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Tybalt and Juliet Ch. 15


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The romantic walk that we'd planned on Hampstead Heath could wait - now was the time to honour her, to share myself with her, to satisfy each other in the ways that our own hands and fingers never could.

I reached down and cupped her face, holding her jawline lightly with my fingertips. Our lips met and we kissed tenderly, letting our tongues entwine in a teasing caress. Amy cupped my cheeks in her small hands as I slid mine down her sides to her hips. Her cry of surprise as I lifted her, became a gasp of delight as she realised what I was doing. She wrapped her legs around my waist and moaned as she felt her breasts press against my chest through our clothing.

Silently I turned around, taking a few steps backwards until my calves were against the side of her bed. Then, I lowered the two of us, until I was sitting on the duvet. Amy slid forwards a little pressing her crotch against mine. She could feel how hard I was - I knew it! Her eyes sparkled with delight.

Little hands and little fingers dived under the hem of my top, sliding over my abs and pecs, testing the smoothness of my skin and the firmness of the muscles beneath. Shy, excited smiles as she began to undress me, cries of appreciation as my chest was revealed.

"I've missed you so much," she groaned as she showered my torso with kisses.

My turn to unwrap what I'd been missing for so long - I pulled her sweater and shirt over her head as she raised her hands for me, then bent her backwards so I could bury my face in her chest. She reached behind to unclasp her bra, then shrugged it away, releasing her pert breasts for my delight and adoration.

Again I stood, lifting her up as I turned to lay her out lengthways on the bed. She smiled eagerly as I crawled between her open legs. I pressed my forehead against hers and stroked her cheek as I gazed lovingly into her eyes.

"I love you so much," I whispered.

I ground against her, letting her feel my steel against the white heat of her core.

"You're so hard!" she squealed delighted.

"You turn me on so fucking much," I growled.

Our mouths attacked each other again, frantic kisses, wrestling tongues. Amy's hands roamed over my back and through my hair, desperately trying to pull me even more tightly against her.

Her whimpers of protest became moans of delight, as I broke free from her clutches and slid down the bed, worshipping her breasts in a frenzy. Her nipples were hard, rock hard - throbbing acorns of desire, aching for the soothing caress of my tongue. I pulled each bud with my lips, sucking hard, watching for the moment her eyes glazed over with pleasure. Blindly, her hands went to the back of my head again, directing me as I worked my magic.

My mouth slipped lower, across the perfect flatness of her stomach to the waistband of her jeans. I paused, with my fingers on the brass button, looking up at her, seeking her permission to continue, hoping she wouldn't say no. She nodded anxiously and propped herself up on her arms to watch as I unfastened her trousers. I stood up off the bed to slide them from her legs.

"Jake," she whispered. "Can you shut the curtains? We don't want people seeing in."

Bare-chested I leapt to the window, slid the drapes across in front of the glass and switched her desk lamp on.

I turned to see Amy kneeling up on her bed, clad in only her panties. Her face wore a radiant smile and her skin glowed in the soft, warm light that bathed the room.

"You're beautiful," I marvelled.

My girlfriend tilted her head, little shyly perhaps, and held her arms out to me. I crossed back to her and took her hands in mine. We watched each other for a few seconds, silently pledging each other our love. I stroked her hair away from her face, as she bent forward to plant a soft kiss between my pecs. Her eyes slipped lower and she ran her fingers wantonly across my bulge.

"He's so big!" she whispered, delighted. She planted a kiss on the denim, pressing her face against my hardness.

"I like your belt - very smart," she teased as her hands reached for the buckle. Mum had made me buy it, not that I'd admit that to my girlfriend (or to anyone else for that matter).

She slipped the jeans from my hips and I bent down to remove them for her, hopping awkwardly as I freed my legs. I turned back to her and she reached out a hand to lightly trace the outline of my cock through my white boxer briefs.

"Oh Jake!" she sighed.

She planted another kiss on my bulge, then slipped her fingers under the waistband and pulled my underwear down. My erection sprang out - hard, red and angry - aching for the tenderness of her touch.

Amy gasped with delight. "I've missed your willie so much!" She placed a gentle kiss midway along the shaft. "He's just fantastic!"

Drops of pre-cum were leaking from my glans. She gathered some with her fingers and played with the silky threads, smiling up at me with glee. I watched her eyes sparkle as she opened her mouth and licked the webby stands.

