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Unicorn Mom and her Golden Boy Ch. 03

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Golden boy finds out why Mom is a Unicorn.
4.3k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/14/2017
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Author's Note: The continuing story of an 18 year old boy and his Mom.


Things got better for Mom and I after the shoot. We were notified that my photo session and video were accepted by Sissy Magazine for publication and that my stuff would be the feature in the next month's addition. Stanley wired us another check for a thousand dollars. Mom and I had never had this much extra money before.

Even so, our life didn't change that much. Most of the money went to paying off some bills, though Mom and I did go out for a nice dinner together. Other than that for the first couple of weeks after the shoot things were more or less normal. Mom went to work and I did my online classes and continued my exercise routine to stay in shape.

I was worried that my Mom watching me do those things on camera would interfere in our relationship. I felt that somehow my Mom knowing about me being sexual would change things. My worries were unfounded though. If anything we were closer afterword and we spent a lot of time cuddling and watching movies together on the couch.

Mom and I had some pretty weird conversations about my potential career. They were weird in that we discussed my body and this strange abstract idea of beauty as if it were a commodity that we could sell. First I had never thought of myself as beautiful before even though Mom always told me I was. I mean I wasn't a girl (what I associated the idea of beauty with) though I sometimes wished I was, and I wasn't manly and muscular, so the idea that I had something other people might want was totally foreign to me.

The first of these discussions started when my Mom came home from work one day with a bag of things from the drug store and a package that came in the mail. It was summer and a hot day so I stayed inside with the AC on. I was doing laundry so I had just thrown on a pair of my Mom's shorts.

I wouldn't go out dressed like this because people would probably think it was funny because the shorts had PINK written in big letters across the butt and were very short. At home though I didn't care and I thought they made my butt look good. They were stretchy and tight on me, though not as tight as when Mom wears them because she has a bigger butt and nice wide hips. I didn't have a shirt or anything else on.

"Come here Baby Boy." My Mom said reaching into the bag and pulling out some lotion.

"Hi Mom," I said sitting next to her on the couch, "whatcha got?"

"Well," Mom said as she pulled out a new hair brush from the bag and set it on our coffee table next to the lotion, "I got some things for you to take care of your body with."

"Ok Mom," I replied confused, "I take OK care of myself."

"True, you are a very clean little boy," She began "but I think that if you want to pursue a career in modelling you will need to do a bit more."

I frowned at this a bit confused.

"It's a little different Baby," She continued, "when your body is your living, you'll need to be more... feminine in how you approach it."

"How so?" I asked curious now.

"Good Boy," she replied with a smile picking up the lotion," This is going to be fun."

"Ok Mommy"

She poured some lotion on her hand and started rubbing it into my bare chest.

"Ohhh that feels good."

"I thought you'd like it," she said as she continued rubbing, "this as vitamin E and will keep your skin nice and soft."


"Then men who want to look at you will like your soft skin," she said, "it will make them want to touch you."

"Oh" I replied, her touch and the thought of someone wanting to touch me was getting me a little excited.

She finished rubbing lotion into my chest and moved to my back. It felt so good, her hands were warm and soft, I didn't know whether to breathe heavy and be excited or to relax, and it seemed like my body wanted both. It got even more confusing when she worked on my legs.

"Mommy does this all the time for her skin," she said musingly as she worked toward my upper thigh. My little cock was standing up and making a tent in my tiny pink shorts. I tried not to be embarrassed by this and Mom just smiled at me when she noticed.

"Maybe someday I'll let you put this on my skin."

"Ohh I would like that"

"I can tell" she said with a little laugh as she ran the tip of her finger up the bulge of my hard cock through the shorts causing me to gasp. I blushed deeply.

"Not today though," she said, "we have a lot to do and we have diner guests coming over later."

"Oh, who is coming over?"

"My friends Bob and Nancy"

"Oh cool," I replied, "you guys are staying here for dinner?"

"Yes, do you mind cooking?

"Of course not Mom," I replied "but you guys usually go out."

"Well you're eighteen now so I thought it would be OK if they stayed for dinner."

I didn't really understand why my age mattered for her friends. I guessed maybe they liked to talk about adult things and didn't want me to overhear when I was younger. It kind of felt good to be considered old enough now.

