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She's forced into a new career to pay off debts.
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When I was younger I lived a quite outlandish life. I partied, I travelled, I entertained. I spent lots of money that I didn't have. My plastic friends were great – I just didn't give it another thought. When my cards were full, I borrowed money from people I shouldn't have. At the end of the spending came the truth. I was over £20,000 in debt, to a variety of credit card companies, and latterly the loan sharks who inhabit the low life of London.

They came asking for their money. When I couldn't pay, they started threatening me. Violence, on my property and my self. I didn't believe them until a couple of heavies came to my flat, burst in and trashed every item in my flat. They didn't touch me....that was for next time.

I tried running. I went to stay with one of the true friends I had. One who hadn't deserted me as soon as the money ran out. But they knew. They had ways of finding out. I returned one evening to my friends after a day's job hunting to find my friend beaten up. She was lying on the bathroom, her face was bleeding profusely from punches and kicks, her arm had been broken, as well as a couple of her ribs. The hospital doctors said it was one of the worst beatings they had ever seen. I felt terrible. I had brought this on my friend. As soon as she was confirmed as OK I returned to my flat. I was being watched, for as soon as I had arrived, the heavies were back. I wished I were dead. I thought that I probably would be when they had finished with me. I pleaded with them. But there was something about their manner which confused me. They were asking questions. Not beating the shit out of me. What was going on?

After ten minutes of details of my personal life, if I had a boyfriend, what I liked in bed, if I had ever been photographed naked, having sex..... they looked at each other, considering something. This was it.....pain, hurt....death? But instead, they told me to get a coat and escorted me from the flat. We walked for ten minutes, then round into a cul de sac where I was bundled into a waiting car. One of the brutes drove – the other came in the back with me. He told me to put my head down on his lap. A dark blanket covered my head.

We drove for 45 minutes. Stop. Go. Through the streets of London, through the rush hour madness. I wasn't sure where we were when we finally stopped. East London would have been my guess. We walked into a building which looked like a warehouse. I was taken up a flight of stairs and pushed roughly into a dark room. The door was closed behind me and locked. There was minimal light from a small window high above my head. The room contained nothing. No furniture, shelving, nothing. I sat on the floor. I still had the blanket. I wrapped it around my shoulders and put my head into my hands and cried myself to sleep.

I awoke with some sunlight coming though the window. I could hear no sounds from the building. I needed to pee, so I pulled down my panties and squatted in the corner. I wiped myself with some tissues I had in my coat pocket and pulled up my pants. My waiting continued for what seemed hours.

I was starting to think that they weren't coming back when I heard noises. My door was unlocked and the two hoods came crawling in the room, big smiles on their faces.

"You're going to see Mr Christos. You better be on your best behaviour."

A warning of sorts! But what the hell did it mean?

We made our way through narrow corridors and past a windowed room. Empty apart from a large cheap table in the middle. Two chairs stood at the table facing each other. One chair contained a man, looking impatient, with dark short hair, wearing a long, expensive looking coat and a well tailored suit. He looked about 55, perhaps 60. He had the unmistakable look of a Mediterranean. His voice confirmed his Greek origins as he spoke his first words, which were addressed to the two monkeys.

"Strip her!"

There was a delay as the command sunk in.

"Quick" he shouted and the two moved to me and quickly and efficiently stripped me naked, leaving my clothes on the floor. I didn't help, but I also didn't resist. I was too afraid.

I stood, arms by my side as the old man looked at my body.

"Turn around" he said, more gently this time. He inspected me as if looking over a second hand car. He gave nothing away as he looked.

"Put your foot up on the table"

I hesitated, but he nodded to me, a warning not to resist. I was now standing with my legs far apart. He sat and looked from my foot up my legs and to my crotch. He seemed happy with the state of my pussy – neatly trimmed like a V shaped Brazilian.

After he finished his inspection, he told me to sit. I faced him, now starting to feel cold. He looked at me. My stomach turned.

Minutes passed. Finally, he broke the silence.

"Miss Hills. I understand that you owe the gentleman who employs these two a great deal of money. And that you are unable to repay these debts."

