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Click here"That answers that question," Jimenez told Nordahl.
Nordahl nodded, quietly pensive.
The Major moved to the kitchen - to check on the dinner-team.
As the group sat down to eat, Takao struck the Major in the heart with a paperclip. He looked up at her.
"Target their clothes - not the person," she told the others. "Let your eyes range over them long enough to 'see' their outfit, set that as your target - pinpointing where you want to strike - and then target the cloth itself."
In seconds, every teammate had hit the Major with a paperclip. A pile of them were scattered across the food on his plate. The last one to hit him struck him in the eye.
"How?" he asked, turning to a blushing Corporal Basso.
She looked around at the others and admitted, "I focused on his eyelashes."
The Major was still finishing his food when - five minutes later - another round of paperclips struck him without warning.
The girls all agreed that Takao's advice had been the game-changer. She earned the first extra feeding. The Major tongued her cervix again - which only knocked her loopy this time. Then he gave her a one-shot force-feeding to revive her - and then he fucked her until she came - and squirted - and then he gave her a real feeding. She fell asleep with a satisfied look on her face.
The second day they were in the rental unit, Hayden got an "invitation" for their volleyball team to scrimmage against another team at a nearby gym.
The team descended on the place, checked for counter-ops, and assessed the area, perimeter, and interior. Inside, they stepped forward to meet their opponents. After a quick game of volleyball (which Hayden's team barely won), the two teams sat down to talk.
The volleyball team was actually one of Bella's units. They handed over the keys for the facility and told Hayden's team that they were free to set the place up as a training-center. The Major glanced at Carpenter and could see her salivating as she took in the pile of wooden pallets and other materials that were stacked against the walls.
The other team departed and Major Johnson put the girls (and himself) under Carpenter's command - telling her to build them a version of "The Village" that they could use here. He told her to assume that the other team would return and want to use her structures to train as well.
By the time lunch rolled around, they were all tired, dirty, and sweaty. They discovered that the building actually had showers. They ordered pizzas and showered quickly - with the Major scrubbing each of their backs. They dried off and relaxed, waiting for the food to arrive. When it came, they mowed through it and then Carpenter took over again. By dinner time, the builder had a decent skirmish area completed and ready for use.
The team showered again and dressed long enough to traipse back to the rental unit to start fixing dinner. They ate, planned some training sessions, and then the girls judged that Carpenter had earned the extra feeding for the day. She gladly accepted. The spectators disappeared from her mind as she and the Major moved from foreplay, to oral, to a vigorous fuck-session that left her body sated but still wanting more. The Major easily picked her up from where they'd made love on the living room floor and carried her off to his bed. The others soon paired off to fill the limited beds that the apartment offered.
Nordahl was in charge of operations the next day. She sent the girls around the area with cameras, microphones, and repeater antennas - carpeting the blocks around the apartment and the training center with video and audio streams that would be analyzed by the data-center to give them a heads-up about who was watching them and when they were coming to attack.
The Sergeant quickly got the various feeds linked to an overhead satellite map of the area so that the data could be triangulated and pin-pointed to tell where contacts were located and how they were moving through the input-points.
The hardest part of the operation was managing the logistics (to make sure the devices had power and reception) and invisibility (making sure the team members were not obvious about what the devices were - or where they were placed). Sgt. Alex Nordahl worked with Cpt. Jessi Parker to come up with moderately-convincing distractions to draw attention away from the person placing the unit - or cover stories for their purpose and design.
Once all of the feeds were coming in, the blonde went over the operations of the command-center with the team, training them on how everything worked. From that point on, someone would always be assigned to be the operations manager for the center - to communicate with the others about what the system was reporting.
After dinner, the team left Nordahl at the controls and went to do a training session with the Major - to see if they could take him down. Each team member was armed with a Super Soaker water gun. The Major was allowed to use all of his skills - as were the broodlings. It took them a half-hour to get him wet - but they finally managed it. Basso had hidden and - when he shadow-stepped into the space where she was hiding - she blasted him before he had time to react. She earned the extra feeding - and snuggles in his bed for the night.