Mom just moved passed it like nothing and went on to show me the baby oil and exfoliating soap she bought me and told me how and when to use each. I was excited that Bob and Nancy were coming over. I had only met them in passing and their friendship with my Mom was kind of intriguing. They were also the only friends my Mom had ever introduced me to at all. She finished the bag off by showing me the new quality hair brush she got me and told me to brush my hair very thoroughly every night and morning.

"and here is the last thing." She said handing me another bottle of baby oil.

"Ok" I said confused, "but you already got me some."

"This is to keep next to your bed," she said almost shyly "for when you touch yourself, it will keep your cute little cock nice and soft and prevent abrasions, we need to start taking better care of you if you are going to be selling it."

Selling it, I wasn't exactly clear on what I was selling.

She was right of course. I had been used to masturbating dry before, in fact I preferred to hump the soft skin on the inside of my wrist, but even that burned sometimes when I really got going. It was weird talking to my Mom this way. It was almost like talking about widgets or something, not me, my body. I did have to admit though when I was doing the shoot the oil felt so fantastic.

"So what's in the package?" I asked.

"I don't know Baby, but it's addressed to you."


"Yes, let's take a look after I shower."

Mom was stripping off her work clothes and getting into the shower. She came out after her shower in a towel and we both lay down on her bed and opened the package. The package contained a stack of magazines, Sissy Magazine to be specific. I was surprised to find a big glossy picture of me on the cover with my back arched and towel pushed down. I recognized this as the moment before I let everyone see my hard little dick during the shoot. The cover letter said there were several complementary copies for me to share with friends.

"Wow" Mom said after a moment.

I was speechless, I knew it was me but it was so weird to see me on a magazine cover. My skin was all sparkly from the water and oil. I was really surprised by the picture, I didn't even think it was me it looked so good. The photographer really did an amazing job sprucing up plain old me to be something special.

We lay on the bed, facing each other with the magazine between us. We flipped through the pages slowly. The first feature was an Emo looking kid with long straight black hair, pale skin, black painted fingernails, and a cock that was much bigger than mine. It looked kind of interesting on his skinny body. The attached article said his name was Tyler and he was 19 years old, he was only a year older than me.

Looking at his body made my little cock get hard and my mouth start watering. I licked my lips and reached out and ran my finger over his image. I looked up to see my Mom watching me intently. She ran her fingers over the back of my hand as I continued to touch the image.

"Do you like that?" she asked.

"He's pretty." I replied.

"Yes he is," she replied with a smile, "though not as pretty as my Golden Boy."

"Do you like him?" I asked.

"Hmmm, yes I do" she said dreamily caressing my hand, "I've always had a thing for pretty boys."

We flipped the page.

"Wow." We both said in unison, Tyler could apparently suck his own cock. For the first time in my life I wished I was bigger, I'd have to do yoga for the rest of my life to accomplish that. My own little cock was throbbing and tenting my pink little shorts. I had to struggle not to touch it.

The final page was Tyler cumming on his face. I almost couldn't contain myself and Mom was breathing rather heavily. I think the tension was getting uncomfortable because we flipped past it faster than the other pages. I pushed my insistent little cock down with my palm.

Next was a red haired guy. He was OK but we more or less flipped past him to my section, which was in the middle. Then there I was, doing all the things I remember from the shoot. Posing and looking at the "Bear" magazine and playing with the big dildo. Mom and I were in awe of how well the photographer captured everything.

Then we reached the centerfold. There I was stretched out over the fold out, bigger than life. My back was arched, the dildo was in my mouth, my lips were glossy wet and my eyes looked through heavy lids at the camera. My hard little cock glistened with oil in my hand and pointed straight up.

Mom and I had gone silent looking at it. It dawned on me that THIS is what I was selling, my passion, my desire. It was kind of funny to think about but my little cock throbbed again as I looked at myself on the page. It took me a while to realize that my Mom's hand had trailed down my neck and across my chest as we both looked on; she was lightly pinching and rolling my nipple in her fingers. I pushed against my insistent cock with my palm again trying to calm it down.

Then as if on cue we looked into each other's eyes. There was something there, something different. Our gazes were both glazed over with some animal need that I didn't understand. Our faces moved towards each other with an almost gravitational pull. I didn't know what was happening but I was helpless against it.

