and jerk back with a gasp as his eyes found her in the darkness.

Even she would admit she could cut an imposing figure. Six foot six with an athletic build, short black hair, dark brown eyes, and stern facial features, her already imposing figure was enhanced by the black uniform that identified her as a Triad officer. The gun and sword at her hips, only partly hidden by the uniform's half-cape, made it clear that even without the power of Sex Magic, she was an authority figure to be respected.

She gave him a firm, but not unkind look as she leaned over him slightly. "A bit late, and a bit far, for a night time stroll, wouldn't you say? Especially all on your own, without even a robe to wear."

The boy managed to compose himself a little, but stayed on the ground, his cock still aiming for the night sky. "P-please... I don't... I can't..." Fresh tears welled up in his eyes again. "I can't go back!"

"Well, you can't go forward, either," she said. She flicked through the boy's mind. She didn't know him, didn't even recognize his cock signal, so her telepathy was strictly limited to his erotic thoughts. But that was enough to figure out his name as she rapidly flicked through several of his sexual memories, some of which contained scenes of women chastising and taunting him. He shivered, and his cock quivered, as he felt her psychic fingers gently caress his brain.

"Tell me, Joshua," she continued. "What exactly was your plan here?" She gestured around them. "You're in the middle of the woods. You're completely naked, no survival gear, not even a water bottle that I can see. The nearest town is twenty miles away. Did you seriously think you were going to make it there on foot?"

He flushed in frustration. "I couldn't... prepare anything or... they'd catch me!" He took a breath. "I had to wait for a night they didn't lock me up or pin me down! And I had to leave in the middle of the night, when most women were asleep, or too caught up in their own sex games to notice me with their senses!"

Memories of recent nights flashed through his mind, each scene making his penis twitch! Frozen in place all night long, kneeling at a girl's bedside, or magically glued to a wall or a ceiling, forced to provide a constant stream of the delicious, pleasing Lust Energy for the magical women in his life, after they'd spent hours cumming their brains out! Even though Sex Magic could lessen the need for sleep, the euphoric effect of soaking in men's desperation energy was perfect to drift off to once a Sex Mage had satisfied her own urges! Alice couldn't help but recall, some of the best sleep she'd gotten in college was on the floor of a sorority house, surrounded by similarly blissed-out girls and aching, whimpering boys, after a weekend Rock Party--

She forced herself to focus, and held back a flush. She put her hands on her hips and gave the boy a stern frown. "You were smart on the timing, but stupid for everything else! Sex Magic can only protect you for so long, and if there aren't any active spells on you, you lose all the physical enhancements that you're probably use to by now. The No-Touch Spell and the Orgasm Block don't provide enough healing on their own to sustain you long term without supplies. You'd need safe food, clean water, real rest, and proper shelter. You might get bitten by something venomous, or run into a bear or a cougar, and not the fun kinds! I know they don't have boy scouts to teach you these things anymore, but you didn't even bring a flashlight!"

Josh swallowed hard, flushed with embarrassment as much as arousal. "I did, but, um, the batteries died."

"I see. You didn't just toss the light on the ground when it did, did you?"

"I dropped it when it I got caught in that trap!" He winced, the mere mention starkly reminding him of his male predicament. His hands tried to reach himself, only to stop just inches before he could touch his tortured rod! "God, it hurts! I need to cum so fucking bad! Please, if you're going to drag me back, please let me cum first!" His eyes were wet again as he looked up at her. "They haven't let me in nine months!"

"Goodness!" said Alice, holding back a flush at the thought of such a deliciously ripe build up a male frustration! "You must have been a very naughty boy to be denied that long!"

He pounded his fist on the ground, and she resisted a smirk as it made his cock wag in the air. "I'm not!" he said. "It's my sister and her friends! They just won't let me because they think it's funny!" He let out a ragged sob. "They all used me as their Test Boy this summer, one after the other, and then instead of letting me cum in the end, they just decided to use me as their perpetual Lust Generator!"

Alice winced, and her arousal was tempered a bit. Scanning his memories, she confirmed his story. She wasn't sure what other, non-sexual things he might have done to earn the young women's cruelty, but if his memories of their taunting tease sessions were accurate, it really did seem like the gaggle of cackling bitches were doing it just to be mean. She felt a swell of heat between her legs at the thought, but it had been years since her bad girl days, and she genuinely felt some pity for the lad.

Well, a Triad officer's duty wasn't just to catch wayward boys. Sometimes wicked women needed to be knocked down a few pegs as well! Sex Mages could get away with a lot these days, but there were limits in a civilized town. There was no call for extended brutalizing of the poor men for no reason. Birchton was an officially sanctioned settlement of the Montana Queendom, known throughout the continent as one of the nicer nations to men.

Granted, every Queendom had its own outliers that pushed the cultural limits, and as one of the more isolated border towns, Birchton had certainly grown a little more hardcore than others. Just two months ago, the town mandate that men be allowed at least one Pop Day a week had been reduced to only two a month. Not too many women that she knew indulged in that level of restriction yet, but Alice didn't doubt that would become the norm within a year or two.

Of course, twice a month would probably seem like Heaven's blessing to poor Joshua! She glanced the boy over once more, lingering her gaze on the cute young man's decently sized cock. She felt the temptation to abuse her position and have a taste of the suffering, aching young man, knowing he couldn't do a damn thing about it. But she was a Triad officer, and she wasn't going to allow the Magic's wicked temptations completely compromise her honor.

