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Under the Big House

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Busty slave is abused and tit fucked by stranger.
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The room was cold and the concrete was rough under her toes and knees. She had heard the muted notes of a band and the confusion of a party but once the door clanged shut it was quiet. The rest was darkness behind the leather mask. Shannon had no idea how long it had been since she had been left in one of the rooms beneath the big house on the island but she would continue to kneel patiently as she had many times before.

The thin linen nightgown that Shannon wore would fall to her ankles if she were standing. Now it flowed out around her sore knees. Beneath the nightgown she wore a snug leather belt high on her hips. From behind the buckle of the belt a wide strip of leather came down between her thighs and then up behind her and was fastened with a lock to the belt. The strip had been pulled snug forcing her ample rear to swell out invitingly. Her arms were crossed behind her back and each wrist was bound to the opposite elbow with short pieces of rough hempen rope. She was blinded by a thick leather mask that covered her face above her nose and cheekbones and came to a sloped peak a few inches above.

Shannon was a short girl, hardly over five feet, and that had limited her appeal on the island. But nature had been very generous in other ways that ensured her employment. Her body was curvy. Her breasts were large and heavy and the thin material of the nightgown was stretched to the limit by her bondage. Nature had also gifted her with a round posterior that jutted back and up even without the support of high heels and it jiggled and shifted wonderfully when she moved. Her hair was thick and spilled in fiery ringlets from behind her mask.

She had no idea how long she waited in the dark and the cold but her knees were aching when she heard the door swing open on its squeaky hinges. A faint strain of the band playing could be heard then the door closed. A pair of hard soled shoes tapped the concrete as someone came into the room.

"You're a pretty one," said a low, soft voice in the darkness.

Shannon turned her blind face toward the voice. A hand brushed her hair back over her shoulders and then stroked her jaw. Slowly the man gripped her chin, pushing her head back slightly and then side to side. Her full lips parted slightly and the man sighed as he ran his thumb lightly along her lower lip. Then he smeared the edges of her glossy lipstick to make her full lips look even more wanton. Shannon was accustomed to being handled this way and merely relaxed her jaw to accommodate his desires.

Her short stature did not work well with the slim-lined fashions sported by the ladies in the rooms of the big house. She could not flirt in the ballroom or seduce at the long mahogany bars like the women upstairs. So she had been relegated to the rooms beneath. To sleep on straw and eat like an animal. And to be used as one.

So knowing her place, she pouted her lips and darted her tongue at the man's thumb.

"And hot!" the low voice said with a pleasurable growl.

He roughly squeezed her jaw and then pulled his hand away. Shannon mewed softly and leaned back arching her heavy breasts towards the man. His hand grabbed her fleshy right mound and squeezed through the thin fabric of her nightgown. He grabbed her other breast and forced her nipples out between his fingers eliciting a sharp intake of breath. Her thick nipples began to stiffen, welling up to strain against his grip. He let her breasts fall back and then quickly pinned her swelling nips with his fingers. He twisted them back and forth, roughing her tender buds with the thin fabric.

"ahhhhhh." Shannon released her breath in a small sigh and pushed her chest gently forward.

Her life was not easy beneath the big house and like an animal she found her pleasures where she could. Early in her employment, when she was still a maid polishing the big sweeping staircase and dusting the endless mantels, she gaped in disbelief at the stories the older girls would tell and the gossip that flew amongst the young girls in the servants' quarters. When she was deemed old enough to be placed elsewhere on the island and learned the truth behind the rumors she had angrily sworn to herself never to succumb to them no matter what they did to her. Halfway through her time in the boxes she discovered the irrational pleasure within her situation. By the time she left the boxes she knew she had lost. Through her innumerable services she had learned to value that pleasure above all things.

The man pulled her nipples up, pushing the fabric into her flesh. The weight of her large breasts pulled against their suspension and sent a shiver through her body and a moan from her lips. Her fleshy upper breasts were compressed and pushed dangerously at the few buttons at the collar of her nightgown.

"My god, such a hot bitch. They weren't kidding when they suggested I come down here. I must say that this room is rather dingy in comparison to the rest of the house, but every manor must have its stables, I guess."

