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Up North Ch. 03


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I felt her hands softly caressing my butt cheeks, her fingers gently stimulating my anus and caressing my balls ... "Oh honey you look so happy." Her hands and fingers continued to encourage me, then she spat on my rectum and began working two fingers into the hole seeking that sweet spot that stimulates my ejaculation - it was breathtakingly exciting as my cum rocketed up and out the slit into my waiting mouth, I sucked harder and harder, my cheeks hollowing from the pressure.

I savored the taste and swallowed it down with satisfaction; then began unrolling myself until I was flat on my back again, my cock still stony hard and throbbing.

Mom slipped into the kitchen to wash her hand then hurried back to me saying, "That was beautiful baby, I wish I could do that too! Honey now that I've seen everything I think understand, but the more you tend to yourself the less there will be for me, so can you forgive me for wanting to save you for me?"

"Mother, there is nothing better than your pussy and your mouth; as long as I have you there is no need for me to suck myself ... I love you so much."

With that she stepped over me onto the sofa, positioning her wet pussy over my cockhead, slowly impaling herself until her pubis was nestled firmly against mine. Her pussy was wonderfully hot and wet, snuggly holding my cock in place. She smiled at me through sleepy eyes and rocked her pussy back and forth for a little while, then chuckled saying, "Damn boy, your cock feels so good filling me up!"

"Mamma, your pussy feels like heaven ... Oh Lord, I love it," I said heatedly.

Soon she began to lift herself up and down, grunting and moaning, rocking her clit hard against me until she leaned forward pinning my shoulders while I lightly pinched and squeezed her sweet soft breasts. "Damn, damn, damn, that feels so good!!"

I felt her pussy clamp and spasm as she climaxed and I squirted a long rope deep into her vaginal vault. We lay together for a long time, napping from time to time, kissing and touching each other, my cock remained deep within her. Finally, we arose and went to bed to cuddle and sleep.

Bright and early the next morning I was up and out to school. Two final exams and finally I would have my Associates Degree in Engineering Sciences. If you listen to what the community colleges tell you, you might believe that a 2 year degree takes 2 years. What a load! In my case this 2 year degree took 3 years and a summer session primarily due to class scheduling problems. Well Thank God it's over; if I can get into State I can get to work on my Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering; at least that's my goal.

I finished both exams well before the 3 hour limit for each; apparently that study thing really works. Despite the problems of the last few days I felt elated, freed from my worries. As I left campus I aimed my truck up the highway toward State University about 2 ½ hours away, I decided on the fly to see if I could get all the necessary paperwork. Yeah, I know, I should have done all that already; but, hey basically I was still a kid, it was the 9th of August on a beautiful summer day ... why the hell not!

The road was clear, I dropped the hammer and to the extent that my old truck would fly, we flew. The countryside was green and rich as we'd had plenty of snow in winter and good rain so far this summer. Outside of Carson City I pulled over and got "Ted's World Famous Hamburger" with all the fixings and a coke, life was good. Twenty minutes later I drove onto the campus and a few minutes after that I was in the Registrar's Office feasting my eyes on a pretty girl.

A medium tall, slender, busty, ash blonde Scandinavian girl was sitting at the reception desk and her blouse was open a little too far so that I could see a nice slice of her soft round, pink breast.

"May I help you?" she said.

Two months ago I would have been tongue tied and embarrassed to have seen even this little piece of her breast, and since I knew she saw me looking I probably would not have been able to speak. However, confidence is an astonishing thing, these last two months I'd had sex with two grown women and each one of them got their rocks off with me and told me how good I was ... talk about confidence, I sure had some of that.

The room was empty this hot summer day as she slid her arms forward leaning toward me, her blouse gaping open even more, giving me a better view of the inside of her breast. I smiled and said, "Yes you can, but that's going to have to wait until I have more time this fall. Right now I'd like to see the Registrar please."

She said, "Well aren't you full of it." But, she did not lean back in her chair and I kept looking down her blouse.

"What's your name?"

"Jimmy Braun ma'am" and I smiled. She smiled right back, a nice big smile.

She stood up and said, "Follow me Jimmy Braun."

She lead me down a small hall, her bottom bouncing and swinging very nicely in her jeans, then into an Assistant's Office, "Mr. Evans, I have a Jimmy Braun to see you."

He called, "Come on in Mr. Braun, nice to see you." As she walked out past me she winked and smiled; yup, confidence is a wonderful thing.

He motioned me into a chair in front of his desk, we talked for a few minutes, I told him about myself and my interest in studying Civil Engineering, then handed him my most recent transcript. He studied it for a time and I explained that I'd completed the last two courses today and expected A's in both of them. He smiled saying, "If that's the case I can see no reason you won't be able to start next month for the Fall Semester. So do this, complete all of our paperwork and get it back to me next week along with your confirming exam grades, if everything is as you expect I can formally accept you then."

"Thank you so much Mr. Evans, I was really concerned with it being so late in the year."