"Mmmmmm," she murmured in approval.

My cock throbbed in anticipation; there could be no doubt what she wanted to do to me. I bent down and kissed her, letting my tongue tease hers, tasting myself on her lips.

Her hands reached behind me, grasping the globes of my buttocks, pulling me closer. Amy sighed with delight as my aching steel slid between her pert breasts. She squeezed me even tighter, feeling the fit of our bodies together. I stroked her hair lovingly as she nuzzled the wispy blond curls on my chest.

"That feels so good," I smiled.

She pushed back a little and cupped her breasts, pushing them together against my cock. I rocked my hips slowly, sliding my length through the soft channel of her bosom.

Amy looked up at me in delight.

"I love it when you do that," she sighed.

Gently I stroked her cheek, then ran my thumb over her lips. She opened her mouth and suckled on it, we both knew what was coming.

She tilted her head a little and brushed her hair behind her with her hands. Then, looking me straight in the eyes, she pressed my erection against my abs and licked from the base to the tip.

"Fuck Amy!" I cried.

I shook with delight as the warm wetness of her mouth slid over my head. She swirled her tongue around me, soothing my raw redness with that tender act of love. I wrestled with my urges inside my head, trying desperately to suppress the orgasm, so long awaited. She was bobbing her head now - it would be so easy to surrender to the release that boiled in my balls, to cum in her mouth, to callously claim her with my seed.

But I didn't want that. I loved her. I wanted to honour her with my body, to share my climax with her, to prove that I felt as sincerely and deeply about her as I had the first time we'd had sex.

Amy's movements were becoming bolder as she gripped my buttocks more tightly. The tip of my cock vibrated with her moans as she pressed me insistently against the back of her mouth.

Her eyes begged me to rock my hips, to push gently into her mouth, to claim her as my own. Obediently I began to thrust, but gently, watching as she closed her eyes in grateful surrender. Her hands pulled me deeper as I fucked her mouth - sliding me repeatedly down her throat. She was getting a little loud, filling the room with her moans and retching. I had a sudden shot of panic - how thick were the walls? I didn't want concerned flatmates banging on her door.

I ripped my hips away from her and sought her mouth with mine, stifling her groan of despair. We kissed deeply. She mewed with passion as her hands grasped my slick erection and clumsily worked me.

I reached under her arms and lifted her upwards against me. She wrapped her arms and legs around me, clinging limpet-like to me. Her swollen breasts crushed against my chest as my cock prodded insistently against her panties. I nuzzled the side of her head.

"Please Jake," she whispered into my ear. "I need you, I need you now!"

Gently I lowered the two of us to the bed, letting Amy's back sink into the duvet. I pushed up a little and stared deep into her eyes, then with another quick peck on the lips, I kissed my way downwards.

The tell-tale dark patch on her white panties betrayed her excitement; I could smell the heady scent of her arousal as I reached my goal. A deep guttural moan escaped her throat as I pressed my nose against the cotton, nuzzling the soft flesh beneath. She gripped my head tightly through my hair, pulling my lips closer to her wetness.

I hooked my fingers under the elastic and slid her knickers down, marvelling at the silky smoothness of her legs. Again, I crouched forwards, ready to ravish her with my tongue, but she caught my cheeks and pulled me up her body, meeting my mouth with a kiss. She held me there as I slipped my arm between us and parted her fleshy folds with my fingers. We both held our breaths as I began to spread her juices across her labia, straining to hear over our thumping heartbeats.

"Can you feel how wet I am?" she asked. "That's all for you. All for you Jake. You make me so horny."

"Yeah, yeah? You like that, you like that?" I pressed my forehead against hers as I stroked her sex faster.

Amy's hands scrabbled between us, catching my cock as it bobbed against her abs. She squeezed tightly and began to work me.

"Fuck Jake. I've missed your cock so much!" she moaned.

Amy hissed as I circled the entrance to her vagina, pushing her hips up to capture my fingertip. Her eyes pleaded in silent desperation as I teased her, her hands gripping me ever harder.

"You're so wet and open for me!" I gasped.

Tentatively I pushed inside, up to the first knuckle. Her pussy was a furnace - hot, wet and tight. Sightless, she threw her head back into the pillow, a loud cry escaping from her throat.

"Fuck Amy, I've missed you so much. I love you, I really do," I babbled.

