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Unconquered Pt. 04


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Ember reached up, reflexively. His hand cupped her cheek and he spoke, softly. "You'll never have to hurt anyone again," he whispered, his thumb sliding along her lips. He felt the quivering heat of them. The softness. Xora shivered, letting his thumb caress into her mouth. He felt the very, very, very sharp tips of her teeth and gulped. "B-But you may need to, uh, be careful with, you know, uh...oral..." His thumb drew out and Xora made a tiny mew noise, her gills flicking open and shut with excitement. Then she leaned forward, her mouth pressing to his. Her tongue darted, gently, into his mouth and Ember let his hands go where they would.

As it transpired, that would be right to her perfect, muscular ass.

Ember was beginning to wonder if he had a thing for butts. His fingers squeezed and he barely made a dent against Xora's slick, slippery skin. She moaned into his mouth as he sucked, gently on her tongue - and then when she drew back, panting, Ember swore that he could see three glowing red stars dancing before his vision. Then he realized it was Chirp to his left - he turned his head and saw Chirp watching them, their knees drawn up underneath them, their hands clutching their knees.

"Hey," Chirp said.

"Hi," Xora said. "I'm Xora." She sat back on her haunches and held out her hand at the same time. This had a triple effect. The first was Chirp was left blinking at the hand offered to them - as if the two of them were meeting in some tea hall to discuss trade agreements, as opposed to the two of them straddling their Unconquered Husband. The second was that Xora sat all of her rather impressive weight onto Ember's lap. The third was that Xora's thong clad, blazing hot cunny pressed right up against Ember's cock, which was straining against his thong like a horse against a bridle.

Xora gaped. "Holy shit!"

Chirp giggled. "He's hung."

"Hung!?" Xora looked down at Ember, her jaw hanging open. Then she looked at Chirp. "You're a saris, have you-"

"Yup." Chirp looked like they were remembering an absolute delight, their face crunching up in the most adorable way. Their pointed ears twitched up and they let out a tiny squeak. "I like anal."

"You must have used a bathtub of lube..." Xora whispered, her shyness forgotten in the moment as she rocked her hips, dragging her heat against Ember, who tried to breathe but found that he was quite unable too. "Did it hurt?"

"We...didn't and it didn't, actually," Chirp admitted, their cheeks darkening.


"Unconquered," Chirp said - as if that explained everything. And, now that Ember thought about it, it absolutely did. His fingers slipped from rump to thong and he grinned as he tugged, hard, and Xora let out a surprised yelp as her thong came free. It dangled from Ember's finger - unbroken. He twirled it playfully. Xora looked at the thong, then at him, then at the thong again.

"But that-" She stammered.

"Unconquered," Ember said.

"But-" Xora looked at Chirp, who nodded sagely.


Xora blinked, then yelped as Chirp slipped up behind her, whispering in her ear. "I ran away, you know. First time." They licked their lips - then slooowly licked along Xora's ear, which made the sharkgirl squirm and grind her hot, eager sex against Ember's aching dick. Even through the thong, he was growing soaked. "But something about you being here just makes me" Their hands gripped the wraps that kept Xora's somewhat impressive bust under some measure of control. They squeezed and Xora let out a shivery moan.

"Y-Your hands are cold..." Xora whispered.

"You can warm them up..." Chirp crooned.

"Holy shit, Chirp," Ember said, blinking.

"W-Well, I mean, I was wanting this earlier. It just scared me." Chirp slid their hands back, behind Xora, and Xora moaned softly as Chirp began to plant tiny kisses against her neck. "Now, I'm not scared. Cause I love you, Ember. And you, Xora." They nuzzled against Xora. "And I wanna see my husband fuck you absolutely fucking silly more than I want fucking oxygen, and I don't even need that much, I can hold my breath for an hour, I timed myself once. Just an FYI. So you know. Information." And with that, they finished untying the breast bands and, like the wrappings falling away from an unshackled undead, Xora's breasts came free.

If one had a jeweler's glass and time to examine Xora for a few minutes, one might have found a bit of a sag.