She flicked her hand upwards, and her Magic grasped his body, an invisible force making him float weightlessly in the air. A Phantom Hand clasped his turgid penis and tugged him forward. She floated herself as well, sipping off his Lust Energy to levitate them both towards the car.

"No!" he whined, wriggling in the air again. He couldn't help but buck his hips as his animal needs overtook his reflexes, and he tried to gain some friction against the Phantom Hand holding him. The Spell naturally followed his cock's motions, however, perfectly following the exact spot it was set to. She hadn't really been trying to tease him, but he was so wound up, he was utterly desperate for even just the minor relief of simply being touched!

She decided to be nice and let the Hand slowly stroke him, soothing some of that ache. He groaned softly, hips still moving, even though he could only feel the friction she allowed. "Please," he whimpered. "Please let me cum! PLEASE!"

"I am sorry, Joshua, but your release is still up to your handler. I would be overstepping my authority to grant you one, especially considering you tried to run." Her Phantom Hand slowed, and she gave his raging member an affectionate squeeze. He was quite sensitive, so she kept her touch delicate, so as not to torment him with a cruel edging. She glanced back over to him. "I have to ask, though, did you actually think you could make it through the woods? Did you really not know about the Barrier?"

He flushed once more in embarrassment. "I... knew about it, but... I was told there were gaps..."

She shook her head. "The only gaps are on the roads, at the check points. So either someone pranked you, or was setting you up for further punishment."

He grit his teeth and fresh tears threatened to spill. "God damn it! I hate it here! Every woman is a fucking cunt!" He thrashed uselessly in her mystical grip. Alice let him get it out of his system, stilling her Phantom Hand, and waiting until he realized swiping at empty air was not very cathartic. He finally let out a rag gasp and sagged in her magic grasp.

"I like to think not all of us are," she said. "Though I admit, it seems like things are getting a little tougher for you guys lately."

"So why won't you let me cum if you know how bad I have it?!" he whined.

"Because if a Triad officer doesn't obey all the policies they were deputized to enforce, no one will take us seriously for more serious matters," she said. She briefly looked back at him over her shoulder and gave him a slight smile. "Matters like investigating excessive female abuse of a male, and seeing to it such offenders get their just punishment."

He stared at her, a little uncertain if he could believe what she was implying. She shrugged and turned forward again. "Let's concentrate on getting you back home, first."

"Can I go somewhere else instead?"

"Do you have someone else who will take you in?"

"Not... not really..."

"Tell you what, I'll keep you in the jail for a couple of days. Not the most comfortable accommodations, but you'll have your own cell, and the Shields around the building should block out most Spells from outside women." She shook her head. "I still can't believe you went naked into the woods in the middle of the night! Even if there had been a gap in our Barrier, with no survival skills, it would have been a miracle for you not to get lost! The nearest town is twenty miles away, you know. You should have at least stuck to the roads!"

He looked up at her angrily. "I didn't want to get picked up by a passerby!"

"That would have been much safer for you."

"They would have just dragged me back!"

"Oh, I don't know, you might have found an understanding woman to give you a lift somewhere. Probably for a cost." She made her Phantom Hand stroke him a few more times, and he let out a shaky breath, enjoying the soothing touch more than he wanted to admit. Without making it obvious, she also opted to subtly undo his Semen Booster, just to cut him a little more slack. He probably wouldn't notice the difference at this point, but it would slightly lessen the intensity of his suffering for the immediate future.

They floated in silence for a few moments, drifting steadily through the trees. She could sense him fuming behind her, until he finally noticed something. He pointed at the lantern floating alongside them. "How are you doing that?"

"Hmm?" The woman followed his gaze, then shrugged. "Little bit of telekinesis, little bit of pyrokinesis."

He looked at her with a new level of trepidation. "A-are you an Archmage?"

She chuckled at that. "No, no, nothing like that. I don't think there's any Archmages out here in the boonies, not unless they specifically want to be left alone. All of them have better chances at better careers in the bigger cities."

Josh frowned at her in thought. "But I thought only Arches could do stuff like that? With the telekinesis and such."

"Nah. You might be too young to remember the difference, but ever since the Cascade, women's Magic has gotten a bit stronger, and men's Lust Energy has gotten a bit richer. I'm a little stronger than average on top of that, but lots of women could do a least one little trick like this if they bothered to learn. Most women just use the Instant Stripping Spell, though."

"Oh." She wasn't wrong about that. One reason men didn't bother wearing clothes much any more was that lots of girls and women would teleport or shred men's clothes off at the slightest provocation or whim. At some point, it became less of a hassle for men to just not wear anything if it wasn't necessary for a job.

Josh hadn't considered the real ramifications of that before. The Instant Strip had become such a common spell that it was easy to forget that it actually broke what was supposed to be a fundamental rule of the Magic: it was only supposed to affect living human bodies. It was well-known that Archmages could go beyond such limitations, but somehow it never clicked until now that the average Sex Mage could casually do it too, even if only in the most minor of techniques.

He swallowed hard and his cock flexed under the Phantom Hand's strokes. If his sister and her friends really started applying themselves, who knew what other crazy shit they could put him through!

She saw the flow of thoughts in his head, and smirked a bit. "As I said, I'm no Arch, but I am stronger than the average. The Instant Strip Spell is so easy, because it's an expressly sexual Spell, the way it's normally used. Something like a fireball, unless she's using it specifically for erotic fireplay, would still be quite a strain for the average Sex Mage to just do on whim."

Josh mumbled, "So are you just showing off, using the lantern instead of a flashlight?"

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