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Triad Patrol - Pilot


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"A bit," she said with a coy smile. "But it's also good to stay in practice. You never know when--" She was cut off as Josh suddenly let out a yelp, and she sensed a sudden sharp spike in his penile tension! She winced at the sudden psychic jolt, sensing the blood flow to his organ greatly increase, causing it to swell almost as painfully as the Barrier Trap had made it! At the same time, she sensed his semen production being boosted back up to at least six times normal!

"AH!" Josh yelled, trying to clutch at himself again. "Stop! STOP!"

"It's not me," she said, and tried to cut off the flow of Spell commands that was forcing him into another Hard Attack. She found herself struggling, her own Spells slipping right off his sexual essence, as though a shell had been cast around his cock and balls. The strength of it was uncanny! And it was also crude; this wasn't a proper Shield Spell placed over him, this was a naturally forming interference just from the sheer amount of power being poured into the erection command!

This wasn't something a normal Sex Mage would cast. Alice whirled, unsheathing her sword and gun in one fluid motion, shifting into a defensive crouch. She tried to float Josh up into the air, but found the Magic assaulting him resisted her efforts. Instead, the intruding Magic force shoved Josh onto the ground and pinned him spread eagle.

Alice shivered as she sensed his arousal signal blaring louder in her mind's ear, and this time, she couldn't seem to dial the psychic noise down! As if the signal was drilling past her own defenses, insistently jamming itself into her own libido! Her body flushed with heat, her sex moistened beyond her control, and her breath became husky. She set down on the ground, standing next to the tortured boy, his body flooding her with his Lust Energy until she had to fight to stay on her feet, and not just tear her own clothes off and pounce on him!

Only her self-discipline as a Triad officer, and the spike of fear of what she knew was coming kept her focused. She wasn't stupid enough to try and tackle this on her own. She sent a psychic signal towards the Triad headquarters, pinging her Magic off the hard penis of their Radio Boy, alerting her partners of the incoming threat.

"AH! Stop! Make it stop!" Josh was in tears at her feet, and she refused to look at him, lest the sight of his turgid cock overtake her senses.

"Shush," she said, mostly to center herself. "Try as best as you can to stay calm. I promise I'll keep you safe."

Her erotic senses were being blinded by Josh's overclocked Energy venting right next to her, so she was unable to spot the thing by tracking its own Energy flow. Forcing herself to ignore the psychic siren of Josh's body, she focused only on her natural senses, trying to hear over Josh's moans and to see through the dark. She increased the strength of her lantern's flame, hovering the old-fashioned tool a bit higher, to light up a larger area.

She caught a glimpse of a pale body darting through the trees, getting closer even as it tried to flank her. She turned to follow it, only for it to dart back the other direction, closer this time. She cursed. Usually the creatures made a bee-line towards their targets, but this one was acting with at least some rudimentary cunning.

She turned to her right, even as she aimed her gun to her left, seeing if she could feint it and lead the shot. Whether by coincidence or actual awareness of her trick, the thing instead opted another approach. She heard a heavy skittering, and the branches overhead shook as the thing dashed up a trunk and across the canopy. She brought her gun up, readying her sword to block a hard dropkick from above, only for the pale shape to actually leap down several feet ahead of her, rebound off a nearby tree-trunk with uncanny agility, and drive a bare foot right into her exposed side before she could bring her sword down.

Fully juiced up with Lust Energy, a Sex Mage was several times physically stronger and tougher than their bodies should have allowed. A stick-thin woman weighing 90 pounds soaking wet could handily beat a man with 200 pounds of solid muscle in a wrestling or boxing match. Alice herself had once taken a bullet point blank from a pocket pistol and only suffered severe bruising.

This creature's heel hit her like a cannonball. Three wet cracks sounded as her ribs gave out on impact, and she was flung into a tree a dozen yards away, cracking a fourth and fifth rib as she smacked into a narrow birch trunk hard enough to split it near the base. Pain that even the Magic couldn't fully compensate for blinded her, and her weapons went flying off into the dark. Her lantern, meanwhile, thunked on the ground, the flame going out as her active Spell was cut off.

