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Turning The Tables on David

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We April Fools' a fake 3-way w/ a sexual harasser from work.
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This is my entry into the April Fools' Day Contest. This is only my 2nd contest entry and I ask you to please be kind in your comments. I am trying my best to fully join the Literotica community.

I went Non-Con with this because it was April Fools' and that seemed to be tailor made for an April Fools' story.

I would like to thank Eva_Adams for her help in general, her editing with this story, and our growing friendship as Literotica writers.

I hope you enjoy and thank you for taking the time to read my story.

Part One

Sherry and I shared a vagina.

We had been sharing a vagina for about a year now, and a highly inviting vagina it was!

Shaved bare with just a few wisps of delicate, blonde hair right above it to tickle the nose and remind me that she was indeed a natural blonde. Delicate, not fleshy, with a nub of a clitoris that was long enough and large enough for my mouth to find and pleasure, but not so wide that the hood took over everything.

Her lips were pink, delicate, and as I said inviting. And she had the best tasting vagina I have ever eaten.

Yes, it had that wonderful acidic, pungent odor unlike no other. Sweet yet acidic. Repellent and yet, the most intoxicating scent known to all of mankind with the power to bring on your most primal and animalistic urges but, in addition, somehow Sherry's vagina tasted like strawberries and citrus fruit unlike any I had ever eaten before.

And I had eaten a lot of pussy in my time. A lot of pussy.

It left a sweet taste in my mouth and a scent I never wanted to wash off of my mustache and beard.

The smell of her vagina reminded me of being in the 11th grade and if you got lucky enough to actually finger a girl, you would sit in class the next day looking at your friends, showing off, and smelling your finger under your nose during the entire class. Remember those days?

Can you tell that I liked Sherry's pussy? Actually I loved Sherry's pussy. It was everything I desired in one and I am happy to say, Sherry loved my cock.

And right now I was fucking that mighty fine, inviting pussy like there was no tomorrow.

At this moment in life, our entire world had come down to my hard cock and her soaking vagina and I was pumping so hard I was hitting her cervix and occasionally making her scream out in pain, but we didn't even notice. We were possessed.

You know how sometimes when you are fucking your brains out all you care about is your genitelia? If you're a girl, all you think about is your pussy and more importantly your clit especially if it is being rubbed. And if you are a guy, all you are thinking about is your cock, and balls as they get fuller and tighten towards you, and more importantly the head of your cock?

Say hello to Sherry and me at this moment.

Sure a half hour ago, we were feasting on each other's bodies. I was lost in her luscious lips with the light pink lipstick, her gray/green eyes with long eyelashes, the wavy blonde hair that fell a bit below her shoulder, and choice pert B-cup breasts with scrumptious nipples, tight, taut, erect with just enough, but not too much areola, and the fine stomach with a belly button ring and the little tattoo of the heart with a red arrow just right of her snatch deep down, pointing to it,

Then I threw her on her back, spread her legs wide, took my hefty cock and speared her balls deep.

I needed to fuck her senseless with my inflamed cock since my "little" head had totally consumed my being.

The late Robin Williams used to call his cock in his comedy act "Mr. Happy."

Well, my Mr. Happy had taken control of my other head, and owned me right now. At that moment, our entire world had come down to my hard cock and her soaking pussy.

As I fucked her, my thumb was circling Sherry's clit exactly the way she liked. My rule is "the girl cums first." And she did. Screaming my name over and over with a few "Holy Shits!!!" thrown in as her cunt pulsed and spasmed around me begging me to give it my seed.

"Cum in me! Cum in me right now! I need to feel your hot seed filling me up. Fill me with your seed," she urged with her hands on my ass pumping me hard into her.

And I did. I shot rope after rope of hot, milky spunk deep inside her. Flooding her womb with thousands of my live, swimming sperm searching for an egg that happily they would not find since she was on the pill.

I collapsed on her panting together. Our sweat mingling from our passion.

After a while I rolled over, "Jesus, How come every time we make love it gets better than the last one?" I asked.

"I was wondering the same thing too," She said.

"You know Sherry this is starting to sound dangerously like love."

"It sure is. Good thing we're engaged," and she smiled.

