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Unknown Pleasures


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"Uh uh," Marie said, shaking her head. "I've just showered. I'm not getting all sticky again. You started playing with yourself; you finish the job."

"You don't fancy giving me a hand?" he asked forlornly. "It's so much better when you do it."

"No chance," she said. "You're the one reading filthy stories about little harlots. I'm just enjoying the show."

Daniel groaned in frustration but not too seriously. He loved the feel of his cock in his hand - he'd felt it often enough, after all -- and he loved showing himself off like this to his wife. He quickened the pace, his arm pumping his hand up and down his thick shaft, squeezing tighter, gripping his manhood tightly. His natural lubricant was seeping from the tip, making everything slick and creating a smacking sound as he rubbed himself. He looked at Marie as she hungrily watched the wet, purple head of his penis. She was transfixed by the sight, which only spurred Daniel on.

"Let me suck your tits," he panted.

Wordlessly and without taking her eyes off him she shifted position, giving Daniel access to her sumptuous breasts. Her tits were swollen and firm, her nipples standing proud. Daniel licked around a nipple then sucked, making Marie gasp. Her nipple felt so good in his mouth and triggered the ultimate reaction between his brain and his body. He groaned as he sucked and wanked himself harder.

"Are you gonna come?" she said croakily. Bolts of electricity surged through his abdomen and thighs, into his groin and he nodded eagerly. "Mmmm, yes. I want to see."

Marie pulled away, depriving Daniel of her breast. He was close now, his hand a blur. "Make him spurt for me, you dirty bastard."

Daniel groaned again, he was past the point of no return. He gripped his cock furiously and finally the release came, coursing through his body making him grunt as his animal urges took control. His orgasm tore through him and an arc of white semen shot from his cock and landed on his shoulder. Two, three, four more shots of white cream followed, coating his chest and stomach until the pleasure ebbed away achingly and he was left with a pool of goo in his pubic hair and a torso streaked in white.

"Fuck, that was hot," said Marie. "I hope there's some left for me later."

Daniel sighed and closed his eyes for a moment as the come cooled on his body.

"Don't fall asleep!" Marie warned him. "You need a shower."

Marcel had arranged to meet them for dinner at a popup café in the courtyard of the castle and Daniel and Marie had decided to wander a little first, to take in some of the atmosphere of the festival and to admire the fabulous surroundings. The sun was just setting, a giant disc of fire dipping into the sea far, far away, casting a fiery orange glow over the islands and the Smiths were sitting drinking cold beers at one of the little tables in front of a bar, watching the natural lightshow unfold across the landscape of the volcano in the company of a few other appreciative couples. Down in the caldera a band had just started playing on the main stage, deep in the pine woods clearings hosted little sound systems for those looking to rave early and dotted all around the numerous paths were unexpected surprises: art installations, cocktail bars, lookout points with the natural scenery enlivened by jugglers and stilt walkers, they'd even discovered a tiny theatrical group performing in the ruins of an old building perched on the cliff top, but up here, by the castle a DJ played sunset appropriate tunes at the perfect volume, setting the tone beautifully for what looked like being a most enjoyable evening. Some danced, others drank and watched. There didn't seem to be a particular type of person there; ages ranged from late teens upwards, styles of dress varied from shorts and t shirts through to shimmering ravers and onto glamorous show offs. There was an effortlessly relaxed and friendly vibe, though, as if everyone there was somehow tuned into the same wavelength, no matter what their background. Occasional whiffs of sweet, familiar smelling smoke suggested one reason for the happy vibe, the wide eyes and enthusiastic jaws of some of the attendees suggested another. The DJ mixed into a house classic and there was a little cheer from most of those around them. They knew their music and Daniel smiled at a distant memory of the same tune being played at a party long ago. Marie's hand linked with Daniel's and they smiled a knowing smile.

"So, what do you think so far?" asked Marie. Flickering lanterns had appeared all around the place, their candles lit by a team black t shirt-clad staff who moved effortlessly amongst the party people, completely unperturbed by what was going on around them. The light from a nearby lantern sparkled in Marie's eyes and glinted off the metallic dusting of makeup she had on her cheekbones. Daniel loved it when she let herself loose and it looked as though she was absorbing the festival's free spirited atmosphere as, he realised, was he.

