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Uncle Charles' Proposal Ch. 03

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Elena's first full day as a slave Is she weakening?
4.1k words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 06/15/2014
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Things were as Peter feared the next morning. Via the tiny and unobtrusive cameras he knew that Elena was in a rage. He set the breakfast tray down in the hallway and strode into his captive's room. Elena was upon him in seconds "You! She screamed "How dare you take such liberties with me. You have no right to handle me like you did. I don't care what I signed. I am still a citizen and a free woman. I'll rip your balls off you pervert!"

Elena lunged for Peter's face but he intercepted her. With that line of attack closed off Elena made a move to kick Peter but his arms were long enough to keep Elena's feet from being any threat. He let her vent for a few moments and then told her.

"Stop now Elena or be punished!"

Elena raged on so Peter Rusk gathered her up in his arms. Her fists tattooed ineffectively on Peter's chest. Peter whipped her around as though she were a rag doll. Elena found herself pinned on Peter's lap. Again his large hand came down upon her posterior. It took only three firm slaps to cause Elena to fall silent.

"I don't care how angry you get Elena my slave, striking out at me is NEVER acceptable. I have a breakfast waiting for you and then we can work out."

He sat Elena up on his broad lap and eyed her seriously.

I'm not interested in breakfast or working out. I want to go home to my clothes and my things and my old life." whined Elena

"That life is gone slave Elena, THIS is your home now. Whatever you once owned is being liquidated by your uncle Charles. True, you now own nothing but, in a few months, if you apply yourself, you will have earned yourself a pretty little wardrobe and other nice gifts. I won't sugarcoat things your first few months are going to be difficult. You will have to learn new skills, put away old habits, and learn to turn over your most intimate desires, and dreams to my guidance. It is called In Bondage and Discipline circles "a total power exchange." You give me EVERYTHING you have and EVERTHING you are to me. I take it, refine it, and give it back to you in a new and wonderful submissive form. As your Master I will have to work hard as well to make you the woman you can and SHOULD be."

Despite her anger, Elena had listened intently to Peter words.

"But why must I be a ''slave"'? Can't you and uncle Charles teach me those things some other way? I Realize now that I have largely wasted my life but to made into your plaything..."

"Not plaything Elena, rather my most treasured and wonderful possession. Something I have to be tender with, loving yet firm in the handling of, and sweating like mad to polish its every facet. You are like a piece of priceless art Elena, not a plaything. Oh we WILL have sex but that is a gift we give each other. Once you realize that you WILL ask me to take you and you will respond as though having a man for the very first time."

This struck Elena as more of Peter Rusk's insufferable arrogance.

"What makes you think that I would ever have ANY desire for a male chauvinist pig like you?"

Rusk simply smiled knowingly back at her. Then he said, "Your breakfast is getting cool, slave I suggest that you allow me to bring it to you. Then we can work out. Personally, I am not human until I've had my morning go round in the the gym."

Elena thought about her promised hunger strike of the day before while Peter Rusk stepped out of the room. Disgustedly she realized that could not even conquer her hunger pangs to protest her treatment. It didn't help that the meal her abductor prepared was one of her favorites. Hating herself utterly, Elena practically licked the plate clean.

Elena was allowed some alone time in the bathroom before Peter Rusk hooked a chain to her collar and led her through his house to his lavishly appointed private gym. Once more, Elena was impressed with the taste and wealth that screamed from ever corner of Peter Rusk's house. The gym was as well equipped as any Elena had ever seen. From a drawer Peter Rusk withdrew a neon pink sports bra matching tiny panties, and an expensive pair of athletic shoes. Everything was Elena's size.

Elena could not put the sports bra and tiny panties on fast enough she slid her feet into the top of the line athletic shoes and considered her options. Elena could now run quickly away from the man she reviled but where could she go? The door to this room like all of them she had so far seen in the house closed rapidly and locked with a keypad. Only Rusk knew the combination to leave the room. The windows were far enough away that Rusk would easily be able to catch up to her before she reached them, Elena had no doubt that the tall and broad man could also move fast. Elena realized even if Rusk released the chain leading to her collar, she would still be trapped.

"The gymnasium is the place for you to take out your frustrations and anger." intoned her captor.

