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Click hereAs the memory of the day faded, her perspective of it changed ever so slightly. The raw terror and fury became tempered with the thrill of remembered risk. It was like the roller coaster ride she had taken as a teenager. She screamed and vomited bit afterwards, she jabbered about it.
Still, she knew Jake was trouble and she should stay away but there was something in the way he used her. She'd sucked Dean's cock that evening but there was nothing there. Dean lay back like a lazy fuck turning the whole cocksucking experience into a chore, much like carrying groceries inside from the car. Something that needed to be done. Dean for his part grunted, came and went to sleep leaving Emily with a mouthful of his cum.
She got out of bed, walked past the ensuite and crept downstairs. Using just the light of the microwave, she walked over to the fridge and pulled open the door. Light from the fridge flooded the room. She reached inside and grabbed the bottle of milk and unscrewed the cap. Carefully, she lined up over the top and dribbled the cum carefully through the neck of the bottle. She twisted the cap back on, rocked the bottle back and forth for a few seconds, put it back in the fridge then crept back upstairs. She crawled into bed and lay awake for hours, staring at the ceiling.
The days turned into weeks and Emily didn't return to her normal self. She became quiet and introspective. Dean was too busy with his work to notice. They often skipped each other's evening meals. It was only over the breakfast table that they routinely are together, a meal that Dean skipped more and more often no matter how much Emily told him there was nothing wrong with the milk.
A month after the party, Dena had a week conference out of town. Early in the morning he work, got dress and slipped out the door while Emily pretended to be asleep in the bed. Eventually sleep over took her.
At 7:00 am her alarm blared and her arm snaked out from under the sheets and bashed it silent.
At 8:05 am she flipped back the covered and stared at the ceiling. The cool air from the room flowed over her body so she pulled the overs back over.
At 8:45 am, she reached out and grabbed her phone off the dresser. She lifted it up and flicked through her contacts. With a jab of the finger she lifted the phone to her ear and waited for the call to be answered.
"Arthur here."
"Hi Arthur. It's Emily." Her voice was distorted from lying on the bed.
"You don't sound too good, Emily."
"I don't feel too good. I won't be in today."
"I hope it's nothing serious."
"I don't think so."
"Look after yourself, Emily. Let's see how you feel tomorrow."
"Thanks, Arthur. Talk tomorrow."
Emily reached over and poured the phone out of her hand onto the dresser and huddled under the covers.
After Emily got up, she spent the day shopping. She brought some new clothes and new shoes but didn't get the buzz she normally got from new purchases. On a whim, she walked out of the main mall and into the strip of run down shops on the street. A cacophony of small specialist retailers assaulted her. There was a candle maker, a massage parlour, two second hand shops and tucked almost out of sight, a doorway with a curtain.
Carrying her bags of shopping, she pushed her way through the curtain and stepped into a tiny space filled with the strangest shapes. Dildos lined the shelf to her left and on her right, hung devices of all sorts of materials, rubber, leather, lycra and metal. She browsed the shelves, excited at the risqué nature of the goods. What would Dean think flashed across her mind. She pressed her lips together and pressed on, determined to buy something.
Along the back of the shop was a shelf lined with movies. Skin adorned the covers and the titles left little to the imagination. She flicked through them for a few seconds, caressing their smooth plastic, her fingertips running over images of naked women. Her hand stopped over one with a busty blonde in an almost impossible string bikini on the cover. She picked it up, turned it around and read the blurb. The next had a slim brunette, then a petite Asian girl with short black hair surrounded by a group of men. Another caught her eye, a group of women stood in a line, naked, on the cover, their arms around each other.
"Are you going to buy those?"
Emily whirled to see a small bearded man behind a tiny counter.
"I said, are you going to buy those."
She looked down at her small armful of movies and then looked up. The bearded shopkeeper's eyes roved up and down her body. Emily felt naked, objectified and, strangely aroused.
She poured the movies onto the tiny counter.
"I'll take the lot."
"It's five for the price of four. You can choose one more," the shopkeeper said with a smirk.
Flustered, Emily turned back to the shelf and hastily grabbed another movie. She dropped it onto the pile only to see a slim blonde beauty kneeling with her wrists cuffed behind her back.
The shopkeeper's eyebrows shot up.
She pulled the cash out of her purse and tossed it down.