Ember was more than happy to say that her breasts remained as perfectly perky sans wrapping as with. Ember's hands cupped them as he sat up, his cock grinding more against Xora's hips as Chirp began to kiss the place where Xora's fin joined with her spine. Their lips and his kissed at the same moment, and found similarly sensitive places. Xora moaned as Chirp licked along the fin, while Ember sucked one of her large, dark blue nipples into his mouth. He used a bit of teeth, teasing her nub, while his fingers reached down to rub her cunny, two fingers pressed together to take advantage of Xora being rather large. He let the power of the Unconquered guide him - golden flames sparked around his finger. They did not burn - but they set off a fire all the same, a fire inside of Xora that set her head back as she moaned full throatily, her voice husky and contralto. She clapped one hand over her lips, biting her own finger hard enough to draw blood to muffle her moans to mere grunts as she rocked her hips against Ember's thrusting, eager fingers.

Chirp's kissing had trailed down to her tail. They started to nuzzle where tail joined to spine, licking and nipping and even grazing their fangs. But their true course was soon revealed as they lifted Xora's tail up, then draped it over their shoulder, so that they could press their lips to the pert, blue rosebud of the sharkgirl's anus. Xora's eyes went very wide and her hand slammed into the ground beside Ember's hip with a crunch of crumbling pavement, her fingers digging furrows as she hissed. "What are you doing?"

"Prepping," Chirp purred - then drew back and, as Ember craned his head to see, thrust their fingers into Xora's ass. Xora make a little grunting noise and rocked her hips. The hot spurt of her arousal, pattering against his thong and making it even wetter, was all that Ember needed. He reached down, yanked his thong off with a tiny spurt of Unconquered power, then laid it down on the ground next to Xora's perfectly intact undergarments. He grinned as Xora gaped down at him, her eyes widening even further as every inch of his bright, red cock pressed up against her cunny. She was hot, she was slick, she was so so so so ready, and as he rolled his ups against her, she whispered.

"You're fucking huge."

"You already felt me!" Ember said, laughing.

"Yeah, through a thong," she said, shaking her head. Chirp giggled - and their cold fingers closed around Ember's dick. He tensed - and moaned as Chirp began to grind his tip against Xora. The three of them, united in the singular purpose of fucking Xora's brains out, paused in the crevasse before the plunge. Ember felt the way that Xora's hot cunt spread for his cocktip and clenched his jaws tight, trying his best to not immediately thrust up into her. Chirp licked Xora's neck.

And then the flight of gigantic mosquitoes shot by overhead. They were each the size of a horse, and had several people on their backs: A single rider in burnished lamellar armor, and a few terrified looking people in rags, their mouths gagged, their hands bound behind their backs and their bodies lashed to the buzzing, angular insects. The insects were not made of the normal black chiten that he would have expected from mosquitos. Instead, their hides were made of a kind of deep, unsettling green. If pressed, Ember might have said that the green looked like it burned. His eyes stung, watching them flying overhead.

Vitriolic green.

"Those are the zeno devils," he whispered. "Those are the villagers from Rataka!"

"Huh?" Xora asked.

"The knight Jerin Kah, kidnapped Ember's village on them," Chirp said, nodding. "We got here first via exploiting a loophole in their magic - but without anyone chasing them, they got here pretty fast." They paused. "W-We should go tell June."

The devils finished flying, settling down at a building near the center of the city. Xora, her eyes narrowed - and her hips rocking unconsciously, continuing to grind herself against his dick. She frowned. "T-They're going to the casino, owned by my..." She gulped. "T-Technically, by my...owner." She blushed. "He calls himself my manager, Finnious Snide, but he's just a snake. He tells me where to sleep, who to fight, when to fight, even what to wear, and how to act, and..." She blushed, ducking her head forward. "He's going to be pissed when he finds out I ran out."

"No," Ember said, quietly. "He's going to very politely let you go when I ask him. Or, I'm going to throw him into the river." He grinned. "From the casino."

Xora's knees gave out - and this had the side effect of sinking her cunt down onto Ember's eager cock. The feeling of her sex clenching around him was like a punch to the gut and the gasp that escaped Xora's throat was eager and hot, her eyes closing to thin slits, her face going slack. Chirp blinked, having jerked their hand back at just the last moment. They grinned, slightly. "W-We can tell them just after this, right?"

"Uh-huh," Xora and Ember said, at the same time. And, at the same time, they began to fuck. Ember's hips drove up and Xora's fingers grabbed onto his shoulders and clenched, so hard that her claws dug into his skin. Her mouth and his met and her teeth nipped at his lips as her full breasts mashed against his chest. Ember grabbed her ass, squeezing her as hard as he could, slamming up into her as cool lips closed around his balls, Chirp using their own position to add their fuel to the fire. Not that Ember needed it exactly. He was feeling his own orgasmic building as Xora let out breathy, whimpery gasps, her eyes unfocused.