"I'm liking it," he told her. "Good music, lovely weather, friendly people and no mud. What's not to like?" As he spoke a grinning girl in a tiny silver dress bounced past, trailing her hand across both their shoulders and twirling away as she went to dance.

Marie squeezed his thigh and watched the girl join the others dancing. "I'm sure you are, darling," she giggled. "You're not going to get bored of the view, are you?"

Daniel stroked up his wife's bare thigh and just under the hem of her white dress. "Not when you look as gorgeous as you do tonight, I'm not."

Marie's eyes flitted from the young girl to her husband's. "I wouldn't blame you enjoying the sights, but flattery will get you everywhere," she said, and leaned in to kiss him, a kiss which intensified as their lips parted and their tongues each sought out the other. "Mmmm," Marie said, licking her lips as they parted. "We should do this more often."

"I'm afraid I can only manage it once a year!" came Marcel's voice from behind them. "But I'm very glad you're settling in well, my friends. Is your room okay?"

Daniel and Marie stood to greet their new friend and they kissed each other's cheeks. "It's wonderful, Marcel," said Marie. "Absolutely beautiful."

"The whole place is wonderful," said Daniel. "Whoever you have organising it knows exactly what they're doing."

"Thank you so much. That means a lot to me. I have some input but I can't take the credit. Some very talented people do all the real work, I just make a few suggestions and then enjoy the party." A black-clad team member appeared and, after an apologetic nod at the Smiths, whispered in Marcel's ear who shrugged, nodded and pointed as required. "Okay, I have some responsibilities but not many, really. Now, another drink here? Or would you like to have something to eat?"

"I think we should eat. I seem to have worked up an appetite," said Marie, draining her beer.

It took a few minutes for them to saunter along the path to the little popup restaurant. The whole site was busy, but not overcrowded, and the trio had paused to watch a particularly amusing miniature piece of street theatre that lasted all of three minutes yet told a more entertaining tale than any of them could remember seeing in a long time and were then further delayed by a heavily pierced and completely naked fire eater who made them wince at least as much as they had laughed at the previous side show.

There was a table ready for them outside the otherwise packed restaurant and they had a perfect view of the comings and goings in the castle courtyard. Nearby, a string quartet were playing reworked renditions of acid house classics, adding to the atmosphere of relaxed hedonism tuned perfectly to the knowledgeable clientele. A bottle of Prosecco arrived and Marcel made some suggestions from the menu. The chef was, apparently, a good friend of his from Florence and, anyway, pasta seemed like a good choice for what Daniel and Marie envisaged would be a long night of dancing. With drinks and food in order, Marcel leaned a little closer to the Smiths.

"Now, my friends, I hope the long journey has left you with enough energy for this evening. I know Joe and Hot Chip play tomorrow but tonight we have a very special party for, how shall I put this, our favoured guests.

"Unknown Pleasures is, of course, completely welcoming and open to all and that is why the atmosphere, I hope you'll agree, is so relaxed but, as it is my island and my festival, I like to put on an extra special event that perhaps is not to the tastes of all our clients. It is a little tradition, if you like, that on our first night we hold a special masked ball for those that we feel will fit in. The great hall in the tower is transformed into what we call il palazzo de piacere.

"The palace of pleasure," said Marie. "That sounds interesting!"

"I'm not sure we came equipped for a masked ball," Daniel said with a hint of nervousness. For some reason 'palace of pleasure' was conjuring up images of torture chambers. A little light bandage never hurt anyone of course, but he had his limits. "We don't have costumes."

"Oh, there's nothing to worry about. We provide masks and there is no dress code. It's simply a little event of good music, good drinks and good people to say thank you to our best guests. The masks just make it a little more special," Marcel reassured him. "Daniel, you'll have fun, I promise you."

Under the table Marie ran her foot up her husband's leg and the feel of her high heel pressing against him was enough to distract him. "Marcel, how do you choose who to invite?"

"Ah, I'm afraid this is a little secret but I can assure you it is fool proof." Marcel looked at his watch. "Perfect timing. Strictly between you and me, watching the process is one of my favourite parts of Unknown Pleasures," Marcel said, conspiratorially. He gestured towards a now open doorway off the courtyard. A couple of well-built staff stood either side of the aperture, their black t shirts filled with brawn and a quiet, controlled authority. Beside them, seated behind a desk, was a small female figure in a long white robe and headscarf. "Soon you'll see what I mean, I think."

