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Up In The Air

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Anna Kendrick joins the Mile High Club... in style.
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Matt sighed, hearing the first droplets of rain hit the roof of the car. The weather today was already bad, with grey clouds completely covering the sky and cold wind blowing with some force, but seemingly it was about to get a bit worse. He turned his head to look out the window, the traffic light as they drove onto the expressway leading towards the airport. He glanced towards his left wrist, his expensive Richard Mille watch telling him it was just past 1 PM. His lips turned into a smile as he relaxed against the seat of his Rolls-Royce Phantom, his chauffeur Claude expertly maneuvering his way towards the destination.

"We should be at the terminal in around 30 minutes, sir. The plane is being prepared as we speak." The man behind the wheel spoke, looking at Matt in the mirror.

"Any news on delays? This weather sure isn't ideal for the flyboys today." Matt replied, taking the phone out of his suit pocket and scrolling to look at his chats. While flying on his private jet was indeed far more convenient than going commercial, he knew rules were rules - and bad weather always brought those discussions to the forefront.

"No idea yet, sir. I can try and get in touch with them now if you want to." Claude replied, already tapping the screen in the center console, looking for the number to the gate agent.

"No need to, Claude," Matt replied, taking a sip of water from the glass in his cup holder. "Even if there is one, it's not like we can do anything about it. And we're still stopping by the hotel, remember?"

"Of course, sir. We should be there in just a moment." The chauffeur replied, focusing on the road ahead as he switched the screen back to the sat nav. Matt stayed glued to the screen of his phone, quickly finding the one person he wanted to call right now.

To say Matt was a gifted and lucky man would be an understatement. While born into immense wealth - being a son of a high-ranking banking executive and a gifted surgeon - he never slipped into the typical niche of a rich son interested only in flashing his cash to everyone around him and stumbling his way from one excess-filled party to another. He remained a hard-working, if a little shy boy in school, soon rising to the top of his class and graduating both from school and university with honors. He used the connections wisely, soon landing a cushy job in Manhattan, which would soon reward him with a six-figure salary, a penthouse in Brooklyn, and endless possibilities. This amount of wealth would probably stun others or turn them into addicts, assholes, or sociopaths, but Matt managed to stay above it all. While he did enjoy his status he didn't make it into a part of his personality - one of the main lessons his mother drilled into him ever since he could understand things more complex than just basic maths. This way, he still remained in good contact with many of his childhood and school friends, some of whom would forge their own paths that from time to time would cross with his. It was one of those friends he was now calling, relaxing into the comfortable seat with a wide grin on his face. The phone suddenly came to life, a warm voice flowing out of the speaker.

"Hi, Matt."

"Hello, Anna." He replied, closing his eyes for a second, trying to imagine her. His friendship with Anna Kendrick - yes, the Anna Kendrick of Pitch Perfect fame - was one of those he managed to somehow keep throughout all those years. He first met her in high school, both of them bonding over their passion for theater and musicals. While his interest never became more than just that, Anna was determined to forge her way into that business - regardless of how tough, cutthroat and hard it could be. Matt admired her tenacity, becoming a sort of a cheerleader for her - seeing her Broadway debut, her break onto the big screen, and the establishment of her solid career in movies and TV. As the years sailed by they still kept in touch, Matt even attending a few premieres and parties she was at. Now, he was doing her a little favor - they both needed to get to L.A. as fast as possible, and Anna's agent forgot to book her a flight. Swooping in with a private jet was maybe a little over the top in the circumstances, but Matt reasoned with himself it was necessary.

"So, we're coming up in a few. Don't worry, I have an umbrella." Matt spoke, looking outside the window again to notice the rain get even more intense.

"Great. I only have a coat on and I've spent far too much time getting ready to have it all get soaked through." Anna replied, a little chuckle leaving her lips at the end. Matt felt the car turn as he spotted the silhouette of the hotel just in front of them.

"Oh, we've just turned in. See you." He spoke, quickly ending the call as Claude pulled in right at the entrance. Matt unbuckled himself, pulling the umbrella from the side of the door as he stepped out, his shoe immediately landing in a small puddle next to the curb. As he opened the umbrella he looked up, noticing a woman pulling a small suitcase approach him. His lips turned up into an even wider smile as he recognized her, sprinting towards her. It took seconds for him to reach her, immediately putting the umbrella over them both as he extended his arm. Anna smiled back warmly at him, angling up to peck his cheek.