The man pulled Shannon's nipples up higher, stretching the still thickening nipples even more. He twisted her distended nipples once to the right and once to the left and then let her heavy breasts fall back. Shannon mewed again at the sudden pain but did not cry out. She felt that this was only the beginning.

Shannon presented a tempting sight to the man as he stepped back. A bundle of curvy flesh was bound before him. Her arms pinioned behind forced her massive tits forward and the nightgown clung tightly showing that she had a fleshy ass to match. He could see that his treatment was not going unappreciated. Two thick studs jutted out from her shapely breasts to tent the thin fabric and draw it tighter to the heavy globes. Her mouth was parted slightly and he could see her breath was already coming faster. Her little pink tongue darted out to explore the corners of her mouth.

He stepped forward and snatched a handful of her nightgown from in front of her belly and hauled it up exposing big milky breasts, large pink areoles, and tender meaty points. He left the bunched fabric on the upped slope of her breasts and then took hold of her left nipple and pulled it up until her skin just began to stretch. He smacked his open hand sharply against the pale tender underside three times in rapid succession enjoying the bouncy jiggle of the flesh.

Shannon was surprised by the first blow and was not able to react until after the third had landed. She gasped and unconsciously pulled away from the man. He held her nipple tightly and pulled her forward giving the bud a sharp twist to show his disapproval. She quickly arched her back as she had been before but not before the bunched fabric of her nightgown had fallen down to cover her breasts and gather around her suspended nipple.

"Goddamn it!" the man said as he released her nipple and gathered the fabric again.

"I want your teats exposed so don't try to cover them up you stupid sow" he growled as he harshly rolled the fabric taunt above her milky breasts. The faintest pink tinges were beginning to show on the underside of one. Shannon pushed her bound arms down behind her back as much as she could and thrust her breasts forward to keep the nightgown in place. Now her tits bulged down slightly as the tight roll pressed on her upper chest.

The man began to slap her waiting tits. Gently at first, just knocking them into each other and enjoying the play of the flesh, but then delivered with more snap. The big white globes wobbled and shuddered under his blows. Shannon, afraid of the fabric again obscuring his target, pushed her breasts forward into his attack. She felt small mews and subdued protestations escape her has his hands turned her breasts first rose and then pink. She could feel the heat of her wounded breasts and knew they were getting sore and would be for days, but she also felt the flush in her cheeks and between her legs as her teats suffered under his hands.

Then he stopped. Shannon painted in the sudden silence that had recently been filled with the sound of flesh striking meaty flesh. The man quietly observed her abused breasts. The heavy udders moved gently in time with her breathing. The pale skin of the sides and the underneath had turned pink and were continuing to flush. Angry red lines were already appearing where there had been particularly sharp contact. In spite of the abuse she docilely held her chest out towards him. He waited for her breathing to slow a little and then stepped forward.

He struck downwards with both hands hitting her swollen areoles and engorged nipples with rigid fingers. Shannon gasped and her arch faltered briefly but she recovered before he could grab and twist her stinging nipples. The man chuckled and brought his hands down in another vicious slap. Ready, Shannon held her pose, offering her tits for his punishment. He savaged the tender nips with a dozen more blows.

Shannon was aroused. She could feel the heat in her crotch trapped behind the leather strap. Her ample nipples were swollen tender and each contact sent pulses of pain with halos of pleasure through her body. She felt adrift between this push and pull and lost contact with the room around her. She focused on keeping her bound arms low, her chest exposed to abuse and rode the sensations. She did not notice when the rolled fabric began to loosen but she felt it slip around the eighth strike. Futilely she thrust her tits out even more and yet each downwards blow caused the thin fabric to fall lower.

When he delivered the twelfth blow the nightgown fell to the floor.

