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Click here***This is my first attempt at a story on Literotica. This story has been in the works for some time now, but have been apprehensive to share. I have much more to ready to submit, so please let me know if you like it and want to read more!
Any constructive criticism, or feedback is greatly appreciated!
I am going through the rest of what I have already written to be ready for submission! So updates should come in a reasonable amount of time!
***The sexy scenes are in those chapters, and won't take long to get to! ;)
If you're eager to see what's next, just let me know in the comments!
Thank you!!!
Quinn Harden moved like fluid behind the crowded bar, never truly aware of the faces she served she was too broken to actually look at human beings as just that anymore, they were all instruments of pain clothed as sheep. She'd never truly look anyone in the eye as they ordered their poison to drink while they watched the fighters in the octagon. Many tried for her attention, patrons, fighters, employees, even the random people on the street.
She fumbled a little still to blend in and adapt to the world around her as she gathered orders and made the drinks, but she covered the awkwardness she was cursed with from birth by emulating her surroundings, mimicking the behavior of others in whatever situation she found herself. The naked eye wouldn't notice the quivering girl behind the mask. If she had a degree, or any formal education to speak of, she would be a master in the fields of sociology and psychology. She observed everything while seeming to be oblivious at the same time, but none of it mattered anymore, she simply existed and survived. Living life was a right she long ago had convinced herself was something she no longer had the ability or right to possess.
She had changed her appearance as she found herself seeking an escape in crossfit and toned up, as a result.
Then her hair, eye color with contacts, then eventually some dental work and whitening.
She looked entirety different than her old self, and was states away from her old life noe in a bustling city where she could blend in among crowds rather than stand out or even be noticed, unlike the small town she ran from to get here.
No matter where life would take her, she would never allow herself friends,or relationships again. People only hurt others and would crush you if you let them.
"Pretty girl like yourself can't smile?" came the voice of Travis, who had just finished his fight, having only lasted 5 rounds. Travis wasn't overly impressive in skill but had amazing potential, and improved slightly every week.
Ignoring his compliment and flirtation, Quinn handed two girls the fruity drinks they'd ordered and their change as they drooled over Travis's boy next door smile and blue eyes that smiled as well, his dirty blonde, always tousled hair he looked more like he belonged on a surfboard, rather than in a cage fighting.
Quinn opened two bottles of beer for the men next to the girls who just left with their cheerleader drinks, giggling and blushing after Travis flashed them that smile as they passed by. Neither aware they were now being heavily eyed by either of the two men becoming more and more obvious about their intentions with every drink they consumed.
The beer bottles being smacked on the bar abruptly startled both men from the gutters their minds currently were residing.
"That'll be $8.50... gentlemen." Quinn said harshly but even toned and cool, at the 40 something year olds, who both were now staring her down. Quinn didn't flinch a bit, holding them with her stare, finally one conceded and threw a $20 bill on the bar, grabbing his buddy by the arm.
"Buy yourself some lessons in customer service with the change." he snarled as they left the bar.
Travis intently watched as Quinn never ceased to surprise him one day to the next. She never spoke unless she had to, but when she did, it was forceful and to the point.
What he wouldn't give for her to let him in, but despite his best efforts she never let down her guard or even showed the slightest interest in him.
Quinn knelt down to the small fridge below the bar, and emerged with two bottles of a vitamin and electrolyte blue drink. Travis liked the flavored ones, so she always held two back for him when she was on shift.
"That all?" she asked, casually placing the drinks in front of him, then bent to close the mini fridge door.
"Ah." he said picking up the bottles, smiling like a boy on Christmas morning.
"There IS some kindness below that iron and steel yet." he winked at her as he opened the first bottle.
"Keep it in your pants surfer boy." she replied without even looking at him as she started wiping down the bar that was already clean. "There's plenty of that unflavored shit down there, too."
The corners of her mouth twitched slightly, but she never smiled.
"You're a rubix cube indeed Quinn, but I'll peel the stickers from you yet." He laughed, before downing the open bottle.
"See you later, beautiful!" Travis flirted as he left for the locker room.
"Boys." Quinn said to herself tossing the towel back in its place but missing the sanitizer bucket it hit the floor instead.
Reaching to pick it up, suddenly she froze in place. Her veins flowed with ice while fire engulfed her body as her heart began to pound rapidly threatening to break her sternum and run from her body.
"SHIT! Not now." she pleaded to herself, hyperventilating hard enough she was certain she would pass out at any given moment.
Panic attacks hadn't been as common anymore for her, but this one was hitting her full force out of the clear blue sky. Her eyes darted in every direction, searching for anything to explain the sudden appearance.
