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Video Chat Cuckold Pt. 03

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Bri breaks it down for Joe.
6.8k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/05/2018
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Please note that this story contains subject matter related to cuckoldry, cheating wives, wife watching, voyeurism and group sex. If this subject matter offends you, then you have been fairly warned.

Finally, all characters in this story are of legal age and beyond.


Chapter One -- Some Questions Answered, but More Created

Flipping the phone back to show her face, Bri continued, "Let's give these kids a few minutes to themselves." With that, she stood and walked toward the door, leaving them behind.

As she exited, I briefly saw them over her shoulder, still on the bed and making out like a couple of horny teenagers.

She retraced her previous steps down the hall and back to the living room, where she plopped down on the sofa. She leaned back, lifted her free arm and cupped the back of her head in a relaxed pose. Incidentally, now including her ample breasts in the screen view. She was very comfortable in her nudity, and I was thankful for it.

She breathed a long sigh, as if letting out the stress of a long work day. Within the exhale, she said, "Joe, Joe, what are we to do now?"

I sensed it was rhetorical, so maintained my silence. I was giving her time to collect her thoughts.

A look of decisiveness phased into her features. "I'm just going to lay it all out there Joe. Try to keep up, okay?"

Without additional pause, she began her explanation. Haltingly at first, and then gaining speed as she found her thought path and rhythm.

"You see Joe, I love Derrick very much and he loves me.

"To be blunt, his cock is truly just too damn big for my pussy to take it all. I can take a little over half of it before the pain is too much. Amazingly, I can stuff almost all of it down my throat, which he enjoys very much. Of course, you've seen that now."

After a short, self-satisfied smiled over her deep throating skills, her face took a downcast expression. Like she was sad about something.

With a pained expression, she continued to speak, "But no matter how many times we've tried, he cannot plant himself fully inside my pussy. It doesn't matter how cock-hungry I am, how much lubrication we use, or how much time we spend to stretch me out to accommodate him. It just won't go."

She huffed. "I just can't give him the full experience, you know? It just hurts too much."

Sighing with acceptance, she said, "In fact, he told me that he has never found anyone who could take it all, which made me feel better about not being able to do it myself."

She paused for a moment and her eyes diverted to the direction of the master bedroom, where her boyfriend and my wife were doing God knows what. "Well, no one could do it until now..."

My cock twitched, and she let the silence trail off for effect before continuing. "Even though we've only been together a short time, Derrick and I have been completely honest and straightforward with each other about lifestyle, fantasies, and... well, you get the drift.

"In truth, it's made us very confident in our relationship. We've both been burned in the past, and we had this discussion in the very beginning of the relationship where we both vowed to start this one on equal and honest footing."

I broke in suddenly. "What does that have to do with any of this?"

She gave another long sigh and looked me directly in the eyes before responding. "Hold on Joe, it will become more obvious, please listen."

We held eye contact for several moments, until she was satisfied that I would wait.

"Joe, Derrick's and my shared desire is to keep each other fully satisfied in all things. To keep things going for us and not to let it ever get boring."

Her eyes now bore into mine. "To cut to the chase, with my inability to handle all of that monster, I need someone I can trust who can fully satisfy that behemoth between his legs," another pause before saying, "and fulfill some of his errr... dirtier fantasies."

I wanted to break in again, because I still had no idea how we got to the place we were now. With supreme effort, I held my tongue.

"I believe you and Kristi are safe for us; since, you are totally in love with each other. Hell, you're the couple that everyone else wants to be."

I wasn't so sure that was true anymore, but let it go as she carried on unabated. She was leading up to an explanation. I felt it.

"I love him very much too, but I have my limits. While I'm willing to stretch those, there are just some things that I can't bring myself to do. With that said, I want to support him in what he wants as much as he wants to support me in those things that I want."

As she paused, I could tell she was again trying to formulate her next thoughts. I maintained my silence, needing to hear what she had to say.

"Listen Joe, you know that Kristi was really there for me at the end of my marriage, right? We talked, literally, about everything. We talked about topics we had never broached before. From finances to sex, we talked about it. Some of it was to help me heal and some of it was just for distraction. The result was that she helped me get through the worst moments in my life, and it brought us closer than sisters."