"You stupid, lazy, COW! I gave you one instruction that even a stupid, immobile, quadruped could have accomplished." His angry voice filled the small bare room as he brusquely dragged the fabric over her sore, swollen, teats and yanked it over her head. The nightgown's collar got caught by her chin and Shannon struggled to stay upright as the man rocked her roughly back and forth trying to get it past the obstruction. Somehow the nightgown worked free but pulled her mask askew as he bunched the material behind her neck. She caught a brief glimpse of a row of mother-of-pearl studs along a stiff, white shirtfront that ended in a scarlet cummerbund. Below the cummerbund she saw formal black pants. The man's penis stuck out of the fly. It was large and flush and pointing at her face. It was inches away. And then darkness returned as the man quickly adjusted her mask. Shannon swallowed.

"Oh no! No peeking, sow, can't have you seeing my face," the man said as he firmly pushed the mask back in place.

He quickly grabbed a thick nipple in each hand and twisted them sharply. Shannon whined pathetically as she pushed her injured nips towards him. After a few more cruel twists that made her gasp he let go and stepped back.

Shannon panted making her rouged and parted lips flutter. She could still see the afterimage of the man's engorged member repeating across the darkness. The twisting of her punished nipples had involved very little pleasure but the image had made her wet. She remembered the strap between her legs as moisture seeped into the leather and moaned inwardly. Neither of those holes would be filled with that cock.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a meaty smack. She felt the soft kiss of the skin of his cock and the club-like weight of the engorged shaft strike her cheek. The man quickly followed this sudden ministration with a succession of blows to either side of Shannon's half concealed face. He slapped his hard cock against her cheeks with considerable force relishing the way it forced her head from side to side. The slight stinging along his shaft made by the contact was altogether arousing as were her moist and pouting lips. He kept striking her face until he could resist the promised solace of her mouth no longer and grabbed her jaw roughly.

He squeezed his fingers and thumb into her cheeks forcing them between her teeth. Shannon's warm wet mouth opened easily and her dainty tongue quivered. With one swift movement he jammed his cock into her waiting mouth, past her teeth, over her tongue until it reached the back of her throat. He then withdrew until only his cockhead rested within her wet lips still held open by the sharp pincer of his fingers.

The trussed and abused girl quickly sucked in a breath through her nose before the man again crammed her mouth full of his meat. This time he drove the swollen head of his cock deep into her and held it there. He did not even need to use his hands as the girl was still pressing herself towards him from her kneeling position. She kept herself taunt and still as he enjoyed her warm wet orifice. He let the entire length of his cock soak up her heat and felt each small tremor of her stretched body.

Shannon's mouth was full and her body screamed that she was choking, but countless days in the boxes had trained her to repress such sensations. She focused on the fullness that her body feared. The man's erect member stretched her jaws further than his hand had managed. The head was a thick bulbous lump rigid against the soft flesh at the back of her throat. She refused the desperate need to swallow. Refused the need to try to force the obstructing mass down her esophagus. She knew that to do so would only trigger a gulping, gagging spasm that would drown her in panic and spittle more certainly than she would suffocate on the solid shaft of meat impaling her head. She patiently focused on the unbelievable abundance of his cock, savored the faint saltiness of its taste and felt the panic recede. She forced her head forward and drove his cock deeper down her throat.

"So eager," the man muttered in disbelief. His voice was more ragged now tinged with his growing passion.

He withdrew his cockhead to the moist opening as he felt her body begin to shudder from lack of air. Briefly she followed him, keeping her throat against his cockhead but then felt her balance going and kept still. She released a sigh of hot pent-up breath and then greedily sucked in the cold basement air. The grip on her jaw had not slackened and now it pushed her back onto her haunches, his cockhead never leaving her velvety lips. She felt the fabric of his pants against her dully aching breasts and then he let go of her jaw. Shannon kept her jaw slack and maintained her new position.

She felt his strong fingers again grab her puffy nips in their cruel grip. Squeezing the twin nubs he began slowly pulling them forward. Her reddening breasts lifted from her chest and the pressure on her nipples increased as the weight of each of the massive globes pulled against his grip. Slowly she moved forward, following the insistent pull. His cock head slipped over her teeth and slowly slid over her trembling tongue. Her lips left smears of red lipstick along his hard shaft as it disappeared into her. He continued to pull on her wounded breasts until he was fully encased in her mouth and then he held her there by her nipples until he felt the irresistible convulsions of her impending suffocation pulse through his cock.

