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Unlikely Love Pt. 03


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This was the moment I had wanted most, that I had been longing for, her in my bed, me parting her legs and burying my face between them. I grasped her underneath her ass and began licking and sucking on her pussy, knowing that because of my earlier teasing that she would have her first climax very quickly. I felt her spasm and shudder, a powerful orgasm crashed into her, and I increased my oral attentions to make it last longer and better than any previous ones. I made her cum twice more before she begged me to stop, and I began grinding on her hip to bring my own climax to fruition. I pulled her body to mine in a beautiful post-sexual snuggle and eventually fell asleep with her.


I felt both excitement and anxiety as I turned on the unpaved driveway to the address of the pottery place that Elena had arranged for me to meet her at. My concerns were not helped by the run-down appearance of the shack masquerading as a studio, and the discarded items littered about made me think of it as a redneck version of heaven. Maybe this was a bad idea after all. My stomach was doing flip-flops, and I considered driving off immediately, but did not want to disappoint her. She had gone through the trouble of setting this whole thing up, and I owed it to her to at least check it out. I took a deep breath, and pushed the door to enter the shop.

I glanced at the older woman that I assumed was the owner before looking at Elena and smiling at her as a sort of thank you. I held her gaze for a second before noticing the studio itself. To my utter amazement, It was glorious! Granted, it had been years since I had been in a room like that one, but it reminded me of the studios in my university days, containing just about every option imaginable to me.

I found myself overwhelmed with a flood of emotions that I had a hard time sorting out: joy, anxiety, euphoria, gratefulness and several others. Letting the moment get the better of me and let out enthusiastic laughter, doing my "happy dance" and jumping up and down a bit. I threw my arms around Elena and almost knocked her over with the intensity. I felt her stiffen, bringing me to my senses, and making me let her go.

"Oops, sorry, got a bit carried away," I said, the joy still evident in my voice.

"No worries," Elena said with a smile.

"How did you find this place? It's amazing!" I exclaimed, trying to calm down a bit.

Elena chuckled. "Just lucky, I guess," she replied, smiling broadly.

At that point, the older lady, dressed in a paint-stained smock, stepped closer to me. "Hi sweetie, I'm Sadie! Come have a seat. I've set up everything for you."

I looked over at the pottery wheels that Sadie had set up for the two of us, rubbing my hands together and sliding over the stool in front of the one I had chosen. I stood back up for a moment to adjust the stool a bit higher, and then sat back down again. Reaching into the red bucket next to me, I scooped up a big handful of clay and slapped it down on the steel, causing a slight splatter that landed on my smock. Right now, all that mattered was doing something I truly loved.

Taking a deep breath, I started up the wheel, and brought a bit of the water from the bucket to further moisten the lump spinning on the plate-like surface. I felt a stupid grin spreading over my face as I let my fingers touch the slick surface of the clay, thrilled at the once-familiar sensation flooding my senses again.

I held my fingers on the sides of the wet clay, bending it to my will, making it become what I wanted, shaping it as I saw fit. For the first time in ages, I felt like the one in control, not a puppet with others pulling all my strings every hour of the day. It was exhilarating and liberating and made me feel like I had escaped all of the things that I detested. My clay was dancing with me, with my hands, with my intentions and I loved how that felt. I was oblivious to anything and anyone else in that moment, as I was shaping the raw material into something beautiful, a literal work of art. I also knew this was only the first part, because after being fired in the kiln, I would need to paint and glaze it.

I switched off the pottery wheel and looked up to see Elena with a look of wonder and amazement on her face. Feeling an itch on my nose, I reached up to scratch it, feeling the wetness of wet clay in response. I chuckled at my own clumsiness. "Ta da!" I said, "There you are. I made this for you. One of a kind."

Elena just stared for a moment. "Thank you. That... well that was absolutely incredible to watch," she said, reaching up with a napkin to wipe off my nose.

"Of course!" I said, "but now it's your turn."

"No, no, I would rather watch, you are so gifted at that," Elena said, standing with her arms crossed and shaking her head.

"Stubborn huh? That's an argument I swear you will lose. C'mon, this is an experience I want to share not do all by myself. It's like dancing, way more fun with someone else than all by your lonesome," I said, a firm tone in my voice.