"Yes yes yes yes yes!" She moaned, her voice pitching higher, as if she was forcing herself up the octave scale - going from contralto to alto, her eyes tightening shut as she leaned her forehead forward - their soulgems clinking together as her hips slammed into Ember's with bruising eagerness. Ever time he moved up to meet her, she slammed him back down, with the strength she had used to put down a demigod. The roof under them creaked, then cracked, the pavement bending inwards, spiderwebs of damage forking out around Ember's ass as he looked up into Xora's face.

"Chirp!" He groaned - and their lips left his balls. Ember thrust out his hand after quickly darting it between his cock and Xora's cunt. "Ass!"

Chirp, blushing, sat their rump down on his hand, awkwardly shoving their leggings forward enough so that he could sink his two, slippery fingers into their tight rump. Chirp's eyes closed and their lips tightened, skinning back to show their fangs as their entire body curved into a C, their fingers gripping the roof as Ember's body glowed with golden flames. He was trying his best to bring both the loves of his life to a climax, with scant seconds to spare. His fingers jackhammered into Chirp's ass, while his balls - freed from his Lunar's lips - slapped against Xora's ass with a pap pap pap pap. The movement of his body blurred...and then he heard Chirp's piercing scream and Xora's low pitched moan, and he felt them tightening around him and...

Ember let himself go.

He sprawled onto his back, his spine arching as his balls tightened and he felt his cum rushing through his dick. He began to paint Xora's cunt with blast after blast after blast of thick, white seed, dripping past his balls, pattering onto the roof, puddling under his balls as Xora drew in shuddering, wheezing gasps - her eyes closed tight. Chirp ducked their head forward, mashing their soulgem against Ember's chest, their mouth closing around one of his nipples as Chirp tried to wring even more pleasure out of him.

Then, at last, the three of them collapsed.

Xora, gasping, nuzzled against the top of his head. Ember, suffocating, welcomed death as Xora's full breasts mashed against his face. Chirp, their head caught between belly muscles, squirmed weakly - still clinging to life. When Xora rolled to the side, moaning hotly as Ember's dick slid from her pussy, Chirp thrust their head into the air, breathing in a desperate gasp.

"I thought you said you could...hold your...breath...for hours..." Ember murmured, his eyes half closed as he breathed in fresh oxygen.

"When I have warning!" Chirp put their hand on their chest, then shuddered as Ember slid his fingers from their ass. Chirp blushed, then smiled a tiny bit. "Also, I did it. I managed to not bite anyone..." They laid down once more - putting their head into petting range for Xora's calloused fingers. Chirp pressed their face against Ember's neck.

Then bit him, fangs sinking in deep. They started to drink deeply, while Ember looked up at the heavens - the Sun had fully closed, turning to the midnight black orb that hung over the world at night, while Ruby and Amethyst hung overhead in the heavens, peering down at them. He swore they were content. Chirp moaned, drawing their fangs back and licking the wound on his neck shut. "Sorry," they mumbled.

"S'fine," Ember mumbled.

Then Ember, Xora and Chirp all sat up at once.

"The devils!"


"Nex-Ho is, as the name may imply, a nexus of trade for the eastern reaches of the Land," June said, tapping her fingers against the table. Across from her sat Xora, with her head leaning against Ember's shoulder, and Chirp, with their head leaning against his other shoulder. The long side of the table in the small hut was where Goat had perched himself - his pipe in his mouth, his beard in his fingers, and his eyes fixed on Xora's titties, which were once more contained within her breastband.

"Stop that," Ember said.

"Nope," his sifu said, licking his lips. Xora glared at him. "If she strikes me dead, it shall be worth it. Gotta know, can she really kill a man with those?" He blew out a thin streamer of smoke that formed itself into a pair of figures - one writhing, the other one clutching the first to their chest. As the smoke drifted across the table, the writhing figure stilled.

Xora's hand lashed out, grabbed his pipe, and crushed it between her fingers all in one, darting motion. The crumbly bits of ash and broken wood dribbled onto the table. Chirp had clapped their hands to their mouth, while June's tail had stilled and her lips had pursed. Goat looked honestly shocked. Xora opened her mouth, gaping.