"Mr. Braun, every school should always have room for an excellent student like you. Thanks for coming by, I look forward to seeing you next week."

Walking back into the reception area I saw that it remained empty; the busty blond was bending over filing papers in a 4 drawer metal cabinet. I stopped to enjoy the scenery, when she turned around she said, "So Mr. Braun, do you see something you like?"

"Yes ma'am" I said and walked around the desk, putting my hands on her hips I pulled her into a kiss, a nice soft kiss with just a little tongue. I sort of expected to be slapped, confidence only goes so far; but instead she kissed me back, a nice soft kiss with just a little tongue. When we stepped apart I said, "Well thank you ma'am, but don't you think we ought to be introduced?"

She laughed the nicest laugh, stepped back a little more and stuck out her hand, "Darlene Murphy Sir."

"James Daniel Braun, at your service" then I screwed up my eyes, turned my head a little and said, "Irish?"

She laughed that same nice laugh again saying, "Dad's Irish, Mom is Norwegian" then she fluffed her light ash blond hair with one hand and said, "Got all this from Mom."

"Be sure and tell your Mom what a great job she did, you look fantastic."

Then this bold girl blushed, I swear she did ... at least she went a little pink.

"So Mr. Braun will you be attending State?"

"Yes I will, I'll be bringing all this stuff back next week for Mr. Evans."

"So what day will that be Mr. Braun?"

"How about Wednesday, will that fit into your schedule?"

She made a pretense of looking at the wall calendar, saying "I believe that'll work, try to be here about 4:30, Mr. Evans never leaves early and I get off at 5:00. Maybe we can go for a coke or something stronger."

In spite of all the confidence I had, I think it was my turn to blush or at least turn a little pink. I cleared my throat and excused myself saying I had to get back as it was a bit of a drive. She smile a nice smile, leaned in and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek saying, "Just until you get back, be careful now."

I smiled saying, "Bye" and then I am fairly sure I floated all the way out of the building, into the parking lot and my truck ... at least I don't remember my feet touching the ground ... thank God for confidence, in truth, thanks to Mom and Aunt Rae for their many lessons in sexual self confidence.

I stopped by a Convenience Store at the edge of town, topped off the gas tank, got myself a big mug of hot, black coffee and called Mom telling her where I was, what I'd accomplished and that I would be home by 8:00 or so. She fussed like all mothers do, admonishing me to drive carefully and "do not speed, you can't afford a ticket." Like the good son, I agreed to everything.

I daydreamed all the way back, the late summer sun lighting the way almost the full distance; it didn't begin to get dark until nearly 7:30. The drive was uneventful and I day dreamed about soft lips, ash blond hair and alabaster white tits with large red nipples - it was my dream after all - by the time I got home I had a full blown erection fueled by too much coffee and lots of testosterone. I pulled into the driveway, parked the truck, yawned, stretched and headed for the door.

Mom opened the door and leaned in for a kiss as I rushed past saying, "Kisses later I gotta piss ... sorry."

Down the hall into her bathroom, dropping my pants and shorts, I aimed my cock and pissed like the old cow on a flat rock ... aaaaaaah, so good.

As the flow ebbed, I stood there enjoying the relief as my still swollen cock began to soften. Mom stepped over, spun a little tissue off the roll and taking my cock in one hand dabbed the cock head nice and dry. "Nice to have you home son, strip off the rest of your clothing and give your old Mom some attention, I've missed you the live long day."

As she stood there still holding my dick, I looked at her wearing a nice yellow kitchen apron, slippers and nothing else. The sight gave my cock a twitch or two, "I don't mean to be rude Mom, but have you been cooking?"

"Are you hungry?"

"Starving, suddenly I am starving!"

"Well come on, I've got a nice Tuna Casserole warm in the oven, Tomato and Cucumber salad and a pitcher of cold lemonade."

My clothes went into the bedside chair and we went for supper. It was great, two big plates of casserole, another big bowl of cool salad and a couple of tall glasses of lemonade. This time I was the big eater but Mom held her own. When we finished I looked at Mom, thinking I will never get over how beautiful she looks naked, what a pleasure to feast my eyes on her body, talk about your cock twitch. She watched me looking at her and said, "Hold it right there, I think you're being cheated with just the frontal view."

She popped up, turned around showcasing her beautiful round bottom, then bent over, spread her legs slightly, reached back with her hands and pulled her butt cheeks wide apart exposing her pretty anus and her sweet peach of a pussy. "Holy mackerel Mom, you look fantastic, if I weren't so full I'd shove my face in your pussy and eat you for an hour ... God you look so great!!"

She stood up laughing a sweet soft laugh and said, "Leave the dishes we'll get them later, let's go watch a little TV and relax. Our food will digest better and later you can fuck me silly."

We snuggled together on the sofa watching TV and talking quietly when my day caught up with me and I fell asleep. Shortly after the TV news finished, Mom turned the television off, shook me until I awoke and lead sleepy me into the bedroom to bed. I don't remember a thing after that.

