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Tuesday Is Guest Star Day

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Incestuous adult family, at play.
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This story has a similar structure to Nicholas Meets the Parents. I had a number of requests to extend Nicholas Meets the Parents to a more explicitly incestuous outcome. However, that story was intended to be and was originally classified as simply exhibitionistic. It was shifted to the incestuous category due to the family nudity. The current story concerns a new family, but hopefully one more to the liking of those who enjoy the incestuous theme. If you don't enjoy such stories then you really shouldn't read this.

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Karen Dodd was such a nice girl. She was so terribly sweet and considerate. She had the perkiest of personalities, always wearing an endearingly gay smile that revealed the cutest of dimples. She might not win a beauty contest. She wasn't a striking blonde beauty with large breasts. She was more lovely and pretty than beautiful. Her breasts, were, shall I say it again, perky, rather than impressive. She was though a pretty girl with lovely green eyes, fluttering lashes, rosy cheeks, and long brunette hair. And, I really have to add: the cutest little bottom. Her fiancee, Tom, never seemed to miss an opportunity to give her a little affectionate pat on her bottom, and, true to form, she didn't seem to mind. She would in fact just return with that infectious giggle of hers. She might complain a bit, saying, "Now you stop that Tommy Cole or I'll tell my father on you," but that little tush would, once again, and soon, be presenting itself, gaily poking out as if to be asking for another spank. Karen might not win the beauty contest, but she would certainly win the Miss Congeniality award.

Tom was, once again, visiting her home. It was only natural now, as Karen and Tom had recently become engaged. He couldn't be happier, and he considered himself to be the luckiest guy in the world. Who could not fall in love with those warm, sweet, green eyes. It had seemed like everything in the world was suddenly so right when she said "yes."

They might be a bit young to be getting married. They were both only eighteen years old (although getting close to 19). But, they had known each other since senior year in high school and were so clearly terribly much in love, that it just seemed pointless to put it off. And, happily, neither of their parents objected. Karen's parents were in fact ecstatic.

With the engagement Mr. James Dodd said that Tom should no longer knock on the door when he arrived at their house. Mr. and Mrs. Dodd felt that he was pretty much a member of the family and no family member ever knocked. They were embracing him "within the bosom of their home," as Mrs. Dodd liked to say.

In fact, Tom was now even being invited over on Tuesday night. Tuesday was a very special family night at the Dodd household, where they discussed family issues, planned future events, assigned or revised household tasks, and addressed whatever conflicts or concerns might have arisen over the past week. It was an honor to attend, and he did indeed feel duly honored.

Mrs. Dodd greeted him as he came through the door. Tom could see where Karen got her lovely disposition. Mrs. Dodd was such a pleasant and charming hostess, as well mother. "Oh my, it's Tommy Cole. My goodness, you startled me Tommy."

"I thought I'd come over a bit early, Mrs. Dodd, in case you needed some help with anything."

"My, my, that's so thoughtful. You're such a sweet, considerate boy, something we value so much. But, my goodness, no, no, everything is in order. Would you like a cola or something? I made fresh cookies. They're in the kitchen. Please, make yourself at home in the family room and I'll bring you some cookies."

Tom went, as instructed, to the family room. The Dodd family room was a very pleasant, plush and deeply carpeted, spacious room. It was a more leisurely setting than the living room. The latter was by the front door and was used for a more formal meeting and greeting of guests. The family room was toward the back of the house, and was used for more relaxed family gatherings. This was where they kept the television but, what Tom always found rather appealing about the Dodd family room was that the television was not the room's focal point. Not all of the chairs were faced in the direction of the television, as was the case in his house, and every other home he had visited. No, at the Dodd house the couches and easy chairs were arranged more like a circle, all facing each other, so that the family would be facing each other, to talk, to communicate, and to relate and bond.

This was clearly a family that enjoyed each other's company, a family that preferred an evening of conversation rather than an evening staring at the "boob tube." As a child, Tom had noticed while walking along the streets of his town how eerie families looked while watching television. He would at times see through a bay window a family group watching TV. They might in fact be enjoying themselves. They must be enjoying themselves. Why else would they be doing it? But, they would look so expressionless, so numb; all of them just staring blankly, their faces lit by a white glow emanating from a box across the room, never saying anything, hardly moving, just staring, seemingly mindlessly.