"Oh gods, I'm so so-" She started.

Goat slapped his bare knee. "Hah!" He said. "Yeah, she's an Amethyst!"

"What does that mean?" Ember asked, drawing Xora closer with one arm. "Also, if you don't stop oggling her tits, I'll do that, but to your balls."

"Kinky," Goat said, but he fished another pipe from his loincloth, lighting it with his thumb - and his eyes never again went to her tits. June frowned and leaned forward over the table, snapping her fingers under Ember's chin.

Ember looked at her.

"Nex-Ho," she said, firmly. "Is the nexus of trade in the eastern reaches. "Fish from Rataka, wood from Wataka, rum from the river raiders in Madness Cove, slaves from the river raiders in Madness Cove, gemstones from the river raiders in Madness Cove, bottled madness from the river raiders in Madness Cove..." She shook her head. "Since all the rivers flow to Nex-Ho and become the Great Eastern River, that means that it can then ship that stuff centerward, towards Mount Mahameru. From there, it can go anywhere in the Regency."

She stabbed her finger down at the table and a glowing map of the Land of a Billion Gods swept outwards in every direction. Nex-Ho was there, situated at the mouth of the Great Eastern River. Ember had never seen the Land laid out like this before and spent a few seconds admiring it - and the map had a kind of magic to it. When he looked at an area, the name popped into his head, without him needing to read any script. "Fancy," he whispered.

The Great Eastern River wound, like a lazy dragon, through a region called the Desert of Glass and Fire, and then came to Mount Mahameru, which looked as if it could reach from the ground to the moons. Floating around it, about halfway between heaven and earth, were the Flying Islands. To the south was another desert, called the Burning Sea. To the north and west was a vast ocean, dotted with islands that didn't fly - though some of those were actually nearly the size of the great eastern continent. Those lacked names - no matter how hard Ember glared at them.

"If I don't miss my guess," June said, her finger tracing a line across the Desert of Glass and Fire, to a mountain range that cut a small divot between it and the Burning Sea. "He's going to, once he summons up more zeno devils to carry them, head straight for the Iremire Cauldron. It's a valley between the Barrier Mountains, where the Regency has built a weapons and research laboratory. That's where the Regent makes his infused knights and warwalkers and other horrors." She frowned.

"How do we stop them?" Ember asked.

"It takes a day and an hour to summon devils," June said. "The ritual requires a great deal of focus and energy, and it must be done by Jerin Kah - he's the only one with enough mana to manage it. And since he's just gotten back from a mission to a town of vice and sin, I'm wagering that he's going to be slaking his lusts before he heads out."

Xora nodded. "He went to the right place..." She blushed. "Can you bring up a map of Nex-Ho?"

June tapped twice at Nex-Ho on the map. Whatever magic she was using was obliging - it swept forward, and Nex-Ho grew from a dot to the city in miniature. In the center of it, there was the casino, which Xora gestured to. "That's the Palace of Endless Mortal Delights. The casino, most people call it. If he took them there, then he's going to be wined, dined, and entertained by Snide, my...owner." She put her hand to her throat, looking aside. "I...he may have already found out I was missing..." She bit her lip.

"Jerin Kah likes fucking. Does he like fighting?" Ember asked, cocking his head.

June nodded. "All the Infused Knights are chosen for their easily controllable vices. Jerin Kah is a life aspected one - so he'll be into fucking more than anything else. But you don't become an Infused without also being into fighting, since you'll be doing it a whole fuck of a lot."

Ember nodded. "So, obviously, he's going to want to go to a fight." He grinned. "Front row seats, right?"

"What are you thinking?" Chirp asked, biting their lip.

Ember cracked his knuckles, then stood. He began to punch at the air, bobbing and weaving. "Xora heads back home, goes to her manager, and gets into a fight to entertain Kah. That fight? Will be with a mysterious stranger, a new comer to the city, one who will give them a match they won't fucking forget. Me." He beamed at them. "Then, when Jerin Kah is completely unprepared, when he's drunk and he's maybe fucking one of his servants or something, boom. We kick down the walls of the fight stage, grab him, and hold him hostage until he frees the villagers of Rataka."

Chirp, Xora, Goat and June gaped at him.

"What?" Ember asked.

"That's...not a terrible plan..." June said.

"You, uh, don't have to sound that shocked," Ember said, frowning.

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