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Truckstop Nuns

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Two young nuns are taken as sex slaves.
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Don't read this story if you are offended by non-consensual sex, religious themes and violence. It is a work of adult fantasy, I do not condone the described behavior in real life. -Ax


"Hey there sexy sisters! What will it take to make you break your vows?" called out the young black man.

The two young nuns ignored him as they walked by the cheap hotel room. His friend, who was sitting on the car out the front chimed in, "Come on baby, you didn't need to become a nun, I'll take you to heaven!"

They continued to walk by, "Frigid penguin Bitches!" they heard one of the young men call out behind them.

One of the nuns was blushing, her pretty, rosy face framed in the white wimple.

"Just ignore them Alice, they're like little boys looking to get a reaction," said the other.

"Yes, I know Lucia."

They got to the small front office and entered, making the bell on the door chime. The young women stood at the front desk for a few moments before the manager appeared. He was in his forties with unkempt blonde hair and rough stubble over his chin. He looked the two of them over with his cool green eyes and smiled, "Hello again sweet sisters. I hope you found the accommodations to your satisfaction."

They actually had a lot of trouble sleeping due to noisy neighbors who were quite fond of using profanities, but they didn't want to raise the issue with the manager. "Quite suitable thank you Mr Roberts," said Alice.

She produced the room keys and handed them to the man. He deliberately rubbed her soft pale hand as he took them, and she jerked it back. He smiled at her again, "Call me Randal. So you're off again today huh?"

"Yes, that's right."

"Where are you girls from anyhow?"

"St. Paul, we're with the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist at the Mission of Our Lady of the Angels."

"Right, what are you doing down this way?"

"Selling bibles and religious items, and accepting donation for those in need."

"Speaking of which..." Lucia chimed in, "We noticed that the bible in our room was looking a little worn. Perhaps you would like to purchase new ones from us. They're of high quality and reasonably priced, and the money would go to a good cause."

"Oh, I wish I could sweet thing, but money is a little tight for me right now. I had only just finished rebuilding after the tornadoes a couple of years ago. But tell me, are you heading back up Minneapolis way?"


"Well, I have a friend, also in the motel game, off on the interstate near Boone. Nice Christian lady by the name of Grace. I think she may be after just what you're selling."

"Boone? Where's that?"

"A few hours up the highway, turn east on the Interstate Thirty."

Lucia looked at Alice and she shook her head, "No, we're not supposed to leave the route that was set for us."

"Well that's too bad," said Randal. "I just thought you could help each other out."

"We appreciate that sir, now if you would excuse us, we should be getting back on the road."

"Of course, you take care out there sisters. God bless you and all that."

"God bless you sir."

Soon the two young nuns were heading down the highway in the old blue station-wagon. Alice was behind the wheel and Lucia was sitting in the passenger seat next to her.

Lucia yawned, "Well, I'm glad to leave that place behind."

"Yes, Mr Roberts seemed a little..."

"Creepy? ...Sleazy?"

"Lucia, Mother Meredith would not like us speaking ill of someone like that."

"Mother Meredith is not here."

"No, but Jesus is."

"Jesus would probably agree with me."

"Lucia!" said Alice in a playful scalding tone.

"The rooms had thin walls, didn't they?"


"How about those two copulating, they were being quite vocal."

"Don't remind me."

"Oh God! Oh God! Yessss!"

"I said don't!"

Lucia laughed, "He probably paid her for it too."

"The poor soul, I will pray she finds the true path."

"You have never been close with a boy, have you?"

"No, never. But you told me you had been...close before taking your vows. How close were you?"

"It was a boy I had known through grad school, and we were in love. I was pretty horrified that I had fallen in love while considering religious life. I was scared to go to my nun mentor and tell her. But you know what she said?"

"No, what did she say?"

"Wonderful! Enjoy it. If we lose our capacity to fall in love, we lose our ability to truly open our hearts to God. Of course, there came a point where I had to choose between my love for this boy and my love for God, Sister Beverly was a wonderful guide through that time."

"So did your love physically?"

Lucia turned to her and smiled, "I'm not saying anything, I'll leave you to speculate on that."

"You...are not a very nice person."

"Ooh, careful Sister Alice, that was almost an insult."