Reality was like a dream as she watched from another place no longer in her own body.
"Adrian!" she heard her voice call out to the bar manager.
"I'll be right back!"
Not waiting for a response her legs took off on their own toward the staff bathroom.
Quinn could only pray it was vacant, watching from whatever place she was trapped outside her own place of consciousness as she ran like the devil himself was after her.
Rayden Cage, notoriously the most formidable fighter in the state, and neighboring states. Also the owner of the club, and every other club of its nature in the state.
He'd taken over his father's empire as teenager learning the business from the man he idolized and made their family's legacy indelible.
He worked hard, no rest, no mercy, making himself untouchable. Night after night he prowled the catwalk observing the kingdom he ruled with an iron fist from above.
Quinn had caught his attention around a month ago after she started working the bar. She truly didn't look different to the usual spectator as she tended bar, wore flattering clothes showing only enough skin to aid in tip making, unlike other girls who wore as minimal clothing as required.
Quinn was different. Behind her otherwise impenetrable exterior she was no more comfortable in her own skin than she was the semi-revealing, tight clothing.
Her eyes never made contact with another as she learned how to fake even the simplest form of human interaction.
Even from afar, Rayden could see she had a thousand yard stare however.
Gazing down he smirked watching Travis, the 'boy next door' trying night after night to even scratch the surface.
And night after night, failing to even win a smile from Quinn, those boyish charms were wasted, as she had long ago pushed the world out, that was crystal clear to Rayden being just as guarded and cold.
Rayden was intrigued, and nothing intrigued him. He couldn't even remember if anything ever had at all at this point.
Rayden Cage certainly had his pick of the litter when it came to wooing the ladies needless to say by the amazing body years of training at becoming a skilled fighter sculpted out for him. He had the discipline and demeanor of a trained assassin which gave him an heir of mystery that was every bit as intriguing to everyone he met.
Add to that already impressive list of traits his money and power, it was more than obvious that not a single girl he even remotely desired even for a night was ever out of his reach. If he was of any other persuasion he could have his pick of the males also, but that wasn't where his bread was buttered.
Quinn reminded him of the White Rabbit something followed her, no matter how hard she tried to she shake it. He watched as Quinn stared down two men buying drinks that obviously had gotten under her skin enough that she came out of her shell long enough to interact and speak more than minimal amount required.
"Feisty underneath all that armor, aren't we little rabbit?" Rayden chuckled to himself.
Travis having lost another battle had left the bar downing that flavored shit Quinn always gave him still thinking he had a chance in hell at wooing Quinn.
Rayden almost felt bad for the boy. Almost.
"What is you're hiding, Rabbit? Surely Alice doesn't chase you still." he said aloud.
Suddenly Quinn froze in place, as if from 77 feet she heard him. Her eyes darted frantically searching for something unknown even to her. She was absolutely terrified. The next fight was about to start shifting the crowd to the arena away from the bar but that wasn't easing her.
Finally, she found her voice and called out something to Adrian the bar manager then bolted without waiting for a response.
"You can't hide little rabbit, you've already been captured." Rayden smiled to himself, lighting a cigarette as he watched her disappear through the doors leading backstage to the employees only area.
With a long inhale, he closed his eyes, before exhaling the smoke. The image of Quinn danced behind his eyelids.
Rayden made his way down catwalk stairs quickly. She might have escaped Alice again, but she wasn't escaping him. She was already his. Whether either of them knew it or not.
To be continued...
I'm sorry for still not updating this story after so long... Life just doesn't want to let you on me and I can't even talk about it anymore. I'm sorry... I promise I'll bring rayden and Quinn back soon.
I just submitted chapters 2 & 3 now! Hopefully they'll be published soon!
I’m enjoying this so far ! Can’t wait for the next release .
Thank you all for the feedback, I do have Chapters 2 and 3 written, but am trying to get editing done asap. I run them through Google doc & other writing programs but seemi to get hung up with the run on sentences and grammar some of you mentioned. I try to be precise about that, but obviously have been out of writing too long and forgot some key things to creating a story dialogue that isn't wordy or just plain painful to read in some ways! Thank you all SO much for the comments and votes for my first chapter. I never thought Quinn and Rayden would be loved so much right off the bat! And it means the world to me!!! You have no idea! I'll let you know once I'm able to submit and hopefully the wait won't be too long now!
XoXo! ~Quinn
I couldn’t really get into the story because of numerous grammatical errors and run on sentences. Finally gave a couple paragraphs in.
Please get an editor.