She whimpered as I pushed deeper, burying my middle finger all the way inside. Her channel was slippery with her juices - four weeks of waiting, her body was desperate to reclaim any part of me.

I bent my head and kissed her nipples in turn, soothing the hard buds with my tongue. My cock pulled from her grasp as I slipped lower. I wanted to taste her, she knew that was what I wanted.

Her eyes flashed open; she caught the back of my head and hauled me upwards again.

"Please Jake," she begged breathlessly. "Get a condom. Get a condom."

"You don't want me to..?" I asked, my voice trailing off. If she'd gone down on me, it seemed right to do the same to her.

My girlfriend shook her head decisively. "No, just get one - quickly! I need you in me."

I leapt to my holdall and pulled out a foil packet, then turned to feast my eyes on my girlfriend's naked body as she lay open on the bed for me. Amy was beautiful, there was no doubt about it. My cock jolted in anticipation.

I tore the packet open with my teeth and placed the condom at my tip. Amy stretched out her arms towards me.

"Please Jake," she begged. "Let me, let me."

I took two paces towards the bed, offering myself to her. She knelt up and pulled me against her body, pressing my cock into the channel between her breasts.

"You have the most marvellous willie!" she moaned. "He's so big and thick and hard and urrrgggghhhh!" she shuddered.

She ran her fingers through the wispy light curls on my pecs.

"Fuck, Jake - this chest!"

I stroked her cheek tenderly.

"Would you like to take a photo?" I asked, surprising myself with a question I'd never thought I'd ask.

Amy looked up at me in disbelief, like a child presented with a big jar of candy.

"Can I?" she asked.

"I want you to," I replied.

"Like this?" She looked down at my cock and then back up at me.

I nodded.

She got off the bed and retrieved her phone, then fished in the pocket of my jacket for mine.

She hopped back onto the mattress and began to kneel up, but changed her mind and instead lay down on her back. I let her pull me on top of her so that I was straddling the lower half of her rib cage. It was a bit like rehearsing for a play, working out how best to stand, which angles would work the best. She unlocked her phone and handed it to me.

"You take it Jake, you take it." She propped herself up and gripped my penis at the base, so she could make the angle a little flatter.

The image of my rigid cock appeared on the screen, nestled in the valley between her breasts. I took a few shots with my glans at slightly different heights.

"Let me see, let me see!" she pestered impatiently.

I held the screen so we could both check it. Cock and breasts - nothing else - no faces.

"That looks amazing," she smiled, her eyes sparkling. "Now take one for you."

I repeated the process then set my phone down on the bedside table.

Amy placed the condom over my tip, then rolled it down my length. She picked up the bottle and coated me liberally with lube.

"So big, so hard!" she whispered.

I adjusted my position on the bed and crawled between her legs. She reached up and caressed my cheek as I lowered my body to hers.

"You ready?" I asked, as my glans nudged against her sex.

Amy nodded. "I want you so much. I love you Jake."

She drew her legs upwards and outwards, opening herself, positioning me so I could settle closer to her.

Perhaps I was expecting an awkward tightness as I pressed into her - as if somehow my girlfriend had reclaimed her virgin status in the four weeks since we'd last had sex. But, as I pushed tentatively forwards, she rotated her hips, and I slid smoothly inside.

"Woooooaaaaaahhhhh," she gasped as I buried myself to the hilt.

I looked anxiously into her eyes and stroked her dark curls.

"I didn't expect you to go in all at once!" she whispered.

"Is that good?" I asked tentatively.

Amy nodded. "I feel so full. It's so wonderful having you inside me again. It's been so long!"

I smiled gently. "You feel so good around me," I replied softly.

We held still for a minute or so, luxuriating in the connection between our bodies. I gently stroked her hair as she ran her hands over my back and shoulders. I kissed her lovingly on the cheek.

"Can I see?" she asked.

I pushed myself up on my arms, so we could both look down to where we were joined.

"That looks amazing," I whispered.

I dismissed the temptation to suggest another photo; there'd be plenty of opportunities for that in the future.

I withdrew a little and we watched as my glistening, jacketed rod emerged from inside her. We smiled at one another, then cautiously I pushed again. Amy whimpered in delight as I slipped inside her.

Long, slow strokes - always watching the concentration etched on her face as I slid in and out. I bent my head to kiss her forehead and she looked up at me, eyes shining with love.