"Hey there, handsome. What's with the rain? I thought you people could make it go away just like that." She spoke, snapping her fingers as Matt chuckled, leading her back to the limousine.

"Well, sadly that's one of the things I still can't do." He replied as Claude swooped up Anna's suitcase and loaded it into the trunk, Matt opening the door to let her get in. He did catch a glimpse of her smooth, pale legs and gold heels on her feet as she settled in, before sprinting to the other side and getting in. Claude followed suit and soon they were off, driving back towards the airport. Matt looked at Anna, smiling as they drove off. He then pushed the cover of the armrest up, revealing the built-in fridge.

"Refreshments for the lady?" He spoke, grinning as he made a sweeping gesture with his hand.

"You really want to spoil me rotten, don't you?" She spoke with a smile of her own, her perfectly manicured hand grasping a can of beer. Matt then closed the compartment, taking a sip of his water as Anna opened the drink.

"Everything for a friend." He replied, looking outside the window again. The rain didn't show any signs of stopping, the hum of the engine barely managing to drown out the noise.

"Mr. Norris?" He then heard Claude speak. His attention focused on that as he looked at the chauffeur's face in the mirror.

"Yes, Claude?"

"I just got a message from the gate agent. They are pushing our flight forward due to the weather. Once we get to the terminal they'll be picking you up on a priority transfer right to the plane. The crew is already there and they don't want to stay here any longer."

"Oh, that's..." Matt replied, feeling relieved. If there was one thing he certainly didn't want was the flight having to be canceled - actually having the reverse happen was a stroke of massive luck.

"Amazing." He then heard Anna speak, looking at her as she took a sip of the cold drink. "Guess that's what "fuck you, I have a private jet" money can do for you. Good on you, babe." She added as she then grasped and squeezed his hand, the gesture making him blush lightly.

"The pleasure is all mine." He replied, letting his head rest against the soft headrest as they inched closer and closer to the airport.

The whole "private aviation terminal experience" was a blur. Just after they got out of his car and extracted Anna's and his luggage they were immediately shepherded over through the building by a very helpful and very assertive gate agent. A quick security check and a drive-in another opulent limousine later they were right where they wanted to be - near Matt's private jet. Even in the pounding rain, the sleek Gulfstream G650 still looked imposing standing in the parking area, the stair door already open and waiting for them. With the help of both the chauffeur and charming first officer, they were soon on board, having only caught a few drops of the rain. The pilot closed the door immediately before turning to face him.

"Mr. Norris, Ms. Kendrick, welcome on board. We'll be rolling shortly, so please take your seats, fasten your seatbelts and enjoy the flight. Now, if you excuse me, I'll have to go back to the cockpit." He spoke, his tone polite but with a little tinge of authority palpable. Matt only nodded along, knowing not to make any dumb comments.

"Sure. We'll manage it from here. Thank you very much." He replied as the airman turned around, leaving them alone in the spacious cabin. As he grabbed their luggage and stuffed it in the compartment just between the cabin and the cockpit, he swore he could hear Anna whistle loudly.

"Well damn, Matt. You sure don't skimp." She spoke as she then took off her black coat. As she did so Matt had to bite his cheek not to gasp. Underneath, she was wearing a very form-fitting strapless black dress with a floral pattern, the slit in the side clearly showing her pale thigh. He made a move, extending his hand.

"May I, Anna?" He asked, a little smile on her lips as she gave him the garment.

"Thank you very much, Matt." She replied with a little chuckle as she then sat down, Matt quickly stuffing both his suit jacket and her coat into the small closet near the galley as he took his seat right next to her by the window. Soon enough they were both strapped in as the plane came to life, the engines spooling up in the back.

"So... when do we break out the booze? Isn't it what you usually do in places like those?" She spoke, a hearty giggle leaving her lips as Matt smiled in return.

"I'd say after we're out of this mess... cruising in the calm air... I think we do have at least one bottle of Dom Perignon stashed here." He spoke as he felt the plane move, the engines getting just a bit louder before dying down.