The trio ate and drank and watched as people came and went, stopped for a drink, danced a little, or did much like them, and observed the goings on around them. A line had soon formed outside the palazzo di piacere and one by one, couple by couple, people went inside. So far Daniel and Marie hadn't seen anything of note other than people queuing then going through a door. The big guys had nodded at those filing past them but the white clad figure had barely moved. Marcel glanced over to the doorway then smiled. "Take a look now," he said.

The noise level had risen and Daniel and Marie looked over to see a group of young men and women to one side of the queue. Baseball caps turned backwards, long shorts and basketball vests seemed to be the uniform of the guys; hot pants, crop tops and, in one case, a neon pink string bikini for the girls. The white robed lady lifted her head for the briefest of seconds, shook it, and returned to her bowed stance once more. One of the doormen took one step, opened his arms, and shepherded the group away from the door, much to the hopefuls' annoyance.

"Quality control," laughed Daniel.

"I'm sure they're lovely people, but I wouldn't want to spend an evening with them," said Marie. "Oh god, sorry, that sounds terrible!"

Marcel shrugged. "They'll still have a great night, just not in the palazzo." A waiter cleared their empty plates and Marcel spoke a few words of Italian. A moment later espressos, glasses and a bottle of clear liquid were brought to the table. Marcel poured them a shot each and lifted his glass. "The best grappa I ever tasted. Here's to a wonderful evening. Salut, my friends."

The three knocked back their shots and gasped as the fiery liquid slipped down their throats. "Fuck me, that's potent!" wheezed Daniel.

"Ahh yes, I maybe should have warned you. Seventy percent and highly illegal," he laughed. "Another?"

Daniel and Marie, temporarily mute, grinned and nodded.

Fuelled by pasta, energised by caffeine and relaxed by alcohol, Daniel, Marie and Marcel strolled across the courtyard to the door to il palazzo di piacere. Two or three young couples, a girl on her own, two couples around their age all disappeared through the door with only the briefest of glances from the woman in white. As they neared the door a group of men and women with British accents reached the gatekeeper. Daniel winced at the braying laugh of the man with far too much floppy hair and he involuntarily squeezed Marie's hand and muttered under his breath.

"I don't think you need to worry," whispered Marie. The woman in white glanced at the large haired toff and his companions and held up a heavily ringed hand. The doorman saw her signal, stepped forward, and ushered the group away, ignoring the pleas to pay whatever it took, veiled threats and futile pronouncements of superior social status.

Marcel turned to the Smiths and held their hands. He looked at them earnestly. "Much to my own disappointment I must leave you now as, despite my best efforts, the festival can't run entirely without me. I can assure you wholeheartedly that this evening will stay in your memories for a long time to come. You are both people of the world and I know you have seen plenty and been many places but I really think tonight will be something special for you so I want to you to let go and enjoy yourselves. I'll ensure that someone looks after your every need."

"God, Marcel," laughed Marie nervously. "Just what exactly are we going to find in there?"

Marcel's bearded face cracked into a broad smile and he pulled them in for a hug. "What you find in there, my friends, is entirely up to you but remember it is il palazzo di piacere and is so with good reason. Now, let's go. You have a night of fun ahead." Holding Marie by the hand he marched them past a showily dressed Russian party who, like the woman in a 'Make America Great Again' cap just behind them were discovering they didn't have whatever it took to gain entry, and up to the mysterious white woman. Marcel and she exchanged a few words, kissed on both cheeks and the door opened. The woman, her face completely hidden by her scarf in the dim light brushed her hand over both Daniel and Marie's and suddenly they were inside.

They were in a dimly lit stone walled corridor with a large closed door at the far end. Halfway along was a table with an array of masks and as they passed it they each chose one, silver for Daniel and gold for Marie. They helped each other with the masks and, as Daniel positioned Marie's he stroked her cheek and she giggled which made him laugh.

"What the fuck do you think is going on?" she whispered, trying to stifle her laughter.

"I have no idea," he whispered back. "What on earth was the woman in white about?"

"I know! Well, to be fair, she did weed out the tossers but, c'mon! Mysterious or what? This whole thing though; thank god we're not wasted -- I'm not sure I could cope! And now this, the palace of pleasure. Oh my god, Daniel! If this is some weird bondage party I'm going to kill Joe when I see him!"