"Until you realize that I am your benefactor, it is advisable for you to imagine me as the target of your training. Try spinning, imagining that your legs are carrying you as fast as they can away from this place. Later you will desire to drive yourself in training solely to please me but those days are a bit off in the future."

Elena wanted to scream at Peter Rusk's arrogance. The anger she felt for him was beginning to boil over. Rusk fastened Elena's chain to a hook on the spinning apparatus. Elena slid into the seat and began to enact Peter Rusk's scenario, not because he had suggested it, but because she felt that it was the natural thing to do. She started to spin, first in anger and then slowing down as she pictured herself running at a steady gait away from Rusk and this house. Elena's body was glistening with perspiration a short time later.

It was then that Elena noticed Rusk working on the weights. He had taken off his shirt, Elena could not believe how in shape he was. He was ripped like a Hollywood muscleman and he seemed to be hardly exerting himself as he tossed around a staggering amount of weight. Elena tried to look away but her eyes kept returning to Rusk's impressive torso. Elena noticed that she was slacking off in her spinning session. That made her angry and she reapplied herself. Elena could not believe that she was actually ogling the beast who was enslaving her. Elena really hated herself as she worked, despite her best intentions she found herself staring at her abductor as he moved on to crunches. His abdominal muscles were amongst the tautest she had ever encountered. Wearing just his shorts and sneakers, Elena cursed Peter Rusk for looking just like her fantasy men. Then she cursed herself for having such shallow taste in men.

At various times Peter broke away from his own exertions to move Elena to a new apparatus. Trying to keep her anger focused. Elena was the best kind of tired when the exercise regime was over. Elena had always enjoyed working out but this morning's emotional roller coaster had given a finer edge to the experience.

"It is shower time." Said Peter Rusk. He grabbed Elena's chain and led her to an enormous shower stall off a fine bedroom. With practiced efficiency, Peter stripped Elena before she could even mount a protest and propelled her into the shower. Elena was amazed to discover that it had two shower heads and a dual controls. Elena activated the taps on one shower and set the temperature to her liking. She was stunned when she say a naked Peter Rusk enter the shower stall as well. Elena could not take her eyes off his naked form. His uncircumcised penis appeared even larger than it had under his clothes. He was like a coiled, well engineered machine. Above his nicely trimmed pubic hair were the words "Master Rusk" in gothic script.

Peter noticed Elena eying him and was pleased. It was not arrogance on his part, most women found him attractive. Elena, who liked large, strong men, was no different. His decision to shower with her now was a calculated maneuver. He felt sure that she would be so startled by his nudity, and so caught up in staring at him that she would not attempt to kick him in the groin in the confines of the glass shower. Had he worn his shorts, Peter realized, Elena might have lunged at him. Psychologically she was responding as Peter had anticipated.

He handed Elena a vial of expensive body wash. Her hand trembled as she took it from him. Elena tried to ignore the fabulous example of manhood less than a foot away from her, and lathered herself up. She tried closing her eyes but appallingly the image of Peter's flaccid penis suddenly engorging itself and becoming erect, filled her mind. Elena hated herself for letting this monster get inside her head. She forced the image of Peter Rusk's raging hard on out of her mind and finished showering in a bitter mood.

At length, her abductor declared that it was time to exit the shower. He provided Elena with a towel and wrapped one around himself. He tugged on Elena's chain and led her to his huge and spotless kitchen.

"You have never worked a day in your life Elena, That changes now. For the next eight hours you will scrub my floors. You will keep scrubbing them until I am happy with the job you have done. Like any ordinary worker you will get two fifteen minute breaks and a half hour for lunch. If you complain and whine you will be working far longer than eight hours. You will earn a fifty cents an hour for your labors. I will put that money aside in an account for you. After you finish I will give you a massage and feed you a fine dinner. Perhaps we can watch a little television together, but that depends upon your attitude."

Elena could not believe what she was hearing, In anger she replied, "Look asshole, I'm not your maid. You can go fuck off!"

The pain Elena received in response was immediate and overwhelming. Certain nerves along her spine were pressed in such away as to elicit a scream of agony from the pinioned woman.