Yeah, I was a happy man laying there with my fiancée by my side. We laid there for a while until I said, "I don't know about you, but I am hungry and want a beer. Want to shower and then I'll rustle up some grub?"

The answer was yes. After long shower with another orgasm for both of us, we were in the kitchen eating a late night breakfast of bacon and eggs with buttered raisin toast on the side.

Part Two

David Lowe was a smug, full of himself asshole. 30-something, about 5'-9" tall, I'd guess around 160-170lbs if he was lucky. He was decent looking, but not as good looking as he thought, and definitely not as smart as he thought. I will admit he had a great head of hair.

The joke around the floor about him was, "he's so dumb he could throw himself on the ground and miss."

As I said, not as smart as he thought.

Sherry and I worked together in marketing on the content side and David was our boss' hotshot for the whole shebang.

It was a very large department and Sherry and I were actually officed on opposite sides of the building. It is a telling story about modern business, I knew her name, email address and had emailed with her on projects, but never met in person.

Welcome to the modern, digital business world. Same office, same department, same floor and you never talk in person or meet.

Anyway back to Mr. Lowe, it didn't matter that we were the same age, and I had a Master's degree in this and he did not, he strutted around like the cock of the roost.

Everyone except for the boss hated his guts.

Sherry and I finally had met in person in the fitness room on the 10th floor on adjacent treadmills nearly by accident.

She was on the treadmill next to me wearing a sexy. pink workout outfit and was drenched in sweat. Her blonde hair starting to stick around her face, and the sweat on her top was making it semi-translucent around her highly erect nipples.

I wasn't the only guy in the room to notice.

I was about 15 minutes into a serious 20 minute run of my own when she said, "See that guy?"

I looked up and saw David Lowe on the shoulder machine who had also noticed Sherry's "pokies."

"He's a fucking asshole. Not only is he an arrogant shit, but he keeps hitting on me."

Kind of a bold thing for her to say since she didn't know if I was a friend of David's or not.

Luckily I disliked him as much as she did.

"Yep. He's a dick. And if he's doing that to you, that's illegal, you know. Why don't you go to HR and report him?"

"Are you kidding me? And kill my career as a one of those bitches who screams rape and abuse and is then crucified within the company and social media?!!"

"It's fucked, and I hate him," she concluded.

"For what it's worth, I am sorry that is your situation and also sorry how shitty that this is in our world right now."

I continued, "Since we both hate the guy... " and I reached across treadmills and introduced myself.

Sherry told me her name and we realized we worked together in the same department.

After the "Oh wows!" and the workout together, I asked her to join me in a lemonade after we were done.

That turned into a dinner date that Saturday night and a very hot first fuck at my place after dinner.

It was the greatest sex of my life, and maybe also Sherry's with her cumming three times. I came three times myself.

The next morning I went out to an early pre-work breakfast with my best friend and said, "Last night I met the future mother of my children."

For me, it may have been love at first sight and we have been sharing a vagina ever since.

A few weeks later we were doing lunch hour at the nearby Subway. We were on line together, and when Sherry got to the front she order some kind of uber Subway super healthy monthly special.

I ordered my usual Italian BMT with all the fixings.

She punched me in the arm and said, "Going for that heart attack on a plate, Big Guy!"

"Hey! This is my reward for all of those hours on the damn treadmill okay?! Lay off me bitch."

And we both broke out laughing.

We sat down to eat our sandwiches.

Sherry said, "Are you aware that David knows we are a couple?

"So what? It is allowed under company policy. Hell, our CEO is screwing his Executive Assistant. Everybody knows that, including her husband."

"No it's not that. He is pressuring me to have a three-way with us."

"A three-way, a three-way? With that smug, small dicked asshole?! No way."

"Actually, he is unfortunately erect at my workstation all of the time and it is not that small. Sorry to tell you, it is rather large. I think that is why he struts so much considering how short he is."

"I don't care if he's hung like Secretariat, I'm not having a three-way with that jerk!"

"As a matter of fact I'm not having a three-way with anyone with you. I'm not sharing you," I declared.

"Honey, I understand and agree. Calm down." And she stroked my arm.

We sat silent for a while eating our sandwiches.