He spoke slowly and very deliberately. I nodded.

"I have a problem which you may be able to assist with and for which I would be willing to write off your liability. Would that be of interest to you?"

Again I nodded.

"Good" he replied. He continued. "I am about to start the filming of my latest film. Unfortunately, one of my leading ladies has met with a quite unfortunate accident and I require someone with certain talents."

"I've never acted before" I meekly answered. He smiled. "The roles for which I need you require little in the way of acting ability. A young, attractive, sexually active woman in her 20s should have all of the experience that I need. My friends here tell me you are sexually experimental and should have little problems with the role."

My fears were answered. A porno film. But the promise of having my debts cancelled was also too appealing.

"What would I have to do?"

He smiled again. A tolerant, friendly smile.

"My dear, the role will require nothing you haven't tried with your numerous boyfriends."

A pause.

"Or girlfriends," he added, smiling again. "The film is about a Victorian family, about lust, about the love of two sisters and family love. You will have sex with men and women and you will enjoy it. You will do exactly as you are told. "

"Yes" I answered.

Suddenly he rose and spoke to the heavies.

"Bring her to the Annex. Tonight. I want wardrobe to get working as soon as possible. After that, bring her to me."

He quickly left the room without a backward glance and the two heavies took the opportunity to maul my naked body, as I tried to dress.

They returned to the storeroom and one of the guys followed me into the room. He told his colleague to fetch some food and I was alone with this gorilla.

My fear was rape. I wasn't naïve enough to think that the sight of my naked body wouldn't have some effect on this gorilla. But he wanted to humiliate me. He called me a slut, a whore and a porno bitch who had to sell her ass to the whole world to pay her debts. It wasn't nice, but it was better than a beating or being raped by "Guy". His continued taunts were ended with the return of Gorilla II with some bananas. Well, sandwiches to be precise. I was famished and ate my share with gusto. They laughed at me and the taunts about me eating more than bread and cheese began.

After lunch, I asked to go and get some stuff. Toiletries, clothes. They agreed and we set off, again with the blanket. I grabbed what I could with the two goons keeping close attention. They said little whilst together – more once the other was out of earshot, as if afraid about reports of their behaviour would get back to the "boss", whoever he was. My questions about the film, where the "Annex" was or anything else were met with silence or "You'll find out soon enough."

We drove off and again I was hidden from view. We drove for a couple of hours and it was dusk as I was pulled from the powerful car. Wherever it was, the building was large, and barn like. In fact, it was the remains of a large farm yard and had been converted to a film studio. I was taken to a small residential block, with about 20 basic bedrooms and a single shower and toilet room. The place was empty – I dropped off the meagre supplies on the one double bed in my allocated room and joined the heavies. We walked in the gathering dark to another building, somewhat less basic, but hardly in the five star hotel category.

I was escorted into a large hall, filled with tables and I took a seat as a stew was served to me. I ate hungrily – the stew was good. Lamb and vegetables made for a tasty, filling meal. Four guys and a blonde girl entered and sat near my table. We acknowledged each others presence and nothing else. I learnt later that these were technicians. A further group, looking somewhat more "industrial" joined us – from the snatches of conversation I heard they seemed to be responsible for deigning and building the set.

After my meal I was taken to yet another building – this time well appointed and very opulent. I sat on a massive red leather sofa and waited. My "keepers" left and within five minutes I was joined by Christos, this time looking less stressed than at the morning session.

"Hello my dear" he said. "how are you?"

I shrugged my shoulders and was alarmed when he told me to follow him. We went upstairs and I was shown into a large bedroom dominated by a four poster bed. He spoke in a quiet, deliberate and faintly menacing way as he told me to strip. Once again, I removed all my clothes for him. He sat on the bed and told me to come to him.

"Show me how good you are." He said.