"Would you prefer eight hours of this?" asked Peter Rusk brusquely.

Elena's body relaxed in compliance. Peter released Elena and said.

"Obey me and you escape pain. Cop an attitude or get rebellious and I can inflict pain upon you that would make what you just experienced feel like a playful slap from a kitten. Do you understand me?"

Elena rose to her feet and said Yes."

"Yes What?" Raged Peter.

"Yes Mm..aster." replied Elena meekly.

Peter presented her with some knee pads, a bucket, some soap and, and a brush. He had Elena set the bucket in one corner of the white tiled floor of the kitchen and her set to work. Elena never felt more degraded. She was not some common janitor she was... and that brought Elena ups short. What was she really? She wasn't a student, she didn't have a job so she could not identify herself as even a lowly salesgirl. In an epiphany Elena realized that she was just a sheltered, pampered, trust fund, failure, and that was really nothing at all. Elena began quietly sobbing. Suddenly being naked on her hands and knees, scrubbing an ogre's floor ceased to matter. She was replaying all the miserable failures of her life, they stung more than Rusk's tortures. Worse she could not make amends until a year of "instruction" by her brutish overlord was finished. Despite her circumstances Elena began to throw herself into the job of mopping the floor. It was somehow more therapeutic than contemplating over and over how she had failed at life.

Elena lost track of time caught up in the simple rhythm of water brush and soap. And them Peter was standing next to her, fully and attractively dressed in designer togs, he held a tray, on the tray, a mug of coffee and a small bran muffin.

"Working people call this a "coffee break" I'm sure even you are familiar with the term but have never had a real one. Taking a break from half-assing your studies does NOT count."

Elena was grateful for the rest. Her knees hurt and her back ached, but less than she thought they would. As she drank and ate Peter Rusk asked,

"So what's on your mind?"

"I'm thinking about how much I hate you." replied Elena

"Slave if you don't start using my proper title of Master you will be over my knee before you are set to work again."

"I'm sorry," replied Elena. "I meant to say, I'm thinking about how much I hate you, 'Master'"

Peter smiled and replied, "That's better, but you DO NOT hate me. Oh you hate that you are inconvenienced and forced to live with me and do my bidding, but as for me personally. Despite what you tell yourself you have not made up your mind about me."

"That's absurd 'Master'" Isn't it is only natural that I hate the man who stripped me hobbled me and inflicts pain upon me regularly?"

Peter looked deeply in Elena's eyes and replied, "Those events were YOUR doing slave. Had you complied with my request in your uncle's office, I would not have had to resort to the scissors. You COULD have left that office under my guiding arm with no fuss whatsoever. And what did your little hissy fit accomplish? You still ended up naked only I was forced to be physical, likewise every punishment you have received since entering my house has been a direct result of your own insubordination. You hate that I have to be your disciplinarian, you do not hate me per se. Now you get a bathroom break and then you return to scrubbing. So far you are doing a good job, I'm impressed that you have kept the whining to a minimum,"

Elena was caught short by Peter's words. While true, her punishments had not occurred in a vacuum, Elena felt her abductor was coming very close to blaming the victim. Elena was not a child, she was a woman. There was no excuse for Rusk's violence, still at other times he was kind and even gentle with her, Elena was beyond confused as she left the bathroom and returned to mopping the floor. To Elena's surprise she spent the rest of the day preforming the mundane task. Lunch was a simple sandwich, a sweet roll and a diet cola. The last break was some flavored water and a back rub.

Elena was torn, part of her wanted to squirm out from under Peter's vile touch but at the same time the large strong hands felt wonderful on her tired muscles. Comfort won the debate in her mind and Elena allowed Peter to finish massaging her neck and back. She scarcely realized the import of her next words as she responded unbidden,

"Thank you Master." For the first time Elena had not pronounced the word Master with derision. Elena herself did not notice the change in her tone but Peter did. Internally Peter Rusk was preforming cartwheels. When Elena's day was over a short while later Peter complimented Elena on the job she had done.

Elena did not know why but Rusk's compliment pleased her, She was unprotesting as he removed each kneepad in turn and led her to a massage table in his bedroom. The ensuing massage was even more wondrous than the one the night before. Elena's eyelids grew heavy and she dozed off.