"Certainly not David, but later maybe we might kinda explore a three-way and other things?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?!"

"Never mind. For another time. Back to David."

"Well," I said, "April Fools' is coming up. Maybe we can have a little fun with David over an April Fools' Day three-way practical joke? You know, like an April Fools' Day prank where he thinks we are going to agree, get him all hot and bothered and then turn the tables."

"I'm listening."

"I have been reading about April Fools' since it's coming up. It's a fascinating tradition."

Sherry gave me an appreciative and knowing smile.

As you know my father taught me "knowledge is power" and it resonated for me. Dad always said to my sisters and me while were growing up, "Know what you don't know." I think he meant be aware of what knowledge you are lacking so as not to make a mistake or say something stupid.

However, I also heard it as "learn what you do not know." I internalized it and all of my life I have loved to learn. And I love to learn about everything. The world is filled with fascinating things and the river of information and knowledge runs deep. So I have been drilling down into this."

"No one seems to know how it was invented or became a tradition," I continued. "Some say Chaucer started it in 'Canterbury Tales.' Some say it started in one of Shakespeare's plays." I paused for a moment. "Doesn't it seems that if something didn't start with Shakespeare everyone claims it started with 'Canterbury Tales?' My money is on Shakespeare."

"Did you know that Shakespeare is credited with creating over 1,700 words that we still use today?"

Sherry gave me "the look." She had listened to me go off on tangents before.

"Sorry, April Fools'. Every country seems to have a different story of its origin, but like Christmas nearly every country celebrates it. And April Fools' jokes and pranks are practiced everywhere."

"I was kinda curious about it so I went on to Amazon and bought a book on April Fools'. It's fascinating, the history of the holiday, some great jokes throughout history, and pranks and some of the standard jokes."

"What fascinated me the most is right here in Los Angeles, there was a guy named Jack McDermott who built a legendary mansion in the Hollywood Hills in 1921 called 'The Spider Pool' because it had a spider in the tile of the retaining wall. It's now a torn down relic that is hunted like Machu Picchu, or the Roman Coliseum for it's architectural relics."

"It seem that Mr. McDermott, who was a wealthy film producer back then, was famous for his parties and built an entire upside down room in his house. A full upside down room! There are pictures."

"The floor was the ceiling with a standard chandelier on a brass pole, crown molding and all of the ceiling architecture, and the walls had upside down art and light fixtures attached, and yes, the furniture, including the bed and bedding was attached to the ceiling. "

"Mr. McDermott use to take the serious drunks from his parties -- the folks who passed out -- and put them in this room."

"Imagine how they felt waking up in the morning!"

"That would give you a headache if you didn't have one already," Sherry said.

"Apparently, it was a big laugh for everyone."

"What if I built a room like that in the basement," I continued. "I could do it, You know I have the skills."

"Then, we took David out for drinks and dinner promising a three-way, slipped an Ativan in his drink, get him so drunk he passes out and leave him to wake up in the room? Don't you think that would be fucking great."

"Absolutely no! I am not going to "roofie" somebody and then pay the price after."

"Really?! Well, shit. OK, then what?"

"What if I finally agreed to a three-way with David, got him hooked and convinced, that he would get to fuck me in a three-way, then we took him up some place for the 'three-way,' but threw some kind of April's Fools' switch instead?"

"I like that!" What are you thinking?"

And we starting talking, brainstorming, and plotting out a plan.


Part Three

Over the next few weeks life continued as usual. We went to work, David lorded over us occasionally hitting on Sherry, and sometimes had the temerity to "accidently" brush his hard cock against the back of her shoulder or head.

I know women had to put up with this kind of abhorrent, pig behavior all the time and I could actually relate.

I had a college Department Head who was gay do that to me in undergraduate school while I was seated at a desk in a class he was teaching. I had no choice but to allow it since he was the guy who decided if my classes and grades qualified for a degree. Which he did a year and a half later.

So I sat there in my chair and let him put his hands on my shoulders talking to the class as he rubbed his hardon against the back of my head.

It was only one time for me, but because of it I understood what women go through on a regular basis and right now, the humiliation Sherry was allowing to implement our plan.