Basso took charge of the command-center the next day while the team continued their training. Schmidt pumped her fist in the air when she managed to squirt the Major - using a slight twist on the strategy that Basso had employed the day before. She squirted him again (this time without the gun) as the Major bent her over a stack of pallets and savagely fucked a powerful orgasm into her. His body responded by filling her with vampire splooge - which left her with a giddy grin on her face. When she could walk again, they sent her to take Basso's place.
Basso was still arriving when Parker informed them that it was lunch time - and they stepped into the street and met the short Italian on her way to the training center. She jumped in with them and asked how things had gone. The Major cautioned them all to withhold their answers until they were back inside of the apartment.
As they ate, they talked about what strategies they had tried and how they had worked out. The Major admitted that it was getting harder and harder for him to avoid them. He warned them that - if they kept improving - he was going to have to split their team up and only practice against three or four - rather than all eight of the girls that weren't busy watching the command-center.
Parker suggested that they go ahead and switch to that plan for the afternoon - which earned her growls from the rest of the team. Those objections ended quickly, however, when the Major shot them "the look".
Back at the training center again, Parker put four girls on lookout posts around the "village" - to learn from watching the Major as he defended against the four attackers.
Oddly enough, the four observers' team-work improved immediately upon watching the previous bout. The next observers improved as well and - by mid-afternoon - their mini-squads were more effective at "taking out" the Major than their overall group had been in the morning.
The Major praised Parker for her leadership - and had the rest of the girls hold her off of the ground while he first fucked her throat and then her cunt. He shot his load all over her naked body and they draped her over some pallets to soak in his splooge while the others went back to their skirmishes.
By dinner-time, the girls were working in teams of three - with the girl who managed to shoot the Major running back to the apartment to relieve the "watch commander" at the command-center.
After they finished their meal, the Major announced that he was beyond pleased with their dedication to their training. He offered an extra feeding to each of the girls who hadn't already gotten one earlier in the day. Captain Parker earned the right to sleep in his bed that night. The two of them 69'd and Major Johnson gave her one more quiet feeding. The apartment was too small for the rest of the team not to hear the pair - but they soundlessly fingered themselves (or their bed-partner) as they listened to the captain moan in pleasure. They were all soon asleep - worn out from a day of tiring skirmishes - and the cum-high of their extra feedings with the Major.
Bella's team arrived at the training center midway through the next morning.
Basso was at the command-center and alerted Nordahl, Parker, and Johnson - who were all wearing communicator ear-buds.
When the incoming squad arrived, they were surprised to find Parker's team waiting to greet them.
The Captain offered to teach their team to battle vampires but they seemed to just want to skirmish against her squad - so Major Johnson took one of the overlook positions. Parker took the opposite corner and then told the two teams when to begin.
Out of a dozen skirmishes, the opposing team only managed to take out Parker's team once - and that successful ploy never worked again - though they tried it at least three more times.
At the end of the day, the two teams shook hands and went their separate ways.
At dinner, Parker went through the after-action analysis - replaying each of the other team's strategies, how well her team's response had countered it, and what they could do better. She asked for suggestions for improvements to their own tactics - based on some of the stuff that the other team had employed - but they only had one or two suggestions - and those were simply adjustments to stuff they were already doing - which Parker had pretty much already instituted while they'd been in the middle of fighting.
"Good work, team," the Major praised them. "I saw each of you excel at your strengths - and work to cover each other's weaknesses. Staff Sergeant Washington, I think, made big improvements between the start of the day and day's end - and I'm awarding her with the extra feeding tonight."
"You're gonna need two tongues for that pussy," Schmidt said, snickering.
The other girls snickered as well - until the Major's tongue spit in two and grew long enough to reach his navel.
"Sweet baby Jesus!" Washington cursed.
"You lucky bitch," Basso moaned.
