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Two Way Stretch Ch. 03


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"Er - yes. Maybe. I hope I've got the right house. Richard Walters? Sorry, my taxi's just gone. I should have checked that this was the right house first. But I think I got the address right."

"Yes, you did. I'm Mary Walters. Richard is my husband."

Mary paused, unsure what to say next. But she didn't get the chance, Richard opened the door. He had to really, he must have heard voices. And there we were, his 'mistress' and his wife, standing on the doorstep. I knew I had to say something first. I reached out my hand towards him.

"Mr Walters, I'm so glad to see you again. I'm sorry I couldn't get to the bank earlier. It is so good of you to agree to see me like this. My boss would be most upset if he knew I hadn't got the paperwork sorted this afternoon. I am so grateful, you have got me out of real trouble."

Both Richard and Mary were still for a moment, taking this in. I just hoped I had fooled her, and that he had realised what I was trying to do. Save his marriage, that's what I was trying to do. It was Mary who responded first.

"Well, please, do come in. I do wish my husband didn't need to see clients at home but, well, I suppose it goes with the job. Please, do sit down. Can I get you a coffee? And Richard, darling, you haven't introduced us."

He snapped out of it. In fact he did very well indeed, he seemed very calm under the circumstances.

"I'm so sorry. Mary, this is Miss du Bois, from TWS. A client of ours. Miss du Bois, my wife, Mary."

I stretched out my hand to her and smiled.

"Pleased to meet you, please call me Raelene. Again I do apologise for taking up your husband's time."

She had said 'my husband' twice and 'darling' once within a minute, consciously or unconsciously she was making a statement. He was hers. Actually I didn't think she felt threatened, I had convinced her of the innocence of my presence.

"Coffee then?" she asked.

"Thank you very much" I replied.

Better do this, maintain the impression and get it over with and out of there, our 'talk' was going to have to wait.

"Richard, do you want to take Raelene into the study? I'll bring the coffee in a couple of minutes."

I was sure he would love to. Take me in there. Shut the door. And have sex, But that wasn't going to be an option, not with wifey bringing coffee to us. As she headed off towards the kitchen, I took the opportunity to move in towards Richard, put my hands up round his neck, and kissed him very lightly. I spoke calmly and quietly.

"Richard, I need to get out of here. Quick, let me open my case, we can pretend to be dealing with some papers. I'll have the coffee and then ring for a taxi. OK?"

He had to agree and we did just that. When Mary came back I was just closing the case.

"Thank you Mr. Walters, you have saved my life. As I said, my boss would have been livid if he got in on Monday and that had not been sorted. I am so sorry, the afternoon just seemed to fly by, I just clean forgot."

"Well, if you have finished, do come through into the living room, Raelene. I'll bring the coffee."

I was just a little embarrassed when I sat down on the sofa, luckily this time Richard didn't sit next to me. I remembered the last time! He was nervous too, I decided to get this finished with as soon as possible. Mary first offered to drive me home herself, then suggested Richard could drive me. I was tempted but said no. Eventually after some rather inconsequential and uncomfortable chit-chat I did get a taxi.

On the way back into town I had to decide what to do with myself. After all, I was a woman now, at least in appearance, how did I want to spend the weekend? I decided - as Raelene. I got the taxi driver to drop me at my flat, and was very careful as I went in, I didn't want to be seen by any neighbours. I did it.

And I did enjoy the weekend. On Saturday morning I got out early-ish, after both my neighbours had headed off - one went to girlfriend's every weekend on the Saturday, the other worked after leaving her flat at about 8 am. I walked to the edge of town, then got a taxi again to the big department store. I wasn't too flush with cash but I did manage to get myself a short denim skirt, a mascara, two pairs of earrings, several pairs of stockings and - for the 'man' in me, a new shaving brush. I lunched in their café and then spent the afternoon looking for a new handbag to match the dress I was planning to wear that evening. I had a few clothes at my flat by then and was surprised to find how easily the female role came to me.

But in the evening I decided enough was enough and changed. At least I managed to remove my breast-forms and my 'pussy-cover' with the solvent I had in the flat. I had all the makeup removed by 7 o'clock and decided to go for a pint at the local pub. Somehow I needed to exert my masculinity.