Josh let out a shriek of agony before the pale thing mounted him on both ends at once. Shaking her head and gritting her teeth, Alice forced herself to roll up onto her hands and knees. She narrowed her eyes and used the clairvoyance ability of the Magic to enhance her sight, psychically seeing what Josh was going through.

The creature was a relatively small one, thank god, but given how fast it was, how hard it hit, and its slightly smarter approach, that was a small comfort. The thing appeared, as all of its kind did, like a twisted, body horror mockery of the female form. Even here, it was less freakish than most, but no less disturbing. The creature looked like two lower female halves fused together at the ribs, both front-facing. As it stood tall on one set of legs, the second upper set poised somewhat like a mantis' claws. With both sets of legs extended straight, it would probably be about ten feet tall, but it walked in a partial crouch, long gangly legs giving it an almost spidery appearance. Both of its vaginas were drooling feminine fluids steadily, hungily seeking out a male to feed upon his Lust Energy.

It had already claimed Josh, crouching and bending over him, impaling itself on his tortured rod with one pussy, and then grinding its other pussy onto his mouth. The creature pumped pure Arousal commands into him, crushing the boy's genitals with sexual pressure, frying his mind with superhuman need! Utterly consumed in the monster's Aura, fully pinned down by its power, the boy frantically thrust his hips and licked at the female horror. Almost instantly, he tried to orgasm, and his Orgasm Block was torn asunder, allowing him to empty months worth of pent up cum inside the creature!

But the thing was not going to be satisfied with one burst! The creature fed off pure Lust Energy to sustain itself, not even enjoying the sex act, simply eating the boy's sexual essence, and it would not stop until he was a ragged, broken husk, overclocked and drained completely beyond Sex Magic's natural ability to keep him alive! Alice could sense his penis was now so hard, it really would explode from the sheer blood pressure, if the monsters own incredibly tight sex wasn't providing a proper counter-pressure! Even worse, the creature's corrupt Magic was boosting his semen production into truly dangerous levels, twenty, thirty, fifty times what it should have been! Only the fact he was being forced to unload his spunk several times a minute was keeping his seminal vesicles from similarly rupturing!

Alice grit her teeth as Josh's psychic arousal signal became a shrill scream in her mind's ear! Despite her own pain, her body was flush with sexual heat! Her own pussy began to drool fluid as freely as the monster's! Her hands shook as she fought not to clutch at herself! Her own Arousal Aura was starting to radiate beyond her control, partly contributing to Josh's torment! Worse still, however, the monster was somehow allowing her to be overcome by Josh's signal, but was not allowing her to absorb any of the Lust Energy! The monster was sucking down every erg of it, denying her the power necessary to keep her body enhanced or the cast her Spells! The pain of her broken ribs was growing as her Magic was denied to her.

Still, she wasn't completely down and out yet. A trick that set her apart from most Sex Mages was that unlike the average woman, she could actually keep a small amount of Lust Energy in reserve. Whereas most Mages needed active Lust Energy generation to fuel their Spells, their powers failing within seconds of that Energy being cut off, she was one of the few capable of holding a charge for several days before it faded naturally.

It wasn't a large reserve, but it had saved her in a pinch here and there. With her ribs busted, she wasn't going to waste it on enhancing herself to try and tackle the thing. She couldn't locate her gun, unfortunately, so pulling it to herself with telekinesis was out. So that left her with one trick. Lying prone, she extended her arm, and pointed two fingers at the monster's torso, raising her thumb and using it like an iron sight. A small tongue of flame ignited on the end of her fingers, and she concentrated all of her power into forming a bullet of pure fire. Waiting until the creature's pistoning motions paused during another of Josh's forced orgasms, she fired the tiny projectile with every ounce of Energy she had stored up.

Alice shrieked as the full pain of her injuries lashed through her, but her aim was true. The fire bullet struck the creature in the side, burning several inches into the warped flesh, before detonating inside of it with the force of a hand grenade.

The monster staggered back, flinging itself off Josh and flailing like an injured insect, bucking and kicking in frantic circles, twisting and curling as the smoldering hole in its side gave off the stink of burnt meat. Not having a mouth, it was unable to scream, but as it scuffled in the underbrush, it's power lashed out around it, and Josh's own cries voiced the monster's agony.

