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Turning Bite

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It's not easy being human in a world full of sharp teeth.
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Mack let me be silly. Role-playing like he was a long ago cartoon character wil e coyote and I was the roadrunner. Instead of mep meping and running away from him I'd mep mep and run to jump into his arms. He let me draw sweet nothing tattoos of rainbows and unicorns on his pecs. He ate dinners I made solely of waffle castles with whipped cream snow covered landscapes while I shared stories of something called Winter Wonderland. I've painted his toenails pink while he sat in a chair and after the pedicure I'd sucked each of them into my mouth until his cock leaked and he moaned bucking his hips up in the air. We would wrestle playfully and then patiently he'd instruct me how to break free from his hold to gain the dominant position. We had quiet evenings of reading and sometimes I'd recite things like the 'top 10 blow job tips to please your man' from a brittle magazine dating back over a hundreds years. The fun part was putting them to the test.

He let me be silly, such a novelty, and accepted me exactly as I am. A defenseless human. And he paid me back by doing thing that showed me exactly who he was. Brutal. He would fuck my ass and tell me to rub my clit if I wanted any pleasure. He pierced my nipples and finger fucked me watching my tits bounce and sway with the new jewelry pieces attached. He would slam me against the wall with his hand over my throat in a blood choke while he fucked me to an almost blackout, just to release his grip until I recover only to tighten it down again. And always with him I was coming and coming. He was so brutal but I loved it. It was part of who he was. His primal wolf lived so close to the surface even while he walked in human form.

I'm getting ahead of myself thought because it wasn't always like this between us. He found me months ago. Alone and barely scavenging enough to stay alive in a world filled with werewolves. I was a terrified mess hiding in the attics or basements of any house that seemed promising. The first time and many of the subsequent times he followed me to another location I would ridiculously end up screaming and slinging my baseball bat in wide arcs to ward off his claws or bites that never even came or threatened me. Caterwauling for help that wouldn't come. Acting out in fear and in deep seeded frustration of the hunt and hide life I was living. All the while he calmly and quietly brought me food or whatnots and kept his distance.

Eventually I stopped screaming and thinking he was going to eat me or call his other pack mates over to make my presence known. In those weeks of me fleeing from house to house he was always able to track me down so I stayed under his watchful gaze. He had shifted from wolf to beast to man enough times for the shock to wear off and that we could hold a civil enough conversation.

I sat on the back porch stoop of the latest crumbling house I kept residence in, backpack and baseball bat at the ready. But instead of pushing off to go with my head on swivel looking out for the next threat I sat and looked up at the night sky. Seeing it time lapse from blue and pink to orange and purple. Wanting to feel awe from the beauty of nature, knowing that would be the natural reaction, instead I felt numb and exhausted.

I didn't even jump when he approached from the side of the yard and sat beside me. "What are you doing out in the open Sarah?"

I didn't have an answer. With a deep sigh I glanced over at him and noticed that he took up the mantle of watch, eyes sharp, not missing a thing. And that was the first time I felt safe with Mack. The exhaustion was still there but the overwhelming relief I felt from being with someone else that might care about my wellbeing flooded me.

"I was on my way out but got sidetracked by that sunset." I finally said enjoying the close proximity of his body heat on the side of my body. But it was better not to assume that anything changed and I was still on my own. I shoulder my backpack and stood up. Tossing him a can of peaches in heavy syrup that I had set aside for him, "Thanks for not eating me."

He caught it with a grin and set it down before standing up beside me.

"If you run any further north you'll be leaving my clans territory. If you do keep running," He said and paused looking at me waiting until I made eye contact. "I won't be able follow you."

"All I know is how to run." I said.

"Let me show you something different then."

And damn if I could refuse that.

From that moment on he has been keeping me among his pack. Merging me into their lives hadn't been easy. The Alpha was not willing to extend protection to a lowly human. I can still remember the first time I was in his audience and the main subject of debate. He stated plainly that he thought I was a minority, a weakling and the lowest of the low. Not even a part of the pack. The Alpha held the superior belief that humans would die off eventually or accept the bite to turn and become relevant among a clan.

Still Mack stood tense in front of him. "Alpha, if you won't give protection then I'm asking that you state her as mine. That it be known among the pack. Any ill effects from her being here I'll handle personally. You don't ever have to lift a finger."