When Emily got home she dumped the shopping into the couch in the lounge. She reached into the bag that held the movies and took the first one out. It was the busty blonde. She cracked open the case and slipped it into the Blu-ray. She watched as a series of warning messages played in sequence then the menu displayed. She paused, her fingers equidistant from the eject and the play button.
She stabbed her finger forward and cheesy music filled the room as the movie settled on an opening scene inside a house. The woman on the cover wearing a pencil dress with stripper heels walked into the scene and called out. The sound quality was appalling and everything echoed from the boom of the closing door, to the tap of her heels to the sound of her voice. Emily grimaced but sat down to watch anyway, the remote held lazily in one hand.
The scene progressed quickly, the woman seeming to need little excuse to come onto the man she found in the house and almost no excuse at all to remove her clothes. The man cupped her now bare breasts as see looked up into his eyes.
The doorbell rang. Emily frantically hit the mute button then walked into the kitchen and flicked on the camera. The area was empty. She snorted then grabbed a packet of crisps and walked back into the lounge.
The blonde woman, now kneeling, had pulled the man's slacks down to mid-thigh. When Emily unmuted the TV, a soft slurping filled across the room. A shot of heat ran through Emily's core. She remembered the encounter with Jake and nearly being caught in the act and the excitement she felt after. She then wondered what it would be like to be that woman, naked, kneeling, one hand wrapped around the shaft of a man's cock, mouth exploring the tip, all the while surrounded by people filming every detail. She shifted in the seat as her panties dampened.
The doorbell rang again. She frowned and hit mute on the TV and stood up and glancing over her shoulder at the kneeling blonde, walked towards the kitchen. She flicked on the camera but the front door area remained empty. She snapped off the camera and threw herself back onto the couch and unmuted the TV again.
The sounds were wet and furious as the woman had increased her tempo and was sucking the man off with gusto. She alternated between vigorously fisting him then sucking, taking his share deep into her mouth, cheeks dimpling. Emily's hand moved down towards her crotch.
The doorbell rang again. Emily threw the remote onto the couch and stormed into the kitchen. She snapped the camera on, saw nothing then snapped it off again. Flinging the door open, she stormed down the stairs to the front door and threw it open. Nothing. She peeked outside, stepped back and slammed the door shut.
Emily turned a jumped back with a gasp. Jake stood behind her, casually leaning, one hand on the banister.
"How the fuck did you get in?"
Jake held out his arm and dangled a set of keys from his fingers. Emily lunged at the keys but Jake coolly snatched them away.
"Where did you get those?"
"Dean did not."
Jake smirked. "He did."
"Why would Dean give you keys to my house?" She planted her hands on her hips.
"His house."
"Our house."
"Whatever. It's his house too."
Emily pressed her lips together and glowered.
Jake glanced around then focused back on Emily. "Perhaps Jake wanted me to check up on his stuff. Make sure his things were OK." Jake flashed his eyebrows.
Emily's brow furrowed then she snarled. "I am not one of Dean's things."
Jake leaned back. "Apparently not."
"What does that mean?"
"It means I don't think you are that into Dean."
"How dare you."
Emily's nostrils flared and her jaw clenched.
Jake waited. "Well?" he asked.
The silence hung between them.
"Hell, I doubt he pays much attention. Would he even recognize your ass if he saw it."
"Of course."
"That didn't sound convincing."
Emily glared but said nothing.
"What about your pussy, then? If he saw it would he recognize your folds?"
"What's your problem, Jake?"
"I thought you were a kinky bitch. After more than he could give. Dissatisfied. I'm here to educate you."
"Get out."
The silence returned. Then quietly at first but with growing clarity, the sound of a woman moaning in ecstasy drifted down the stairs.
"Well, well, well," Jake said. Then he swung around the end of the banister and raced up the stairs.
Emily lunged after him. "No you don't. No you don't."
Jake easily made the landing long before Emily and followed the source of the sound into the lounge. Emily caught up panting slightly from the effort and stood one hand at the door.
On the screen, the man, now fully naked, knelt behind the woman who was on hands and knees. One hand rested on her hip and the other held a fistful of her hair which he used to pull her head back as he fucked her vigorously. His soft grunts and slapping of hips against her ass he thrust all but drowned by the woman's extravagant, loud moans.
Emily's face burned and her ears were on fire as her fingers dug into the doorframe.