Unfortunately, it was only a temporary solution. Already, the Sex Magical creature was regenerating the wound, the Lust Energy it had already consumed working overtime to heal it from what would have been an instantly mortal injury on a normal human. The most Alice had really done was just make it hungrier as it now sought to replenish its lost Energy stores. With the wound still smoking, it moved to mount Josh again.

Alice tried to suck away as much Lust Energy for herself as she could while it was distracted, but she only managed a few sips worth before the monster clamped down on the flow again. She grit her teeth and looked around for her gun. She had recovered just enough power to maybe use a bit of telekinesis to pull it towards her, if she could just find the damn thing!

And then there was a flash and a boom of thunder, and the creature was sent sprawling once more, arcs of electricity crackling around it. Alice looked up to see another woman in a Triad uniform grinning down at her, standing atop a naked young man she was using as a Boy Board. The woman's red hair was puffed up into a wild mane as electric arcs flickered around her form.

"Shoulda waited fer back-up from the get go, Ally!"

Alice grit her teeth in a rueful grin. "Just kill the fucking thing, Nemo."

The manically grinning woman's icy blue eyes glowed with power as she jumped down off the naked man. She motioned for the man to land next to Alice, unfreezing him so he could move on his own. Alice recognized Rodger, one of her unit's regulars for emergency Boarding. The young man was two months pent up, the males of their unit kept in extended denial for just these sorts of emergencies. Alice grasped his cock and guided him to her mouth, greedily sucking the Lust Energy from him, charging up her reserves, and letting the pleasurable energy ease her pain as it started to repair her cracked ribs. She let herself go with the pleasure, shifting one hand down to rub herself, giving in to the joy of grooving off a poor guy's desperation. Nemo had made sure to really build Rodger up as she rode him out here!

The wild-haired woman, meanwhile, stalked over to where the leg monster was staggering back onto its feet. "Fuck, man, look at you! Do you freaks ever come out normal?"

The creature's only response was to fling itself at her with a kick so fast, it nearly broke the sound barrier. If the blow had connected, it could have caved in the side of a tank. It would have certainly crushed even a fully charged Sex Mage's skull like an egg shell.

If it had connected.

The thing didn't have enough of a mind to truly appreciate the feat, but Nemo's appreciated it for the both of them. The red-head had anticipated and dodged the kick with equal speed, grabbing the thing by its extended ankle, and whirling around to slam the creature into the dirt hard enough to leave a crater. Unfortunately, the thing was still fast enough to twist in her grip, land on its three free feet, anchor itself, and make another powerful push off the ground, attempting a mule kick with its trapped leg.

Nemo braced for the hit, bringing up her other arm to block the blow while maintaining her grip. She let the force of the push fling them into the air, only to reach out with her own legs, snag a tree branch, and use it as a pivot to redirect their arc back into the ground. As the two were flung towards the earth, Nemo's body lit up with a blinding light, and there was a thunderous boom as she unloaded a lightning bolt into the creature the moment they hit the ground.

The creature spasmed and bucked, kicking wildly, and Nemo's landing had lost her the advantage of leverage. One leg managed to snap up and whack her in the temple, knocking her back. The redhead was forced to let go of the creature, but managed to roll with the impact, somersaulting to her feet. Her body was still ablaze with electricity, little arcs rippling over her form as it glowed with a thin white aura. The monster managed to stagger back onto its feet, poising on all fours. The way it faced her, it was literally showing its ass at her, as though that were it's head.

Nemo sneered and cackled. "Not done, huh? Need another spanking?" The light around her body surged for a moment, then focused itself. From her fingers and bare toes, blue-white shards of light extended in several inch-long claws, electric arcs dancing along the lengths. From the sides of her head, curved blades of jagged light extended, and from her tail bone, a long, whip-light bolt of lightning curled into a bestial tail, ending in a wide, jagged fin. Her already wild hair fanned out further like a lion's mane. She crouched and gave a bestial snarl, daring the monster to charge.

The creature was not smart enough to understand fear. It did not even understand anger from being interrupted in its meal, nor did it truly register the pain of injury. All it could fathom was the hunger that drove it to prey upon humanity, and that it must overcome what obstacles it had to in order to feed. Undaunted by the Sex Mage's feral display, it bolted forward in another savage rush.

