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True Nature


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Bernadette stood up and Mindy smiled brightly at her from the ground below. The leash hung loose, dangling from the silver D hook. The woman stared down at her slave and soaked in the moment, this was the thing she liked to do the best. She had flown all over the world to do this very thing for all her new arrivals and she had been looking forward to initiating Mindy into her world most of all. The walk into a Training Manor was very symbolic and the reaction by the new girls was a thing that thrilled Bernadette above almost anything. Bernadette's body would gush forth when she saw the girls' reactions the moment when they realized what was to be expected of them; the instant they spied the bazaar goings-on inside a training center. It could be overwhelming for some; some wept at the sheer depravity of it all, some would pee themselves in fright, others still had actually reached climax seeing how they would be treated, all too eager to join the fray. Bernadette had an idea Mindy would not over react, that she would soak it all in. But she couldn't be sure, and there was only one way to find out.

Mindy could see the Manor as the made their way across the grass. The building looked as if it were straight out of Gone with the Wind. The home was very large, but not gaudy, it was elegant and understated. It appeared to be very old, but Mindy could see modern surveillance cameras placed all around the perimeter. Upon closer look it seemed almost like a fortress. There were guards on the roof of the manor pacing back and forth, spying the grounds with binoculars. As Mindy got closer she could see that instead of guard dogs they seemed to be walking human-dogs; or more accurately, the guard dogs they walked were actually leather clad females on leashes, it was truly a bazaar sight. They walked together in silence. Bernadette kept the leash taught; wrenching the girl's neck upwards slightly as they made their way across the lawn, all that could be heard was the tiny ringing of the bell on Mindy's collar. They reached the massive column of stairs and Mindy wondered how she was going to be able to manage the climb. Each stair was taller than a normal stair, and Mindy wondered how on earth she would be able to get her bottom half up each progressive step. Her Mistress gave a quick snap of the leash.

"Heel!" Mistress' words were sharp and unmistakable.

Mindy knew the word meant to sit, so she did her best to anticipate her Mistress' desire. She got as close to her Mistress' legs as she could without touching her; she sat back on her heels, placed her hands on the ground between her knees. She kept her back very straight and chin tilted upward. Mindy was now staring at beautiful Bernadette Adams' stunning Saree; it was a Blood Red and Gold gown mixed with rich colored flowers of different sizes and shapes. She looked like an Indian Queen in the decadent wrap.

Bernadette lifted her pets chin with her fingertip, so she'd absorb the full effect of her piercing blue stare. It was time to prepare her for the next step of her journey. She spoke in measured tones, with words that swirled in Mindy's head and both dazzled and frightened her. Mindy held back the urge to pee as she listened to her new Mistress set the stage.

"There are a few things I need to go over with you before you enter the Manor and I need you to pay close attention, because I do not repeat myself. You are here because I want you here and because you have made the brave and profound choice to cast away all that you knew and enter a world that will cater to your true nature. I have only made the choice available to you, and you have chosen wisely. You have entered this place of your own free will, and here you will stay, until it is determined it is time for you to leave."

Mindy listened with an all consuming focus of attention. She sensed the gravity of this conversation and knew her Mistress was revealing to her some of the mysteries she had been promised. She did not nod, nor did she answer; Mindy Swanson looked at her Mistress as a puppy looks at its owner... with rapturous attention.

"This is one of my homes; I have many of them in many different places. In my homes I employ a very specialized training method to transform women like you into instruments of pleasure. You must understand that pleasure has many forms; the pleasure you will learn to provide will be catered to the specific desires of another woman who you will serve. You see, my pet, you are going to now learn how to become a proper slave."

Bernadette punctuated the word slave with a syrupy intonation, stopping for a moment to let the overwhelmed girl digest her words. She could see in her eyes the power the word had over her. She had seen this reaction countless times during her life. Even from the time she was a small child, and learned the art of female domination from her mother and grandmother, she recognized the significance of the moment when a submissive women comes to the realization she is now a slave. She could see the synapses connecting inside Mindy's mind; it was the slow and inevitable connection of all the events that had come before now beginning to fall into place like the tumblers of a mental lock. The locked door was now opening in the young woman's brain, and Bernadette could see as the sweeping realization spread across her face.

