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Leo dreams of being an astronaut and finding love.
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Author's Notes:

The idea for this story popped into my head and refused to go away until I put fingers to keyboard.

It started as a short little tale, but as I was drawn back to it again and again, it grew from its humble beginnings.

I just completed its edit in time for the 2024 Literotica Geek Pride Story Event.

I hope you enjoy it.


All characters engaging in sexual relationships or activities are 18 years old or older.




Chapter 1

Leo's cheap alarm clock went off faithfully at six in the morning, the shrill off-tune ring of the dented metal bells jolting him from his sleep of the dead. Flinging a hand out, he stopped its call by knocking the clock from the table once again.

He'd stayed up too late the night before, reading trade paperback comics. They had to be returned to the library today, so he'd wanted to finish them all. Now, he was paying the price.

Bleary-eyed, he dragged himself out of bed and plodded down the hall to his tiny washroom. He stood before the toilet and got the relief his bladder was demanding. Then it was a quick but thorough shower, his long, straight black hair getting extra attention. It almost reached his waist now, but Evie said she liked it, so he let it grow.

Thinking about Evie sent tingles through his naughty bits. He willingly admitted he was a little fixated on his coworker from the coffee shop, but it was natural as she was a knockout! Tall, blonde, and slim but with curves to drive a man to distraction. She was Aphrodite to his Hades. She also had amazing blue eyes that seemed to peer into his soul and a smile that brightened his day.

He brushed his teeth as he stared morosely at his reflection in the dimly lit bathroom mirror.

He matched Evie's six-foot height. He was also slim, but that was due to his lack of funds to pay for sufficient food. His frame was large enough to support bigger muscles, but he didn't have the drive or discipline to make it happen or the money to pay for the food to fuel the effort. He worked two shitty part-time jobs, which barely paid for his dumpy little basement apartment.

Glancing in the mirror again, he gave himself another critical evaluation. He had broad shoulders and a wide chest, but all he saw were the ribs visible against his skin.

He accepted that he wasn't ugly so much as... plain. Neutral... like a block of clay before the artist expressed his soul onto it. He smirked to himself at the comparison.

Truthfully, he had no exceptional features.

He was also quiet and soft-spoken and avoided confrontation at all costs, even if the price was damaged pride, which he had in short supply.

Shy and passive, he floated through life on the path of least resistance.

People like him never got to date women like Evie, who glowed with beauty, grace, and confidence. She was a woman with drive, ambition, and potential.

While he was in his early twenties like Evie, he wasn't going to college, though she was. His grades hadn't been good enough, and he really couldn't afford it even if they had been.

So, he remained a familiar stranger to her, someone hovering in the background at her workplace. Mostly, the extent of their conversation was a good morning or good night, depending on the shifts they shared or taking instructions from her to help her at work. He certainly didn't mind doing that, as she was always ready to give him one of her pearly white smiles.

Returning to his morning preparations, he gave himself a quick shave to remove the dusting of his minimal facial hair. He couldn't grow a decent mustache or beard if his life depended on it. Just another strike against his masculinity, he supposed.

Once more, he considered removing the mirror in the bathroom, as it never made him feel better about himself.

With a sigh, he went back to his bedroom and got dressed. The coffee shop's uniform was simply an apron he wore over his white dress shirt, black slacks, and black dress shoes, so that was easy enough. In the afternoon, his second job as a valet parking attendant at a downtown hotel allowed him to dress the same way. Minus the apron, which stayed at the coffee shop, of course.

Glancing at the clock, he saw it was time to leave. He grabbed his wallet, keys, and his cheap cell phone.

He would have gotten rid of the expense of the cell if he didn't need to get calls from work about shifts. As it was, he had about thirty minutes left on the cheapest pay-as-you-go plan. He only got work calls and not many of those.

Contemplating seeing Evie once more gave his spirits a well-needed lift.


"You will do it?"

"Do what?" Evie asked Tatyana as she looked up at her white-blonde roommate leaning on the other side of the kitchen table, watching her.

"You will get your work slave to play with us tonight?" the scantily clad Russian model asked with a coy smile.