Elena sat down slowly, and pulled a small handful of clay in her hand and set it down. It looked like a scoop of chocolate ice cream. "Well here goes," she muttered.

The second I switched the pottery wheel on, the lump of clay launched off the platter like a rocket and splattered on the floor a few feet away. I watched Elena's face go bright red. "Shit!" she scowled, instantly shutting the damned thing off.

I giggled so hard I almost snorted, but came over and stood next to Elena, close enough that I could smell her perfume. Then I reached down into her bucket the same way I had a short time ago, placed the clod on the pottery wheel, and kicked the switch to turn it on. "Now I am just helping you start out on this, don't get any ideas," I said with a laugh, standing behind her and reaching my arms around to cover her hands with mine. It felt like she was trembling, but I chalked it up to nerves on her part.

I guided her fingers on the sides of the clay, making it take shape slowly and almost rise up from the spinning platter. "See Elena? You are a complete natural at this!" I said softly, helping her maneuver the clay like I had earlier. It felt like a dance, and I was leading, though I wanted her to enjoy the experience too. It was endearing to see her so vulnerable, so much the opposite of the woman who confronted me days before. After a few more simple shaping moves, I placed her fingers in the middle of the pillar-shape to open up the inside of the clay, hearing Elena gasp as she watched it open up like a flower. Once done, I shut off the wheel and backed up, ignoring the strange things I felt at that moment.

"See? Once you get used to it, it's pretty simple." I said with a smile.

"Once again, wow," Elena said. "Thank you!"

I could tell by her reaction that one piece of pottery was all I could get out of her, short of pissing her off. Content at that point to let her watch me, I created several more pieces, each more elaborate than the previous one, a long stem vase, a plate, a decorative bowl, and a few other items that I felt calling out from the clay, begging to be given form.

Elena was grinning at me as I got up, clapping as if I had given some impressive piano recital. "Well done!" she praised.

"Thank you, looks like our session is just about up, don't wanna be late for dinner," I said, washing my hands off in the sink and removing the soiled apron. "Meet you there?" I asked. Elena smiled and nodded as I dried off my hands and headed for the door.

I drew a deep breath as I started the car and pulled off the gravel road towards civilization, feeling invigorated. It was clear to me at that point just how much of myself I had given up to make other people happy - an abusive husband, an overbearing father, and impossible-to-please mother, and the toll it had taken on me. I felt an inner strength that had been dormant for a long time, and an inner voice that was telling, if not demanding, that things had to change.

There was a cool breeze blowing as I pushed the glass door open at the entrance of the Mi Amore restaurant, one I had never been to before, even though a long-time resident of the area. Fortunately, I was seated almost as quickly as I came through the door. I had to admit it was strange feeling so connected and close to a stranger, let alone a lesbian, but cherished it nontheless. Wanting to look my best, I pulled out some light makeup and began freshening up, and then caught sight of Elena several feet away, smiling at me.

"Hey there, girly!" she said in a cheerful tone.

"Back at ya!" I said as she slid into the chair directly across from me.The table wasn't huge, so I felt her leg graze mine as she settled in. I leaned in slightly, saying, "Thank you so much for arranging that whole ceramics session. Made me feel more alive than I can ever remember."

Elena took a drink from the glass of ice water in front of her before saying anything else. "Oh trust me, it was delightful for me, you are incredibly talented. I was pretty intimidated by it all," she said, as if commenting on the weather or some matter-of-fact event.

Honestly, that statement shocked me, I had never once been described as intimidating by anyone, even on my bravest day! Surely she had to be kidding. I shook my head. "No way, you aren't afraid of anything! I can't imagine anything or anyone intimidating you!" I shot back.

Rather than respond to my statement, Elena diverted by switching the topic. "Hey, you want to split a bottle of wine?" she asked with a smile.

Damn, she was clever! "You bet! How about a Malbec?" I proposed, being one of my favorites.

Elena snapped her fingers to catch our server's attention, and a nice looking young man scurried over to her side. Leaning in, she said, "A bottle of this Malbec for us, please?"

A few minutes later, he was filling up both of our glasses, and I took a sip of it preemptively. A moment later, Elena raised her glass, which made me raise mine in response. Smiling, she toasted, "To rediscovering what we love!"

"Amen sister!" I said, clinking my glass to hers.