She took on a faraway gaze and smiled in remembrance. I could tell that she felt true affection for my wife.

Coming back to the present, her smile remained as she carried on. "As I opened up and told her everything about me, she reciprocated. Truthfully, I have no idea of the extent of her limits, but from the discussions I've had with her, I'm thinking that hers are quite a bit more, ummmm... out there... than my own."

Openly curious, I interjected, "Limits? I don't' understand what we're talking about now."

Her smile transitioned to a look of mock severity. Like a parent chastising a child.

Pointedly, she continued on without answering my question. "She also feels that you are holding back on some things. Namely, how turned on you are by me. You've shared your threesome dreams with her, but never named anyone, even when she asked."

Averting her gaze, she blew a wisp of hair from her eyes, and again looked me straight in the eye. "Kristi isn't stupid Joe. She could tell from the way you looked at me sometimes that you were putting me into some of your fantasies."

She shook her finger playfully and said, "Tsk, tsk, such a naughty boy."

I was taken aback but decided silence was my best defense.

She stopped and took a moment to survey her surroundings, almost conspiratorially. Then, continuing the theme, she spoke more quietly, as if sharing a secret. "However, she didn't hold them against you, Joe. Do you know why?"

Whispering myself now, though I didn't know the purpose of it, I breathed, "Okay, I'll bite. Why?"

Smiling again, she responded, "Men are dense sometimes. Joe, she didn't hold it against you, because she also kept back some of her own. Trust me, your wife has some secret fantasies that aren't just dirty, they are quite filthy."

She laughed now, not derisively, but in a rich genuine manner. "Truthfully lover, they blew me away, because I'd always assumed that I was the filthy girl between her and I."

I'm sure the disbelief I was feeling showed on my face.

Ignoring it and transitioning back to a more serious tone, she continued. "When she shared her fantasies with me, she admitted that she was afraid to tell them to you. She was afraid of how you might react and what you would think of your darling princess."

During these initial phases of the conversation, my cock had actually relaxed some, but this revelation was actually making it hard again.

I blurted, "Fantasies, what fantasies?"

Rolling her eyes once, she countered, "You never noticed your wife leaned toward submissiveness, or that she really liked sex a little rough and dirty? That's your fault sweetie."

I frowned, but didn't retort. Had I missed all these queues in my efforts to treat her like the princess she is to me?

Sincerely, she carried on. "She also mentioned that you had the biggest cock she'd ever taken. Oh, trust me stud, she loves being hammered by it. Actually, she loves it so much, that she has often wondered if she would love being hammered by something even bigger. Something that really, really stretched her out even more."

My mouth dropped open at this disclosure. Snapping it shut again, I croaked, "Stretched?"

"Yes, stretched, you idiot. She loves the feeling of being full and is curious how full she can actually get. Having no children, how would she know?

"She was considering the purchase of a huge dildo and introducing it to you that way. Maybe as a gag gift from me to hide how much she wanted it for herself."

Giggling then, she said, "Of course, now that she's had the real thing, I'm not sure she'd be happy with that anymore."

"Oh my god," was all that I could stammer out. My cock was now raging again.

She huffed then, and cocked an eyebrow. "So, let's just sum it up by saying that I was almost positive you would both be into exploring these fantasies with me and Derrick. You lust after me and Kristi is curious to know if a huge cock can hammer her into obliviousness. That part, at least, we now know is true."

She paused and studied me for a moment, trying to interpret the look on my face.

I don't know what she saw, but I was feeling shock, dismay and a bit of excitement which likely showed through.

Apparently satisfied with what she witnessed, she carried on, "From my conversations with your spunky little wife, I figured she'd totally be into something similar to what happened tonight. For you, I suspected that the lure of an eventual threesome with her and me would get you onboard. I saw it as a win-win."

She started ticking points off her fingers. "One, my boyfriend has a cock that I cannot fully satisfy. Two, your wife, besides being submissive, has some other fantasies that haven't been fulfilled, including a huge-cock one. Three, you and I are attracted to each other and can also have fun. Right, Joe?"

Again, not waiting for me to reply, she kept talking. "Though honestly, I figured we'd start with swapping partners. In fact, I was going to try to lay the groundwork for that tonight on our double date.