That Friday morning Mom was scheduled to work a double shift so she was up and out the door at 5:00 am leaving me to get in trouble all by myself. About 7:00 am I fell out of bed, gave myself a good shower and shave then started breakfast. Once things were started cooking I pulled on a pair of shorts and ran out to the road retrieving the paper.

On my way back in, Aunt Rae drove up. I waived at her and hurried back to my cooking, leaving the front door open. While I turned my sausages she walked into the kitchen saying, "What are you up to nephew?"

"Just fixing breakfast, have you eaten?"

"Yes, about an hour ago, but I'd like some coffee if you have some left."

"Fresh pot," I said as I dropped the eggs into the skillet and then turned pouring her a cup and sat it on the table next to her. She smiled her thanks as I quickly turned my breakfast out onto a plate adding hot buttered toast. Breakfast in hand, I sat down next to her and began shoveling the hot food into my mouth. I was hungry and it was great - at least for my cooking.

"What brings you here this morning Aunt Rae? Mom's working a double today."

"I know, saw your mom when I picked up supplies a bit ago. The reason I'm here is ... well, it seems a little strange for me to say it, even so ... plainly put, I'm horney and I have a very light schedule today."

I continued eating then picked up the empty plate and put it in the sink and said with a grin, "Would it be Ok if I finished my coffee first?"

Odd as it seems, Aunt Rae blushed and laughed, "I'm quite not sure how to conduct myself with you Jimmy. Hell, I changed your diapers when you were a baby, gave you therapy when you hurt yourself and not too long ago I jacked you off right there in the living room."

"Aunt Rae I don't think I could explain our family if my life depended on it. All I can say is that I've been attracted to you since I got my first hard-on, your big beautiful ass and those great tits were the subject of many a jack-off session until I learned to suck myself. Then I dreamed about you as I sucked, you have no idea how much cum I blasted down your throat in my dreams. So, making love to you in real life is a dream come true."

"Oh Jimmy, you prove that farm boys can say the sweetest things!"

"But, I gotta' ask ..."

"Yeah, you want to know why I'm cheating on Clyde, huh?"

"Yes I do."

"Honey its simple; I have only cheated on Clyde with you and your Dad. With your dad I had Clyde's permission, but I've not told him about you. You see, Clyde can't ... well ah, Clyde just can't do it. There was an accident and since then his equipment doesn't work."

"I'm sorry Aunt Rae, I never knew, it never occurred to me."

"No one knows outside the family, Clyde has his pride and he is too good a man to be embarrassed."

"I would NEVER do anything to embarrass him Aunt Rae. But now something he said at Grandpa's funeral makes some sense."

"What did he say Jimmy??" she said anxiously.

"He asked me if I was taking over for Dad." My voice was quiet and soft.

"What did you say??" she asked quickly.

"Well I just played stupid and confused and he said the he must have been mistaken."

"Oh my, well it looks like I'd better have a talk with him then." She looked a little sad.

"Aunt Rae is this going to cause a bunch of trouble; will he be really mad at me?"

"No baby, if he's mad at anyone, it will be me" she said.

"Should I be with you when you tell him? After all, I'm the one who had sex with you and lied to him about it," I said softly.

"Jimmy, are you saying you want to apologize to Clyde for what we did?"

"Yeah, I guess so. I didn't feel badly about it when I first saw you naked, but the more I've thought about it the more I think I did something wrong and it just don't feel good."

"Jimmy, your mother is absolutely right; you are going to be a fine man." With that she stood up and pulled me into a smothering hug burying my face between those big, fine tits.

"Your Grandpa used to say, "In for a penny, in for a pound." So how about we get these clothes off and start working toward the pound what do you say?" Then she stepped back and slid her hand down the front of my shorts finding my big hard cock. She laughed a big deep laugh, then she pulled my cock out and knelt down swallowing me right up to my fuzzy balls; my hands clasped her head and I began to fuck her mouth and throat in earnest. She was hot, wet and wonderful.

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josenussbaumjosenussbaumabout 2 years ago

Well, no matter how you turn it Aunt rea IS cheating on her husband. And I really HATE cheating.

I still gave 2* because there are 'special' circonstances, But she still should have talked to clyde before.

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyover 6 years ago
Like your writing

You need to teach uncle clyde about numbers. A score is twenty, so four score and ten is 90. A bit more than 70. LOL.

montywingermontywingeralmost 10 years ago

Great writing,,will certainly be reading many more from your collection.

I never got as far as actually sucking myself but I did, on many occasions bend over and wank into my mouth,,yummy it was too

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Good story, but you need to remember that a score equals 20 years. As in the Gettysburg address,(1863), four score and seven yrs ago, 1776. Check it out!

Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftalmost 10 years ago
I do like this story.

And I'm even comfortable now with this self sucking thing he can do.

Please keep going.

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