"No." Alpha said. "I'll not have any part of this ill advised union. She doesn't even smell of you Mack. I won't state your claim when it isn't even true. How do you know she's worth it?" He eyed me with disgust but continued. "Deal with the consequences of your decision or change her."

Mack's tactic on the matter of my safety was austere in those early days. He refused the option of turning me into a lycanthrope with his bite. So instead I remained locked behind closed doors with him only coming and going from his rooms to bring me what I needed. Warning me to never open the door for anyone other than him. He came to me battered and bloody the majority of the time. The violence against him worried me and even though he healed quickly I assumed the reason for his need to fight was to defend my presence, a human that wouldn't accept the bite. That didn't sit well with me.

So sick with guilt one night I talked him into letting me clean him up even while he tried to shrug off my gentle strokes.

"You don't need to Sarah. I'll be fine soon."

"Yes but- that isn't the point Mack." I said taking hold of his hand. My aim was the kitchen. If he didn't want to follow me then there was no way I could drag him. Being allowed this I gestured for him to sit as I ran hot water over a soft cloth in the sink. Standing beside him I inspected the worst looking gashes on his neck that I guessed were from some werewolf's claws. So close to his jugular I shuddered. I dabbed away the crusted blood from his healing wound. I watched fascinated by his strong pulse still beating so close to the scar on his neck. The scar all werewolves have from the turning bite. His was a mangled mess of puckered flesh, topography of red gullies and white peaks standing starkly against his bronze skin. I swayed around him for better access to clean a patch of dried blood or gently run my fingers along a bruise on his face. I had moved around him until I stood facing him, straddling one of his thick thighs, when I looked up at him. His body a furnace radiating heat, melting me from the inside out. "I can't stay here and watch you turn shades of black and blue or bleeding. I don't have the stomach for it. Would it be so bad to turn me?"

"You'll stay human. I didn't ask you here to force this on you. I did it so I could protect you. Do you trust me to do that?" He asked his hands coming up to hold my hips. I shivered at his touch and liquid heat ran from my flushed checks to pool and lap at the core of my pussy. All the talk of being his with the Alpha and him stating I was his but never acting on it had built a tension in me I didn't know existed until he put those claiming hands on my hips.

I felt drunk and a little dizzy but nodded.

He pulled me down to sit straddling his thigh. "Take off your top." He said. I obeyed the order and my breast bobbed free. My nipples puckered under his perusal. I reached to hold him close but he held me up short with a hand clenching the pale hair at my nap and pulled me back into an arch with my neck tilted back. I instinctively covered both his hands with mine. Not pulling at them but caressing them. Adding my consent and strength to their hold. His breathing picked up pace and filled my ears as he leaned in close to my ear. "Ride me."

And oh how I took those words into my heart, into my belly and fed them to my achy pussy. Sobbing in the permission they gave me to let my need for him show. I rode his thigh and humped him as the smell of my sex filled the space between us. Smelling my arousal his growl rumbled out of his chest. I felt the gravelly base of it where we connected and it vibrated into my clit. I bucked and rocked harder wanting to mash myself into him and lose myself in his strength and find the orgasm my body promised.

He watched me. Finally his hand that had been around my waist, helping keep me steady, lifted to unbuckle his belt and fumbled to unbutton his fly. He pulled out his thick cock and started beating it. I wanted to watch but he held my head in place so I only got glimpses of his rapid fire stroking. Oh god. "Yes." I cried. "I'm coming. I'm coming." And I did. I did.

He growled again so close to my ear and neck pressing his face to my shoulder and I felt his human teeth latch on and bite me. Hot spurts of his cum hit my breast and belly. I held him then, my arms around his back as his breath returned to normal.

He lifted from my shoulder and looked me in the eyes. Caressed my check. "Now you hold my scent and bare my mark. That signal will help."

He had to mark me everyday to stake his property and make his protection of me known. It helped. There were no more bloody fights and I could walk among them if he kept me close or I was entrusted with friends. I could tell he was frustrated that the Alpha flatly refused any repercussions on those if harm came to me. The only times I was forbidden from leaving our quarters was when new members joined the pack or the night of a full moon. He had established his strength, dominance and ability to keep me. But nothing could keep me safe during the full moon or the status hungry of the newly initialed.