Tom really enjoyed the evenings he spent in the Dodd family room. He was at first a bit uncomfortable; no, quite uncomfortable, with everyone sitting around in their chairs facing each other. He felt considerable pressure to make witty, insightful conversation. But, it wasn't long before he relaxed. There were even times when the conversation ran dry, but nobody in the Dodd family seemed to mind. The silences were not awkward. This was a family that truly enjoyed each other's company, even when nothing was being said.

Of course, some evenings were spent in family games. They played the usual games: charades, Quick on the Draw, Trivial Pursuits. But, even then the structure of the game would at times lose out to the pleasantness of the company. Somebody would say something that would lead to something else, and a full half hour would go by and nobody could remember whose turn it had been.

And, this was the biggest evening for the Dodd family: Tuesday evening. The evening of the family meeting, and Tom was invited to attend. He felt so proud to be there, so accepted. He sat down on the couch, which is where he usually sat. He always felt that the easy chairs were for the more senior members of the family and, besides, Karen liked to sit next to him, on his left. So, he sat down in his usual spot, on the right side of one of the two couches that faced each other across the room.

He didn't have to wait too long for Mrs. Dodd. In she came with a tray of freshly baked ginger cookies, along with the brand of cola he liked. She put down a coaster on the side table. Tom had to admire the way she did it. It was kind of unusual. She bent at the knees, like she was going to squat or crouch down, and then with a bit of hand flourish she picked up the icy cold glass from the tray and brought it to the coaster. He wasn't sure where he had seen that manner of serving before, but it was certainly distinctive.

She then bent over fully in front of him to offer him some cookies. "I know you like ginger cookies, Tommy, so please, help herself." She said so sweetly, "Just take what you want."

The first deliciousness that came into view though was Mrs. Dodd's quite evident, large breasts. Mrs. Dodd always dressed in a pleasing, attractive, and at times even a bit seductive, if not provocative, manner. Tom imagined how nice it would be to be married to her. Her outfits were not sleazy or slutty, nothing like that. But they certainly were appealing, even titillating. Today she was wearing a thin summer dress that clung well to her figure, clearly indicating the narrowness of her hips, the roundness of her bottom, and, with it being cut so low on top, the valley of her breasts, which were now so fully displayed in Tom's immediate line of vision. Tom could see deep down into Mrs. Dodd's cleavage. He even wondered if they might in fact plop out, they were so very nearly falling out.

"Uh, yeah, thanks Mrs. Dodd." He knew what treat he would like to have, but then quickly admonished himself for having such a thought about Karen's mother. Mrs. Dodd was such a sweet, kind, considerate woman. It was terribly inappropriate, even perverse, for him to have such a thought. She couldn't help it if her breasts were so large. It was frankly rude of him to be noticing them. He made a concerted effort to make eye contact, although he did have to look at her boobs, or at least the tray upon which her boobs were displayed, to get at her cookies. "They really look good," he said as he picked up a few.

Mrs. Dodd handed him some napkins and stood back up, her breasts notably wiggling with her movement. She said, with a bit of a twinkle in her eye, "Well, if I say so myself, they will taste as good as they look, Tommy." She leaned over again to place the tray of cookies on the coffee table facing the couch, giving him another deep peek down into her luscious valley.

The Dodds had rather atypical coffee tables. They were neither wood nor glass. They were thick leather. You could actually sit or lie on them. Tom always felt very nervous putting a drink on them. Of course, he always used a coaster, but even then he was terribly nervous about spilling a drink. Whenever someone did spill anything, Mrs. Dodd, or one of the other ladies of the house, would quickly clean it up.

Tom, of course, did notice the strong sex role differentiation within the Dodd household. There was one time that Tom did finally spill a little bit of a drink on the table. He quickly moved to clean it up, but Karen insisted that it was her responsibility. He wasn't entirely sure what she meant by that. Her responsibility because he was the guest, or her responsibility because she was a woman? He knew that this was one aspect of their relationship that he would hope to change after their marriage, although his mother repeatedly warned him that many persons think that they will be able to change their spouse, yet slowly but surely, they just learn to accept them the way they are. She would emphasize that marriage includes accepting the quirks and foibles of your partner, learning to live with them, and perhaps even eventually loving them.