Then my Mom broke the spell on purpose. Her look changed, she grabbed my head and kissed me long and hard on the lips, then pushed me away. She pulled one of the copies of the magazine out of the stack and set it on her night stand.

"Why don't you take those to your room," she said quickly "Mommy needs to get ready for tonight."

Whatever it was that had been about to happen had passed. I felt both relief and frustration.

I practically ran to my room and shut the door. Stripping off my little shorts I lay down on my bed and reached for the baby oil I had put on my night stand earlier. I shivered in anticipation as I poured some on my cock and flipped a magazine open to a picture of Tyler. I started rubbing myself way faster than usual because the oil really helped a lot.

My body was on fire. I was moaning loud enough to be heard by the neighbors but I didn't care. Mom had to know what I was going to do anyway right? She had watched the shoot and seen it before right? Images mixed in my head of Tyler's cock in front of me and remembering my Mom looking at me so close, the curves of her breasts and hips under the towel. It was all flashing back and forth until my body shuddered hard.

Hot semen splashed all over me as I came. It was almost as much as in the photo shoot before. As my body came down from its shuddering orgasm I scooped as much as I could onto my fingers and licked them clean. Then my body relaxed and I let out a big sigh. I was still horny and excited but cumming took the edge off of it and I no longer felt insane.

Just as I was relaxing and letting the tension go from my body I heard my bedroom door close. Either our apartment had acquired a ghost or Mom had been watching. The idea that she had watched made my heart beat faster for some reason.

I took a short nap and then got ready for our company. I was really excited. I put on a pair of tight jeans that looked good on me and a tight purple t-shirt with a deep V cut in front that I liked because the material was so thin. A little secret I have is most of my clothes in the petite girl's section of most stores. The clothes just fit my body style better. Since it was a special occasion I also put on my gold thin chain necklace with a little unicorn pendant on it that my Mom gave me. I liked it because it looked like the unicorn she had tattooed on her shoulder.

I went out to the kitchen and started making dinner for four. I do most of the cooking in our home. Mom is a good cook but she works full time so I do my best to take care of it. I am a pretty good cook too. Mom always said I'd make someone a great spouse someday, but I always have trouble thinking of life beyond just the two of us.

Mom came out of her room while I was cooking. Wow she looked incredible in a tight floral dress that hugged her generous curves and showed off a lot of cleavage. She was also wearing more makeup than normal and her lips were a bright red. She always dressed up for Bob and Nancy. She looked amazing!

As I was setting the table and my Mom opened a bottle of wine to breathe the doorbell rang. Bob and Nancy were here. Both Bob and Nancy were in their mid-fifties and very good looking people.

Bob was a tall guy, big bodied and bald on top of his head so he kept his hair really short. He had a confident way about him that made me feel funny to be around. Mom said that was from success in life. I guess they were fairly wealthy as they owned their own advertising company.

Nancy gave of a very similar vibe of confidence but in her case it was tempered by a kind of untouchable elegance. Her hair was short and dark with a fair amount of undisguised iron gray in it. She was dressed elegantly in a tailored dress, stockings, high heels and lots of jewelry. She was a thin woman, who definitely kept in shape, her bare arms showed off her feminine muscle tone and tan skin. She had really big breasts for someone her size and I often wondered if they were not real.

When they came in Bob took my Mom into a big hug, to my complete surprise his hands slid down over her hips to rest on her ass. She just melted into him and they kissed and I swear there was a little bit of tongue involved.

I was doubly surprised when Nancy moved in and gave my Mom basically the same treatment with the same reaction. I know they were all friends but I was surprised and a little jealous at the level of affection. I just didn't know what to think.

Then Nancy moved to hug me and I hugged her back normal like, but her hands roamed my back and squeezed my butt before we parted. I was left wide eyed and mouth open at all this behavior.

We ate dinner and everyone thanked me for preparing such a delicious meal, which made me blush. The strange behavior at the door was left behind for the most part, except Bob would caress my Mom's ass or hips fairly brazenly whenever she walked by and which she seemed to do a lot. My Mom would just blush and let it happen, Nancy seemed to enjoy watching. I was pretty much left out of all of it, including most of the conversation until dinner ended.