Daniel held both of Marie's hands and looked deep into her blue eyes. "Let's make a pact. If either of us isn't enjoying it we both leave, no questions. We've still got tomorrow so it's not as if this is the be all and end all of the weekend."

Marie nodded and squeezed his hands. "Okay, darling. I mean, I hope this is fun and we enjoy it but yes, if it's not what we're up for then we bail."

Daniel smiled and kissed Marie. "You're very beautiful, you know that?"

Marie smiled and pulled him closer for a deeper kiss. "And you are very sexy," she said, then opened her mouth to kiss him again, her tongue seeking out his, their wet lips squashing hard against each other. Daniel's hand instinctively felt up the back of her leg and under the short dress, squeezing her bottom, a finger sneaking under the elastic of her knickers to tease the soft skin of her bum. Marie slipped her hand in between them and gently squeezed his growing cock before she pulled away with his bottom lip trapped between her teeth. "Stop, darling. Or we'll never make it inside."

Daniel groaned quietly as she gave him a final squeeze meaning he had grown just enough to require some careful arrangement to ensure he didn't enter the hall cock-first. "Fine," he sighed. "Let's see what the fuck this is all about then, shall we?"

Their first impressions allayed their worst fears. The great hall, or palazzo di piacere as they were reminded it was by a big pink neon sign was a large room with a vaulted ceiling and small windows set high up the walls. It was perhaps three quarters full already of all sorts of people, some of whom Daniel thought he'd seen around the island, others he definitely hadn't, all of whom wore masks of one variety or another and all of whom were happily dancing to the mellow techno thudding lazily from the four speaker stacks that were powerful enough to fill the room with sound without making it hard to talk. The room was bathed in ever changing coloured lights and lasers that were matched to the music and enhanced the atmosphere of what was, basically, a very cool looking and sounding rave. If there was a bondage party going on it was in a different room. A girl danced past, giving them a big grin and a man gave Daniel an amiable squeeze on his shoulder as he followed her. As far as they could see, the Smiths were inside a very relaxed, very friendly party.

"Marie? Daniel?" a black t shirt-clad man asked them. He was tall, with short blond hair and he also wore a mask although it did nothing to hide his handsomeness. "Hi. My name is Fran. Marcel asked me to make sure you have an excellent night. I'm at your disposal this evening, nothing is too much trouble. Now, what can I get you to drink?" Like Marcel, Fran had one of those hard-to-place European accents.

Marie looked Fran up and down admiringly and let go of Daniel's hand to shake Fran's. "That sounds bloody lovely," she said. "Prosecco, darling?"

"Why not?" said Daniel, his head already nodding as the strange, dark groove of the music seeped into his body. Fran smiled, nodded, and vanished. "What do you think so far?" Daniel asked Marie.

"Well nobody's being buggered with a strap on as far as I can see so yeah, so far so good! How about you?"

Daniel looked around the party at the masked figures bobbing and bouncing to the beat and couldn't help but smile. "So far, so very good," he said with a grin. "It all looks and sounds very promising. I'm loving the vibe. I think Marcel knows his shit."

Fran reappeared with an ice bucket and bottle and furnished the Smiths with a glass of cold prosecco. They chinked glasses, took a drink and kissed, enjoying the coldness of one another's lips for a few seconds before the insistent groove of the music made it impossible to stand still.

"Will you join us for a drink, Fran?" Marie asked.

Fran smiled and declined politely. "Thanks, but I won't," he said.

"Aww, shame, Maybe later?" Marie asked and Fran smiled.

An hour or so later and the party was hotting up. The music retained that insistent, impossible to ignore groove and the whole great hall was filled with dancers lost to the bass. Every face bore a hot, happy smile beneath its mask and some had clearly enhanced their evening with a pill or two. Strangers danced next to one another and shared knowing looks along with drinks. Hands were held, hugs received and, here and there, the urge to touch and hold someone was given in to and bodies began to be explored. Marie rubbed herself against Daniel, her hand caressing his bum, her tits squashed against him and took a mouthful of prosecco from his glass. She nodded towards a newly formed couple a few feet away who were kissing deeply, his hands on her breasts, hers grabbing at his arse as they danced. "Do you think they know one another?" she asked.

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