Mistress smiled; "Just breathe, my pet. You are going to do just fine, I've been waiting for this moment for longer than you know and I have every confidence in your ability to excel at the servitude of women. We are now going to enter the Manor, and you will enter it on your hands and knees; the leashed and collared slave of your Mistress. You are going to see women whom I employ; instructing slaves in the erotic arts. You will see all manner of sexuality and depravity in your time here, but you must keep one thing in mind; that the slaves performing the various acts of submission are chosen specifically for their ability to handle and accept that form of servitude. You will never be made to endure that which you cannot. You must always trust that your Mistress knows best. You do trust me, don't you pet?"

"Yes Mistress, you have all my trust and my devotion."

Bernadette swelled with pride at how quickly the girl had accepted her new position in life and how easy it was for her to fall into the submissive state required for her training. She recognized that this was all new to her pet and that she had to be shown submission has its own rewards. She decided that this would be her very first lesson once inside the Manor. Her pet's complete and utter compliance would be required during initial training, but she would need to deftly balance moments of kindness and tenderness. She was ready now to take the girl into the Manor for her initiation ceremony and if all went as planned, she'd be enjoying her slave in a more intimate way before the night was over.

Chapter 13

The trip up the tall stairs was even more difficult than she imagined. As Mindy tried and failed, and tried again to climb her way to the top, she struggled to hold back tears wondering why this was made to be such a challenge. As she pulled herself up onto each progressive step, her cumbersome leg and hand restraints would make getting a proper grip on the stone almost impossible. Her body would scrape along the hard stone edges as she attempted to hoist her bottom half up. It was a painful and exhausting experience. Her Mistress did not allow her the luxury of going slow. She remained steadfast and demanding; keeping a taught grip on the leash, forcing her pet to struggle and moan as she moved up the stairs at a brisk clip. Mindy found herself trying harder and harder to meet her Mistress' lofty expectations. The tender young woman looked like a new fawn learning to walk; the sweat poured down her back and she scrapped her tender body along the stone pathway. Then it occurred to her that this was yet another test. The pain and frustration of the large stone steps was a way to make her earn entrance into the Manor. She intended to gain her Mistress' respect and love at every opportunity.

The odd looking couple stood at the threshold of the great home staring at the heavy wooden doors. On any other doorstep in the world, they would look quite a peculiar sight; an elegant and beautiful woman in a long flowing red gown holding a leash that attached firmly to the collar of a dirty and sweaty slave bound in heavy leather BDSM gear. However, at the American Lovecraft Manor, it was almost an every day occurrence. Bernadette's leash hand lowered and for a brief moment she softly caressed the messy blonde hair of the nervous girl in an effort to sooth her, for she was about to see what lay beyond the large oak doors.

The doors slowly swung open and Mindy was awestruck at the enormity of the room before her. The large square room had a high vaulted ceiling with inlaid gold-leaf along the rising spires. Rich tapestries covered the walls of the well appointed room that was ringed with a balcony that looked down on the generous space from every angle. In the center of the marble floor was a large fountain. It was not unlike a fountain one might expect see in an Italian Plaza; with its ornate carved marble figures and beautiful artistic style, but its significance here seemed far greater. Water flowed from ever angle into the large marble basin from flying cherubs who all were urinating into the open mouth of a naked woman in recline. Mindy's eyes lingered on the perverse looking fountain, and it caused a tremor within her now pulsing sex. She moved her eyes around the room trying to fully understand the implications of the signs above the nine rooms flanking the walls. Several more hallways flowing off in different directions towards the rear of the large home completed the panorama. In the center of the room were dual staircases that led to the upper levels and created symmetry to the architecture. The room alone was enough to take your breath away with its opulence and grand scale, but that wasn't what had grabbed Mindy's attention.