"So young man," Bob asked, "how have you been getting along?"

"Good I suppose Sir"

Turning to my mom he said "You have a very polite boy here."

"Yes," my Mom agreed, "and starting to be a busy one too."


"He's been doing some modelling lately and just got published." Mom continued.

"Oh how lovely" Nancy chimed in, "can we see your work?"

"Sweetie, why don't you go fetch Bob and Nancy a copy of your magazine?"

"Mom!" I replied in a harsh whisper blushing furiously.

"Oh Sweetie," Mom replied with pat on my knee "Bob and Nancy are adults and they are not going to judge, now be a good boy and show them."

I went reluctantly to get a copy of Sissy for them. I was so nervous!

"Oh Wow," Nancy said when she saw the cover, "The cover on your first shoot, that is really amazing."

They flipped open to the middle where my body was on full display. It was so weird to have this very successful attractive couple looking at pictures of me.

"Mmmm very nice" Nancy was saying, "Very sexy don't you think Bob?"

Bob flipped open the centerfold shot, "Yes, actually quite feminine."

"You can keep that copy if you like." My Mom chimed in.

"Oh we will cherish it." Nancy said as she and her husband perused the pictures of my semen covered torso, "would you sign it for us Sweetie?'

I got a pen and didn't really know what to write. I have excellent hand writing, but I wasn't sure what to say on it. Eventually I signed "Love and Kisses, Golden Boy" except I extended the Y and put a little flower on the tail.

After that episode I cleaned up the dishes as Mom, Nancy and Bob chatted about life and work in general. Both Nancy and later Bob took the opportunity to caress the back of my leg as I cleared their plates, but they otherwise didn't really include me in conversation. So after cleaning the dishes and pouring everyone a glass of wine I begged off and went to bed. I had a lot to think about.

Lying in bed I dozed off to the sound of the trio laughing and having apparently enjoyable conversation.

I was woken sometime later by a cacophony of moans, grunting sounds, and a steady but increasing in pace slapping sound. I didn't know what to think at first but my little cock was raging hard.

I got up quietly and sneaked over to my door. I was wearing PJ bottoms and nothing else. I cracked open the door and peered through. What I saw amazed me.

From my room I could see the back of our couch from an angle. I could see the side of Bob's head sticking up above the couch back from where he was seated. I also had a perfect view of my Mom's upper body as she bounced up and down, apparently in Bob's lap. My Mom's big breasts were swaying and bouncing with her movement and her head was thrown back as she moaned.

Nancy was reclined in a chair directly across from them. She was naked except for a red and black corset and thigh high stockings. Her legs were spread wide and she was rubbing her hairless pussy as she watched my Mom fucking her husband.

"Oh yeah Baby Girl, you like that cock don't you." Bob grunted in an animalistic growl.

"Oh yes Daddy, Yes!" my Mom moaned in an oddly young sounding voice.

"Ooh yeah fuck Daddy good." Nancy moaned encouragingly.

Then something happened and my Mom was out of view for a second. I opened my door some more and leaned out. I could just make out my Mom's long hair in Bob's fist as her head bounced up and down in his lap and a weird gurgling noise came from my Mom's throat.

Then Nancy said, "Mmm now Momma needs some."

Bob let my Mom's hair go and I could see his big fat manly cock come out of her mouth. I couldn't believe she had that much in her mouth. Her eyes were watering. She turned and crawled on hands and knees across the room to Nancy. Her head went between Nancy's legs and Nancy grabbed my Mom's long hair.

"Mmm yes," Nancy moaned as she thrust her hips toward my Mom's mouth, "lick my pussy like a good girl."

I came out of my room further, my PJs pulled down and my hard little cock in hand.

"Mmm so good, yes suck that clit." She demanded. My Mom was on her knees licking Nancy with her ass faced toward Bob.

Bob stood up and walked over to kneel behind my Mom. His back was hairy and his cock was huge and slick with Mom's saliva and juices. Something about his movement drew Nancy's gaze up from my Mom's head in her lap. When she looked at Bob she couldn't help but see me, out of my room, cock in hand and watching them. My heart was pounding as we locked eyes. She smiled and her free hand went to one of her breasts and started playing with her large nipple. Her breasts sagged a bit and were definitely real.


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