Alice just shook her head and drove on. They passed a lot of farm-land around this way as they made their way north up the highway, vast fields with their golden crops swaying in the breeze and other areas with their neatly ordered fruit trees. A large truck roared past on the other side of the road. Lucia eventually spoke up again, "So, will we be turning off toward Boone to sell some of our fine products to this Grace lady?"

"No, Father Mackintosh told us not to leave the route he planned for us."

"But on his planned route we have sold very little, I don't think it will even be enough to cover the expenses of our trip. We won't have any money for the poor, this trip would have been a big waste of time."

"I don't think that's the whole point of this road trip anyway. It's like a rite-of-passage for young novices. To get out and see more of Gods world and interact with his people."

"Yeah, we can do that at Boone, and make some money to help the poor while we're at it."

"We took a vow of obedience remember, Father Mackintosh told us to stay on this route."

"And we will, after we make a little detour. He didn't tell us not to go to Boone specifically."

"That's a technicality, and you know it. We're not going to lie to Father Mackintosh. We will tell him if we go. And if we go, it will have to be for the right reasons, not for our pride."

"So you're considering it? ...For the right reasons, of course. We will only be doing it to help others. What do you say Alice?"

"I...I don't know."

"Well I want to go, but you're driving, so it's up to you if you turn off or not."

Around an hour later, they both saw the sign for the turn-off onto the Interstate thirty. Alice took in a deep breath as she struggled with the decision. She let out a sigh and put on the indicator to turn left.

"Good, we may achieve something on this trip yet," said Lucia.

"I just hope we don't regret it."

"God is with us, what could go wrong?"

The old blue station-wagon headed west along the I-30 through more rural area. Eventually they saw a battered old sign which read—"Grace's Truckstop Motel, five miles." It had an arrow pointing off the highway.

"That's the place," said Lucia, "He said her name was Grace."

They turned off the highway and drove on until they reached the place. It seemed to be miles from anywhere.

"A little out of the way isn't it?" said Alice, "You would think it would do more business on the highway."

There was a large building adjacent to the road, It appeared to be a gas station, travel store, truckers lounge, bar and restaurant all in one. There were a couple of trucks parked off to the side and a few cars out the front. The place seemed to be relatively tidy, and quite basic in its layout and aesthetics.

The nuns turned off the road and pulled up into the gas station. Both of them got out of the car and were glad to have the chance to stretch out. It was late morning, getting close to midday. The sky was clear and it was quite warm. Alice started filling the car with gas while Lucia looked around.

She wandered into the shop and the man behind the counter stared at her. He was a short, pudgy, ugly looking man who appeared to be in his mid twenties. "Good morning sir," said Lucia.

"G...good...good morning, s...s...sister," he said with a stutter.

"Where's your bathroom?"

He reached under the desk and pulled out a key with a metal tag, "Round the b..b..back." he said pointing.

She came forward and got the key from him, "Thank you." She walked to around to the back of the shop. The man stared at her the whole time with his pale blue eyes.

Soon Alice entered the shop and paid for the fuel. "Where might we find Grace?" she asked.

"G...Grace? She's...she's...she's...around the back in the...the...m...motel office."

Lucia came back out a few minutes later and the two of them went back to the car. They drove around behind the truckstop where there were numerous small units, a few of them had cars parked out the front. The place was quite bare and ugly, with minimal gardens and a lot of flat concrete and tarmac.

They saw the small, plain building that was similar to the rest, but the basic sign identified it as the office. They parked in front of it and got out again. The two nuns walked around to the front door and entered.

As they entered the room, they found that the air was hazy and stank of cigarette smoke. A fat, dark haired woman in her thirties was sitting in front of a computer screen behind a desk. She wore a lot of purple eye shadow and lipstick and a tubetop which held her huge tits. She had a cigarette in her mouth. It took a few moments for her to look up and then a faint look of surprise crossed her face. "Hello there."

"Hello Ma'am, are you Grace?" said Alice.

"...yeah, and you are?"

"I'm Sister Alice and this is Sister Lucia. We're with the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist of Saint Paul."

"Are you after a room sisters?"

"No, Mr Roberts from the Motel Seven down the highway told us you may be interested in what we're selling--Bibles and religious items."