"Basso, that tongue's bigger than you," Nordahl laughed.
"Not wrong," Basso sighed.
"I'll suck your pussy for you while we listen to Washington together," the computer expert told the explosives expert.
"You're on," Basso agreed. "I'll bet I can make you cum first."
"Fuck," Carpenter moaned. "I'm about to jizz myself just looking at that two-headed monster and imagining what it can do."
Several other heads nodded.
"I'm tired! Goodnight, ladies," Washington announced.
The other girls laughed as she grabbed the Major's hand and headed for bed.
By silent agreement, the rest of the team gathered on Parker's bed - the only other bed in the room where the Major slept. They hung all over each other and watched as Washington stripped and lay back on the bed for the Major to start her special feeding.
Washington wasn't the only girl who moaned as the twin tongues writhed together to claw their way into the big black girl's massive twat.
Nordahl and Basso decided to wait to 69 until they moved to their own bed. For now, Nordahl held the smaller woman in her lap - chest to chest - and they fingered each other as they listened to Washington pray for her orgasm to arrive. The pair kissed and quivered together as they reached climax at the same time as their heavily-breasted teammate. Her loud and feral pleadings got more and more demanding and - when she finally exploded with her release - every pussy in the room spasmed in simultaneous climax. The girls sighed with contentment as the Major leapt on top of Washington, buried his prick in her in a single thrust, and flooded her womb.
The girls slowly headed off to their own beds, letting Johnson and Washington continue to fuck and snuggle in a little more privacy. Nordahl cuddled Basso's small body to her own, grabbed a handful of her tiny ass, kissed her softly, and closed her eyes. They weren't the only pair who was asleep almost immediately.
At breakfast, Parker asked the Major about the other team's reluctance or refusal regarding learning how to fight against the Major.
"They're doomed to fail," she asked, "aren't they?"
"I think so, too," he agreed. "Bella seems to have convinced them that they're just fighting against broodlings. If and when they face a vampire, I have little hope that any of them will survive."
"Hopefully, any other leaders like Bella have considered a more thoughtful approach," Parker said.
The major nodded.
The team headed for the training center - and another day of improving their skills.
"I've got two spooks," Basso informed the Major, the Captain, and the communications officer.
"Continue to monitor them," the Major ordered. "If we reacted now, they would know that we know they're there."
"Roger," Basso replied.
"Mark them on the system," Nordahl advised.
"Already done," the explosives expert responded.
Nordahl grinned; Parker and Johnson nodded. Their team was focused and efficient.
At lunchtime, the Major flagged down Schmidt.
"As soon as we're back at the apartment, grab Basso and pick one of the two spooks. If and when they leave, trail them and find out where they go. Once they arrive, send Basso back to get the rest of us and we'll drop by for a visit."
"I'll throw a lunch bag together for you," Parker informed the blonde. "Make sure you two grab those before you head out."
"I'll get you a generic web-enabled security camera," Nordahl told her. "Plug it in somewhere and point it at the place you're watching. The unit's MAC-address will show up the next time my computer does a scan - and we'll add that to our feeds."
Ten minutes after they arrived back at the apartment, Schmidt and Basso had small backpacks and were heading out to track the trackers. Almost immediately the spooks targeted (and began following the pair). They walked to a sweet shop and hung out inside of it for a while. They walked back towards the apartment and then headed for the training center. Their tail dropped off when they entered the building. They snuck out of a second-story window and circled back around to take up their positions, using a pen-light to signal the girls in the apartment that they were ready.
The rest of the team practiced with the Major all afternoon. When the group headed home, they carried two human-sized bundles back with them - hoping that the watchers would think that they were Schmidt and Basso.
Once the team had settled in for dinner, the watchers headed off. Schmidt was almost immediately worried that they were being played. The two people, who had been watching them, made almost no attempts to determine whether or not they were being tailed. After several minutes, the Gunnery Sergeant decided that they were just stupid. They followed the pair to an alley and watched them slip into a delivery door behind a store. Schmidt found an outdoor sign - suspended from a roof-top overhang from a two-story building that held a store and family residence - located across the street from where the two snoops had disappeared. From its hiding place, the camera could observe the alley, the back door, and the storefront. Schmidt found a tree nearby to hide behind and sent Basso back for the rest of the team.