Our conversation went on from there, and Elena was so easy to talk to, I let my guard down, and revealed myself to her, my likes, dislikes, upbringing, and even embarrassing stories. The tougher part of the conversation was about my father and his need to control everything, and my mother who just went along with anything he wanted, even in regards to me. I had never fancied Alan, but he was a young hotshot and came from money so he was the favorite in my father's eyes. He had been sweet and romantic during our dating life, but that changed almost instantly after saying, 'I do.'

The wine was having a nice effect on me and I felt even more comfortable to open up to her. I knew she disliked Alan, hell a lot of people flat out despised him. "You know, " I began in a mellow tone, "Your impression of him is right... spot on in fact. I tell myself he is the king of assoles. The best times of my life are when he is away on business, or whatever."

Elena seemed to be studying me, her facial expression relaxed but pensive. She waited a few seconds, as if thinking something through, and finally said, "Well, you deserve a hell of a lot better than that, hun."

Elena could hide her emotions to some degree, but I saw a disapproving glance, probably not directed at me but at my not so loving husband. I was well into my second glass of wine and while not truly tipsy, I was quite relaxed. "I can see on your face that you want to ask. Go ahead, I have pretty much bared my soul to you already."

She pursed her lips and paused a moment, and then shook her head. "Not getting into that, it's not my place to say anything, really," she said, with a tone that didn't convince me.

I grinned. Now it was my turn to call her bluff! I leaned in a bit and softly replied, bullshit." I burst into laughter, unable to keep any restraint on my joy at that moment. I just hoped I didn't get us kicked out of the restaurant!

Elena's face lit and she let out a hearty laugh in response. I could tell my response tickled her. "Using my words against me? Very clever, hun. You are trouble for sure!" she shot back.

There was something about her that really set me at ease, that made it so effortless to let her into my private world without feeling like I had to hide anything. I am sure the wine helped with that feeling of trust, but it was so much more than that. This was someone I could truly be good friends with, and I felt the need to answer a question I knew was on her mind. I steeled myself a bit and leaned forward so I could keep my dark admission private. "I bet you were going to ask me if he has ever hit me," I said, then adding, "Yes, often. Not all the time... but... enough." As comfortable as I felt telling her that, I resolved not to say anything about the scar from the vase and the incident that surrounded it.

Elena was unfazed, confirming that she had pretty much figured that out anyway. Was I really that transparent? Still, there was a fierceness in her expression, a quiet outrage that reassured me that the blame didn't lie with me. "One time is once too many. Way, way too many. No excuse for that," she answered, in a very firm tone of voice.

In that moment I felt not only vindicated, but like I had permission to be legitimately pissed off about it. I knew Elena worked with Alan, and right then all I wanted to do was hurt him. If there was any benefit to playing the role of wallflower wife, it was that I had a treasure trove of dirt on him that he had no idea I knew. "Good point... however, what you probably don't know is that he forged just about all of those so-called amazing sales records," I said dryly.

Elena's eyes went wide in an instant. Wow, so I finally said something that surprised her. I must be getting better at this. I simply nodded to verify what I had just said.

"Oh... damn... wow," she said.

"Yep," I affirmed, adding, "I came across notes and a ledger in the safe that he thinks is super secure. But I am smarter than he is."

I figured my last confession was a bit over the top, and we both went quiet for a minute or two, trying to figure out what to say next. We talked more after the awkwardness wore off, and lost track of time. Around then, a very pretty young girl came over to the table, she looked hispanic, with long dark hair and eyes and a great smile.

"Hi, I'm Carmella," she said, impressively rolling the r in her name.

"Hi!" Elena and I amusingly said almost in unison.

Carmella flashed a bright smile in response. "Jeremy, your server, just clocked out for the night, so I'll be taking over for him. Can I get you anything? More wine?"

I laughed. "Would be nice, but I have to be able to walk out of here, plus drive home," I said.

"Well just let me know if you need anything," Carmella said, turning and walking away.

Elena got a devilish grin on her face as she watched the girl walk away to another table. "Wow she is fucking sexy. Would love to know what those lips taste like," she said, loud enough for me to hear but not anyone else.

The remark surprised me and I blushed openly. It was the first thing she had said to me that was openly sexua and I tried to think up something clever to say to hide my embarrassment. "Wow, someone is pretty wound up. Sounds like maybe it's been a while... since... ya know?" I stammered.