While pretending to look over her to examine her computer screen's data, David had just finished rubbing his cock on Sherry and said, "So, have you thought about that, err, fun I suggested?"

"You know David, I have. I don't see that happening, but maybe if we all got out of the workplace and became better friends, one never knows."

And she put her head down and gave him her best, sultry Princess Di look.

"Sure!" he said to swiftly. "When?"

"How about the Oyster House tonight? It's Friday why not? If you've never been there it's a great local hang, fun crowd, surprisingly great food, and very generous, affordable drinks. Why don't you join us tonight?"

"It's time we all got to know each other better anyway. Isn't it?" and she smiled.

"Yes! What time? I'll be there."

"We have a reservation for 7:00pm. Join us. It is a small local joint and you'll find us as soon as you walk in."

As I've said before, everybody except for the boss hated him and we had recruited a number of colleagues and friends into the plan. Everybody was "all in" especially our friend Paul who had said to the two us, "Don't worry. We've got you covered."

I loved working with Paul. He was beyond a shadow of a doubt the most creative guy on the team. Isn't that frequently true about gay men? And he was left-handed another trait that always seems to be the most creative.

You know, many of the most brilliant artists, painters, writers, and designers throughout history were left handed.

Michelangelo was left-handed and so was da Vinci along with Toulouse Lautrec. Paul Klee, Peter Paul Rubens, and Escher. Paul McCartney, as we all know, David Bowie, Matt Groening of Simpsons fame, and let's not forget Jimi Hendrix. Sylvester Stallone is left-handed and that is why Rocky is a southpaw. The basis for so many great movies and billions in box office.

I guess there is something to that left hand, right brain thing.

Sherry and I went home to get ready and were so hot about the plan we knocked one off first.

Actually, Sherry started it by surprising me as soon as we got home, shut and locked the door and said, "I want you to cum in my mouth right now!"

Hell, we weren't even out of the foyer yet.

"Can't we at least get to the carpet where it's warmer first?" I said.

We did, she did, and I did with Sherry taking my gigantic, pent up load that overwhelmed her mouth and spilled out all over her top and boobs and dripped down to her thighs. Then we made love until we both came again.

We were Oyster House regulars. It was around the corner from our house and we had become close with the owner, Herbie, and his entire family. He had owned the joint for 40 years. His eldest son, Bill ran the place. We had become good buds.

We had a standing reservation for Fridays at 7:00pm always in our favorite booth. There was a long bar that was filled day and night along one wall, booths against the opposing wall facing the bar, and bar height tables and stools in between.

We were in our favorite booth way before seven chatting with everyone and setting up the plan Happily, all of our Oyster House pals were in on it.

I was in a nice Ted Baker shirt and black levis, and Sherry opted for jeans and a simple white designer shirt that showed just enough cleavage thanks to her Wonder Bra. In a nice touch she had put her blonde hair back into a ponytail and her sorority pin in the blouse for a fun "schoolgirl" look.

A few minutes after seven, David walked in. We waved.

"Yoo-hoo! We're over here!"

He saw us and walked over with a big smile on his face. I stood up to welcome him, we shook hands and I gestured to Sherry's left side and said, "Hey David, good to see you. Sit over there." He did.

Nancy our favorite waitress came over and said, "Any friend of theirs is a friend of mine. Hi, I'm Nancy what would you like to drink?"

He ordered a vodka martini, we told her we were still good and Nancy headed off towards the bar.

We chitchatted for a while and ordered dinner with good old David dominating the conversation about how great he was, his college successes in sports, his many conquests off the field and how he was going to take over the company become the CEO and sit in the corner office in the top floor.

I watched Sherry "accidently" move her knee over towards David's for a moment or two as we ate and talked. Then at some point she dropped her hand to reach for her napkin and "accidently" slide it against his thigh also for a moment. All as if a casual accident.

He was trying to hide it, but I could see the arousal in his face.

I assumed at this point his hardon was uncomfortable in his tight pants.

I looked at the two of them and said, "Sorry, nature calls. Will you guys please excuse me?" and slid out of the booth, but first I stopped at the bar to chat with Melanie the friendly blonde haired bartender who always wore only a black corset on top showing off her ample tits to encourage tips.


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