Mindy blinked hard to make sense of the flurry of activity that assaulted her eyes, she felt her mouth go dry and her stomach tighten at the scene before her. There seemed to be small plays or erotic servitude taking place in every corner of her view; the actors each dutifully executing their appointed roles of dominance and submission. Some of the couplings she had expected so see; some women were in various stages of sexual service to their instructor, allowing their mouths or other openings to be the playground of these very imaginative Mistresses. There were games involving prone women suffering under the cruel hand of their mistress' whip; their cries and suffering echoed around the marble room. Yet there were other entanglements which Mindy could hardly understand. In a quiet sunlit corner of the room sat four latex clad women having tea, a fairly normal setting; except that each of the women sat atop human chairs; women bent in awkward positions made to give comfort to the rear ends of the dominate women. The hot tea kettle was set on the back of a human-table; a woman on all fours, her back a mere surface for the support of the tea set. She watched as the four women chatted about life in the way any other group of women might, as their human-furniture sat dead still and suffered in total and complete silence. Mindy saw women standing like stone statues in scattered corners around the room; their noses pressed into the creases of the walls. There were no Dominates anywhere near them; Mindy could not comprehend what their purpose was. There were also slaves acting as animals of all types; Mindy saw female puppies playing fetch, a female cat batting at a ball of yarn from her back, her Mistress smiling as she jerked the ball just out of reach before each swat. Through the window Mindy saw corrals of women that looked like ponies with bridals in their mouths and ornate saddle blankets across their backs; some were being ridden, while others seemed to be working as beasts of burden. She saw a sign on an outside barn that read "Milking Station: Bovine Training" and a directional sign with an arrow pointing towards a pig pen. The kaleidoscope of perversity continued to acts of complete and utter degradation that would take several weeks before Mindy could even look in the direction of those specific training rooms again.

She was in complete shock as she read the signs over doors of different training centers:

Denial & Discipline

Anal/Vaginal/Oral Training


Pain & Suffering

Petification & Animal Arts

Pleasure & Gratification Arts

Domestic Servitude

Roleplay & Imagination Center

Public Toilets

History & Science of Slaves.

Mindy felt as if her mind was about to snap. She thought this must be what Alice felt like when she fell down the Rabbit Hole. The surreal setting was beyond her ability to completely understand. Her Mistress knew this was a difficult thing for her pet to see, yet it was an important part of her initiation. She needed to be overwhelmed by the tasks before it, it would aid in her willingness to give her self completely to the instructions of her Dominates

"Quite a sight, isn't it my pet? This room is called The Panacea; it's a place where all the ills of your past are remedied and the alchemy of your own specific sexuality is discovered and used to bring you to your own true nature. You will find training and playtime activities being carried out here at all hours of the day. Each of the rooms you see along the perimeter are training centers for a variety of the erotic arts. Your specific training will take you to each of these rooms and you will stay under the tutelage of one of my skilled Dominants until it is decided you no longer need it. Not every slave who is brought here visits each of the training centers, but it has been determined that you have the ability to excel as a servitude, and therefore are in a unique situation. You are very fortunate, pet, not many slaves are lucky enough to learn all the secrets you are about to. I will be overseeing your training personally; each of the instructors will be reporting back to me directly as to your progress. You also will be my personal slave during the times I am in the manor and will be expected to service my every desire with the all the enthusiasm and eagerness you are capable of. You will worship me utterly and your devotion to my needs will know no bounds."

The matter of fact nature of her Mistress' words were both enthralling and disconcerting. She was elated to hear that she would be chosen to spend more time with her Mistress than others here, yet it begged the question of what was to happen once her training was over. Mindy wondered if she would she become the property of another mistress; would she be shipped off to some far off land and never see Bernadette Adams again? These thoughts were too much to bear. Mindy needed to stay focused and digest what was about to happen to her. Her stomach ached with anxiety and excitement, her body ached from its physical distress, and she felt another devastating headache coming on.