My thrusts became stronger, sharper, faster, eliciting a squeal on each stroke as I drove forwards. Amy was bending upwards, covering my face and my chest with kisses as I held myself above her.

"Uh, uh, uh!" she cried, trying to pull me ever deeper.

I pushed up a little further, bringing my torso almost vertical, forcing a slower pace. I watched her breasts shuddering with my thrusts as she ran her fingers across my chest. Her jaw was set in anguished concentration, but her eyes sparkled with joy and love.

"Fuck that's hot," I cried.

"I'm getting close," she yelled.

"Yeah you gonna cum for me? You gonna fucking cum for me?"

I collapsed down onto her as I felt her orgasm began to surge within her. She was tensing up, throwing her head back as her eyes glazed over. Sweat was streaming off me as I pounded into her. I could feel the red heat of my own climax rising.

"I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" I roared.

Slam. Slam. Slam.

"Uh... uh... Aaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhh," we cried in unison as I buried myself deep within her one final time, pouring my cum into the condom. Her pussy clamped hard around my cock, as her body spasmed beneath mine.

Amy gripped me tightly, wrapping herself around me, enveloping me in a secure embrace as she crushed her breasts against me. I nuzzled her hair as the aftershocks pulsed through her.

She released me and I rolled to the side to lie on my back as she stroked my chest.

"That was phenomenal! You are fucking amazing," she sighed. "I came so much."

"Yeah, it was amazing - I love sex with you! I really do."


"Are you nervous about tomorrow?" Amy asked.

We were walking across Hampstead Heath, a mile or so from her halls, crunching through the fallen leaves, as we admired the views across to the City and Canary Wharf.

I shook my head. "I don't think so," I replied. "I just wanna get there - feels like I've been waiting so long."

My girlfriend nodded. She'd been chatting away enthusiastically about everything she'd done and all the people she'd met in her first three weeks of uni. I'd felt a little pang of jealousy, my life had been stuck in a rut while she'd settled in.

Did it feel like things were different between us? I'm not sure. Certainly, Amy had a new life in London that I wasn't a part of, at least not yet. Maybe that it was an early sign that our relationship was changing, something we'd have to get used to being together long-distance - we wouldn't be able to share our day-to-day lives so easily.

"What about your parents?" she asked. "How's your mum been this week?"

"She was a nightmare to be honest," I said with a wry smile. "But she calmed down after your mum came and told us about Ritchie."

I hadn't meant to bring Ritchie up, neither of us really wanted to talk about him. Not that it would upset me or Amy if we did - it was just that there didn't seem much more to be said. Whatever we thought about him, his life had been changed by an alcohol-fuelled burst of jealous rage; that was a tragedy far deeper than the scar on my arm.

"What about your dad?" Amy asked, breaking the silence.

"I dunno," I replied honestly. "Dad just goes very quiet when he's worried about something, but I think he's been OK. And they've just hired a dairyman to help out, so he'll be a bit of company - and he needs training up - Dad likes doing that."

Amy gave a smile and took my hand in hers. We sat down together on a bench beside the path.

"And your mum?" I asked.

"She's been fine," my girlfriend replied. "I was expecting a lecture about looking after myself, working hard, not drinking too much, looking after my money, staying away from nasty boys..." she pulled a face at me. "But no, nothing. She drove me up, helped me unload my stuff, then we went and had coffee - and off she went. That was it!"

I laughed.

"It's not been the easiest few years between Mum and me," she said ruefully. "She was always very protective of me, a bit suffocating."

She paused.

"I had to fight her to go out with you..." she said quietly, "...at the beginning," she added.

I nodded, giving her the space to say what she wanted.

"She didn't trust me to choose the right boyfriend. The only thing that saved you was the fact you'd got into Cambridge - that and James' mum telling her how wonderful you were."

I attempted a laugh.

"I think she convinced herself that you were just a study-buddy - we weren't really in love," she continued. "She thought it would all fizzle out after exams."

I nodded - maybe I'd felt the same to begin with.

"I think it was when she saw the CCTV of the attack," my girlfriend continued. "And she saw how you and I reacted when Ritchie appeared - I think that impressed her - a lot. She's seen hundreds of videos like that, but no one's been reacted as calmly as we did."

"Do you feel you've proved yourself to her?" I asked.

Amy grimaced a little and turned to look out at the view of the City below us.

"Maybe," she said slowly, "maybe she can think of me as an adult now."

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