And I was lucky there. The barmaid commiserated with me, she hadn't seen me for a while, she hadn't heard that Monica and I had split up. Amazingly that triggered something in her, she actually admitted that she had rather fancied me for a while. I really was tempted, but decided my sex life was complicated enough!

And on Monday morning everything was back to normal. Sarah was a little surprised when 'Mr. Wood' turned up. Carol had told her about the events of the early part of Friday afternoon, they had both assumed that I would stay en femme all weekend. For once I didn't share with them exactly what I had been up to, though I did surprise them both though when I asked where they thought would be a good place to have my ears pierced!

Which I did, on Monday evening on my way home. I had to - both the earring sets I had bought were for pierced ears, I just loved them and absolutely had to be able to wear them. The two little sleepers I had fitted ached for a couple of days but by Thursday evening I was able to wear my new purchases round the flat. I did feel a fool wearing them in my male 'drab' but with none of the other accoutrements of femininity but no-one saw me that evening.

And then on Friday - surprise! Sarah asked me if I was seeing Richard again, I said that I didn't think so. And she came right out and asked if I wanted her to help me dress for the weekend. I thought for at least two seconds - and then said yes. So, just after seven, I was leaving TWS, similarly dressed to the previous week, wondering how I was going to spend the weekend again as a woman, and determined to have some fun!

14 The wife 2!!!

As I was locking up I heard a car behind me. I turned. I looked - I didn't believe it. Of all the people I had not expected to see - it was Mary. Mary Walters. What the hell did she want?

"Oh, hello Raelene. I wasn't sure how to find you, I was going to go in and see if they would give me your address. I've been sitting there for ten minutes trying to summon up the courage. I know it's some sort of Gentleman's club, that's what Richard said anyway. I was a bit nervous of going in. I really wanted to talk to you. Do you mind - can we get a coffee somewhere?"

This was very sudden. And very unusual. I didn't know what to make of it but I said yes. Mary drove up past the town hall, we ended up in a small café actually quite near to where I lived at the time. I was nervous at first but realised. Nobody would 'read' me, even if someone I knew came in.

"Miss do Bois, Raelene. This may seem strange but I don't really know who I can trust. You know my husband through business, anyone else I could talk to knows us socially and - might be the one."

"The one?" I asked quizzically.

Mary swallowed hard, looking unsure of herself. I soon realised why.

"Yes. You see, I know I can trust you, I think Richard - my husband - is having an affair!"

Wow! What a turn up. Firstly, that she had found out, and secondly that for some reason she had decided to confide in me. I had obviously done well the previous week, I was a better actress than I thought. Yes, actress.

"Er - Mary, you mustn't jump to conclusions. There may be a simple explanation."

"Maybe but I doubt it. I was looking through Richard's suit this afternoon. I found a credit card bill for dinner in a restaurant we've never been in. I tried to ask him about it but he didn't give me a clear answer, he was very nervous about it. And there have been other things too, just little things, I'm sure it's another woman."

Well it wasn't, but she wasn't to know that. Come to that he didn't know either. I hesitated for a while and muttered something inconsequential while I tried to gather my thoughts. Yet again I wanted out of there. Quickly. But I knew I had to help her in some way. Was this what Richard had wanted to ask me? I never had that 'talk' with him. I knew that somehow I must do just that sometime during the weekend.

But first, Mary. I had done what I wanted with Richard, OK he was a nice guy, he deserved a quiet life without the combinations of juggling wife and 'mistress'. Certainly none of the complications of divorce and an engagement which couldn't possibly lead to marriage. I had to get him out of this. I looked at Mary.

"Right Mary. You have a choice. Get rid of him. Or confront him and hope he will come back. Or get him back."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you could go straight to a lawyer and go for divorce. Get rid and start again."

"Oh no, Raelene. I don't want that. We've had some great times together, things have been so good in the past."

What was I? A marriage guidance counsellor? No, but I was about to give advice.

"OK, you can confront him, find out who she is. But that could backfire, he may decide to get rid of you. To choose her instead. A bit risky."

Whether it was good advice or not I wasn't sure. But that second option would cause all sorts of problems for me. An image of the 'third way' was beginning to form in my mind. I rather liked it, and it might work. A bit naughty maybe but what the hell. I decided to go for it.

"Or you can go for it. Win him back. Make him want you more than he wants her."