I sat next to him on the bed. He was old enough to be my grandfather. I placed a hand on his crotch, immediately feeling his erection. I slowly undid his trousers, and his boxers. When his cock was free, I slowly licked around his mushroom head, paying particular attention to his hole. I licked down his rod, tracing the heightened veins down to his hairy balls. I took both of them in my mouth, one at a time, sucking and licking on them like sweets. Back to his cock I went, this time taking him into my mouth. Just the head to start with, then I opened my mouth wide and slowly let him fill my mouth, deeper and deeper. I stopped when my mouth was full, and looked at his tortured face. When he looked at me I forced his cock down my throat, all in one violent motion. I started to bob my head down faster, enjoying the feeling of his meat deep inside my mouth and throat. I cupped his balls in my hand, manipulating them as I continued to suck his cock.

He didn't last long before he shot a load of cum at the back of throat. It was a shock and I released him from between my lips. He shot another load over my face, He seemed to enjoy his orgasm as he moaned in delight as he covered my face with his thick creamy emissions.

"You are good!" he moaned. "You will do well in my film"

He stood and replaced his cock in his trousers. "Come with me" he said.

I followed him into the next room, darkened. He opened another door and we walked into a games room dominated by a billiards table at which two guys were playing, watched by three elegant women seated on two leather sofas. He introduced me as his new film star to his two sons, their wives and his own wife. I was extremely self-conscious – I was naked, and my face was covered with her husband's sperm. If it affected me, it seemed to have little effect oh them. His wife rose and thanked me for the pleasure I had given her husband. She took out a handkerchief and wiped away the sperm from my face. Christos brought drinks for everyone from a cabinet. I was handed a large balloon glass of brandy. The two sons barely gave me a second look and continued their game.

Christos chatted to the three women about his film, and I gleaned a little of the plot. I was barely spoken too and was getting cold without clothes. Christos seemed to notice and asked his sons to accompany back to my room. The guys reluctantly put down their cues and took me back to my room. I noticed that several of the other rooms were now occupied. Including mine.

I girl, older than I, sat on my bed. She seemed totally unfazed by my arrival and continued a conversation on her mobile. After a minute or two, she said her goodbyes (to her boyfriend, I assumed) and smiled at me.

"Hi, I'm Mandy"

I told her my name and asked if this was her room.

"Ours" she corrected me. Due to the large number of people on the set, we would need to "bunk up" as she put it. I put on a gown that was hanging from the back of the door and we learnt a little about each other. She was a veteran of porno films and had done a number of low budget films for Christos. She had been hired through one of the agencies she was a member of. She said she expected to be here a week. It was well past 10 and I thought a shower would be a good idea. Mandy thought so too and we made our way down the block to the communal shower room. The water was refreshing and we were alone. As she showered I took a furtive look at Mandy – she had a quite gorgeous body with short black hair. I was ashamed to say I took quite an interest in her pussy, which was completely shaven with lovely pink lips. She asked me to rub her back and as I started to soap her, two guys entered the shower completely naked. I was taken aback, not so much by their arrival as by their cocks, which swung down well towards their knees.

"My God!", I thought. "What wedding tackle"

They obviously knew Mandy as they let out a cry of "Fuck, its Randy!"

Mandy turned and as she saw them she cracked a big smile and rushed over to them. There were very close hugs and kisses for both of them. I continued to wash myself as they caught up with all of their news. I grabbed for my towel and started to leave when they suddenly remembered me and Mandy supplied all of the introductions. I left Mandy, Steve and James to it and returned to our room.

Feeling much refreshed I put on my tshirt I had brought to sleep in and climbed wearily into bed.

Sleep was obviously not on the agenda as the threesome returned after another ten minutes. The guys had been back to their room and had brought some wine and we all had a glass of cheap Merlot. The atmosphere was good and Steve and Mandy seemed to get on very well – flirtation turned to more overt sexual behaviour and it didn't surprise me when the two of them suddenly disappeared at around midnight. James had been talking more and more to me as the other two became more entangled in each other. He was very cute, mid twenties, short brown hair, well spoken and very funny, if a little shy. He explained he was sharing a room with Steve but felt he might be interrupting something if he went back. We both laughed. He offered to try to find another room to stay in, but I put my hand on his and said "Stay here please".