As Bernadette continued her explanation of the Lovecraft facility, she gestured with her free hand to the rooms and the finer details of the architecture. She spoke with enthusiasm about the history of the home and how it had been liberated from a particularly spiteful slave owner in Savanna, Georgia just after the turn of the nineteenth century; it had been dismantled and transported to the northeast, where it was rebuilt in its original glory on the palatial grounds of the Adams' family estate. The woman had always been proud of the fact her family had turned its back on the cruel history of forced slavery and transformed this place into a teaching ground for modern day Free Slaves. She liked to think that this manor had been reborn here, just as each of her slaves was reborn into a new and fulfilling life of servitude.

Mindy barely heard the end of her Mistress introduction when she spied a small group of women walking toward them. They talked excitedly amongst themselves as they made their way across the marble inlaid floor. They looked at Mindy with hungry eyes, the way cats watch an unknowing mouse eat cheese; biding their time before they pounced on the helpless creature. As they approached Bernadette Adams, each of the four women directed their full and respectful attention to their superior. The power and authority of Mindy's Mistress trumped any dominance these women appeared to own. They seemed to shrink in her shadow as they neared her; each shedding any perceived self importance, and humbled themselves before the magnificent woman in the red flowing gown.

"Hello my Lovelies, this is our new slave. Her slave name while in training will be M. Please take her to be prepared for the initiation ceremony. I have some business to attend to in my office. I expect her to look her very best tonight, and you don't have much time, so step lively."

Bernadette handed the leash of the bewildered pet over to one of the Dominates; she could see fear creep over Mindy's face as the four women pawed at her with childlike curiosity. Fear was a required element of successful training; she had the utmost faith in her staff and knew they would never over step their bounds. Yet she wanted to reassure the young woman before being led off, and added a parting comment to the four that stood before her.

"Mind you ladies this one will be my personal slave when I am here, so you go steady with her. If she needs a rest you had better let her. I want her kept fresh for me tonight."

Each of the four women understood that their sexual gluttony would not be permitted this time, that this slave was to be initiated by the Grand Dame of the Manor herself tonight. Each smiled their own brand of wicked smile at their superior and assured her she would be pleased with their results. Though only mildly disappointed, the four were happy to be of any service to her at all, and they set off to carry out their duties.

"Come along you little bitch-dog, its time for your scrubbing."

With a sharp jerk of her leash that nearly jarred her teeth loose, the women lead Mindy off to large bathroom where they busied themselves with a task of preparing the young woman. Every orifice would be meticulously cleaned; neither fold nor crevice would be ignored. Mindy would be groomed in much the same way a canine is primped for a prize show. Her body shorn clean and lavishly oiled so it glimmered as it did the day she was born. The ceremonial shaving of her pubic region was symbolic of her transformation into her submission. Only dominate women were allowed body hair, and the amount of hair was closely tied to their level within the dominance hierarchy. This process was particularly difficult for Mindy to stand, as it seemed her last connection to her former life. The process of her preparation would go on for several hours. Each of the Dominates would climax during the process, even though this particular time it would not be at the expense of a new slave. Indeed, Bernadette Adam's knew as she watched her pet being taken off, that she would be as pristine when she returned as she was the first day she saw her, so many years ago.

Chapter 14

Bernadette Adams had attended thousands of initiation ceremonies; each one had its own particular mood and emotion. She came to know some of the slaves intimately; as she was fond of "Surprise Inspections," where she would take a slave into her private area and test some or all of her sexual competencies. Still, some slaves she never got to know at all. Tonight however was very special for Bernadette; this was a night she had thought about for a very long time. There was nothing that her life lacked, that was to say; there was certainly nothing she desired which she could not have. Yet Bernadette still felt a void; an unexplainable emptiness in her heart that she longed to fill. She had considered for some time that she desired a more permanent companionship with another woman. True, Bernadette was surrounded by women at all time, but she lacked a connection to any of them. Perhaps it was due to the nature of her business, or maybe a deficiency in her personality born of her very unusual upbringing. The reason, she began to understand, didn't matter. The undeniable truth was the only thing lacking in her life: True Love.


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