Of course, tiger, you ruined my plan for that, at least in the physical sense."

Pausing dramatically, to let that simmer, she then continued, "I thought my plan would have to be put on hold, but as Kristi and I drank, she loosened up nicely and I could tell that you two were having some naughty texts going back and forth.

"She was hesitant at first when I asked her about your text messaging, but she eventually told me how horny you both were. She then seemed to relish in letting me know that you two kids had sexy video plans after she got home."

Her eyes gleamed with mischief and she let out a long, "Mmmmmhhmmm," before continuing.

"Let's just say, I saw the opportunity to plant the seed about Derrick's cock for a potential hookup later. After you got back home, of course. I mean, I knew she was horny as fuck, but didn't anticipate it would work so well, or quickly."

With a probing look, she questioned me, "I mean, you saw the results for yourself, right?"

I groaned and only nodded at that. I'm sure she could see that I was fondling myself now. My physical reaction to this situation was more telling than any words I could muster.

With a pixie smile, she ventured on. "I suppose it was a perfect storm of lower inhibitions and horniness that did her in. With the seed planted, she couldn't stop checking out Derrick's crotch,"

She laughed, "I mean, she thought she was being discrete, but it was so very obvious."

Animatedly, she told me, "When we hit the dance floor, her and I danced as usual. You know, we did our sexy bump and grind that make all the boys stare. With Derrick there, I was able to get her worked between us. She was a little shy at first, but before I knew it, she was dry humping her ass all over him."

Laughing light-heartedly, she said, "Derrick was blown away! We had your wife sandwiched between us. Her face was buried in my shoulder and she was gasping for breath, but both her hands were stretched behind her, hanging onto his waist, pulling him into her ass as she rocked it up and down his bulge.

"He and I just looked at each other and by the look on his face, I think she nearly made him cum right then and there."

Bri, still smiling, shook her head to loosen herself from the sexy memory. "I figured it was time to get her home before Derrick had a mess to clean up and it would give her time to settle down. When I mentioned it, she jumped all over the idea. I could only assume that she was ready for her special time with you."

I winced at the emphasis she put on the words "special time," but focused more closely. I felt something was coming. I knew her next words were vital to my understanding of the situation I now found myself in.

She said, "I was surprised when we arrived here to drop her off. Instead of leaving us and running inside to call you, she invited us inside. Hell, we even tried to decline, but she insisted."

Shrugging her shoulders to signify giving in, she said, "I figured it might be fun to see what happens, so we came inside."

I was taken aback to learn that my sweet Kristi had, at least, been complicit in some of this.

The look on Bri's face told me that she was remembering back, just a few hours previous, and reliving the confusion and uncertainty of what was happening.

A little breathless, she said, "When we were inside, she made a big deal of taking care of us and serving us drinks. You know, because we're usually just making ourselves at home. Instead, she was obliging us like a good servant. It was then I sensed what she wanted. I decided, you know, to be a little dominant, press at her submissive side and see what developed. Honest to God Joe, I just figured I'd wind her up for you, but it happened much differently than I anticipated."

Her face transformed from one of perplexity to self-satisfaction. "Needless to say, neither Derrick nor I were disappointed in the least at the outcome. It turned out the submissive side of my best friend, your little slut wife, is much more pronounced than I remotely anticipated. Truthfully Joe, less than 30 minutes later, Derrick was sitting right where I am now, and where was your wife? Well, she was on her knees worshipping his man meat. Under my control."

"Oh, my fucking god." I muttered in a long drawn out whisper.

Eyes glistening, she said, "It was fucking intoxicating for me, at the very least. I think I have a knack for it."

A drawn-out pause ensued as she studied me. She must have seen the movements of my shoulder increase as I had long since moved from fondling to stroking myself.

She asked, "Do you want to hear about it Joe? About how I took control of your wife? Are you that much of a pervert?"

I shook my head. "N...No. I don't want to hear about."

Shaking her head, "Joooooee, don't lie to me. I see you stroking yourself. You want to hear about it, don't you?"