"Just one? From someone like you, I'd expect far more." She quipped in return as then the PA system came on.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the captain. We're about to take off in just a few minutes so please, take your seats, put on your seatbelts, and keep the seat back upright. Thank you, and enjoy your flight." The announcement came through as the plane suddenly stopped, braking hard.

"Anna?" Matt asked, his voice showing concern. He didn't mind her grabbing his hand - he even enjoyed it a little - but something about the way she tensed up made him worry.

"Don' worry, I'm good, just..." She didn't finish, closing the window shade as the plane suddenly started to accelerate, the engine roaring in the back as it picked up speed, bouncing along the runway. With every bump, it seemed she gripped his hand tighter as he then felt the machine lurch up and take flight as the G-Force pressed them into the seats. Matt managed to shift his grip, gently stroking the skin of her hand with his thumb as he looked over to her. He could instantly see she was stressed - her other hand grasping the armrest while she bit her lip. He could also see her entire body tensing up as she bounced her heel up and down the carpeted floor. Before he could ask her, the plane suddenly jolted to the left, then up and down in a matter of seconds. Even Matt who was used to flying a lot and getting into turbulence now straightened out a little as he felt Anna's nails dig deep into his skin. He could also swear he heard her whimper quietly as the plane straightened out for a moment before plunging up and down again. The chime of the PA system came on right after that.

"Sorry about that folks, the sky over the Big Apple is a little bit bumpy today. We should be out of this one shortly. Please keep your seatbelts fastened until the sign has been switched off, thank you."

As Mike looked over to Anna, it seemed the announcement hadn't worked as intended. She was still visibly tense, a look of terror written onto her face as Matt could still feel her fingers dug deep into the skin of his hand.

"Anna... everything alright?" He asked, concern palpable in his voice. She didn't reply, opting only to shake her hand as her chest rose and fell quickly.

"Hey, hey... It's alright, just a little turbulence, that's all." He spoke, his tone calm and soothing as he extracted his hand from her grasp, now gently massaging her smooth forearm. "Didn't know you were so afraid of flying..."

"Oh... I usually take a Xanax before I fly. I always get so stressed but I forgot to take the pills with me to the hotel..." She spoke, rattling the words off like a machine gun, her mind seemingly going a mile a minute. "It's OK I should have told you."

"No, it's OK. Ironic, though, considering your role in "Up in the Air"..." He replied, the corners of his lips turning into a smile as she smiled shyly in response.

"Well, it was all static sets. Movie magic, you know." She spoke, nervous laughter leaving her lips as the plane shuddered again. Mike sighed as Anna grabbed his hand again, her fingers intertwining with his. "Let's hope they're out of this soon..."

"Let's hope. Can't get the booze if they don't." He replied with a smile as the plane kept on climbing, the sun suddenly shining through the window as they broke through the tops of the clouds. The ride smoothed out over the next few minutes, the seatbelt sign switching off as the plane sailed onwards into the calm skies. As it did Matt got up, moving to the galled and soon finding what he wanted - the bottle of Dom Perignon and two flutes. He returned to the cabin, holding the bottle up as Anna let out a little nervous cheer.

"Told you I had one." He spoke with a little smirk as he carefully popped the bottle open, pouring the golden, bubbly liquid into the glasses. She accepted the glass with a warm smile as she then took a sip. "Should we go to the couch, then? It's not like we need to sit in those seats for the whole flight..." He mused, moving along towards the rear section, sitting down on the one side of the large, comfortable couch standing parallel to the aisle. After a second he saw Anna get up too, moving towards him. He noticed she took off her heels in the meantime, padding barefoot on the soft carpet as she then took her place on the other end.

"Couch, seats, massive TV, fridge and kitchen.. this thing has it all, hasn't it?" She spoke, laughing as she seemed to relax after her previous scare.

"That couch doubles as a bed and there is a full shower suite here too.." He replied, smiling wide as he watched her eyes seem to twinkle as the plane kept cruising smoothly

"You thought of everything, didn't you... just like always." She said, taking another sip of the expensive champagne. While her voice seemed to return to normal, he did notice her hands gripping the flute tight, her posture still reserved.