The days of new members were the worst. Mack kept me by his side and I wasn't allowed out of his sight if he even let me out of our rooms. It was always a couple of tedious days of breaking new members in and letting them know just how much bullshit he would tolerate. Zero.

We were eating dinner in the Hall and I had just gone through the communal food line. I put down our food tray and slid into the seat next to Mack when I felt him bristle.

"Eye-fuck my girl any more, John and I'll skull fuck your left eye today and save your right for tomorrow." He said to the new member that had been sizing me up and down while I was walking to our table.

"Whatever Mack." John said but stopped looking at me and huffed dismissively at Mack. "You don't have to be so touchy about your human blow up doll."

I learned that these crude interactions sometimes happened in the first meetings with new initiates. I'd been to a couple gatherings on the green by now. Not all the humans that were turned on the green wanted it, but decided it was better than death. Resentment from the reluctantly new werewolves was understandable. I had a protector that kept me human. Not everyone was in the same situation I was in. I looked over at Mack hoping he would have some compassion. He just kept staring coldly at the new werewolf letting the hierarchy of pack dynamics settle into place.

I knew not to take it personal and these months together in his care should point out my importance to Mack. Still, that night in bed I sought reassurances.

"Mack, am I your fuck toy?"


Okay, well... "Am I only your fuck toy?"

"No. Go to sleep Sarah" and that was all he said pulling me back to his big spoon cuddle and swallowed me up in his big arms.

Rising early and languidly the next morning I was surprised to be awake before him. Mack didn't look any less dangerous in his sleep, just less guarded. He looked timeless and I remembered back to when I playfully tried to guess his age. His only concession was joking he was an old fart. His only tell was the slight grey at the temples of his high and tight hair cut. So I had no clue his real age but it must be pretty old if you didn't even keep count anymore.

I snuggled to his side and when he stayed sleeping I reached for the drawer of the bedside table pulling out a soft felt pin. He needed another tattoo. I pulled back the sheet sliding my hand along his groin wrapping my fingers around his thick cock. Moaning I brought it to my lips. I took pleasure in worshiping his cock. Generally if I initiated anything he let me set the tone. And instead of a face fuck and him getting all bossy, in these moments, he begged. My pussy flooded thinking of his dirty talk. Before I got too distracted I popped the cap of the pen and started on my latest masterpiece while bobbing my head up and down with my other hand gripping close to the base so I didn't gag. I hummed an upbeat tune excited about the details of the drawing.

Mack woke up with a deep inhale. Reaching down to scratch where I was drawing. I lifted my head, his hard dick popped out of my mouth, and bating his hand away with the pen still in my hand. "Don't. You're going to mess it up."

"Mmm. It tickled." He said, eyes still closed. "Please don't stop Sarah."

And here it comes, all that delicious dirty begging. He spread his legs wider to accommodate me between them. Lifting his hips showing me his physical need. I went back to licking him and sucking him while finishing the last details on the drawing so I could fully concentrate on giving him some morning head.

"Ah yea. Suck my dick baby. Your juicy mouth feels so good. So hot and wet just like that pussy you give me anytime I want it. Mmm." He moaned and rocked against my mouth. He opened his eyes looking down at me and placed one hand on the back of my head. Asking me to take as much as I could. I dropped my hand from the base of his cock to massage his balls and angled my mouth to press all the way down to his crisp dark pubic hair. Bobbing I swallowed him into my throat trying not to gag. I lifted up to his tip played with his bulbous head and back down to smell his musky scent while I buried my nose in his lap. "Oh fuck yes. Fuck me. Take that dick. It's yours. You make it feel so good baby it'll do anything for you. Mmm." I looked up at him with heavy lidded eyes and bobbed up and down fast making everything so sloppy and added both my hands twisting and lifting up and down in tandem with my mouth. "Ahh. Yes, wring me dry with that greedy slut mouth. Tight yes, just like that. Oh please baby. Your gonna make me cum." I kept that pace and tempo watching the changing expressions on his face. "Ahhhh" He pumped his come into my mouth and I swallowed and lapped his cock up clean as it twitched and he sagged loose limbed in the bed. "Thank you baby. That felt good."