"Yes! Yes! You must!" Ji-Yu cheered over her bowl of cereal from her spot at the end of the table. The five-foot-ten Korean model shared a smile with her Russian friend, then both looked expectantly at Evie.

"I think Leo mentioned he works until nine tonight," Evie said hesitantly.

Another beauty was entering the kitchen of the house the four friends rented together. Her dressing gown was loosely tied, and significant cleavage was on display. Nina, a six-foot-two Greek goddess with a big head of curly black hair, grabbed a bowl and spoon, then liberated the cereal box from Ji-Yu before sitting next to Evie. "You're going to keep him to yourself? I thought we'd agreed," she said with a raised brow.

Evie raised her hands. "It's not like that! I have no intentions of getting a boyfriend, and I especially wouldn't choose Leo."

"What's wrong with him?" Tatyana asked. "He has nice hair! I can't believe you got him to grow it so long!" she giggled.

Evie squirmed. "That's the thing! He isn't like the other boys we've tricked into playing with us. He doesn't consider himself god's gift to women and is not a sleazy player. Leo's... an overeager puppy. All I said was that I liked his hair long, and now it almost reaches his ass!"

"He's not a puppy! He's a Lamb!" Ji-Yu snorted.

Evie rolled her eyes wearily. Ji-Yu found Leo's name to be hilarious for some reason. Leo Lamb. Ji-Yu had even made Evie ask Leo how he got the name. She recalled the day in the break room when she'd cajoled the story from him. He'd been uncomfortable talking about his parents. It seemed they were Christian zealots who'd legally changed their names to Joseph and Mary Lamb before they got married. Each of their seven children had been named after a significant person in Jesus' life. Apparently, by the time Leo arrived, the doctors told Mary no more. So, on the day of the arrival of the seventh child, they rested and simply named him after the beasts that represented Jesus, the lion and the lamb.

Once she'd gotten him to open up, Leo just kept talking, spilling his secrets to keep her attention. She admitted to herself she found it... interesting.

Much to the disappointment of his parents and the ire of his six siblings, he was the only one his parents' indoctrination didn't stick to. Perhaps that was because his parents were more about nurturing their church community and less directly involved in their children's upbringing by the time he'd been born.

He struggled as a child as he had issues focusing his attention. His mind was too easily distracted, and his grades in school were poor without external support. He knew he had difficulty and tried his best, but his grades never improved significantly in a system that worked for the majority. Evie suspected he had some form of neurodivergence, but his parents hadn't cared enough to have him tested.

He'd left home on his eighteenth birthday and hitched rides across the country to San Remo, California, a small city just outside San Jose, where he worked two jobs to survive.

Evie could only relate to a small part of his story.

She was an only child, so she couldn't relate to having siblings. She also had no frame of reference for Leo's scrambling to survive, as her parents were very wealthy. They paid her university tuition and living expenses for the school residence, which they made a condition for her to attend university across the country. The only similarity they had to Leo's parents was their lack of attention. They were so busy with their professions and social events in New York City that she'd chosen to travel far from them to strike out on her own. She enrolled at San Jose State University in Business Management.

At a party during her first week of classes, she met Tatyana, Ji-Yu, and Nina, who invited her to join them in their rental house. One of their model friends left the business, and they had a vacancy. This let Evie take the funds for her residence and cover her rent with money left over. The extra cash went into a separate bank account her parents weren't aware of, as she'd need seed capital once she graduated. She took a part-time job for pocket money.

"Didn't you say you've caught him watching you? Didn't you say he got a stiffy from that?" Nina reminded her.

Evie nodded with a frown. It was true that she'd felt a little awkward when she'd caught him and saw the bulge pressing against his coffee shop apron. She recalled he rushed off, walking funny from the discomfort of his tight pants.

"Yes, that's true."

"So, you'll invite him to play?" Tatyana insisted.

She sighed as she knew they wouldn't stop until she gave in. "Yes."

Ji-Yu clapped her hands happily as Nina smiled with satisfaction. Evie recalled previous times when they'd played with these foolish boys who thought they'd struck gold with four beautiful ladies paying attention to them. They never suspected a thing until the barbs sank in and the ladies stripped them of their egos and dignity.