Besides, it was also evident that the men of the Dodd household had their own roles. All of the Dodd males were tremendously handy around the house. The men were as dutiful and conscientious as the women were agreeable and obliging. Tom had never seen a family in which everyone worked so hard at getting along.

Mr. Dodd was particularly handy with his hands. Quite a bit of the Dodd furniture was in fact hand-made. Even the coffee tables, or perhaps especially them. Tom discovered this when he referred to them at one time as "coffee couches," and he was then told how proud Mr. Dodd was in his craftsmanship. Tom was worried that Mr. Dodd was offended by his reference, but Mr. Dodd reassured him. In fact, he agreed, with a twinkle in his eyes, that they probably could be used as a couch. "They do look awfully comfortable." The rest of the family seemed to find that remark funny, for reasons that were entirely unclear to Tom. He laughed as well, but he didn't know why. It seemed to be some sort of a private joke.

Before Mrs. Dodd stood back up she glanced over at Tom and winked, leaving him a little nonplussed. "Well," she said, as she was about to depart, "Everyone should be joining you shortly. I'm going to get a few more things before the meeting begins."

It wasn't too long after she left that Karen entered the room and Tom's eyes instantly went to her breasts. He knew that was rude. Girls can tell when you are looking at their breasts. But, breasts were on his mind and it was a natural reaction.

In any case, he was reminded that Karen had not inherited everything from her mother. Nevertheless, she was still really very, very attractive and, on top of that, so pleasant, so agreeable, so considerate.

And, especially pleasing for Tom, Karen really liked "doing it." They had gone all the way a number of times. After all, they were engaged to be married. There was no real reason to wait until the wedding night. Karen was in fact "a screamer." She would whimper and squirm at the beginning, then build to quite vocal squealing as she climaxed. Tom loved it, although at times he was worried about his neighbors hearing her. He lived in an apartment, and the walls were not particularly thick. Karen still lived with her parents, which was not at all unusual for Templeton College students.

There were some things though that Karen wouldn't do: no oral or anal sex. Tom, didn't mind. The rest of it was so good, and it wasn't that she wasn't actually unwilling or uninterested, or would never do it. It was just that she wanted to save some things for their honeymoon. The honeymoon was certainly a very special time for the bride and groom, and he did appreciate her reasoning. It certainly made him look forward to the honeymoon (as if he needed any additional or special motivation).

Karen sat down next to him, on his left, clutched his arm, and snuggled up to him, pressing her breast against him. Tom always enjoyed that. He wondered if girls realized how erotic that felt, to have a breast pressing against you, seemingly innocently but yet so forcefully, so evidently, so physically. Girls just seemed oblivious to their effect. After all, girls would tightly hug each other, resulting in four breasts being crushed against each other. If they didn't find anything erotic about that, well, then they must be oblivious. Guys would certainly never crush their crotches against each other. Well, Tom wasn't going to complain. It was probably good that she was unaware of her erotic appeal. He could have a nice soft tittie pressing against him all evening, right under the noses of her parents.

"Aren't you excited about tonight, Tommy?" Karen was just bubbling over with excited anticipation.

"Yea, sure, sure am." Tom was excited, although apparently not as excited as Karen. He could even fill a bit of a stiff nipple pressing against him. He was a bit surprised at her level of enthusiasm, but girls are generally more enthusiastic about family gatherings and an evening of spirited conversation than guys.

"I do hope you like it. You won't have to, you know. It's all up to you. But, I do so much hope you do. Try to be a good sport, okay?"

"What?" She had said similar things to him the first time he had spent an evening playing charades. Of course he would play charades, be a good sport, and play along. Why did she feel the need to ask again? "Sure, yea, don't worry about it."

Karen looked deep into his eyes, trying to gauge his sincerity. She could tell he was being sincere. Girls are really good at reading the expressions of their boyfriends, and Karen could see that Tom would do his best. He might object to some of it. That would be understandable. It's possible that he might even get upset and leave, but it was clear that he would at least try. "Oh," she said, squeezing his arm and speaking softy but with considerable urgency, "I do hope you will like it."

Tom wanted to ask why he wouldn't. Why wouldn't he like it? But, the rest of the family began to enter the room.