Elena's eyes flashed and she smiled at me, reaching out and patting my hand for a moment before pulling back. "Oh you have no idea, sweetie. I am very passionate, so that just makes matters a whole lot worse."

Ah, so single life was no picnic either. I finished a bit of the food I had been eating, and washed it down with a bit of the red wine still in my half-full glass. "I can relate," I answered, adding, "being married doesn't guarantee regular sex, or even good sex."

Elena's eyes brightened, as if I had just given her a prize that she won in a raffle. "Ohhhh, and what does good sex look like to you, Tamara? Hmmm?" she said, quietly but with a delighted tone in her voice.

While I had left myself open to such a question, I had to think for a second, because I had seldom been asked about anything I liked, let alone something so deeply personal. I cleared my throat and forced the words out, almost in a whisper. "A... gentle touch, a kiss, no wait, a great kiss, more than one of course, caresses the right way in the right spots..."

Elena chimed in as my voice trailed off. "Oh yes, kissing absolutely essential," she said softly.

I nodded, my eyes drawn to her lips, her earlier words echoing in my mind. 'I wonder what those lips taste like.' For a second, it was like they were my words as I watched her lips move, and then I pushed the thoughts and feelings as deep as I could.

Elena continued her sensual commentary, adding, "Soft and sensual, deep making out sessions, like... lips making love."

I licked my lips, letting my mind wander to a good-looking guy friend from years past, feeling his lips on mine. I felt my body reacting, but it was all in my private world so I didn't care. The sensation was electric and so right. "Yes," I replied softly, smiling.

"Mmmm bodies together... skin touching, lost in the feeling... unhurried." she said, clearly enjoying the teasing.

My lips were dry and slightly parted. I was turned on by her words, but I didn't care, it made me feel so alive. I was able to at least make the sound, "Mmm hmmm, yes," in response. I could feel intense heat between my legs and the wetness accompanying it. It felt nice.

"Making love... to her body and mind," she said, her eyes locked with mine.

The female pronoun didn't register immediately, but my subconscious grasped it before my conscious mind did. The mental image changed, the guy was gone, and my lips were locked with another woman, it wasn't clear to me who, but the implication was clear, the other person was female, making out in my mind. For a moment, I let the image remain, strangely finding the picture beautiful and innately sensual. I broke my concentration and pushed the image from my mind, and for another brief second the image of Elena in my dream pushed into my mind. I felt a little confused for a moment but then came back to my senses, making no response to her.

Elena giggled and then glanced around, aware that some of the conversation wasn't exactly appropriate for the setting. "Buuut, I don't want to get us arrested tonight."

I laughed nervously in response. "All in good fun, right?"

A little while later, we hugged goodbye and I drove home in the dark, some rain pelting the windshield as I went along the highway. My thoughts were all over the place, as were my feelings about it all. I blamed the wine and how long it had been since I had any decent intimate contact. Elena liked women and that was just fine, she could flirt with the waitress and anyone else she fancied and even sleep with them if she wanted. But that wasn't me. I had never felt any attraction to women in my life, and that wasn't going to change now.

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Roti8211Chanai643Roti8211Chanai6435 months ago

Flows so well off the page, the anticipation, the nervousness, so engrossing, so enjoyable, so well written!

Thank you

Aoife_from_UlsterAoife_from_Ulsterover 1 year ago

Just phenomenal in your narrative and the flow of the conversation. You are building a friendship and bond between these two that is pulling me the reader, and writer in deeper to see where you take the on their journey. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Mr_BradyMr_Bradyover 1 year ago

I told you before how good of a writer you are. Your dialogue and narration I find to be excellent. Great story which I have happily rated at five stars!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

okami1061okami1061about 2 years ago

Also, didn't like seeing Lily in there.

But then, after thinking it over, isn't sex with someone you don't care about just a form of masturbation?

okami1061okami1061about 2 years ago

In my opinion, the careful reluctance is spot on. The loving scenario they mutually described and pseudo-dreamed together in the restaurant was an ideal indicator of why that reluctance is necessary. Anything more um, ... aggressive would likely be viewed by the recipient as border-line predatory as this point. It would at least be intimidating.

Long term relationships require long term patience. Otherwise, it just becomes an overnight shag.

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