He twisted the nipples and pushed them back into her twin pink mounds that still radiated heat from their recent beating. Slowly he pushed her body away watching his phallus reappear glistening with her saliva and smeared with her cheap red lipstick. He felt the wave of her hot breath escaping around his dick and when she began to inhale pulled roughly on her nipples driving her mouth back around his cock until his quivering cockhead lodged against the yielding flesh of her throat. This time her convulsions came quickly and he could feel each shudder telegraphed through his entire body.

He quickened his pace and Shannon learned the obvious signals. A twist to each nipple and she would withdraw until only the head of his cock within her elastic lips. A sharp tug forward on her suspended nipples and she would drive his cock deep against the back of her throat. In her darkness Shannon imagined herself an engineer in ship's boiler room responding to the demanding chimes of some far off captain. The quick regular pace made her wet mouth a froth of spittle that leaked out around his intruding member and fell onto her ample breasts. The man began to pant and Shannon could feel the building of his climax as his cock became stiffer and the lump of his cockhead threatened to rupture her tonsils. She felt her anticipation build as a flood of salty precum was added to the messy lather in her mouth.

"Whoa there missy. You're certainly a hot heifer but I'm not about to die the small death in your mouth. Not when there is so much else to explore," the man said as he pulled his cock entirely from her mouth with a wet pop. A sloppy, slimy mess slipped past Shannon's lips to dribble down her chest and slide between her massive teats. Her nipples throbbed from the pulling and twisting, but like too loyal pets they stayed erect and started to swell even more.

Shannon could hear the man's shoes click on the concrete floor as he walked around her. A low whistle escaped his lips. The cool air of the chamber chilled the spittle on her flaming chest and the aching increased as the pleasure receded. A small, rhythmic, squishing sound suggested the man was working his large member with his hand. The memory of her quick peek made her unconsciously lick her lips.

The man slowly moved his hand along his shaft as he considered the bundle of flesh before him. Her nipples, though softening in the chill air, were still thick maroon nibs jutting from the globes of her bust. Angry welts were forming just above the rosy penumbra of her aureoles outlining where his fingers had struck so viciously. Her mouth was agape, the small tongue searching the edges for traces of his salty taste. Her lipstick was smeared across her cheeks and chin. Her chest and face glistened with spit that ran in slow tracks down her bounteous curved mounds.

Her nightgown was firmly tucked behind her head exposing her completely. The pale skin of her shoulders and back flowed down into a surprisingly small waist girdled with a thick patient leather belt. Below the belt her hips flared out shelf-like into a juicy rear split by a narrow leather strap. Each cheek was as large as a small pumpkin. The skin of her ample ass was rosy from her recent exertion. He could imagine what a good canvass it would be for his hands.

He stepped up behind her, crouching onto his hunches and gently squeezed a cheek with each hand. An uncontrollable shiver ran down her body at his touch. He traced his fingers over the firm flesh of her behind, eventually gravitating towards where her cleft was split by the thin strap. More trembling greeted his searching fingers as he probed where the strap pressed tightly into delicate skin. His fingers worked their way up the strap until they rested upon the small lock that held the strap in place.

Shannon was surprised by the man's sudden change in mood. Her mouth and throat were contracting from their forcible dilation and her breasts throbbed from the recent assault. The light tracing over her posterior was welcome and she felt the warmth of arousal surge within her. The skin on either side of her crack was chaffed from the tight strap and his touch felt good on these tender parts. She relaxed her stiff posture, pushing her juicy ass towards his spiderlike caresses.

"What's this then?" the man muttered as his fingers began to pick at the small lock on her belt.

Shannon paused in her pleasure. Was she supposed to respond? That was irregular.

"What is this?" the man said again in a much firmer voice.

"A lock, sir," said Shannon in a breathy whisper.

"A lock? A lock! Who would lock up such a randy heifer?" his voice was hard and incredulous.

Shannon felt him tug on the lock. He then yanked on it pulling the tight belt into her soft belly. He twisted it too and fro forcing air from her lungs with his violence.


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