Jake fixed her with a state and grinned. "Is this how you pass the time when Dean is out of town." He looked down and then, to Emily's horror, pulled one of the other movies out of the bag. He held it up. It was the group of girls. He placed it on the coffee table and reached in for the next one. It was the brunette.
"You have quite a variety of tastes, don't you?"
The brunette joined the group of girls on top of the coffee table. Jake reached in again and pulled out the Asian girl surrounded by men.
"Quite a variety."
The Asian woman and her male partners joined the other two movies. Jake reached in again.
"Oh dear," he said. "What have we here?"
Emily went weak at the knees and her face burned white hot. Jake held it up for her to see. The blonde on her knees with her wrists cuffed behind her back. Jake examined the front and the back then the front again.
"She looks familiar." He held the movie up for her to see. "Resemble anyone?"
"Fuck you, Jake."
"Fuck me? It's not like I have my doppleganger on a porno," he said with a smirk. "She looks just like you."
"it's not what it looks like." Emily crossed her arms.
"Really? Looks to me like the husband of a dissatisfied housewife left town and she is making up for lost time."
"How dare you!"
"So how's it going with Dean? Is he satisfying his little vixen?" Jake extended his hand towards the table. "Does this look like the work of a satisfied vixen?"
Emily was silent, her lips a tight line. She glanced at the screen and the scene had changed. The woman was still kneeling and facing away from the camera. The man, still naked with a hard turgid cock, reached across the woman's back with his left hand, using it to pull her ass cheeks apart. The middle finger of his right hand, extended, circled her ass. Then slowly he pressed it inside. The scene cut to the woman's face as she grunted and flinched. When it cut back, the finger was halfway inside. The woman gasped, grunted then swore. "Oh, fuck," she groaned.
Jake sneered at Emily. "That turns you on doesn't it." He stepped closer to Emily.
"It does not," she replied.
Jake sniffed the air. "You're wet "
"Don't be stupid. There no way you can tell from that."
"So I'm right?" Jake moved closer still.
Emily shut her mouth. Her panties were drenched. On the screen, the man removed the finger and lined up the head of his dick on her puckered asshole then pressed, slowly pushing inside to the sound of the woman's laboured breathing.
Jake obviously knew from the sounds on the screen exactly what had happened. "You like that don't you."
Emily's heart hammered and breathing quickened as Jake stopped right in front of her.
"Your pussy is drenched." It was a statement.
"No," she whispered. "Don't."
"Don't fucking lie to me." Jake reached down and undid the top button on her jeans. "You can lie to Dean all you want but not to me." He undid the second button.
Emily shifted position, twisting her hips.
"Stay still. You're in enough trouble as it is."
"Trouble?" she whispered.
"You lied. You called me stupid. Now you're resisting."
The third button came undone. Jake grabbed her shoulder and turned her away then reaching down with the other hand, slipped it inside her panties.
His hand was a white hot pressure against Emily's mound. She shuddered as his finger run up her slit. Her slick, wet, pulsing slit. He pulled his hand out and stuck his finger in his mouth.
Her eyes widened.
"Dean's never called you delicious before?"
"No," she said breathlessly.
"He's wasting you."
Emily said nothing.
"You fuck. You suck but I bet but he's never fucking taken you. Claimed you. Has he?"
Jake reached down and grabbed the hem of her t-shirt. Slowly he pulled it up. At first, Emily didn't move.
"You don't want any more trouble. Trust me."
She relented and the shirt slid off. Expertly, Jake's hand snaked behind her back and her bra came loose. He pulled it down and discarded it on the floor. Emily crossed her arms.
Jake pulled them apart. "You don't hide perfection, Emily. Not from me."
He hooked his thumbs inside the waistband of her jeans and slid them down to mid-thigh. Her panties followed.
He stepped back and looked her up and down. "So many possibilities. So many. You're wasted on Dean." He shook his head. "What a waste."
Emily stood, jeans around her knees, but otherwise naked, breathing heavily.
Jake grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her back, into the kitchen. Emily, her jeans around her knees was helpless and shuffled backwards. Jake turned her around and pushed her over to the island in the middle of the kitchen. He pushed her over and Emily's hands splayed on the countertop of the island. Bent over, Emily's ass stuck out exposing her folds.
The short rip of a zip and the rustle of fabric carried over Emily's shoulders. Then a hot pressure against the wet lips of her cunt.
One set of fingers hooked around her hips and the other over her shoulder, holding her in place.