"Hey." He spoke quietly, sliding down the couch to very gently touch her thigh through the dress, looking into her eyes. "Everything OK? You still seem... wired." She sighed in response, downing the glass and setting it on the side table.

"I'm fine... well kind of..." She spoke before sighing again. "I mean, I'm not going to start running around and screaming we're all going to die horribly. But even with that good stuff, I don't think I'll be able to relax just like you..."

Matt stayed silent, watching her intently. It was clear she was putting a brave face on, and even succeeding at it - at least partially. Yet, it pained him to see her like this, all tense and uncomfortable.

"I mean... I could maybe try to make you feel better..." He spoke, probing gently as she gave him an interesting look, her eyebrow quirking up.

"Go on..." She spoke, a little note of amusement palpable in her voice.

"Well... I've been going to this class recently where they teach us how to... massage people. I'm telling you, it works wonders. And here, this couch would make for a good table substitute, if I'm honest." He said, noticing her lips curving into a smile as he talked.

"You had my curiosity... and now you have my attention, Matt Norris." She spoke, accenting his name and surname with a mischievous smirk firmly planted on her lips. She got up, making a gesture towards the couch. "Go on then."

"Sure." He spoke, standing up to press and hold a button in the small console. The couch started to extend, soon turning into a full-on bed. Anna smiled as she then laid herself down on her belly, moving her hands under her chin. She looked to the side at him, again raising her eyebrow.

"Go on then, mister. Show me what those hands can do..." She spoke with a little giggle as Matt took off his shoes as well, padding over to kneel to her side. He focused as his hands moved to her neck fist, fingers applying gentle pressure as he started to slowly rub circles into her tensed-up neck. It seemed to have an immediate effect as Anna first gasped, then purred like a kitten, curling her toes.

"Mmmm, Matt..." She spoke quietly in a very low tone as he continued his delicate movements, fingers digging deep into the soft skin, each move resulting in another little noise leaving Anna's lips. After a short moment, he started to trail lower, down to her exposed shoulders. He kept the affair slow, agonizingly so as he squeezed the taut skin before smoothing it out with his palms. Anna didn't stay quiet, nearly every move of his hands punctuated by a soft gasp or a quiet, satisfied moan, adding to the undercurrent of intimacy in this very private moment. It was affecting him too, the whole affair kicking his arousal into a higher gear. He could feel himself slowly hardening in his pants, his cock already straining against the fabric of his tight briefs. He ignored it as much as he could, for now, biting the inside of his cheek as he continued to massage Anna's shoulders.

"Lower..." She purred after a moment, Matt smirking as he did just as she told. His fingers traced lower, sliding along her smooth, pale skin as he started to slowly massage the flesh just above the dress. He knelt on the bed next to her as he continued his slow, gentle pace, the sounds coming from his friend's mouth adding to the now more sensual nature of the massage. His finger brushed against the zipper of her dress as Anna suddenly turned her head to face his, a wide smile decorating her lips.

"You can tug it down, Matt..." She spoke, Matt biting the inside of his cheek to stop himself from groaning. He thought he misheard it first, stilling his movements as he looked at face once more. A little giggle escaped her lips as she then bit her lower one, her white teeth a stark contrast to the red lipstick. "... the zipper? Pull down?" She added, her smile turning into something more sly and mischievous.

"Ah, yeah, sure..." Matt replied, nodding, his voice a little more breathy. He grasped the zipper between his thumb and index finger, taking a breath before starting to slowly pull it down. He immediately bit the inside of his cheek, not wanting to let out a moan as he spotted she wasn't wearing a bra underneath. More and more of her curvy body came into view as he finally reached the end, just above her ass.

"Go on then..." She spoke quietly, Matt obeying the command. He first moved to part her dress as much as he could, trying hard not to stare at the side view of her squished breasts. He reigned himself in, focusing back as he started to slide his hands lower and lower down her toned back, feeling her muscles under his fingers as he continued his quest. The activity seemed to affect Anna - she sank lower into the couch, now a louder, satisfied moan leaving her lips. The sound traveled directly to his cock as he felt it throb, a quiet gasp leaving his lips as he focused on her lower back, just at the level of her hips. Another, almost sinful gasp left her mouth as his fingers dug into her skin, kneading her muscles with equal parts vigor and gentleness.


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