She was woken by the smell of a scrumptious meal an unknown amount of time later. The chain affixed to her collar was fastened to the massage table but Elena was able to sit up with no problem. At present Peter entered, he smiled broadly and released Elena's chain. He led her into the dining room where a meal awaited.

"Since you were a good girl, you get to eat in the dining room. I loved the fact that you were diligently cleaning while I got this food ready. Of course I got it from my freezer in the pantry since you were scrubbing my kitchen, but it took no time at all to warm it up while you were sleeping.

The meal turned out to be delicious lasagna with vegetables and white wine. Elena could not believe how hungry she was as she devoured every bite. Everything was served on fine china and crystal. As Elena ate she considered her day. She had to conceded that she was surprised that Rusk had not tried to have his way with her as yet. Elena new that if he wanted to he could force her to service him again and again. While he had inflicted pain upon her,the fact that he had not compelled sex out of her forced Elena to reconsider just how much of an ogre he really was. Had he actually harmed her? Elena had to conclude that transitory pain was not harm. Perhaps he was do a reappraisal thought Elena.

"A penny for your thoughts?" asked Peter

"Are you sure you can afford that?" joked Elena. Then she said "I was thinking about you. M...master"

"Good things I hope." replied Peter

"I was wondering why you haven't forced me into sex. I would have thought that rape would appeal to an ape like you "master"

Again Elena pronounced the word master with derision. That did not bother Peter. The fact that she had calmed down so quickly meant that Elena was beginning to accept her circumstances. Rusk knew that she would chafe for quite some time, but she had made remarkable progress in a very short time.

"I'm NOT a rapist slave Elena. I DESPISE men who have to force a woman to have sex with them. I WILL discipline when you need correction Elena but if I tried to force you to have sex with me I would hate myself. As impossible as this is for you to believe right now, the day is not far off when you will ask me to make love to you. I look forward with patience to that day."

Elena became angry at Peter's words. He seemed to think that he had a better sense of her own mind than she herself did!

"I find that prospect, most unlikely, 'Master.'" she replied

Frustratingly for Elena, who wanted to continue the conversation, Peter Rusk simply smiled broadly at her and fell silent. The two ate in the quiet of the vast dining room for a while before Peter said.

"You are no longer penniless. You now have four dollars to your name. You are not permitted to spend money so I will keep it and invest it for you. For every dollar you earn I will give you two, so now really you have eight dollars. In a few months, if you are good, I will take you to a Good Will or other thrift store and let you pick out some clothes for yourself."

Elena absorbed this information. She had never entered a thrift store in her life, not even to use it's public restroom. "I'm overwhelmed, Master." she said sarcastically given the final syllables od 'Master' and especially cutting pronunciation..

Noticing that both of them had finished eating Peter said. "How would you like to watch a movie?"

"I would like that very much, so long as it is not that propaganda that was on the television set in my cell last night."

"Its hardly 'propaganda' Elena. That is a serious documentary and you can learn a great deal from it. But no. I will let you pick out the movie tonight, so long as you sit next to me and let me wrap my arm around you."

"I'd like to say no to that but then I would probably not get to watch the movie. Okay you pervert, you can touch me 'Master""

A short while later the two were seated on a softly upholstered couch in Peter's living room. Peter pushed a button and a huge flat screen television rose out of a recess in the floor. Elena was duly impressed. The couch was very comfortable and Elena discovered that sitting next to Peter Rusk was actually not unpleasant. Peter handled the controller but Elena picked out the movie. It was a romantic story about star crossed lovers that featured he favorite actor Elena soon got so caught up in the story that she scarcely noticed that sh was hugging Peter Rusk back, and very intently. When the movie was over Elena came to her senses and placed some sofa real estate between herself and Peter.

"Its time for bed now slave. I'm going to take you back to your room so you can get ready for bed."

Elena was tired and did not feel like complaining. She was happily replaying scenes from the movie over in her imagination. As they approached her room, Peter stopped at a cabinet and withdrew some object. Elena could not figure out what it was. In her room Elena brushed her teeth, went to the bathroom and exited the bathroom to find Peter Rusk waiting for her.


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