We kissed, softly at first, then more deeply and passionately. He was only dressed in a gown and as we fell to the bed I pulled at his cord to expose his body and that awesome cock. He was on his back and I was on top of him, my hands exploring between his thighs. His cock was stiff, long and wide. God, I wanted it inside me. But first, I wanted a closer look so I made my way down his torso, kissing and touching his skin as I went. His cock was standing up firm, almost to his navel. I marvelled at the beauty of it. I planted kisses down the length of his shaft loving the way it reacted to the touch of my lips and tongue. I took him into my mouth and started to suck him slowly. He pulled me round so that my legs straddled his face and he began to lick my labia. The classic 69 is a position I love and his tongue was expertly bringing me crashing to an intense and satisfying orgasm. I was taking perhaps two thirds of his cock down my throat, more as my orgasm started to build. I came with my clit being suckled deep into his mouth and his tongue flicking the tip of my hard bud. His fingers were buried deep inside my vagina, knuckles rubbing hard against my g-spot. My orgasm lasted ages and my moans got louder and louder. I was suddenly aware of another presence and saw Mandy join me at the business end and start to suck his balls into her mouth. James started to moan and as Mandy and I swapped, she amazed me by taking the whole of his cock deep down her throat. A second cock came into my view as Steve shoved his wet, slick meat towards my throat. I took him deep into my mouth and sucked him. Mandy and I swapped a couple of times before James unleashed a stream of hot jism from his cock. It sprayed over Mandy face and my breasts.

As the hot cum hit my face Steve went behind me and buried his cock deep into my pussy from behind. James extricated himself and went to work on Mandy, first with his expert tongue then wih her legs high in the air, he started to fuck her. I watched in awe as his cock penetrated her and couldn't believe how her vagina took his full length. I was about to find out as the guys swapped and James positioned himself at my bum and slid his cock into my waiting cunt. He penetrated me slowly and his entrance seemed to take forever. When he was fully in, I could feel the pressure of his cock head on my cervix. When he started to thrust with some speed and passion, I felt as if I was being punctured. The pain was also accompanied by the pleasure of my cunt being stretched as he sawed into me. My clit was on fire and I came again and again as he rammed me again and again. Suddenly, I felt his climax inside of me, and I came again, fiercely. He withdrew and I watched his cock slick with love juices. I wanted to taste but Mandy was too quick for me. She licked him with relish, tasting the exquisite mixture. I sought out Steve, but his cock had been licked clean by the voracious appetite of Mandy. I lay down exhausted and Steve and I kissed what I thought would be a goodnight kiss.

Mandy had other ideas. As Steve and I kissed she put her head between my legs and started to lick at my lips and clit. My clit was so sensitive I could hardly take much of her tongue, and she lapped deep inside my vagina tasting the cum that James had so generously donated.

The guys turned Mandy around and they watched as we performed a 69 for them. Mandy's pussy was incredible tasty with a heady mixture of salty cum and her own musky, rich aroma. We gave each other mini-orgasms as we continued to lap at each others cunts for 30 or 40 minutes. When finally Mandy collapsed onto the bed the guys applauded us for the performance. Their cocks had once again swelled, obviously turned on by our Sapphic display.

We debated if we should let them fuck us again, or suck them off. The guys smiled at each other, kissed us both and went back to their room. We looked at each other and burst out laughing. It seems like the last action of the night would be between two consenting adults, behind closed doors.

After a couple of minutes, we decided that that wasn't fair – they had enjoyed us make love to each other and we wanted to see them do the same. We crept to their room – both of us completely naked. When we burst into the room we were greeted by our two hunks lying flat on their backs being ridden by two young girls. We shrugged our shoulders and went back to bed.

At two in the morning we cuddled close and slept arm in arm until the sounds of a new dawn filtered through to the room.

We were asked to attend a meeting at 1, with lunch preceding it at 12. After a nice buffet of mixed salads, we took our places in a hall where the film director addressed us all. The guys joined us just before the start and explained that they had picked up the two admin girls before seeing us in the shower. They had arranged to see them later. They said we were better fucks so that kept us happy.

The director told us we had limited time to shoot the picture and therefore fuck-ups were not allowed. He handed us over to a middle aged woman who looked like she should have been a head mistress. She talked through the story in a totally matter of fact way.

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