I felt the heat rush to my face, but unbidden, my hand continued to move up and down along my erection. Unable to speak again, I stared for long moments. Did I really want to hear about my wife's actions? Did I want to learn the truth? I already knew the result, I'd seen it with my own eyes, but did I want to know how it happened?

What seemed like hours later, but was actually only a few seconds, I took the plunge. I didn't speak a word. Rather, I looked at Bri and nodded before averting my gaze in shame.

She leaned forward, a Cheshire cat smile on her face, eager to tell me. "Okay, Joe. Here's how it went."

Chapter Two -- Bri Explains It All

The following is from Bri's viewpoint.

After relenting to Kristi's request, we all grabbed a beer and settled together on the sofa. I was on Derrick's left and Kristi on his right with both of us girls turned inward so we could all talk while facing each other.

For a bit, we just talked and laughed about the night. However, I noticed that Kristi still couldn't keep her gaze from going to Derrick's crotch.

Without letting her know I was aware, I cuddled up to Derrick and began to stroke the back of his neck. You know, like any good girlfriend would.

At the same time, I let my other hand fall casually to his left thigh, which incidentally, is the leg his cock was draped down.

We continued to chat innocently enough, but I had naughtiness on my mind.

Derrick shifted a little as he began to grow under my manipulations and I knew he was beginning to lose track of the conversation.

Kristi tried to maintain my gaze as we spoke, but I could tell that she was curious to see what I was doing.

I cupped my hand around Derrick's growth and slowly caressed up and down its length, which presented a more noticeable view of what I was doing.

"Oh hunk, you're such a gorgeous man," I said and leaned in and kissed him deeply while maintaining the movement of my hand.

This made him groan, which caused Kristi to turn red and avert her gaze altogether.

Breaking the kiss, I laughed lightly and said, "Is big boy horny?"

Kristi somehow blushed deeper.

Derrick said, "You know I am, you little slut, why are you messing with me?"

Kristi looked a little stunned at his use of language and looked at me to gauge my response.

I smiled naughtily in reply to Kristi's gaze, "Mmmmm, I love when he calls me names.

"You like to be called names too, don't you Kristi? It seems I remember you saying you do."

Mouth open in shock, Kristi exclaimed, "Bri! Be quiet."

Directing my next words to Derrick, I continued, "Oh baby, Kristi and I were comparing our horniness levels earlier. She shared with me about video chatting with Joe later tonight. I shared that your big dick would need a lot of attention tonight. I think my share seems to have distracted her from video chatting with hubby."

Kristi looked frenetically back and forth between Derrick and me. Uncertainty in her eyes.

Derrick rolled his eyes. "Shame on you girl."

I laughed at his words and said, "Well, you know what effect that had on her, right? I mean, you did catch her looking at it earlier," pausing for effect and then, "Oh yeah, and I know you felt her rubbing her ass all over it on the dance floor. Surely, you realize that she's curious to see it, right?"

Kristi, still blushing, sputtered, "Bri?! No... no, I don't...," and trailed off.

Grinning widely now, Derrick said, "Oh, that totally explains why she's been fascinated with my crotch all night."

Kristi, completely embarrassed now, didn't seem able to speak.

I took the initiative by saying, "Well, what do you think, Kristi? As big as I said, right?"

As I said this, I began rubbing up and down Derrick's length again, making exaggerated movements where his beast ended, causing him to groan again.

Kristi was speechless, but she also wasn't looking away anymore. Her eyes were drawn to my motions and she locked onto them.

I asked her, "Big, right? Bigger than Joe's?"

I already knew the answer from previous conversations with her, but I wanted her to say it.

Still famously red, Kristi nodded and found her words, though they came out in a stutter, "This is inappropriate and your bad. But yes, Derrick is much bigger."

I smiled and stopped stroking Derrick long enough to reach over him and grip Kristi's right shoulder. "It's okay sis, I wouldn't have told you how big it was if I didn't want you to see it."

Kristi looked at me and said, "Fine, I've seen it. It's fucking huge."

I let my hand drift down her arm and said, "Oh, this isn't anything."

As my hand reached hers I took it in mine and brought it over to the bulge in his pants leg.

"Feel it."

Kristi flinched, and pulled her hand back a few inches, but not out of my grip.


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