"Oh, Ol' Randy sent you here eh? Yeah, yeah, I'm interested in your bibles and junk, being the devout Christian lady that I am." The nuns both noticed the smirk cross her face.

Lucia stepped forward and offered the bible she was holding. Grace slowly reached up and took it. She started her sales pitch, "It's the New American Standard Bible. You'll notice the quality calf-hide leather cover and gold gilted edges and strong ribbon markers. It's of good strong quality for repeated uses, and quite reasonably priced. And the profits will all go to helping the needy."

Grace thumbed through the book, "Right, helping the needy, that's good."

"We have enough to supply all your rooms," added Alice.

"Good, good. And you said you have other religious junk too?"

"Yes, rosaries, crucifixes, statues, wall plaques, cards."

"I'd be interested in taking a look. But you young ladies have been travelling far, I'd love for you to be my guests. Please accept my hospitality and stay in one of my rooms. The accommodation and meals will be provided free of charge, of course."

"Uh, that's generous of you ma'am, but I was hoping that we could be on our way soon, we still have many miles to cover in our journey."

"We all have many miles to cover in our journeys. But I think God would want us to stop and smell the roses every now and then. I so rarely get to spend time in the company of good, devout Christians. I feel blessed to have genuine Brides of Christ visit my humble home and place of business. I would very much like you to stay, if only for a little while. And I hate to have to rush any business decisions."

"Uh, of course ma'am—" started Alice.

"Call me Grace, please."

"Of course, Grace. We would love to stay...We can be on our way in the morning."

"Lovely," said Grace, giving them a wide grin. She stubbed out her cigarette in a dirty ashtray on the desk. She looked down at the black leather bible again. "You know, I used to think that if you went and randomly picked out a verse in the bible, perhaps it would hold some importance. Y'know, like God is directing you there to give you some advice or warning or whatever. Do you think that would ever happen sister?"

There was a brief pause as the two nuns looked down at her, then Alice spoke up, "I think it would mostly just be random, but there's no telling how God may choose to communicate with us."

Grace smiled, "Let's do it now, just for fun." She started flicking through the gold gilded pages of the book and then stopped and placed her finger on the page. She looked down and started reading, "Let's see—Numbers 31:7-18, Moses, Eleazar the priest, and all the leaders of the people went to meet them outside the camp. But Moses was furious with all the military commanders who had returned from the battle. 'Why have you let all the women live?' he demanded. 'These are the very ones who followed Balaam's advice and caused the people of Israel to rebel against the Lord at Mount Peor. They are the ones who caused the plague to strike the Lord's people. Now kill all the boys and all the women who have slept with a man. Only the young girls who are virgins may live; you may keep them for yourselves."

She looked up at the sisters and made a face, "Jeez, that's a bit harsh. You're right sister...just random. Now let me show you to your room."

Grace had taken them to the unit that was away from the others and closest to the truckstop out the front. It seemed quite tidy and well kept. It was a very basic room, with two single beds against the wall, a large curtained window, a small television and basic items of furniture and a small bathroom at the far end.

The woman had left them there to settle in and rest. Alice and Lucia took turns having a shower. Alice came out from the bathroom wearing her black frock and drying her long, blonde hair with a towel. Lucia was sitting on the bed looking at the screen of her smartphone, "We should send an email to Sister Meredith telling her where we are. I'm not getting any reception here though."

"I think I saw a sign for wifi over in the truckers lounge. We could take a walk over there."

"Yeah, all right. What do think of Grace?"

"I don't was nice of her to offer us free accommodation and meals. She seemed friendly."

"Yes, but there was something off about her. Something had me feeling uneasy. What about you?"

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Let's just make our sales, have an early night and be off again first thing in the morning."

Alice put on her white wimple and black veil and her plain shoes, and the two of them got ready to leave the unit. When they opened the front door, they saw Grace coming toward them. The short, dumpy woman was leading a group of three men.

Alice and Lucia stood there by the doorway as the group approached them. "Are you ready to talk business now sisters?" said Grace in a cheerful tone.

"Who are they?" asked Alice, eyeing the men warily. They were all looking at her and Lucia intently. She recognized one of them as the stuttering clerk from the shop out the front.