I sat back and reached for a glass of water we kept beside the bed.

"You cheeky bitch." He laughed finally seeing what I drew on his groin. An elephant head, ears big and floppy with his dick as the nose, tusks circling up on either side of his hips. He reached over as I finish my drink and he pulled me down over his lap. Play smacking my ass in punishment when really I think he just liked watching it bounce with each swat.

I rolled over onto my back, using one foot to bat at his reaching hands and my other foot pressing back on his shoulder. Squealing as he levered up to tower over me on his hands and knees.

"You're going to be late Mack." I said. Reminding him of his day. He just deflected each of my straining feet. Grabbing one and nibbled his way up to my thigh.

"I'm never late Sarah. I arrive right on time. My time."

"Oh that's not an inflated ego. No, not self important at all." I said laughs turning to moans as he started licking me. Slow long draws starting at my asshole and ended with his flat tongue flicking my clit.

"If only the smell of your pussy wasn't so distracting." He said into my pale pubic hair, nuzzling his nose into me as he lapped at my clit.

"Ahh. Don't blame my pussy on your lack of time management skills."

"Never. I'll skip my shower and let this wet hole bathe me instead. You gonna squirt when you come Sarah? Cover me with your girl come?"

Oh god. Oh god. He slipped his thick knuckled fingers into my sopping hole and found that achy spot inside me adding to the onslaught of pleasure. I moaned and rocked my hips into his mouth and fingers. Whimpering for it all, his masterful tongue and curved fingers wrenching from me a flood of come, wave after wave. "Yes. Oh yes." I cried.

He crawled up my body. Lumbering big, licking his chops and looking so self satisfied. "Oh god." I moaned. "Please go take a shower."

"No way." He scoffed. "I'll be late."

Laughing at the horrified look on my face he got off the bed and went to the bathroom to quickly scrub down in the shower as I changed the sheets. As we got prepared for our day he was still smiling wickedly as we brushed our teeth over the sink.

"Not funny." I said as I reached to change my nipple piercings from bars to hoops. Putting my favorite pineapple charm on the left ring to dangle prettily.

"Agree to disagree." He finished rinsing his mouth and came up behind me to snuggle the back of my neck and reached around to flick at the new adornments. "We're hunting the northern section today. I'm going to be back before dark though. You working in the bakery?"

"Mmmhmm." I said angling to put on my top. "I'll figure out sourdough if it's the end of me. There is no way yeast is smarter than me." I said and turned to face him. He hugged me tight.

"Last loaf you brought home was way better than your first attempt. You got this." He said and taking my hand he we exited our rooms.

We walked together to the Flour House. The bell over its door chimed as we made our way inside. Mack gave a couple of nods and greetings to the others in the front as I went around the counter. "Hey Veronica."

"What up Mutt?" she asked. Mack refused the rhetorical egging and misnomer, mainly because Veronica was a solid friend of mine and he trusted me with her. Her antagonistic relationship was from the frustration of him unwilling to change me.

"I won't be here after your shift ends. Could you see Sarah gets home safe?" He asked.

"Sure." She said and turned to me. "Wouldn't it be awesome, Sarah, if he would just turn you and you didn't have to be this metaphorical bone he had to keep from others?"

Mack was already heading towards the door. "Not happening." He said but at the door he turned and looking at me he snapped his teeth. "Bye babe."

Veronica scoffed as she saw my goofy smile and threw the towel that was draped over her shoulder at me. "Ugh. Whatever. You like being his bone."

"I do." I caught the towel and holding the ends tight put it between my teeth and shook it.

She laughed throwing her hands up. "I give."

I dropped the tea towel into the linen basket and headed to the cupboard to feed my starter. "It's not like I haven't brought it up before Vonnie."

"Oh there isn't anything that mutt wouldn't do for you. I'm sure if you laid on the charm you could be very convincing. Hell I don't even know how you get threw a full moon mating without him turning you."

I blushed and shared. "He has a surprisingly large amount of self control on those nights."

"Oh, surprisingly large huh?" her innuendo cut us into giggles. The bell over the front door chimed as customer's filtered in spurring us into our tasks.


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