Nemo dodged its rush once more, this time moving to slash her electric claws to try and sever the leg. But this monster was smart enough to not get caught twice, whipping its front leg to the side to pivot its weight and drive both its hind legs into Nemo's side and knee. The electric woman barely managed to twist away, her knee getting clipped and causing her to stagger, but twisting herself so that her lightning tail lashed lengthwise down the leg-monster's back before it could press the advantage. Nemo managed to regain her footing as the creature skittered backwards. It hesitated as it crouched into a defensive position. Nemo saw the savage burn scar sizzling across its spine was taking longer to regenerate than the hole in its side had. Its powerful legs were quivering just slightly, and it stumbled a bit as it stepped.

The lightning woman grinned savagely and poised her claws to strike. This shouldn't take too much longer.

Alice meanwhile, was recovered enough that she was able to get back on her feet. She pulled Rodger along by his cock as she went over to Josh. The poor boy's body was still being drilled by the monster's power, his genitals on the verge of bursting! Alice took a breath, quickly stripped off her pants, and settled her sopping pussy down on his organ. She let out another shriek as his Lust Energy fired into her like a mystical geyser, and she totally lost herself! She clutched at Josh's chest with one hand, and yanked Rodger toward her, deep throating his cock and thrumming Pleasure Pulses down his length! The two men howled in extreme pleasure, and Josh came another overload of seed deep inside her! The shock of his climax sent her into one of her own, and she squealed and writhed a top him! Rodger was caught in the mystic surge, and his own Orgasm Block broke, causing him to pump his seed down Alice's throat!

The three spasmed in a tangle of joint climax, and her Energy reserves quickly overflowed! Her ribs finished healing within seconds, and her connection to Josh snapped fully into place, enabling her to override the monster's control! As she came down from her climax, she forcibly cooled down the cruel commands in the tortured boy's body, resetting his semen production to normal, and letting the blood flow return to a reasonable level. She settled herself on him, not riding him, just letting the Magic play between them, letting the healing effects ensure his penis and testicles were recovered, and that his body wasn't going to go into shock from exhaustion.

As she settled into recovering Josh, she released Rodger from her mouth, giving his cockhead a final kiss. She smiled up at him and motioned for him to have a seat against a nearby tree. Despite his training, the Boy Board had been knocked woozy from the sheer force of his orgasm, and he gladly took a rest.

Alice looked over to where her partner was finishing off the leg monster. Now that Alice had cut it off from its Energy source, the thing's injuries and fatigue were catching up to it fast. It attempted a clumsy whirlwind kick at Nemo, spinning to try and strike with three of its legs at once, but already, its strength was faltering badly and the lightning-laced woman casually dodged it. As it struggled to right itself, Nemo moved in for the kill, lunging with blinding speed to slash her electric claws deep into the creature's limbs. Severing the major muscles tendons on its legs, she rendered it helpless, its surprisingly miniscule amount of blood sizzling off her claws.

The torso flopped helplessly in the dirt, and once Nemo was certain the thing wasn't able to lash out at her, she pounced on top of it and jammed her claws and tail blade deep into its spine. There was no telling if the creature had a functioning brain or heart or other core organ to damage for a true killing blow, so she just had to inflict the worst injuries she could, until the Magic that suffused it completely burned itself out. Repeatedly slashing and goring the thing for nearly a minute, electrifying and burning its flesh with every blow, Nemo bled her own reserves dry trying to eviscerate the thing. Finally, just as her electrical aura began to flicker, the thing gave one final shudder, and began to evaporate. All the meat and bone and blood that had once composed the creature turned into a red steam that wafted into the air for several seconds before vanishing completely, as if the creature had never existed at all.

Nemo let out a huge sigh of relief, sagging down to her knees as the electricity around her body flickered out. Even her hair seemed to sag as the static force vanished. She got shakily to her feet and trudged over to where the other three were.

Alice was just finishing up on Josh, who lay passed out beneath her. She slid off his body, pulling out a cloth from her uniform pocket to wipe herself down with. From another pocket, she pulled out a fresh pair of panties to wear, putting her soaked pair in a small laundry pouch before sliding her pants back on.

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