They arrived a half-hour later - bringing her a bottle of water and a meat and cheese wrap that she scarfed down - ready to finally get to see some action.
Just for shits and giggles, Nordahl gave Basso another camera and they sent her into the mystery store with a little cash to pretend to be a customer. The sign didn't give away what the shop supposedly sold - so she was just going to have to wing it.
Fifteen minutes later, a giggling Italian girl from Boston was headed down the street with a hacked Roku HDMI-stick in her hand. She didn't return to the others, so they quickly faded into the background and caught up with her. She handed the stick to Nordahl with a grin.
"Purportedly an electronics shop," she told the group, "they mostly sell hacked Roku sticks for giving their users access to unlimited free streaming services".
Nordahl turned to the Major and said, "I'll need another laptop."
He nodded, looked back to the Corporal, and asked, "... and the camera Nordahl gave you?"
"It's plugged in outside of the employee bathroom - in the back room," she replied, grinning. "The door those two entered through is within the field of view."
Nordahl and Schmidt shook their heads, grinning as well.
"Good work," Major Johnson said. "Let's go home and maybe we'll visit later."
On the way there, they stopped by the computer store and picked up another laptop, a few more security cameras, and a few other gadgets. Carpenter picked up a device for listening to the valves on a car engine - as well as a metal detector used for finding coins in the soil or sand.
Before he would let Nordahl plug the Roku chip into it, Johnson made a tunneled (and heavily-encrypted) voice call to his contact in Washington. The call actually didn't connect the two devices. They "met" in a virtual space with several intervening relays that prevented either party - or any listeners - from knowing where either of them were located.
Once Nordahl was satisfied that the connection was safe, Johnson passed him all of the camera data so that he could set up his own watch-post - adding a layer of coverage in case Johnson's team needed to abandon their current post for any reason.
While Johnson spoke with his contact, Carpenter pestered Nordahl for one of her special cameras. Then she and Washington snuck off to the training center for a while. Ten minutes later, Nordahl reported that Carpenter had set the camera to look down over the "village". It looked like Washington and Carpenter were using the listening device and the metal detector on the floor of the training area. They returned shortly after Johnson ended his call and Nordahl excitedly plugged the black-market HDMI-stick into the new laptop to start trying to hack the thing.
"What were you two up to?" Johnson asked Carpenter.
"One of my stacks of pallets was moved this morning," she reported.
"You think someone's been in there?" he inquired.
"Yeah, and she thinks they're coming in through a tunnel," Washington reported.
The Major looked at the Staff Sergeant - who nodded. He pulled her into a hug and gave her a kiss.
"Good job, honey," he told her.
"I ain't proved it yet," she told him.
"I'm sure you're right and I appreciate you catching it," he replied. "You're with me tonight."
"Let's wait until tomorrow night to celebrate," she hedged.
"He's right," Washington told her. "You know we found something under those floors."
"I couldn't trace it though," Carpenter argued.
"If you don't take his bed, I will," the heavy gunner told her. "You know you're right."
Nordahl was still at her computer, giggling like a maniac, when everybody got ready for bed. That left one girl to sleep alone. Instead, the Major took both Carpenter and Washington to his bed. It had been a while since Major Hayden Johnson had been thoroughly fucked. That night, he was the one that went to sleep with a goofy-assed grin on his face. His two bed-mates were pretty damned pleased with themselves. The Major lay atop of the heavy gunner's body - with his face firmly nestled between her two fat titties. The building trades worker was snuggled up against the pair.
Morning came and they found Nordahl passed out in her computer chair. On the desk was a notepad. The top page was scribbled with names, places, camera MAC-addresses, and time-stamps.