"Employees and associates. She went through introducing them, "That's Lachlan," she said pointing to a tall man in his forties with tanned skin and short black hair and beard. "Rooster." She pointed to a man who looked a little younger than him, with medium length red hair and a moustache. "And Dent." She said pointing to the ugly young man from the shop. "Boys, this is Sister Alice and Sister Lucia."

"A pleasure," said Lachlan, grinning.

"Yes...nice to meet you all," said Alice.

"I trust you find the room to your liking," said Grace.

"It's very nice, thank you."

"Can we come in and talk?"

"Of course, I will just get my products from the car to show you."

"We'll get to that, let's just go inside," said Grace gesturing to the room.

Alice nodded and she and Lucia went back into the room. Grace and the men followed behind and shut the door. The two nuns stood in the room facing the group, they didn't like the way the men were looking at them, it had them feeling very uneasy.

Lucia spoke up, "Do you wish to buy the bibles Miss Grace? We can give you a discount if you're buying for all the rooms."

"Perhaps," said Grace.

Lachlan looked her over, "Are you real nuns? Or are you running some kind of scam?"

"What?" said Alice, surprised by the accusation.

"Grace here is quite trusting of people. I like to make sure that no one takes advantage of that. And I aint ever heard of nuns acting as travelling bible salesmen before."

"I assure you sure, we have been nothing but completely honest."

"That's what someone running a scam would say. I think we should check to make sure you girls are who you say you are."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we should check you got no tattoos or piercings and that you're virgins like good little nuns should be."

The two girls were shocked, Alice looked at Grace, "Miss Grace..."

She just looked back at her cooly, "He has a point. Take off those habits."

"Certainly not!"

"What do you have to hide sister?"

"Nothing! This is indecent!"

"I'm afraid I must insist Sister Alice."

"Then we do not wish to conduct business with you. Please leave us alone."

"No, it's too late for that. Take off those habits, or I'll have the boys take them off for you."

"No! You have no reason to accuse us, you have no right!"

Grace just smiled at her, "Let me show you something about my it boys."

Rooster chucked as he stepped forward and grabbed Lucia by the arm. "Aaagh, let go of me!" she cried out, as she tried to pull away from him.

Alice backed away as Lachlan came toward her. "Don't touch me!" she called out as he grabbed her by the shoulders and roughly pushed her over onto the bed. She struggled to get up, but he was quite strong as he held her down. "No, Leave me alone!" she cried out.

Lucia was pulled over to the other bed by Rooster, she was crying out and struggling against him. Alice's heart was beating rapidly, she couldn't believe this was happening. Lachlan's rough hands were grabbing at her. He got hold of her leg and flipped her over so that she was on her back on the bed. Alice was kicking out and swinging her arms, fighting him with all she had.

"Gaaah," he groaned as her fist struck his ear. "Dent, get over here and hold her hands for me boy!" Dent came over and struggled to catch her arms as they moved about, but he managed to get hold of her wrists and pin them down above her head.

"No! Let go of me!" she cried out. Lucia was also struggling and protesting on the bed next to her. Lachlan got hold of her black frock and started pulling it up, revealing her pale, shapely legs. He pulled it up further until he exposed her plain white cotton panties and then scrunched the dark material up as he forced it up over her breasts that were held in a white bra.

"Hoo, nice tits!" he said as he got hold of them, cupping them in his big rough hands and squeezing. Alice squealed as the man lewdly groped her.

"Miss Grace please!" Alice pleaded, "Make them stop!"

"Leave her tits alone Lock," said Grace, "I want to know if she's a cherry."

Lachlan chuckled as he let go of her breasts. He rubbed his hands along her abdomen as he moved them down to her panties. Alice cried out again as he got hold of them and quickly yanked them down. Alice thrashed her legs about, but he managed to pull the underwear all the way down past her feet. He scrunched them up and put them in his jeans pocket, "Think I'll hold onto these."

Then he got hold of her legs and held them firmly against the bed. He looked up at her exposed crotch. "Golden bush, looks like we got a blondie here."

"Let's see if blondes really do have more fun," said Grace.

Lachlan moved his hand down to her crotch. Alice cried out in protest and writhed beneath him. "Stay Still bitch!" he said menacingly as his fingers rubbed along her slit. Alice squealed as they pressed into her lips and spread them apart. There was only a small crescent shaped opening in the middle of her pink vulva. "Yep, there it is, she's a cherry," said Lachlan.


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