"Jake, no," she whispered.
He rammed his cock inside and she grunted. It was hard, passionate, feral like nothing Emily could remember.
"Don't Jake." Then she moaned. "Oh God." She sucked in her breath sharply at the next thrust. "Please don't."
Jake shifted both hands to her hips and pushed her forward as he thrust, pressing the front of her thighs against the countertop.
She dipped her head and moaned, her fingers clenching into fists on the smooth surface. Jake's thrusting increased, his hips slapping against her ass as each stroke ended.
Jake move the hand off her shoulder, grabbing a fistful her hair and twirled around, grabbing it and holding tight. His other hand released its hold on her hips. Emily grunted , groaned and moaned, losing herself in the moment and losing track of time as the ecstasy built.
The faint sound of a dial tone permeated her consciousness and for a moment, she remembered the TV playing in the next room. The dial tone ended and Jake's voice carried over her shoulder.
"Hey, Dean."
Emily froze motionless. Jake, meanwhile, kept thrusting.
"Remember when you said I didn't get enough pussy?"
Emily's head spun as her mind raced to catch up. She wanted to shout or tell him to stop or do something but Jake kept her head held tight by her hair and if she spoke...
"Hold on, let me FaceTime this."
Silence returned only punctuated by the rhythmic slaps of Jake's thrusting.
Dean's voice filled the room, tinny and small from the phone's tiny speakers. "Her ass looks good. What about the rest of her?" he said.
"Sorry, Dean. Ass only, I'm afraid."
"Do I know her?"
"Sure do."
Emily panicked, her stomach punched in shock unable to speak or squeak or even move for fear of revealing herself.
"Who is she?" Dean asked.
"She doesn't want to say."
Emily's held breath almost exploded out of her body but she caught it and released it quietly.
"Pity, she's hot. I'd like to fuck that ass," Dean replied.
"You want to fuck her?" Jake asked.
"Fuck yes. Can you arrange that?"
Emily's mouth opened in surprise and her face went numb in shock.
"Emily flies out of town in a month. Bring her over then."
"How about my place instead?"
"Sure, Jake. Set it up."
Jake continued ramming his cock into Emily's clenched pussy as she remained bent over, frozen, furious and confused on the bench.
Dean's voice sounded out again. "Hey Jake. Will she let you cum in her pussy?"
"Sure." Jake increased his tempo, and the slapping increased in speed and volume.
Emily shook her head and mouthed, 'no,' over and over.
Jake gave a few, frantic final thrusts then yanked Emily's hair hard before ramming his cock in deep and holding it as he groaned out his orgasm. Then he slipped his cock out, and rubbed it up against her ass. Jake's hand released Emily's hair and rested on her back.
"Here, I'll give you a close up on the creampie," Jake said.
Emily stayed frozen in place as Jake moved his phone in behind her. Jizz oozed out of her slit and down her thigh. Her face burned with shame. And rage.
"She's a passive bitch isn't she," Dean said. "Does she like being videoed?"
"Working on that. Anyway, show's over, Dean. See you when your back."
"Sure thing, Jake. Don't forget the bitch. I so want to creampie that cunt."
Dean tossed the phone on the table. "Told you he wouldn't recognize you ass." Jake said. "Anyway, let's get you cleaned up."
Emily turned and swung hard with her hand. Jake caught it easily. Her hand quivered in his tight grip, mere inches from his face.
"What's this?"
"You fucking bastard."
"Careful, remember who's in control here, EMS."
"You are NOT in control," she snarled, teeth showing as she hissed the words out.
"Then who's in control?"
Emily clamped her mouth shut with a snap.
"Well, who? Dean, the guy who can't even recognize his own woman's cunt?" He threw her hand away. "Seriously, the guy asked me if he could fuck his own wife. How fucking in control is that?"
Emily glared, nostrils flaring.
"You? Are you in control? How much control did you have in there? Bent over your own kitchen bench and fucked like a whore and, what did you do, you froze like a fucking rabbit."
Emily lashed out with her hand again. Jake grabbed it and twisting it, spun her around. Emily ended up, hips against the bench, one arm pinned behind her back, her chin in Jake's other hand.
Jake leaned in on her ear. "You listen to me and you listen good. You fucking got yourself into this message, you careless bitch. So learn how to fucking behave. I don't want to hurt you but I do expect respect when I'm educating you."