It was clear that the Tuesday evening discussion was well attended. Karen's older sister, Annette, was there, with her husband Robert Burgess. Annette was attending college at Abberville. Karen was a bit jealous about that, as Annette was thereby allowed to live on her own, although that would obviously happen for her as soon as she and Tom got married. The oldest Dodd child, Lonnie, was there as well with his wife, Doreen.

Everyone settled into their places, although, of course, helping themselves to Mrs. Dodd's fresh ginger cookies. Mr. Dodd, naturally, called the meeting to order. "Well, I first just want to begin by welcoming the newest member of our Tuesday gathering, the young Mr. Tommy Cole, soon to be a complete member of our family." Tom was greeted with a spirited round of cheers and applause. He beamed with pride. What was not to like about this?

Mr. Dodd continued. "You know, of course, Tom, that Tuesday is a special day in many respects. Tuesday, of course, is Guest Star Day."


"Tonight will be a revelation of a number of Dodd traditions and," he added with an exaggerated flourish, "secret family rituals," a remark greeted by a bit of throat clearing, giggling, grins, and nervous smiles. Karen again squeezed his arm, this time with both her hands, and pressed her breast deep into his bicep. Tom was beginning to understand that there must be more to this evening than just a discussion of family business.

"Given the concluding festivities of the evening I suppose that it might have been more suitable to have the meeting on Fridays. What was Friday?"

Karen raised her hand with glee. "Daddy, daddy, I know!"

Mr. Dodd grinned with pride. "Yes, Karen?"

"Friday was Talent Round-Up Day," she answered, with even more pride.

Tom was, of course, quite familiar with the fun Mr. and Mrs. Dodd had with the Mickey Mouse Club. The house was filled with Mickey Mouse memorabilia. They had both been big fans of the show when they were kids. Each of their children was in fact named after a Mousekeeter.

"Yes, Talent Round-Up Day, would be a more appropriate theme for our gathering." The suggestion was greeted with some knowing smiles. He did have a point there, but it was entirely a mystery to Tom. Tom wondered if perhaps the evening ended with a family member displaying some sort of talent, maybe singing a song, playing a musical instrument. He knew that a number of the Dodd children and in-laws were gifted in that way. He grew a bit nervous as he never had any musical training whatsoever, nor was he particularly talented or creative. He could do some magic tricks, but that would be rather silly. "But it's hard to get the family together on Friday evenings, particularly since you are all now so grown up."

"Well, honey," Mrs. Dodd suggested, with all due respect, "I would really think that Wednesday, Anything Can Happen Day, would have been even better." That was greeted with quite a bit more chuckles, nods, and grins.

"Yes, yes," Mr. Dodd had to agree, leaving Tom even more confused.

"Monday, Fun with Music Day, isn't so bad either," Annette added. Annette was the most talented musically. Yes, Tom thought, each family member probably displayed some sort of talent at the end.

Karen suggested, "What about Circus Day, daddy?" That stimulated quite a bit of laughter.

"Yes, yes," Mr. Dodd agreed, "Sometimes it does become a three-ring circus, everybody getting into the act. Seems like every day of the week would be fitting. But, today is Tuesday, and Tuesday is Guest Star Day, and in honor of our guest star I believe we should begin our discussion with plans for the wedding."

That was received with considerable enthusiasm, especially by Karen. It was nice for Tom as well, although he wasn't particularly into making the plans. Wedding planning did appear to be more of the domain of the bride and her mother. Nevertheless, he could see how closely bonded the Dodd family was. Even the in-laws were actively involved, making very useful suggestions, offering to help out with some of the more laborious and tedious tasks. He really felt very lucky to be a part of this family. They were all so close and involved.

After the discussion of the wedding they proceeded to other family business: an upcoming vacation trip. The scheduling was a little difficult, as the vacation schedules of Templeton and Abberville, where the offspring attended, were not in sync. After that, it was matters of family activities. The Dodd family took great pride in their charity and volunteer work. They were really very active in the community, and typically volunteered as an entire family group. This time, they all agreed to help on Saturday with the reparation of the history wing of the Abberville library, which had recently suffered considerable water damage after a sustained storm. Many other matters were also discussed, including any interpersonal conflicts or feelings of ill will. There was really very little of that. This was a family which truly got along very, very well. If there was one theme that pervaded the Dodd household, it was good manners and civility. Perhaps it was because they devoted a portion of each Tuesday evening to discussing any little concern that they did get along so well.

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