"That sounds a good idea but how do I do it?" she asked, looking puzzled.

"Use the armoury you've got, Mary. You are an attractive woman. But you have let yourself go a bit, haven't you? Problems at work maybe, and having to keep the home going? Put them in the background for a while. Concentrate on you. Did you say Richard was away all evening?"

"Yes, he's running some course for trainee managers this weekend. He's not back until about eleven. And then he's out all day tomorrow. And on Sunday morning too."

"Right. Let's go for it. How about you drive me back to your place? We can call at that all-night chemist's on Peters Avenue on the way. There are a couple of things I think you need. Trust me Mary, by Sunday night Richard will be eating out of your hand."

Trust me! Hah!

Armed with supplies of fresh make-up - I didn't dare tell Mary that I knew exactly what she had on her dressing table - we arrived back at the house. I suggested we open a bottle of wine, that we needed to relax, to be more mellow if we were to have the right sort of approach. We demolished over half the bottle in only a few minutes before Mary got herself cleaned up and removed all her make-up, then sat at the dressing table.

"You need a new look, Mary, and I'm the one to give it to you. I can have a go at your make-up tonight, then maybe we can find you a new outfit over the weekend. I've got a dress I think you would look great in."

"A dress of yours? Raelene, no way. I couldn't get into anything of yours!"

I didn't tell her most of my success was down to my corsetry, I just mumbled that she would be rather surprised at what we could achieve. I didn't need to go too far with the cosmetic changes that evening, but I think I did convince her that I could make a difference. When we met again the next day I asked her how Richard had reacted.

"Well Raelene, I think he did notice. But he was very tired, he was working all through from nine until about ten in the evening with hardly a break, the poor dear. But I did like the way you did my eyes, it made quite a difference. I have just had my hair done, you are right, I should go to the hairdressers more often. What do you think? And the manicure too?"

I complimented her on the improvement. She probably thought there was a big difference. But I had a long way to go yet. She drove us through town to a rather seedy area, she looked a little concerned.

"Don't worry Mary" I reassured her. "I just want us to go visit the one shop."

When she saw the frontage she was probably not at all reassured. 'Whip's End' is not your ordinary kind of clothes shop. And not the most conventional shop owners, Gavin and Estelle were both quite regular customers at TWS. They enjoyed the opportunity to role-play with other clients, in fact they were probably the most extreme sexual perverts I had ever met. But charming people. If you met Gavin in the course of his job, he is a piano tuner, you'd think what a nice charming guy he was. But when he was kitted out for his fetish fun, well, you'd certainly think differently. He favoured red rubber, in almost everything. Bra and panties, dress, stockings, I'd even seen him once with a thick fluorescent scarlet condom on his cock, sat at the bar while a 'girlfriend' tried to shove it all the way down her throat.

When Gavin and Estelle had a session booked we made sure only people who had booked with them were on site. Anyone not too sure what they wanted, seeing Estelle in red rubber too, crotch-less red tights stretched over her ample behind, it could turn them off. I told Mary it would be OK and we walked in. I'd rung Gavin earlier to make sure he was sensibly dressed, not too extreme for Mary. He'd taken me at my word - he was wearing a suit. I'd never have guessed he had one but obviously he must, piano tuning is a fairly 'straight' job, he probably had some important clients.

"Hi there - Raelene" he started out, with a slight pause in the greeting.

He'd seen me 'both ways' and had to think how to react.

"Hello Gavin" I replied. "This is Mary, she wants something just a little extreme, to really turn her husband on."

"Er Raelene, I'm not so sure. Just how extreme are you thinking?" Mary was worried.

"Trust me" I said again.

She tried on several corsets, basques, waist cinchers and so on. We settled on a black p.v.c. basque, low cut in a style I like, and too small for her. I remembered the cream basque of hers which I had worn, the one which fitted her on her wedding day. She had put on weight. But this did have the desired effect, squeezing in and up, she had a sensational cleavage. We also chose some ultra-high heel shoes and some fishnet stockings. This was going to be real fun.

And the next day, Sunday morning, I asked what Richard had noticed.

"Well he was tired again but he did sleep well. Only working this morning, he's due back about three. I didn't wear the stockings, just the basque last night. He did rather get into the cuddle on the sofa. I had a low-ish cut top on, he definitely did notice. But nothing came of it."