To date, their targets had been creeps who made a nuisance of themselves with one of the three models. Thinking about it, she might have mentioned the event with Leo just to fit in with her roommates. They certainly seemed delighted to hear about it.

She pushed her reservations aside. She had a life plan, and Leo wasn't in it. What did it matter to her if the ladies had a little fun and ensured he kept his erections to himself?

It was time to get ready for work.

Chapter 2

Leo rushed along the dark streets, hurrying to get home. He had trouble keeping from sprinting the rest of the way in his excitement.

What an amazing day! First, at the coffee shop, a customer complimented him on his latte art within earshot of the manager. The man finally noticed him and moved him to the counter, where he decorated all the lattes ordered. That was fun, and he got smiles from the customers, the owner, but especially from Evie.

Speaking of the beauty, the next amazing thing that happened today occurred during their break. She invited him to join her and her friends in an online chat room tonight! Her roommates heard about him and wanted to say hello. This meant Evie talked about him with her friends, and she must have said nice things!

Extra exciting was the fact that she now had his cell number. Maybe she would call him from time to time!

His laptop was a third-hand piece of junk he bought from a coworker at the hotel (he suspected it was stolen), but he was pretty sure it could manage a web chat application. It had a built-in webcam, but he'd never used it, so he needed to get home and try it out.

He finally reached his street and hustled down the sidewalk and into the stairwell beneath his building's front steps. His dark basement apartment only had one street-level window, and he kept the blinds drawn for privacy. He unlocked the door and slipped into the dark interior, engaging the cheap lock before stepping away. It wasn't even a deadbolt! In truth, he had no valuables.

As he was responsible for his utilities, he kept the lights off as much as possible. A single LED lightbulb in the living room lamp was enough. He stepped forward and reached for the lamp unerringly and achieved dim illumination.

The apartment came furnished courtesy of the previous tenant, though everything was well-worn. The man had died in his sleep, so the bed's mattress had been replaced... with another discount mattress.

The living room had a couch, a coffee table, an end table where the lamp sat, and an old TV connected to stolen cable service. It was hooked up before Leo moved in, and he wouldn't mention the illegal connection to anyone. Not that he watched much TV, as the old set pulled a lot of power.

A bookcase held his treasures. The minimal extra money he'd scrounged had been put toward buying comics. He didn't have many, but he cherished the ones he had. He wasn't a big reader; his concentration issue made that difficult for him, but he enjoyed comics. They were his escape.

His comic collection was all about superheroes. Beings who had everything he didn't. They were everything he wished he could be.

Three female anime figurines also adorned the shelves. These were discards that the owner of the comic shop gave him. Leo glued the broken arms and, in one case, a head back on the figurines. They were flawed, but in his eyes, each was lovely. He longed to find someone real to love as much.

Finally, he had several toy rockets rounding out his collection. These represented his childhood dream of becoming an astronaut, a future denied to him by his struggles in school... and his badly wired brain.

This bookshelf was the only display of his personal tastes in the entire apartment, and yes, they might have been a little immature. But everyone needs a release.

Chastising himself for wasting precious time, he rushed down his hall to the bathroom to quickly freshen up. Then he grabbed his laptop from the bedroom and hustled back to the couch. He put the computer on the table and opened it up.

Not only was the apartment's TV cable stolen, but his internet connection came from his upstairs neighbor's Wi-Fi router. Mrs. Lawrence's son paid for unlimited access but had left her router wide open with the default passwords. The son was an idiot, but his mother was so nice. Leo reconfigured the security on the router to protect her while leaving himself access.

He pressed the power button on the old laptop and breathed a sigh of relief when it started. Five minutes later, he was looking at the desktop. After a little more fussing, his face was on the screen. The webcam worked.

Leo opened the browser and entered Evie's chat site address. It took him another seven minutes to register an account, but finally, he was in. He took a deep breath and did a search for Evie's account. Then, he clicked on it to begin a call.

Funny noises chirped from the speaker then a second window appeared next to his. There was Evie, smiling at him.

"You made it! We almost went to bed!" she said.

Time froze in his mind as he noticed she wore a sexy silk dressing gown.