"Mary, I promise you, it will this afternoon. Now. Ready? For the last stage of the transformation?"

She grinned. She was enjoying this too. I had three hours to finish the job in. Plenty of time. By two o'clock I had virtually finished, I invited her to have a look at the 'new Mary' in the long mirror.

"Christ Raelene. What have you done? That's never me!"

Indeed it was her. But with changes. Improvements, I like to think. The very high heels and fishnet stockings, typical tranny wear, emphasised the fact that she still had very good legs. The short black p.v.c. dress was definitely fetish-wear, as worn on numerous occasions by ambitious transvestites at TWS. It finished about a foot above her knees, just below the stocking tops, they were going to show when she moved. It was tight over the basque, that had indeed taken some getting on, much tighter than the day before. Which meant she was looking even more voluptuous than the day before, huge bulging breasts nearly coming out of the low-cut bodice, nipples standing proud.

I had re-done her nails in scarlet, lips too, in fact the whole make-up style was very transvestite. But Mary was definitely all woman. Her hair was swept to one side of her face revealing one of her long gold earrings, again typically tranny.

I had done it. Mary was a tart, an extreme tart. But at least, unlike most of the make-overs I had done, this was for her husband's benefit. And mine of course, I had loved doing it. She moved towards me, wiggling her hips provocatively.

"Do you think this is going too far, Raelene. Maybe Richard won't like it?"

"Mary, he will love it. I don't care how tired he is when he comes in, I guarantee you will have his pants off in two minutes. Then it's up to you. Are you ready for it?"

"I'm not so sure" was her reply.

But she had to be ready for it, I knew what Richard could do when aroused, I wanted her to experience that thrill. I spoke quietly.

"Mary. Please. I want you to be aroused when he comes in, for him to smell the sex in you. Please. Just for a minute, close your eyes."

She did. I reached out to her thrusting boobs and, very gently, slid a finger down inside her dress to tease a nipple out, to leave it suggestively half-exposed above the black p.v.c. cup. Mary moaned. I was feeling rather uncomfortable myself. But I had to continue, I did the same to her right breast. She moaned again. I couldn't resist it. Her eyes were still closed. I moved my head closer to hers and, very gently, caressed her lips with mine. This time she quivered, but didn't pull back. I kissed her again, teasing the nipple out from its shiny black hiding place with my red-tipped talons.

"Oh Raelene, oh my god, that is gorgeous."

And this time it was Mary who kissed me. And not quite so gently and tenderly either, she was a little more aggressive, I felt a hand slide round my waist and downwards. This was not in my plan but I couldn't help it. I was kissing my lover's wife! Suddenly she grabbed me round the neck and pulled my lips close to hers, I felt her mouth open wide and her tongue snake into mine.

We necked and fondled for several seconds, then she pulled back, still fondling my bum with her hand.

"Raelene, I promise you, I've never done anything like that before. But it feels so good. It feels very strange, I want Richard - and I want you too."

Well as far as I was concerned she could have us both. The mental image of a threesome on the bed flashed through my mind. But that was probably not a good idea in terms of doing something about their marriage. But I definitely wanted more of this. I slid my hand down the left side of her cleavage and heaved the breast out, the nipple was hard, I had to lick it, to suck it, to feel it grow in my mouth. As I got more excited Mary began to whimper.

"Oh Raelene, my darling, that is so good. Oooooooooh! Christ I want you, I don't know what is happening to me but ... Oooooooooh!!"

As I slid a finger up her thigh and into her p.v.c. panties. As I fingered her cunt, feeling her wet flesh ripple and her juices begin to ooze out she began to wriggle in ecstasy. I was having fun too, in a way I had never imagined. I wanted to strip her of all the gorgeous sexy clothes she was wearing, lie her naked on the bed - and screw her! I was desperate to. But no. It couldn't be. Or could it. Mary was getting more excited, her hands were sliding over my bum, along my stocking tops, over the bare flesh. I had to stop her. But I didn't want to. Her husband had fucked me, now I wanted to have sex with her! My own red lips opened, we French-kissed passionately, I had her breasts both out now...

The telephone rang. We parted.

"Leave it" she said, moving a hand round to the front of my panties.

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