His tongue failed him for a moment, then he cleared his throat. "Sorry I'm so late. I—"

A second gorgeous blonde slid onto the couch next to Evie and grinned at him. She had white-blonde hair, and her t-shirt threatened to expose one breast as the wide neckline pulled to the side and slid off one shoulder.

Evie's smile seemed to grow as she watched his eyes widen.

"Leo, this is my roommate, Tatyana. This is Nina," she added as another stunner sat down on her other side.

Leo did his best not to gasp aloud when Nina's chest threatened to pop out of her negligee as she settled herself on the couch. He knew she was aware of her impact on him from her satisfied smile.

"Is he online?" a voice exclaimed from off-camera. Suddenly, a pretty face leaned into the frame from the side and grinned happily.

"Hello! I am Ji-Yu. You are Leo Lamb?" she said with a giggle.

As she bent over to look into the screen, Leo got a great view of her cleavage. He struggled to think. "Yes, I am."

She giggled again and squeezed herself onto the crowded couch.

Now Leo was faced with four beauties looking back at him, each wearing a smile that sent tingles and shivers down his spine.

"Let's play a little game to get to know each other better," Nina suggested. "Do you like games, Leo?"

"Sure. I'm up for anything," he said, trying to sound cool, but to his ears, he just sounded lame.

The smiles he got from the ladies seemed just a little predatory.

What in the world had he set himself up for?


At that moment, on an entirely separate spiral arm of the galaxy, someone else was looking at a screen, but she wasn't smiling.

"Give me jump coordinates now!" she snapped. As their pilot, she wasn't angry with her navigator, just the situation they found themselves in.

Normally, her brawn and her partner's genius intellect were sufficient to keep them well ahead of their pursuers. This time, however, idiotic bad luck dropped them smack in the middle of the armada from the Gharr Vanguard Alliance.

The fleet shouldn't have been here at all, but they were badly off course. The fact that this was due to her partner's hacking of the armada's nav system months earlier was a cruel irony.

"They're closing the net. There are no viable jump coordinates," the deep masculine voice said in her mind.

"I'll take non-viable at this point."

The voice was quiet for a moment. "Are you being serious?" he said.

As she was always the serious one in their relationship, she didn't verbally respond but nodded.

She felt his mind begin to compute possible routes and their odds of surviving them as he rapidly went through their few remaining vectors. No one could think as quickly as he could and be right so frequently.

Until blind luck said no more.

"Got it. You'll need to do a little shooting to convince the flagship we mean business. Launch a missile into the flight bays they currently have facing us. They'll bank to protect the bays. Once their course deflects five degrees, we have our vector outbound."

"Fire on the flagship? This is your answer?" she asked incredulously. It was like asking a pebble to attack a moon.

"Or shut down the engines and prepare to be—"

"Missile away," she said between her teeth as she launched it. If she was going down guns a-blazing, she would use their largest, most deadly missile. They'd never had an opportunity to use an antimatter weapon before. It was damn fast and evasive, but it would still take almost a minute to reach the flagship at these distances. Plenty of time for the monsters on that ship to shit their pants.

"Was that the AEX001p?" the deep voice asked cautiously.

"Yes. There wasn't much point in saving it, was there," she replied and blinked as the coordinates for the jump suddenly appeared in the nav system. She began to prepare the ship's engines for the jump.

"I can't factor the result of that explosion into our jump. We're going right over that ship's left flank," he said. "They're banking. Get ready to jump."

"The fleet is firing back at us! Incoming missiles from multiple vectors! We're in the middle of their group, and they're firing on us?!?" she exclaimed in shock.

"Jump!" he exclaimed.

She risked a quick glance and noted the flagship had turned four degrees. She prayed his calculations included wiggle room.

Their ship initially leaped forward in relatively small increments, but each subsequent jump was exponentially longer. The incoming missiles struggled to alter their courses to keep up with the disappearing and reappearing target. The vast majority would ultimately fail, finding other targets within the fleet instead. If the gunners who fired them realized this and had the presence of mind to act, they might save those ships by detonating or disabling the missiles quickly. Still, the space ahead of them was becoming chaos as some gunners chickened out early and detonated their weapons.

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